Allison "Avalanche" Ford
I don't think you have the facilities to step up, darling
Real Name:Allison Michelle Foster
Nicknames:Alli, Avalanche
Age: 24
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Jet-Black
Height: 178cm / 5'10"
Weight: 157 lbs / 71 kg
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener (Leaning Towards Face)
Entrance Music:
Royal Blood - Hole
Allison has a physique that is the envy of so many women, both in and out of LAW. An strong and muscular figure, many would as assume that she would be very
bulky and built like one of those bodybuilder chicks, But when they look at her, all their assumptions and imaginations are blown out of the water due to the sight of an athletic build and proper muscles, while retaining her femininity,having curves in all the right areas.
She stands at an impressive one-hundred and seventy eight centimetres tall, which is more than the average woman and is a formidable advantage for her help intimidate most her opponents by towering over them.
Jet-black hair fall down until her hips and beautifully cover her pretty face from the sides.Her Dark chocolate brown eyes are captivating,framed by long
eyelashes. They sparkle with an intensity that draw you in if you stare too long. Rosy, full lips convey a natural, pleasant smile. Her skin-tone is cool honey
without any spots or freckles and her legs look like they could go on for days.
Allison is blessed with ample D-cup breasts, an area where genetics played a major role. Even in baggy shirts, her breasts get noticed.But she doesn't mind and knows those two giant globes are her assets and she enjoys the attention she gets.
But its her midriff that she is most proud of.Her midriff may have abs but its not completely ripped and hard. Infact it retains the natural softness and you can
only feel the hardness of her abs when you poke them or punch. She has maintained her abs to look alluring but also trained them endure the onslaught of her
opponents during matches.
Her midriff has another remarkable but atypical feature, her deep navel. It is assumed that when humans have fit and flat stomachs, they usually have a shallow navel or a bellybutton protuding outward. But Allison's navel was deep and inviting and looked like a cavern when looked from afar. That's why Allison almost always bares her midriff everywhere, flaunting her assets.
She doesn't like to apply too much makeup, as it, in her words " Hides my authentic version". Some smoky eye-shadow,basic foundation is enough. So whenever
you see her and feel smitten, take relief in knowing that her natural beauty made you fell that way and not 20 km deep makeup and touch-up.
Out of the ring, Allison exudes confidence and sensuality, embracing her allure with a fearless attitude. She is always dressed to highlight her midriff, which she flaunts proudly, drawing eyes and admiration effortlessly. Pragmatic and laidback, she has a knack for finding the easiest and most efficient ways to complete her objectives (To help you imagine, I will give you an example: Imagine the movie Johnny English: Reborn, where Johnny remembers the old monk's teachings and tires to catch the criminal with finesse and minimal effort rather than expending unnecessary energy like the crjminal did, avoiding unnecessary complications.)
Here is a video clip to help you understand:
Make no mistake, her body is not all hardwork and spending all day in the gym or exercising. Good genetics have played their part and Allison herself doesn't advocate the "GymBro" lifestyle. But she knows that to succeed in LAW, you need to at your peak physically, which differs from person to person and she doesn't shy away from doing the hard yards and understands the importance of working in silence and letting your success speak for you.
She believes in Loyalty above all else when making friends or allies, and in the cutthroat environment that is LAW, this becomes even more important. "Loyalty is a two-way street. If I am expecting it from you, then you sure as hell are getting it from me", is her ethical code. She has a history of being reliable and dependable for her friends in their times of need. She has been fights that weren't even hers to begins with, just because her friend was in trouble. It didn't matter if the opponent was big, small, thin, fat, muscular, had connections, is rich or had any of the thousands of advantages in world over her; she was always willing to take one for her friends.But if you break her trust, you won't ever be able to win it back again. Allision had experienced this from her early teenage years and began to find out who was 'Wolf' in the Sheep's clothing among her friends.
This has made it difficult for Allison to trust people. That doesn't mean that she is rude and disrespectful to anyone she finds suspicions when interacting with. She gives them the benefit of the doubt, by being kind, courteous and pleasant and when she catches them with their hand in the cookie jar, they are in for a rude awakening as Allison doesn't show her nasty side often.But this is not always successful and she has lost some genuinely good friends and allies, stretching from way back in college.
She doesn't any reservations regarding kinks, fetishes sex and as far as she is concerned, if both parties agree to do it, there is no problem in doing it.
Allison believes in completely investing oneself whatever they are doing.So if she is training, she trains till she almost hear her body screaming to stop. If she is partying, she parties like there is no tomorrow;drinking and dancing until she falls flat on her face unconscious or is arrested by cops for flashing her melons in public,or....waking up in the occassional dumpster. And if she is in a match, all the noise from the audience drowns out, squarely focusing on her opponent and their movements, and the plan bubbling in her mind to take her out.
In the ring, Allison transforms into a cold, calculating, and opportunistic fighter. She studies her opponents, identifying their weaknesses and exploiting them with ruthless efficiency. Emotions rarely cloud her judgment as she remains focused and composed, always strategizing her next move. Allison is adept at spotting opportunities to gain an advantage, taking calculated risks that often catch her opponents off guard. However, on the occasions when her emotions do surface, she becomes almost unstoppable and fiercely unpredictable. In these intense moments, her power and determination surge, making her a formidable force that few can withstand.That is why she has got the "Avalanche" moniker.
Character Bio
Early Days
Allison grew up in Brooklyn, in a well-to-do family. Her father worked at a reputed consultancy firm for mergers and acquisitions while her mother did freelancing work for various companies by assisting with their ad-writing teams. She was raised with love and affection by her parents and all her needs and wants were taken care of. In the early years, she was a bundle of energy; always running around the whole house, falling on her face, curious about things that she didn't understand, touching things that she was told explicitly not to touch, and then crying; almost like cat in a human form.Both her parents were passionate about sports. Football, Tennis, Basketball, MMA, everything was game. If they see a person, playng with a ball or doing an activity, scores are being kept and are wearing jerseys, they would be hooked immediately, irrespective of whether they understood the sport or not.
By the age of 7-8, she too started to share her parents' enthusiasm for sports and took a particular shine towards wrestling and MMA. She would try those moves with her father or mother and they would play-act. They used to live in the suburbs, where most of the neighbouring kids were either older or bigger than her. But that didn't deter her from mingling with them.They used to play a lot and since Allison was one of the smallest, at the beginning she used to have to get the ball out of the bushes, or from the neighbouring yards,etc; be the seeker when playing hide'n seek, last to be picked in football, basketball. Basically,it was a not-so pleasant and fun experience for. But Allison seemed to not care for it one bit. She wanted to be a part of the team and just play. The traits of competitiveness and resilience stemmed from these experiences. It took time, but she became a part of the group and enjoyed playing everyday like it was her last.She used to get involved in the occassional scraps and would come home with bruises and cuts on her face, arms and legs due to the rough nature of their games. Her parents used to tell her to take it easy but she would be too engrossed and concetrated while playing to heed their warnings.
The Turning Point
At the age of 14-15, a major event transpired in her life. One evening, Her father staggered home with a bloody face and collapsed on the couch, leaving her worried. But surprisingly, her mother knew what to do and was working like clockwork, cleaning his bruises and wounds and bandaging them. It was as if this was common for her father. Once her father dozed off after ingesting painkillers, Allison pressed her mother about what happened and why didn't she look worried and knew exactly what to do. At first, her mother tried to distract her and make up an answer, but Allison was having none of it.
Finally, she sighed and revealed that her father used to be a very hot-heated man in his youth, always looking for a fight.An old-school brawler known for his devastating upper-cuts. He wanted to have a career in fighting, in MMA. But fate had other plans. His father fell ill and couldn't work.So he assumed the financial responsibility by putting himself through college and working at the same time, doing odd-jobs. He also occassionally fought in underground fight-club matches, where he made decent money and experienced the thrill of his passion. Her mother met him in a bar after one of those fights, and they slowly but surely hit it off. But he knew these fights weren't sustainable for money and had to find a stable job. On the day her graduated, he had a great job offer with a fat pay check. That night,with a heavy heart he decided that he will take part in one last fight, before hanging up his boots. He won the fight and was in such a hurry to get back home to accept the offer, that he couldn't hear the organizer of the match calling him. After a few years, he found out that an MMA Scout was present during that fight and was impressed by his prowess and wanted to offer him a huge contract.But since he left hastily, he missed his probably only chance to fulfill his passion. Hearing that, he broke down mentally, and lost interest and enthusiasm in every aspect of life. From then on, he worked like a robot, devoid of emotions. But his love for her mother and daughter never vanished. He just was good at hiding his pain.
So occassionally, he would get into bar-fights or a scrap and would come home in a bloody mess, and her mother would nurse him. She then took her down to the basement of their home, where Allison had been to, many times. Her mother opened a hidden compartment on the wall, which revealed some old-punching bags, boxing and even MMA Gloves. Apparently,after he got his job, they moved here and ever since then, her father would let off steam here and her mother would occassionally helping him by sparring with him. Yeah, she could hold her own in a fight.
The Beginnings and the Fallout
Allison was...not happy at first and was angry at both of her parents for hiding such an important phase of her family history from her. But, she was also elated, that both her parents were certified badasses. How many kids could tell that their father kicked butts for a living? Allison begged her father to teach her to fight and wrestle, but her father strongly rejected, by saying that she is not ready for this and it is very dangerous. Despite numerous protests, she was denied.
For the next couple of years, she focused her mind and body on physical activities as she wanted to prove to her father that she indeed had the mental fortitude to learn fighting. She would still focus on her studies, Business studies and Accounting being her favorite subjects. Spanish was also practiced by her and she was try to speak it in between conversations, but some the pronunciation of her words sounded like curses and was a source of laughter and comedy amongst her friends. She would even join the boxing team at 16, despite numerous objections by her father and would get into numerous fights in and out of her school, with opponents bigger and stronger than her. Most of those fights, she was beaten to a pulp. But she wasn't shattered by those defeats, but it seemed to exhilarate her; the adrenaline, sound of the body when an attack made contact, the pain; everything about fights seemed to draw her in even more. Her growth spurt began during this time and this gave an size advantage over most of her oppoenents. However, her "careless and reckless venture", as her father put it, into fighting world put a strain on her relationship with him. They started to grow distant and her mother was caught in the middle of it. They would soon stop talking.
Reconciliations and Realizations
When she was 18; One day, Her father visited his old stomping grounds, a bar within the interiors of Brooklyn, and found out that there was a fight that was going to take place later that night. His immediate thought was to spend some time and leave before the fight, as he didn't want to confront the dream that slipped from his grasp. Soon, the fight began and he got up to leave.But then he heard the cheering get unusally louder. He got inside the arena to check it out and to his dismay, it was his daughter that was going to be fighting. Her opponent was bigger and bulkier than her. He began to assume the worst and began to fear that Allison would get seriously injured or even be crippled. The bell rang and he closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to watch his daughter suffer. A second...Two....Three...Ten Seconds passed. Assuming that the fight ended, he opened his eyes to see, that Allison was actually going toe-to-toe with the burly brawler and she was infact in control. She was dodging, weaving hits effortlessly and attacking with intent. Her father was astounded by her courage and prowess.His chest beamed with pride. He mentally cursed himself for not trusting his daughter enough. After all, she was his daughter and an apple doesn't fall far from its tree.
But soon after a few minutes, the tide of the match turned. There was blood on both their bodies but none of them were willing to relent. The oppenent started to retaliate and Allision was finding it difficult to weather the storm. The opponent seemed to use punches as his preferred choice of dealing damage and it seemed to work. Her body started to take hits and her father observed that she didn't have a good defensive shape and that her attacks were all over the place. One particular punch to her midriff seem to knock the wind out of her, as she fell on her knee, coughing.Her eyes became hazy and her body seemed to have been drained of strength. Fortunately for her, the burly brawler, didn't attack her further, and was preoccupied in gloating and posing for the audience. She tried to focus on her breathing and when it became normal, she blinked her eyes and looked at the crowd.
Her eyes seemed to deceive her as she saw the silhouette of her father. She rubbed her eyes to see if she imagining things. But it was indeed her father. She observed that her father was gesturing something. She made out that his hand movements and lip movements were saying, " Fight from below, Go high". Allison smirked in determination. She soon got back up, both of them against resumed their fight. Allison seem to be in a more comfortable stance and looked composed, while her opponent looked complacent and overconfident. Now, instead to trying to dodge and hit, she ducked under the attacks and targeted the midriff and chin of the opponent. Still, her defense was lacking and she took some nasty hits to her body, her lip was cut, blood was flowing from the side of her head and her midriff looked red and purple. But she somehow was committed to her fight and to win. Finally, she managed to knockout the brawler by hitting a spear. She too fell on her knees as she was declared the winner.
The small arena was filled with a deafening roar. That brawler was apparently a top draw and was predicted to surely win. The odds were heavily against Allison's favour. An hour later, when Allison was nursing her wounds, her father approached her. They had a heart-to-heart conversation,where her father apologized for not pushing her and trusting her. He told her that he was incredibly proud of her and that he would personally train her for future fights from now. Allison had tears in her eyes when she heard this and hugged her father so hard, that he felt she would crush his bones. He also put a condition that if she wanted to build a career in fighting and wanted to train with him, she would have to put herself through college and get a degree. "Plan B for a rainy day", he said. Allison readily agreed and from then started her journey in fighting.
The Independent Circuit
Her father trained her in Wrestling, Boxing and the best of all, Old-School Grappling.He would teach her to be pragmatic, cautious and observant, analysing the movement of her opposition, not blindly throwing punches. Most importantly, her father taught her fight to your stengths and trust your instincts. Soon, she began to ram through her opponents, whetherman or a woman, and by 22, she was one of the hottest indie prospects in the world of fighting.
Across those four years, Allison set the stage on fire, wherever she went; which was all around America and Canada. To not become stagnant or comfortable, her father would use his connections from his fighting days to secure short-term contracts in various promotions, who were eager to book the daughter of one of the most devastating forces of fighting during his time. Though, not many were expecting her steamroll through her matches in the sense that any of the matches she competed in, was a guaranteed box-office hit. Allison became a real crowd puller, sending the cash registers of the promotions she fought in ringing. She infact has the most number of "5-star" matches in the indie scene. Notable promotions like AWF(Atlantic Wrestling Federation), WXW(World Extreme Wrestling), IWC(International Wrestling Cartel), Lutte International, NOTP(Night of Thunder Promotions) were fighting for her signature at some point or the other. SIngles, Tag-Teams, Hardcore, Steel-cage, Ladders or any other crazy stipulations didn't faze Allison. If she was gracing the ring with her presence for a match, it would be a blockbuster. And she was a huge risk taker, using furniture, steel chairs, ladders, tables, rods, bricks and much more and has been on the wrong end of these many times, resulting to bloodied face, black eyes, dislocations, concussions, etc; which didn't deter her to go again and again, thus hardening her. Titles would soon follow her, becoming the top-champion in almost all the promotions she would work in. She also was a great team player, winning tag-team gold and even helping elevate her teammates. But gunning for gold wouldn't be what that drive her to fight and train everyday, it would be the thrill, the exhiliration, the cheers and boos from the crowd, her heart pumping , making her feel the most alive. She mostly had fond memories from her time in the indies and the experience she gained would prove to be invaluable, helping her to work the crowds, cut engaging promos, not being overrawed by large audience and working with tha backstage crew, among other aspects.
She would be spotted by LAW scouts during a House Show, putting on a memorable Hardcore match. One particular spot from that match that stood out was when Allison sandwiched her opponent between a ladder and used the top-rope to jump on the ladder, performing a double-foot-stomp, which got a standing ovation. She got signed as soon the match ended backstage. By the next week, her bags were packed and she left for Tokyo, adapting to a new culture, new surroundings, learning a new language. But one thing was constant: kicking butts.
Present Day
Now the interesting thing to note was that since Allison was a hot commodity and a main-eventer across her memorable indie journey, she would receive fat paychecks from each of the company she worked with and this financed her travel and temporay lodging in Tokyo, not taking a single penny from her family. After finalizing her lucrative contract with LAW, Allison started to indulge in her taste for the finer things in life; like good food, clothing and even purchased a CT5 - V Blackwing Cadillac. But she doesn't go for overkill. Studying in finance has taught her to be smart with her money. She lives in a 2 bedroom flat in a 20-floor apartment.
Allison's wrestling persona evolved alongside her career. Embracing her confident and sensual side, she began to regularly expose her midriff, choosing crop tops and shirts that highlighted her toned abdomen and deep navel. Her midriff became a signature feature, something she flaunted with pride both in and out of the ring. This choice was not just about aesthetics; it symbolized her self-assuredness and her comfort in her own skin. Her midriff became a symbol of her strength, resilience, and the journey she had undertaken from the streets of Brooklyn to the wrestling arenas.
In the ring, Allison's childhood lessons came to full fruition. She was cold, calculating, and opportunistic, always observing her opponents and finding ways to turn situations to her advantage. Her emotional control and strategic approach made her a formidable competitor. However, on the rare occasions when her emotions did break through, she became a whirlwind of unstoppable force, her intensity and unpredictability leaving opponents scrambling. These moments of raw power and determination captivated audiences, Like an Avalanche crashing down, destroying everything in its path.
Allison grew up in Brooklyn, in a well-to-do family. Her father worked at a reputed consultancy firm for mergers and acquisitions while her mother did freelancing work for various companies by assisting with their ad-writing teams. She was raised with love and affection by her parents and all her needs and wants were taken care of. In the early years, she was a bundle of energy; always running around the whole house, falling on her face, curious about things that she didn't understand, touching things that she was told explicitly not to touch, and then crying; almost like cat in a human form.Both her parents were passionate about sports. Football, Tennis, Basketball, MMA, everything was game. If they see a person, playng with a ball or doing an activity, scores are being kept and are wearing jerseys, they would be hooked immediately, irrespective of whether they understood the sport or not.
By the age of 7-8, she too started to share her parents' enthusiasm for sports and took a particular shine towards wrestling and MMA. She would try those moves with her father or mother and they would play-act. They used to live in the suburbs, where most of the neighbouring kids were either older or bigger than her. But that didn't deter her from mingling with them.They used to play a lot and since Allison was one of the smallest, at the beginning she used to have to get the ball out of the bushes, or from the neighbouring yards,etc; be the seeker when playing hide'n seek, last to be picked in football, basketball. Basically,it was a not-so pleasant and fun experience for. But Allison seemed to not care for it one bit. She wanted to be a part of the team and just play. The traits of competitiveness and resilience stemmed from these experiences. It took time, but she became a part of the group and enjoyed playing everyday like it was her last.She used to get involved in the occassional scraps and would come home with bruises and cuts on her face, arms and legs due to the rough nature of their games. Her parents used to tell her to take it easy but she would be too engrossed and concetrated while playing to heed their warnings.
The Turning Point
At the age of 14-15, a major event transpired in her life. One evening, Her father staggered home with a bloody face and collapsed on the couch, leaving her worried. But surprisingly, her mother knew what to do and was working like clockwork, cleaning his bruises and wounds and bandaging them. It was as if this was common for her father. Once her father dozed off after ingesting painkillers, Allison pressed her mother about what happened and why didn't she look worried and knew exactly what to do. At first, her mother tried to distract her and make up an answer, but Allison was having none of it.
Finally, she sighed and revealed that her father used to be a very hot-heated man in his youth, always looking for a fight.An old-school brawler known for his devastating upper-cuts. He wanted to have a career in fighting, in MMA. But fate had other plans. His father fell ill and couldn't work.So he assumed the financial responsibility by putting himself through college and working at the same time, doing odd-jobs. He also occassionally fought in underground fight-club matches, where he made decent money and experienced the thrill of his passion. Her mother met him in a bar after one of those fights, and they slowly but surely hit it off. But he knew these fights weren't sustainable for money and had to find a stable job. On the day her graduated, he had a great job offer with a fat pay check. That night,with a heavy heart he decided that he will take part in one last fight, before hanging up his boots. He won the fight and was in such a hurry to get back home to accept the offer, that he couldn't hear the organizer of the match calling him. After a few years, he found out that an MMA Scout was present during that fight and was impressed by his prowess and wanted to offer him a huge contract.But since he left hastily, he missed his probably only chance to fulfill his passion. Hearing that, he broke down mentally, and lost interest and enthusiasm in every aspect of life. From then on, he worked like a robot, devoid of emotions. But his love for her mother and daughter never vanished. He just was good at hiding his pain.
So occassionally, he would get into bar-fights or a scrap and would come home in a bloody mess, and her mother would nurse him. She then took her down to the basement of their home, where Allison had been to, many times. Her mother opened a hidden compartment on the wall, which revealed some old-punching bags, boxing and even MMA Gloves. Apparently,after he got his job, they moved here and ever since then, her father would let off steam here and her mother would occassionally helping him by sparring with him. Yeah, she could hold her own in a fight.
The Beginnings and the Fallout
Allison was...not happy at first and was angry at both of her parents for hiding such an important phase of her family history from her. But, she was also elated, that both her parents were certified badasses. How many kids could tell that their father kicked butts for a living? Allison begged her father to teach her to fight and wrestle, but her father strongly rejected, by saying that she is not ready for this and it is very dangerous. Despite numerous protests, she was denied.
For the next couple of years, she focused her mind and body on physical activities as she wanted to prove to her father that she indeed had the mental fortitude to learn fighting. She would still focus on her studies, Business studies and Accounting being her favorite subjects. Spanish was also practiced by her and she was try to speak it in between conversations, but some the pronunciation of her words sounded like curses and was a source of laughter and comedy amongst her friends. She would even join the boxing team at 16, despite numerous objections by her father and would get into numerous fights in and out of her school, with opponents bigger and stronger than her. Most of those fights, she was beaten to a pulp. But she wasn't shattered by those defeats, but it seemed to exhilarate her; the adrenaline, sound of the body when an attack made contact, the pain; everything about fights seemed to draw her in even more. Her growth spurt began during this time and this gave an size advantage over most of her oppoenents. However, her "careless and reckless venture", as her father put it, into fighting world put a strain on her relationship with him. They started to grow distant and her mother was caught in the middle of it. They would soon stop talking.
Reconciliations and Realizations
When she was 18; One day, Her father visited his old stomping grounds, a bar within the interiors of Brooklyn, and found out that there was a fight that was going to take place later that night. His immediate thought was to spend some time and leave before the fight, as he didn't want to confront the dream that slipped from his grasp. Soon, the fight began and he got up to leave.But then he heard the cheering get unusally louder. He got inside the arena to check it out and to his dismay, it was his daughter that was going to be fighting. Her opponent was bigger and bulkier than her. He began to assume the worst and began to fear that Allison would get seriously injured or even be crippled. The bell rang and he closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to watch his daughter suffer. A second...Two....Three...Ten Seconds passed. Assuming that the fight ended, he opened his eyes to see, that Allison was actually going toe-to-toe with the burly brawler and she was infact in control. She was dodging, weaving hits effortlessly and attacking with intent. Her father was astounded by her courage and prowess.His chest beamed with pride. He mentally cursed himself for not trusting his daughter enough. After all, she was his daughter and an apple doesn't fall far from its tree.
But soon after a few minutes, the tide of the match turned. There was blood on both their bodies but none of them were willing to relent. The oppenent started to retaliate and Allision was finding it difficult to weather the storm. The opponent seemed to use punches as his preferred choice of dealing damage and it seemed to work. Her body started to take hits and her father observed that she didn't have a good defensive shape and that her attacks were all over the place. One particular punch to her midriff seem to knock the wind out of her, as she fell on her knee, coughing.Her eyes became hazy and her body seemed to have been drained of strength. Fortunately for her, the burly brawler, didn't attack her further, and was preoccupied in gloating and posing for the audience. She tried to focus on her breathing and when it became normal, she blinked her eyes and looked at the crowd.
Her eyes seemed to deceive her as she saw the silhouette of her father. She rubbed her eyes to see if she imagining things. But it was indeed her father. She observed that her father was gesturing something. She made out that his hand movements and lip movements were saying, " Fight from below, Go high". Allison smirked in determination. She soon got back up, both of them against resumed their fight. Allison seem to be in a more comfortable stance and looked composed, while her opponent looked complacent and overconfident. Now, instead to trying to dodge and hit, she ducked under the attacks and targeted the midriff and chin of the opponent. Still, her defense was lacking and she took some nasty hits to her body, her lip was cut, blood was flowing from the side of her head and her midriff looked red and purple. But she somehow was committed to her fight and to win. Finally, she managed to knockout the brawler by hitting a spear. She too fell on her knees as she was declared the winner.
The small arena was filled with a deafening roar. That brawler was apparently a top draw and was predicted to surely win. The odds were heavily against Allison's favour. An hour later, when Allison was nursing her wounds, her father approached her. They had a heart-to-heart conversation,where her father apologized for not pushing her and trusting her. He told her that he was incredibly proud of her and that he would personally train her for future fights from now. Allison had tears in her eyes when she heard this and hugged her father so hard, that he felt she would crush his bones. He also put a condition that if she wanted to build a career in fighting and wanted to train with him, she would have to put herself through college and get a degree. "Plan B for a rainy day", he said. Allison readily agreed and from then started her journey in fighting.
The Independent Circuit
Her father trained her in Wrestling, Boxing and the best of all, Old-School Grappling.He would teach her to be pragmatic, cautious and observant, analysing the movement of her opposition, not blindly throwing punches. Most importantly, her father taught her fight to your stengths and trust your instincts. Soon, she began to ram through her opponents, whetherman or a woman, and by 22, she was one of the hottest indie prospects in the world of fighting.
Across those four years, Allison set the stage on fire, wherever she went; which was all around America and Canada. To not become stagnant or comfortable, her father would use his connections from his fighting days to secure short-term contracts in various promotions, who were eager to book the daughter of one of the most devastating forces of fighting during his time. Though, not many were expecting her steamroll through her matches in the sense that any of the matches she competed in, was a guaranteed box-office hit. Allison became a real crowd puller, sending the cash registers of the promotions she fought in ringing. She infact has the most number of "5-star" matches in the indie scene. Notable promotions like AWF(Atlantic Wrestling Federation), WXW(World Extreme Wrestling), IWC(International Wrestling Cartel), Lutte International, NOTP(Night of Thunder Promotions) were fighting for her signature at some point or the other. SIngles, Tag-Teams, Hardcore, Steel-cage, Ladders or any other crazy stipulations didn't faze Allison. If she was gracing the ring with her presence for a match, it would be a blockbuster. And she was a huge risk taker, using furniture, steel chairs, ladders, tables, rods, bricks and much more and has been on the wrong end of these many times, resulting to bloodied face, black eyes, dislocations, concussions, etc; which didn't deter her to go again and again, thus hardening her. Titles would soon follow her, becoming the top-champion in almost all the promotions she would work in. She also was a great team player, winning tag-team gold and even helping elevate her teammates. But gunning for gold wouldn't be what that drive her to fight and train everyday, it would be the thrill, the exhiliration, the cheers and boos from the crowd, her heart pumping , making her feel the most alive. She mostly had fond memories from her time in the indies and the experience she gained would prove to be invaluable, helping her to work the crowds, cut engaging promos, not being overrawed by large audience and working with tha backstage crew, among other aspects.
She would be spotted by LAW scouts during a House Show, putting on a memorable Hardcore match. One particular spot from that match that stood out was when Allison sandwiched her opponent between a ladder and used the top-rope to jump on the ladder, performing a double-foot-stomp, which got a standing ovation. She got signed as soon the match ended backstage. By the next week, her bags were packed and she left for Tokyo, adapting to a new culture, new surroundings, learning a new language. But one thing was constant: kicking butts.
Present Day
Now the interesting thing to note was that since Allison was a hot commodity and a main-eventer across her memorable indie journey, she would receive fat paychecks from each of the company she worked with and this financed her travel and temporay lodging in Tokyo, not taking a single penny from her family. After finalizing her lucrative contract with LAW, Allison started to indulge in her taste for the finer things in life; like good food, clothing and even purchased a CT5 - V Blackwing Cadillac. But she doesn't go for overkill. Studying in finance has taught her to be smart with her money. She lives in a 2 bedroom flat in a 20-floor apartment.
Allison's wrestling persona evolved alongside her career. Embracing her confident and sensual side, she began to regularly expose her midriff, choosing crop tops and shirts that highlighted her toned abdomen and deep navel. Her midriff became a signature feature, something she flaunted with pride both in and out of the ring. This choice was not just about aesthetics; it symbolized her self-assuredness and her comfort in her own skin. Her midriff became a symbol of her strength, resilience, and the journey she had undertaken from the streets of Brooklyn to the wrestling arenas.
In the ring, Allison's childhood lessons came to full fruition. She was cold, calculating, and opportunistic, always observing her opponents and finding ways to turn situations to her advantage. Her emotional control and strategic approach made her a formidable competitor. However, on the rare occasions when her emotions did break through, she became a whirlwind of unstoppable force, her intensity and unpredictability leaving opponents scrambling. These moments of raw power and determination captivated audiences, Like an Avalanche crashing down, destroying everything in its path.
Wrestling Information
Strategy and Style:
Allison’s approach to wrestling is highly strategic. She meticulously observes her opponents, identifying their strengths, movements and weaknesses. In the ring, she is always thinking ahead, anticipating her opponent’s actions and thinking about their counters. This calculated approach allows her to stay one step ahead and control the pace of the match. She often uses feints and misdirections to confuse her opponents, creating openings to exploit. While Allison prefers to rely on skill and strategy, she is not above taking advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. She has a keen eye for spotting weaknesses or openings during a match and exploits them without hesitation. If an opponent shows signs of injury or fatigue, Allison targets that area relentlessly. Her ruthlessness ensures that once she gains the upper hand, she maintains it, often leading to quick and decisive victories.
Allison has rare moments when her emotions surge, transforming her into an unstoppable force. These bursts of intensity are marked by a flurry of powerful, high-impact moves that leave her opponents reeling. During these moments, she becomes less predictable, using her raw strength and determination to overwhelm her opponents. These emotional outbursts are a testament to her passion for wrestling and her unyielding drive to win. But this comes at a cost of judgement and defence as she gets blinded by rage. But very few women have survive this onslaught and exploit her vulnerability.
Preferred Attacks: Allison prefers to uses grapples and technically complex moves which include DDTs, Suplexes, Canadian Destroyer, Spear. She will even go full brawler mode when she goes beserk, but mostly she combines her raw power of her brawler tendencies to her more refined grappling skills. Since she is so fine in executing grapples, she is equally adept at countering them.
Preferred Matches: "I am open to anything.....anything;Never Mind...Actually, I do have a soft spot for Hardcore Matches"
Attitude To Hentai:
"Oh...Nah...It's not for my tastes. But I do like to watch them getting down and dirty. Though, on the bed with some wine in me? that's a whole other story."
General Statistics
Endurance 4/5 - Being constantly involved in fights since childhood, and then in high school, college ,underground fight clubs and the independent circuit, where she was truly a daredevil; and that too wit a gusto does not happen until you accept that you're going to take a lot more hits before hitting back, and Allison was no exception.
Strength 3/5 - Allison knows that building up strength opens up a wider arsenal of moves to inflict. So, she has bulked up and packed muscle and maintained them to bolster the impact of her hits and aligning with her fighting style and movement; but she has been careful to not overdue it so as to not become a one-dimensional wrestler, relying only on strength and power.
Defence 3/5 - The brawler's defence is not her strongest point but is still decent enough to withstand some pretty big attacks and hold her own. Morever, she isn't the type of wrestler to block a hit and then try to use her own move, but rather, she attempts to transition the move by exploiting her foe's momentum against her; into one of her own, which is far more effecient and drains considerably less energy.
Speed 4/5 - When you were the smallest kid in the block, the bitch who jumped into fights without care, and were still hitting like a noodle; your best bet was to be agile, be fast, bide your time, wait for your moment and then....hit your opponent in the scared regions and make a run for it, or just run for your life. Allison, at first didn't take being fast seriously. But, her mother taught her the importance of speed and agility, while sparring with her and to be quick on her feet, moving with grace and fluidity. This helped her a lot during her time in the indies.
Technique 5/5 - While she may have been scrappy and honed her craft from one of the best brawlers in Brooklyn and probably America in his youth, her
father; She was always trying to get creative and bold with her moves, always experimenting. The courage to try something new and failing multiple time injected in her the confidence to go toe-to-toe with any oppoenent and experiment and the belief to keep going.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes 4/5 - Getting into a scuffle is accepting that fists are going to be thrown around, a lot. There won't be time for a plan, a weak point to target or the contril over your surroundings. You have to act on your instincts and figure out the needle strategy in the haystack of probable actions. Allison had this ingrained in her bit-by-bit, experience after experience and realised that a good strike IS the plan, striking with power and precision IS the instinct she had to act on and only part she had to figure out, in the midst of a fight was the sweet spot to hit. She strikes well....and strikes HARD. This laid the foundation for her to hit like a truck.
Submissions 2/5 - This doesn't mean that Allision isn't very good at submitting her opponents. It's just that she prefers other means of damage. She still hones her submission skills but doesn't use it until she absolutely needs to or if it is a submission match.
Powerhouse 3/5 - Allison isn't a bulky bodybuilder with barrel-like muscles by any means. Here move-set isn't entirely reliant on power, lifting and slamming. But, She can lift opponents for her moves and can hold her own in a test-of-strength. The brawler knows that in wrestling the action of slamming an opponent by lifting them does the most damage and she likes to be as well-rounded a wrestler as possible.
Aerials 2/5 - The Aerial route isn't the way to go for Allison, as she doesn't feel comfortable in performing moves that have a high probability in getting
countered or missing. But she still does the ocassional frog splash.
Counters 5/5 - The Brawler doesn't believe in blocking attcaks but rather to exploit the momentum and power of the attacks to hit back harder. She is a pragmatic and observant wrestler and knows that not opponents can be squashed and she may need to play the plong game more often than not and when that happens, it is imperative to conserve energy, which can be achieved by reversing moves and counters.
Grappling 5/5 - Allison has a well-rounded and hard-hitting arsenal of moves, which require correct positioning of the body, firm grip of area she was holding and the conviction to flawlessly execute the move. Her grapple moves are her strongest attacks and she has practiced and practiced and practiced over countless hours to grapple like clockwork and to adjust the hold according to the opponent's physique.
Preferred Moves
- Clothesline
- Superkick
- Powerbomb
- Frog-Splash
- Famouser
- German-Suplex
- Neckbreaker
- Spear
- Canadian Destroyer
- Slingblade
- Spinebuster
- Double-Foot Stomp
- Boxing Combos
- European Uppercut
- Bionic Elbow
- Any moves to the midsection
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves:

The wrists of the opponent are held and twisted outward, causing their torso to bent forward and the arms held upward by holding the wrists. The torso is almost parallel to the mat. Then Allison kicks the opponents thrice with her shin, each kick hitting harder than the last. This move impacts the face and the chest.
A kick to the midsection, causes the opponent to bend forward and their face is place between Allison's thighs,while she is facing away from the opponent.She then hooks both the opponent's arms in a double underhook position. She then jumps high, with the foe's head still between her thighs and drives the opponent's face onto the mat in a diagonal motion,with her landing on the back of the foe's head.
Finishing Moves
Dead-End (End of Days)


Wrestling Attire

Same Same but Different

another Alt




in the showers

in the showers again

soaking wet

under the moonlight

in the water

water splashing


Street Attire
Grocery Store


Chugging a Soda

In an alleyway

Leaning on the side

Ambre Brault
Elena Walker : Having crossed paths when they were in the indies, Elena and Allison clashed whenever they found themselves in the same promotion, and hit if off outside the ring, quickly becoming buddies and hanging out together. But that didn't mean they went easy on each other inside the ring. Now, both have been reunited in LAW after being in and out of contact during their stints the indies.[/color]
Ambre Brault
Elena Walker :Both bumped into each other recently and it was as if they never were out of sync. Allison has a deep level of trust in her friend, despite not being in touch for quite sometime, and knows that Elena will have her back always, which is all the more important in LAW.
Rivals: NA
Crushes/Lovers: NA
Enemies: NA
- She was phenomenal during her time in the independent circuit, with a staggering record of 103W-22D-20L across fours years.
- She has been part of a large number of "5-star" matches in the indies where she toured. If a fight has been considered historical or memorable,etc, Allison has most probably been a part of it.
- Allison got some modelling offers when she was in college, doing a few of those gigs. She would do them again if an opportunity arises.
- She has an affinity for navels.
- Even though she was touring the country to fight, she did great academically; in the sense that she managed to get her degree with great scores and had a job offer before she was going to join LAW.
- Her hectic schedule, juggling college and touring meant that she didn't have time for serious romantic relationships, mostly engaging in flings and hookups. Her only serious relationship had to end due to Allison being spread too thin, trying to cover all bases.
- She is a foodie and absolutely loves cold-drinks. She has tried to curb her cravings for drinks but occassionally succumbs to its vices. This has affected her in ring and in training as high consumption of cold-drinks caused her to feel heavy and sluggish.
- Apart from wrestling, like her parents, she is an avid sports goer, with Football being her favourite sport.
- She is terrifed of ghosts, with the Conjuring 2 being her most harrowing experience. The Fictional Demon - Valek , gave her nightmares for days.
- Even though she is in LAW, she catches up with latest things happening in finance from time-to-time. She occassionally dabbles in stocks.
< This section will be occassionally updated >
(Adapted from Devilish53's character template and also inspired from skip-stop's character's infos)