Tamago Oshiro

Eyes: Alternates but mostly purple ( contacts)
Hair: Black/blue and purple/pink ( alternates)
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160lbs
Theme: TBA
Hair: Black/blue and purple/pink ( alternates)
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160lbs
Theme: TBA
Tamago always tries to look as striking as possible in what she wears, she likes to express herself and often wears odd mixes of colours or potentially tacky outfits because she personally likes it and doesn't want to have her individuality held back by anything. Tamago's desired look can change on a dime and one example of this is her hair colour, while most the time before a match she dyes it purple it can be anywhere from black, or blue to purple in her mid match downtime
In the ring

In the gym

In the streets

at the beach

In town

On the roads

at home

Combat abilities/Physical abilities
Signature Moves
Utter defeat: Tamago will leap from the second turnbuckle ropes onto a downed opponent, Tamago will land with her rear against the opponent's chest, or even face in extreme situations. Tamago lands facing the opponent's legs and will either hook the opponent's legs for a pin or just sit on her opponent's face for the pin.
Train at the end of the tunnel: Tamago will set her opponent up in the corner and will run towards them, before then propelling herself forward and off the mat and landing a crossbody against her cornered opponent.
Crush Senton: Tamago will leap from the turnbuckle to a standing opponent and will land a senton and land with her rear either on her opponent's chest or face before going for the pin.
Finisher Moves
Dead on arrival: Tamago will have her opponent set up in a standing position on the outside of the ring apron and will run towards them before leaping through the middle ropes and spearing her opponent onto the concrete outside.
Doom drop: Tamago will lift her opponent for a suplex and will run forward before driving her opponent backwards into the mat.
Sliced bread: Tamago will wrap both her arms around her opponent's neck from in front of them, while facing away from the opponent and towards the corner. Tamago will then run towards the corner and bounce from the mat to the second turnbuckle pad, before then running up the top one with her other leg and falling backwards in a moonsault.
Tactics: 6/10 -
Strength: 6/10 -
Speed: 7/10 -
Sexuality: 3/10 -
High flying: 6/10 -
Charisma: 6/10
Technique: 2/10
Endurance: 8/10
Tamago came from a typical high class family in Japan, although from childhood it was obvious that Tamago wasn't the "typical girl". Ever since early childhood Tamago had an extreme interest in motorcycles and loved to draw motorcycles, eventually she would start to draw other pictures which would get increasingly detailed and as an artist she was almost considered a genius for her age. Tamago had a sister that she was somewhat close with as a child, although due to Tamago going to an artists prospect college upon turning 14 Tamago hasn't seen much of her sister in a long time, not knowing anything about what her sister does now due to Tamago gradually losing contact with her family. Though Tamago has since found out her sister is in LAW, and even met her again.
In art school Tamago eventually became somewhat of a trouble student, after a few years of drawing the art she was supposed to Tamago would go back to drawing cars and Motorcycles, which didn't sit well with her teachers, but she would also drink in class and do violent drawings, and listen to music loudly during lectures. Tamago was very much a delinquint, showing up late if she did at all, frequenting clubs, and enjoying tokyo nightlife with her best friend, who happened to be a very small scale gangster, and a very violent woman. This best friend was also inspiring to Tamago though, as she was steadfast and very knowledgable in cars and motorbikes, as well as being a great artist and drawing a comic ( unpublished )
Tamago after leaving her art school at the age of 20 was unsure about what to do in life, one night while drunk she read one of those old comics her estranged friend wrote, and it was about an over the top daring punk of a woman who wrestled all around the world! Tamago found it hilarious now, and with absolutely no clue of what to do in life she decided ' fuck it ' and started working in a pub and frequenting clubs, fighting on the regular until she got her ass kicked by a wrestler.
Tamago couldn't forget that encounter, and was curious why she lost, so she later met the wrestler and had a chat, before getting heated and getting her ass kicked again. That was when Tamago decided to go to wrestling classes, and when it was eventually time to do her first show, she decided to run with the persona her friend made in that comic, hoping that maybe her friend would eventually hear about her.
Tamago is a very creative and somewhat rough individual, if you try to talk about things she doesn't care about then she'll just blow you off. The daredevil only has passion for booze, cars/bikes, violence, art and media, and of course wrestling. Tamago isn't extremely talkative, but she also doesn't back down from arguments, creating the illusion that she's a very abrasive person, which is at least partly true.
Tamago really cares about her passions, and makes no effort to hide it. With her habit of breaking taboos, and fighting the system Tamago is a classic punk, and so In and out the ring she considers herself daring and unique, she doesn't like mainstream things and she'll go out of her way to present herself as ' cool ' and ' different '
- Creativity
- Kindness
- Being thrilled
- Uncertainty
- Change
- Adaptable people
- Competitive matches
- individuality
- Respectful people
- Art being respected
- Freedom
- Following the rules
- Cool designs ( on anything )
- Dull things
- Trends
- Having her freedom restricted in art ( includes wrestling )
- Liars
- Unjust individuals
- Being wrongfully accused
- Commercialised art
- Overly damaged motorcycles
- Giving up
- Feeling trapped ( in spaces, by people, by society )
- Hurtful comments
- Old fashioned things
- Mental strength
- hard work
- Team work
- Good listener
- Hard to anger
- Cunning
- Quick
- Strong
- Fast
- Adaptable ( to an extent )
- Has a good poker face
- Good at giving compliments
- Brave
- Fearless
- Stubborn views
- irresponsible
- Untrusting
- Actions are predictable ( if the poker face can be seen through )
- Fun loving
- excitable
- Risky
- Dangerous
- Impractical
- Overly passionate
Strategy =Tamago only has one strategic goal, go full steam ahead and deal as much damage as possible. Tamago herself can take lots of hits so she abuses this strength to it's maximum potential as well as her speed to fling herself towards the opponent in as many ways as possible, keeping the opponent on their feet and trying not to give them a chance to take control. Tamago unlike Gemma doesn't appear to be quite a showy, but a few humiliating moves and the fact that Tamago has made a whole new personality for herself inside the ring is Tamago's way of highlighting her creativity. Tamago surprisingly can be quite unpredictable in the ring, sure she will likely always run in without hesitation, but she has found quite a few ways to trick the opponent, lure them into danger through misinformation, or use her flexibility and creativity to keep the opponent guessing which part of the body the attack will come from.
Style:extravagant, competitive, eccentric, Brave/reckless, Show off
Type: Fast paced, athletic, high spot wrestler.]