Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

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Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

Unread post by monkey299 »

Match type: Standard
Victory conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Disqualification

Garnet lightly stretched out his arms, standing just in front of the entrance to the arena. This match he wasn’t too sure how it was gonna go. He usually likes surprises in his matches and didn’t know who he was gonna face this night but he was told to be careful with this opponent tonight. Which did make him a little nervous since they never really said the same thing to his previous opponents. Though it also made him a little curious as well, not to sure who his opponent could be. He wondered if he was gonna face someone dangerous? Or maybe someone that had a track record that causes trouble? Oh or maybe someone that was potentially at the top!

Though he didn’t need to worry anymore as within a few seconds, his music started to play. Snapping out of his musing, Garnet grinned in excitement and walked through the curtains. His grin grew more at hearing all the cheering and excited screams he got once he walked through the curtains. Waving towards every person he could see, he soon stopped and instead went to high five a few lucky fans before reaching his regular spot.
Outfit(No weapons)
The young man is in his regular outfit. His signature red hooded cloak, a simple skin tight, sleeveless black shirt that clings to his skinny, toned physique. Suspenders, though only for aesthetic purposes, connect to a belt with a Silver rose symbol with black shorts with random red shapes on it. And finally black and red boots with red socks just peeking out of the boots.

Once he was near the ring, he would suddenly run and take off towards it. Jumping/sliding underneath the bottom rope he would use this momentum to keep on running towards the middle rope in front of him and jump on it! Smiling at all the cheering he got, he then twist jumped behind him, rolling till he was right back on his feet.

Running to a ringpost, he would hup on to the second turnbuckle and raise his arms, posing for a few moments. After a few seconds later, he would pull his hood off and remove his cloak. Moving towards his side of the ring, he would put it underneath his corner for safe keeping.
Last edited by monkey299 on Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

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Match Eleven.

Spectre had fought across three divisions in her run already. Lightweight, Middleweight and the Men’s. The one guy was bigger than most Heavies that spring to mind when the one-seventy requirement pops in your head. Oscar Orelash. This was her second mixed match and she was sure to note who it was and recon what she needed.

Garnet Rose.
Now there’s a name that didn't take much crawler time to have a wall of feedback. Chief among them are articles about a scandalous manager. Fire. A burning. And those sweet-sweet eyes.

“A puppy.” She finalized, staring monotonously into her laptop screen, cigarette through her mask’s grill. She didn’t like puppies much, but the scar, however, was fascinating. She wanted to touch it. And tonight, there was a chance for that, alongside the surprise she kept in her belt pockets.


Time to go.

The titantron flashed an emblem. A chrome skull with a barcode and respirator mask. It flashed in sporadic intervals behind purple light and the travelling patterns of nodes across the screen. Spectre’s theme, Gospel of Bullets, played loudly as spotlights sputtered to stay on. Then, from above, a ninja descended from the rafters. Spotlights scattered on her. She was standing on a hook, back against a metal cable being lowered down. She had shoulder-length hair, divided off to the sides with a singular black portion. She wore a self-made customized mask that covered her lower face, nose and her ears. Her attire was a two-piece, with a leotard that had a patterned chest, purple, black and white, then a translucent latex cutting in over her waist, down between her legs and around the back. Then her skirt, chequered and asymmetric. Boots just below the knee. Sleeves, one solid latex and one netted. She had distinct tattoos, mean sharp-eyes and and wielded two crowbars. She aimed one at the spotlight, then pretended to fire.

The light went out. When she reached six feet above the ring, she dropped, landed on the top turnbuckle pad with ankles together, toes outward and knees apart in a squat. A hand touched the pad. She swiped her crowbars down, let them fall and hook on the top rope then jumped into the ring. She began to pace, walking left to right between the adjacent ropes in her corner, staring at him from across the ring.

Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

Unread post by monkey299 »

Garnet waited patiently in his corner for his opponent and luckily it seemed he wasn’t gonna have to wait for long. His eyes locked onto the titantron as he listened to the music, liking the designs flashing on the screen. Though strangely he didn’t see the wrestler even if a few seconds had passed.

Just then the spotlights sputtered, drawing Garnet’s attention upwards as he spotted a figure on a cable, descending down from rafters. Garnet could only watch in awe at the spotlights shining down on her, looking like a nina and slowly lowered down from a cable. “Wow…” Garnet muttered in awe. Honestly it was probably one of the best opponent entrances he had seen in a long time! The suspense! The lights! Everything was perfect!

Guessing she was his opponent, Garnet flashed her a smile once she descended downwards and landed on the top turnbuckle. He knew he was given a warning about being careful about his opponent but after seeing what he just saw, he was just too excited! Albeit he was kind of worried about her crowbars and why she had them, but he guessed(hoped) it was just for her outfit.

Wow, that was sooo amazing! And great outfit. I’m Garnet. Let’s have a good match!” Garnet said with an excited smile on his face.

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

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The smile was an unusual aspect. When has she ever been smiled at like this? Surely, this was one meant to be menacing of some kind. Wrestler bravado. But sure enough, he was there with pure intentions and… compliments? Spectre squinted. She approached from her position to the middle of the ring and evaluated him from top to bottom. Her head slowly tilted downward then up. She said nothing.

Let's have a good match.
Wow, that was sooo amazing!

When she stopped processing whether he was being sincere or a bag of sarcastic dicks, things became much… MUCH easier to grasp. He was a puppy. An honest, good-hearted puppy, with its cute black hair and reddish highlights. A toned body squeezed by his top and pants. And a face that was so easy to look at, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's missing a lasting lipstick mark. Of course, it was also begging for a boot. A kick.

And so she indulged. She kicked this puppy. Right between the legs. WHOMP!

If that landed and hopefully made him double over, then the next thing she’d do is deliberately take her middle and index finger, charge the arm back a bit then jab Garnet in his precious silver eyes. And to top this three-layer cake off, she executed a spin -- just for him! -- to come whipping around counter-clockwise, one rotation and smack the back of his heel into that joyful little puppy-cranium.

Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

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Garnet was completely genuine as he thought her outfit, music, and entrance was simply amazing! His smile slowly lost its natural look as Spectre didn’t say anything, merely stared at him and squinted at him but he still kept it, not too sure why the red haired woman was looking at him in confusion.

S-sooo….let’s have a good match, yeah?” Garnet said again, giving his opponent a weak smile, still friendly towards his opponent. Once he started talking he would have walked towards the middle of the ring. The Crimson Reaper was really hoping that his opponent and him could be friendly towards each other in this match, maybe even after his match as well. Though with how she was staring at him, he was slowly doubting it.

Seeing the beautiful woman walking towards him, Garnet shifted a little nervously at seeing her evaluate him, practically inspecting every part of his body. “Hi….Soo. What’s you na…….” Garnet tried to make some small talk but his voice stopped from his opponent's unexpected move. The crowd gasped and started to boos at the cheap move as Spectre's opponent whimpered and tried not to fall to his knees while holding his hurting lower parts.

The ref immediately started to yell at the unexpected blow but the smaller woman probably ignored her. With Garnet in pain, it only got worse for the young black haired man as his opponent now jab him into his eyes! This time making him stumble to his knees in pain as he covered his eyes in pain. Just as he was about to fall to the side, Spectre prepared to land another blow! This time a counter-clockwise heel kick to his head.

Garnet was completely unprepared for the upcoming blow as he barely saw her winding up her kick before it landed! That sent Garnet down to the floor, hurting all over as the young man could barely do anything at the moment.

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

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Garnet hitting the ground so early didn’t bode well for fans. They started to boo the cheating spectacle with deep voices resonating against the stadium ceiling. Was it even cheating? Well, nooooo… But they all knew that she came here for yet another easy win, depriving this young man an opportunity to destroy her terror. Maybe he had a chance, they thought. A guy like him? Spectacular things in small packages. And the men were on the rise in this promotion. They had their own tournament, attracting the cream of the crop.

So they hated it. The front row was a wall of grimaces, frowns, thumbs downs and shouted insults that called, YOU SUCK so loud you can almost hear a chant of it. Spectre for her part remained calm and focused. She placed her kicking foot down, waited to see if he’ll rise quickly, then stood taller with her ankles together.

A good match.
Would this be a good match, Garnet?

She approached him, flicked his shoulder with her boot to make him lay on his back, then stepped high up on his throat. The side of her boot and laces now pushed against his chin. The pressure was mild, but firm. Enough to make the point. The angle was a little suggestive. She stepped with the short-side of her skirt, giving a straight showcase of her soft naked leg. Thin, with small toned muscles and balanced squish. And her skirt was mostly covering a high-cut leotard.

She leaned over to look at him.

“Spectre. And who might you be, Puppy? I couldn’t hear you when you were standing.”

She applied more pressure onto his neck. “Introduce yourself. Again.”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

Unread post by monkey299 »

Garnet groaned in pain, one hand holding his eyes and the other his head, both in pain and currently overriding the pain that was coming from his crotch. Many people were hoping that Garnet would somehow fight through the pain and take down the cocky woman! But sadly with his current predicament, he was in too much pain for him to do anything.

The young man had hoped that his opponent could have been a good wrestler and they both could have a good, fun match! Sadly it seemed like it wasn’t gonna be like that. Before he could get his act together, a boot poked and pushed his shoulder, making him weakly groan and instinctively rolled on his back. Then a second later the same boot stepped on his throat, making him grunt and squirm underneath his opponent. It only got worse as he felt more weight pressing down on his slender body.

Garnet would have normally blushed a little at the little suggestive angle Spectre was doing but he was currently busy right now with trying to push the foot off his throat. The only good thing so far was at least the foot wasn’t pressing down with all it's weight.

G-Gmhnhm Rmhe.” Choked out Garnet, trying to answer Spectre question but could only grunt out the words while she pressed her foot down more firmly on his throat.

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

Unread post by Monsy »


He gets something for effort. She really, really enjoyed that effort. Above all else, through strife, pain and humiliation, he was trying to appease. This would warrant a ‘Good puppy’ notion from her if the words didn’t nauseate. She instead chose to analyze his pained face. Blushed. She applied greater pressure. The more he fought, grabbed or squeezed her leg, the more weight she put on.

Being this small wouldn't be that much of a threat.
But it was enough of a threat for the groaning prince underneath him.

“Looks like you already had enough.” Her head slowly turned to the official who looked annoyed at this pre-match cheat. So disgraceful and dishonourable. Her AND the fans of attendance were united in thinking that Garnet should power out and deliver what for, despite this! He was better and stronger for sure while Spectre NEEDED to cheat. But unlike the audience, the referee had a job here. Even so, they were reluctant.

“Ring the bell. We can end this right now.”

A sweat-drop formed on the referee’s hairline. Their throat dried. Protocols, protocols. Rules, yes. They needed to enforce. “To your corners.” They said, pointing at Spectre’s boot, “Get off his neck. Goto your corners. Then we can begin.”

When it was clear they weren’t obeying, Spectre chose to REACH forward and seize their shirt collar with both hands. Her strength wasn’t plentiful at all, but it was fast and explosive. The referee stumbled and leaned down to Spectre’s miniscule height, with bunches of their striped shirt now in Spectre’s knuckles. Her eyes grew. Spectre’s automated voice went into a growling ear-tingling pitch with a sense of grain that can only come from an old microphone.

“Ring. The Bell. Or I can rig you to one of my newest machines.”

The referee cowered, didn’t place hands on Spectre, but instead got her feet underneath her to at least avoid falling. “...” A pause. “T-This... is a disgrace.”

Ultimately, they would gesture for the bell. DING-DING-DING.

The referee was thrown to the ground in a manhandling way. They landed on their hip, groaned, but with a heavy chest, they would inspect Garnet for his shoulders to be down... and start a pinfall count.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

Unread post by monkey299 »

Garnet kept on squirming around, hoping to somehow remove the boot from his neck. Sadly it seemed to only make the current dominant wrestler push down harder on his neck, making the young man groan at the pressure.

Luckily the woman wasn’t taller or heavier or else this would be even worse for the smaller guy. But still this left Garnet currently vulnerable. He guessed the only good thing was that as Spectre took her time, Garnet felt better in the areas where the smaller woman had just attacked.

Garnet grunted at hearing his opponent wanting to start the bell but slowed down his squirming at hearing the ref wanting Spectre to remove her foot from his neck. He thought maybe she would actually do it and the two could start the match. However, like all the previous times, his hopes were smashed as his opponent refused the ref and instead grabbed the ref’s shirt and threatened her.

Garnet grew angry at seeing the way Spectre treated the ref. His squirming only intensified as the bell rang and the ref got thrown to the ground after the match had started. He gave her a sympathetic look while she had turned towards her stomach and began the pinfall count.

Before she could get to 1, Garnet used all the strength he could mustered up from his brief time of rest to grab the toes and heel of the boot and pushed! Hoping that could send her off of him, Garnet would attempt to roll for a few feet and get to his hands and knees, hoping he could get back up before Spectre could get to him.

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Re: Malevolent Virus vs Crimson Reaper: Spectre vs Garnet Rose

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When faced with all of Garnet’s strength off the ground, Spectre found her body starting to leave the canvas when she strained it. Like trying to stand on a steadily rising stool she couldn’t break. She was forced back, teetering. She cartwheeled, landed sound on her feet with a bladed stance pointed at Garnet. Still doesn’t make him any good, she thought. Avoiding a two second loss wasn’t even maintenance.

And the referee.
They were brushing themselves off, looking at the canvas between their hands. Their black hair covered the glare they wore, disgusted.

Spectre squinted, then charged right at Garnet. She hoped to catch him on the rise, his hands and knees, and be the exact height for what she wanted to do. And that was to jump forward and fly at him, leaning back and thrusting her knee directly into his face for a shining wizard!
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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