Hajna Horvath - The Huntress of Puszta
"Why not like being hunted? It means you're being wanted..."
Real name: Hajna Horvath
Nickname: The Huntress of Puszta
Age: 27
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Height: 5’8 (173cm)
Weight: 165lbs (75kg)
Nationality: Hungarian
Alignment: Luscious Heel
Entrance Music:
Doesn't recognize AFW canon.
Hajna's personality has changed a lot growing up. As a kid she was more of a shy type, but that all changed as a teenager. Hajna found more confidence in herself, and her body, and realized that everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses. She also started training her body hard, and soon became very strong for her age. That only boosted her confidence even further, and she also noticed having some inner dominant tendencies.
Hajna can be a decent and reasonably friendly person if she wants to, she just rarely wants to. She also possesses excellent skills of recognizing other people's emotions and motivations. Taking advantage of those skills fascinates her, and she usually feels no guilt for doing so. She is a firm believer of that everyone must go through the process of growing their own confidence themselves like she did herself, and if they still haven't done so, well, too bad for them.
In the ring all this means that Hajna feels like a huntress looking for prey. She has true heel tendencies, having the goal of thoroughly dominating her opponents. She usually feels absolutely no pity for her opponents even if they were losing badly, and often desires to humiliate them as badly as possible too. She can also sometimes turn very sexual, and has no hesitations to take advantage of her opponents sexually too. She believes many people have secret desires of getting dominated, and it is only her rightful task to punish them in order to help them fulfill that desire. And if they don’t like it, well, they should have never gotten into the ring in the first place then.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Living up to her nickname, Hajna considers herself to be a huntress in the ring. She is out for prey, and her behavior in the ring fully reflects that. Her goal is to take control right from the start, and demolish her opponent as thoroughly as possible. To achieve that Hajna can count on both her strength and her skills in the ring, and as an (almost) all-rounder isn’t afraid to get creative at times. In the end, she wants to have full control of her opponent (and fun in the ring too!).
Style: Dominating huntress. Hajna's main goal is to prove that her opposition is totally inferior to her, and that she can dominate them (mainly by using her strength and wits) to her heart's content. This also applies to Hentai scenarios, even the more kinky ones.
Preferred Attacks: Anything that is effective with inflicting as much pain as possible, and gaining the most control over the opponent as soon as possible. (Usually various power moves, spiced up with some select other parts of the move set - or something erotic.)
Preferred Matches: If you ask Hajna, she’s ready for anything. However, catering to her tastes are especially standard matches, with some hardcore (mainly no DQ) or hentai elements incorporated. POW or even ownership matches are also right up her alley.
Attitude To Hentai: “They have no clue what they’re begging for. And I’ll be happy to show them…”
Sexual Preferences: Bisexual, no clear preference towards men or women. Very open, shameless and experimental. Cherishes kinky/BDSM stuff (in fact, loves to dominate) (mainly dom, but can definitely submit to worthy adversaries as well).
Physical Statistics
Endurance ★★★ – Hajna has decent stamina, but having rarely been in the receiving end of a beatdown, is susceptible to being intolerant of too much pain.
Strength ★★★★ – Hajna counts a lot on her strength, but she’s still not a fitness babe.
Speed ★★ – Speed is not something that Hajna usually has to count on.
Defence ★★ – Hajna has less experience of having to defend for prolonged periods.
Technique ★★★★ – Hajna’s wrestling skills and knowledge are definitely to be feared by her opponents.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★½ – Not her bread and butter, but she’s an all-rounded (and vicious) enough to have a decent handling of them.
Submissions: ★★★½ – Hajna favors some submissions, but doesn’t really care for some.
Powerhouse: ★★★★½ – These Hajna loves the most. On her opinion, great for destroying weaklings.
Aerials: ★★★ – Hajna usually uses aerials only towards the end of the match, with the main purpose of showing off with them. She's skilled, but not that agile & fast.
Counters: ★★ – She usually tries to figure out a totally new route to proceed, rather than trying to find counters that work.
⦁ Her... Strength (Can easily lift and throw other middleweights and lightweights around)
⦁ Brawn & Brains (she's also smart in the ring, and has quite impressive skills & technique)
⦁ Huntress instincts (easily detects her prey's weaknesses)
⦁ Dominant attitude (does not give mercy or feel shame)
⦁ Lack of plan B (if she gets overpowered, it can be difficult for her to adjust accordingly)
⦁ Fixed target (if someone escapes her clutches and gets to the ropes, she's not the best at dodging (especially aerial) attacks)
⦁ Poor defence (counts on being the one setting the scene)
⦁ Breakdown of dominance (if someone is stronger/more dominant enough than her, she can end up assuming the role of the prey)
Finishing Moves
Punishment from Puszta: A Fireman’s carry slam followed by a leg drop targeted near the throat, and hooking a leg for a pin.
The Archer’s Catch: Can start from various positions by Hajna performing some kind of DDT to drive the opponent to the mat, after which she proceeds to place them in a Bow and Arrow submission hold.
Hajna's childhood was a rather difficult one. She never met her father who passed away before she was born, and her mother got murdered by one of her ex-boyfriends when she was just five. Hajna was left to her uncle to take care of her, who never really came to terms with his sister's death and the fact that Hajna was now on his responsibility. The sight of her often only made him remember the pain of losing his sister, and as a result Hajna had to learn how to spend a lot of time on her own. This also meant that she had only few meaningful relationships as a child.
As a child Hajna had also taken up interest in archery. She became very skilled at it, but by the time Hajna was a teenager, her uncle started feeling more and more afraid that her fate could turn out to be the same as her mother's. He began telling her that she should learn how to defend herself, cope on her own against others, gain some strength and be wary of other people. Hajna obliged.
As a consequence, the Hungarian began sculpting her body to become capable of defending herself against others in terms of strength, and developing her fighting abilities in terms of skills. Wrestling became her chosen sport due to its immense physicality and variety of techniques. By the time she turned 18, she could usually wipe the floor with other contenders of similar age, at least with those of her size as well.
That’s when her darker traits entered the picture. Hajna realized that dominating others, whether it was in the ring or outside of it, provided her immense pleasure. The feeling of being invincible, and making others beg for mercy was something that she thoroughly enjoyed. When she had the control, the world was all hers.
Needless to say, she went on to wreck some havoc in the local underground wrestling leagues. She took up a role as a kind of a huntress, looking actively for prey to destroy each night. She ended up wrestling with mostly females, but got experience on fighting against males too. But Hajna couldn’t fulfill her secret dominant desires to the fullest extent in the standard leagues, so she also began appearing in some fetish night clubs in “matches” too. Those were much less competitive than she would have desired for, but she still got plenty of victims to dominate sexually for her (and the viewers’) pleasure.
But as it often happens, familiar circles tend to become too familiar, and prospects elsewhere tend to become much more attractive - and prospects elsewhere tend to find popular characters elsewhere to be the ones to recruit next. That was exactly the case when Hajna found out about LAW, which was an obvious next step in her career. She was off to dominate Japan.
As a child Hajna had also taken up interest in archery. She became very skilled at it, but by the time Hajna was a teenager, her uncle started feeling more and more afraid that her fate could turn out to be the same as her mother's. He began telling her that she should learn how to defend herself, cope on her own against others, gain some strength and be wary of other people. Hajna obliged.
As a consequence, the Hungarian began sculpting her body to become capable of defending herself against others in terms of strength, and developing her fighting abilities in terms of skills. Wrestling became her chosen sport due to its immense physicality and variety of techniques. By the time she turned 18, she could usually wipe the floor with other contenders of similar age, at least with those of her size as well.
That’s when her darker traits entered the picture. Hajna realized that dominating others, whether it was in the ring or outside of it, provided her immense pleasure. The feeling of being invincible, and making others beg for mercy was something that she thoroughly enjoyed. When she had the control, the world was all hers.
Needless to say, she went on to wreck some havoc in the local underground wrestling leagues. She took up a role as a kind of a huntress, looking actively for prey to destroy each night. She ended up wrestling with mostly females, but got experience on fighting against males too. But Hajna couldn’t fulfill her secret dominant desires to the fullest extent in the standard leagues, so she also began appearing in some fetish night clubs in “matches” too. Those were much less competitive than she would have desired for, but she still got plenty of victims to dominate sexually for her (and the viewers’) pleasure.
But as it often happens, familiar circles tend to become too familiar, and prospects elsewhere tend to become much more attractive - and prospects elsewhere tend to find popular characters elsewhere to be the ones to recruit next. That was exactly the case when Hajna found out about LAW, which was an obvious next step in her career. She was off to dominate Japan.
Appearance & Attire
Standard Wrestling Attire

Lingerie Attire

Incomplete Standard Attire (NSFW)

Some prey has been caught (NSFW)

LAW Record: W: 0 L: 0 D: 0
Match Ideas: Hajna is quite a strong heel, so she can probably (and would be glad to) bring trouble into your (baby)face's world!
Regardless, Hajna is a true Huntress... And that means battling it out also in some other arenas than just the standard LAW ring. Who knows, she might even prey on potential victims in unexpected surroundings!
Also, loves taking advantage of Hentai rookies.
Possible Opponents She's ready to face anyone, but Hajna would love to hunt and torment the weak, inexperienced, of Hentai-wise insecure ones...
Fun Facts
Fun Facts:
- As a 15-year-old, Hajna won a local archery championship - while accidentally injuring three of her competitors during the contest
- Hajna actually considers Goulash and Pasta Carbonara to be a tasty combination
My eternal gratitude goes to anime_hentaifighter for allowing me to use this character design.