Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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2 out of 3 Falls Match
Winning Condition: Win 2 out of 3 Falls. Falls can be won by Pinfall, Submission, KO, Count Out. Disqualification awards a fall to opponent."

Phoebe was slowly settling in LAW. It's been a few weeks since she moved to Japan permanently. Her weeks consisted of mostly solving cases and training in the gym...looking forward to Mondays when she could fight whoever she was put against in the ring against, which so far have been...fairly unsavory characters in LAW. And this trend continued tonight. Emaline "The Emerald Viper" has been infamous for her sadistic ways in the ring. She has also acquired a good number of wins in her matches...

This was definitely a test for Phoebe to see whether she could hang with higher card in LAW, and the Detective was always determined to breakthrough anything put in front of her!

Phoebe's heroic theme played as she drove on her motorcycle down the entrance ramp, finishing off to the right of the ring, leaving her bike parked close to the commentary desk, before hopping onto the ring ramp, then onto the top rope to do a Springboard flip off of it, landing on her feet with a super heroic pose, her arms put aside with herself pointed forward. Her theme quieted down as she took to her corner, taking off her mask and coat and scarf, throwing them off to the side for stagehands to collect, while she stretched, getting ready for her match...

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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While waiting for her turn to make her entrance, Emaline stood in front of her locker's mirror and combed her hair. As always, she wore her garish lime green wrestling outfit. After a minute or two of combing her hair, a LAW staff member finally arrived and summoned her to the ring. She smiled and placed away her comb before she set off for her next match.
Emaline Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
Her theme heralded her arrival, prompting a mix of cheers and mostly boos from the crowds as she stepped out onto the stage. Such an audience reaction did little affect her mood. She simply continued smiling softy and made her way down the ramp with her trademark aristocratic strut. For the most part, she ignored the spectators though she did spare a few a nonchalant mocking glance.

She climbed up the ring apron, grabbed the top ropes, and gracefully backflipped into the ring. From there, she sauntered over to the corner opposite Phoebe without even bothering to make eye contact with her. With an air of disdainful gravitas about her, the Viper flicked her hair and stretched her back on the ropes.
Emaline Stretch Reference
(Based off Saki on the right) Image

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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Emaline arrived to a very cold crowd towards her...occasional fans, but majority were booing and jeering the Emerald Viper as she barely paid attention to the hate against her. Even after entering the ring, Emaline wasn't giving much attention to the woman who was her opponent. Which was fine by Phoebe. She knew all she wanted to know about her rival from both her research and the way she was acting right now. All she needed to do the talking was her actual wrestling skill.


Phoebe exit her corner, approaching the middle of the ring, as she attempted to grapple with Emaline in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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Hearing the bell ring, Emaline stopped stretching and moved to meet her opponent. She slightly tilted her head sidewards when she saw Phoebe posture as she drew closer. "A Collar and Elbow?" The Viper remarked aloud, a soft grin adorning her face. "How trite. Though I suppose I can deign to indulge you." She presented her arms, ostensibly to engage in the tie-up. However, that was just a feint. When the Detective entered within the Viper's striking range, she would jump, spin around, and thrust her leg out all in the same motion for an elegantly brutal rolling sobat.
Rolling Sobat Reference

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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A light confusion creeped on Phoebe’s face. Would she have preferred a Test of Strength? Or just to brawl? Regardless, she seemingly accepted to grapple with her foe, Phoebe remaining lightly cautious…

…only for Emaline to suddenly jump at her and spin in midair, the swift motion bringing her leg close to the Detective’s body!


Phoebe wouldn’t be able to bring her arms up to try and block the kick. She hissed in pain, her chest stinging after the kick as she tried to get back up to her feet before Emaline would capitalize on Phoebe’s disadvantageous position!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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"Hmph." Emaline scoffed disdainfully after her rolling sobat successfully stung Phoebe. The Viper casually yet quickly strutted towards her reeling opponent before she twisted her hips and swung her leg at Phoebe's chest, executing a hard-hitting shoot kick. From there, Emaline reclined her leg backwards only to swing again. Except this time, she spun her entire body and put more force into the kick for a roundhouse kick instead.

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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Right as Phoebe got back up to her feet, Emaline would shoot her leg towards her chest again before the Detective could react, Phoebe barely managing to keep standing as she hissed at the kick...

...with Emaline swiftly going for a follow-up, trying to nail Phoebe with a Roundhouse Kick to her head!

This time, Phoebe would be ready, ducking down under her leg to avoid getting hit before trying to sweep low and take the Emerald Viper's legs from under her!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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Emaline smirked when she saw Phoebe reeling from the shoot kick, expecting the roundhouse kick to send her crumpling back to the ground. However, the Viper felt her leg swing and hit nothing but air. "Wah!" Before she could react to the failed kick, something struck the one leg she stood one, tripping her over and causing her to fall on her ass. "Grg!.." She grunted as she made a less than graceful landing, stunning her a full second. Though she would recover quickly and attempt to roll away back onto her feet.

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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With the sweep briefly taking Emaline off her feet, Phoebe would be determined to do the most she could with the little time she had, determined to bring hurt to her green-clad foe in the early goings of the match. She rushed the ropes to her back as she rebounded, dashing towards her rising rival as she tried to ram her leg into her face for a fast Leg Lariat!

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Re: Phoebe Justice vs Emaline - The Adventure of the Emerald Viper

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Thankfully, Phoebe apparently failed to take advantage of Emaline's disorientated state and allowed her to retreat to safety. Rolling onto her knees, she rose back onto her feet and- "Gah!" Only to get clubbed in the face by her opponent's leg lariat, once again knocking her down onto the canvas. She covered her face and rolled side to side, whimpering from the pain as she did so.

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