A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

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A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Anyone hanging around backstage at LAW would be treated to a strange, rare sight: what seemed to be a walking American flag was barreling through the halls at reckless speed.

That dangerous blur would turn out to be Betsy Lincoln, as she rushed through the halls, not paying too much attention to what was ahead of her and forcing people to leap out of the way if they wanted to avoid hitting her. She would throw back a half-hearted apology with every near miss, but it wasn’t enough to dissuade her into slowing down. Not much could, at the moment.

Her fingers tapped away the screen, sending messages back and forth with Troy, keeping her locked.

TROY: I’m coming, I’m coming
TROY: traffic is crazy

She hissed when she saw that and ground her teeth down hard, fighting the anxiety. This was her debut match in LAW, her big time to shine, and having him at ringside was a must. Not just for protection in case someone tried a run-in, but for support. They’d come to the arena together beforehand to get settled in before the bell rang, and he’d left to pick up snacks, but she was sure he would make it back with plenty of time to spare. But no, damn it, that wasn’t going to be the case.

BETSY: what
BETSY: it wasnt that far
BETSY: just park on the side or something and walk

She knew that was a longshot. Knowing Troy, he’d want to park in the designated area for wrestlers and not run the risk of getting a ticket. Betsy loved the man, dearly, but he had to be so formal about everything, and today was just not the day for it.

Still, she kept looking down, watching as his text bubble did the three dots thing so she knew he was waiting for a reply. Maybe she could get them to delay her match or switch places with whoever was going after her? If she only had ten more minutes…
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

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Tia Harris was walking backstage after her recent win from Fubuki. The Aussie was left disappointed from the last seconds of the match as she really wanted to beat the busty Japanese woman up some more. When she went to the halls she saw what seemed like a blur but really it was an American flag coming her way and a woman running in Mach speed!


Tia fell hard on the ground and groaned in pain holding her back. The woman who bumped into her should also have stopped her momentum as if she ran straight to a brick wall.

The Aussie grit her teeth and looked at the woman with anger in her eyes.

"The bloody haell was thaht!? Wahtch wheah yoah "gaowin ya yighnkee! yah could've gawtten me keelled!"

She slowly stood up to look down at the small American woman crossing her arms refusing to let her up. She wanted to know who she is so she could pummel her.

"The fuck is yoah nuyme!? huh? yah knaow who Oy am!?"
Last edited by Weonna on Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

They talk about the dangers of texting and driving, but texting and walking isn’t all that safe, either. Especially when you’re moving around in the backstage area of a wrestling arena filled with some of the most combustible personalities known to man.

As it turned out, Betsy happened to run into one of those personalities - quite literally. Not that she could tell at first - she could’ve sworn she just ran into some big, burly dude with the way it felt, giving her enough of an oomph that she wound up stopping dead in her tracks and came close to fumbling phone. ”Fuckfuckfuck-” She nabbed it out of the air in the nick of time, breathed a sigh of relief as she turned to face her victim. ”Oh, my bad, I just-”

And then the woman she ran into talked, and it all went downhill from there.

Betsy had heard an Austrailian accent before. She was a big Steven Irwin fan back in the day, and while she’d never been to the country or known anyone from there personally, she thought her Crocodile Hunter experience alone would be enough to decipher the accent if she ever had to.

Now, she learned just how wrong she was. Betsy stood in place after the woman finished talking, blinking, as her brain tried to process what had just come out of her mouth. After five awkward-as-hell seconds, she was able to make a reasonable guess.

”Okay, I think…I think you just asked me my name, right? It's Betsy.” She gave her a thumbs up, then rubbed her chin. ”As for who you are…”

She did look familiar, but Betsy couldn't process it at first. The gears clicked soon enough, however, and she snapped her fingers and lit up. ”Oh, yeah, I do know you!” She bounced up. ”You’re that chick Alaina Sanders beat up! Dude, she hammered you like a rusty nail!”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

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Tia came to learn that the woman who bumped into her was named Betsy which didn't matter to the Aussie who was just gonna beat her up and then never see her face again. However when the short American woman brought up Alaina and her lost against her there was a moment of silence before Tia started fuming in anger. If it were a cartoon some steam would be escaping her ears and her face would be all red! Her fists were clenching up and her teeth started to grit.

"H....H....Haow. ..Fuckin...DAEH YA!" Before things would get ugly a staff member ran up to Betsy and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the angry Aussie who was about to go bezerk.

"There you are we've been looking everywhere for you! Christina had just finished doing there enterance and it's almost time for you to go! Your lucky your opponent was dancing to stall some time...now let's go we have a show to run!"

The staff member would say to Betsy leaving with her and ignoring Tia which made the Aussie even more furious and frustrated.

"Hy! Oy'm nawt dun weeth hah! grrrrr....dahmn ih'!" Tia couldn't let this go as she began to follow the staff member before finding the backstage weapons. She would stop and take a look of all the weapons available and the first thing Tia saw was a kendo stick.

"Wheah ahh the maetul bahts? stayl chaehs? haeck even a slaedge hahmmah!? fuck ih' whuytevah!" The Aussie took the Kendo stick and began to follow where Betsy might be.

Meanwhile Christina was waiting in the ring when had just finished her enterance.
"Hmm...I wonder what's taking her so long? Maybe she is just new and forgot where to go..." Christina was in her corner waiting patiently for her opponent to come inside the ring for there scheduled match. For Betsy it was her debut match and the Filipina Beauty was hoping to make this a good show for everyone in attendance.
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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

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”Yeah, that totally was you!” Betsy bounced on her heels and clapped. ”You were all like in the air and then she spiked you and were all like ‘WAAAAAAAAH’. It was awesome.” She thought for a moment, then shrugged. ”I mean, I bet you didn’t think so, it looked like sucked, but trust me, it was funny as hell.”

Betsy would’ve loved to talk with Tia all day - or, at least, she would be talking while Tia garbled stuff back at her - but she did have a job to do, and one of the stagehands was quick to remind her. Sure enough, she could hear the restless crowd nearby, their grumblings getting louder with each passing second.

”Oh, snap, I’m coming, I’m coming.” She hurried off, waving to Tia as she went. ”Gotta go, sorry. You have fun throwing boomerangs or boxing kangaroos or whatever. Later!”

Betsy was at the entrance curtain a couple of minutes, bouncing from heel to heel as her music began to play. She took in a few quick breaths, amping up and getting her heart into the right pattern. As much as she wished Troy was here, there was no backing out of this now - she was here, she was doing this, she was ready. This was the hand she was working with. Parents watching at home, millions around the world, all eyes on her. She could do this. She was good.

”Showtime, baby.” She tapped her gloves together. ”Let’s go.”

With that little confidence boost, Betsy moved forward and prepared to take her first solo steps into LAW.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

Unread post by Weonna »

"Oh look at that...she did come after all~" Christina smiled hearing her opponent's theme music. The Filipina beauty would slide out the ring to let Betsy have the spotlight all to herself when she would enter the ring to make her grand enterance.

The crowd cheered loudly when they saw the American woman come out of the Gorilla position and onto the stage! The lights started to shine on Betsy and the whole arena's gaze was on her. When she started walking on the ramp that was when Tia ran in from behind out of nowhere! The crowd gasped when the Aussie delivered a hard kendo stick to the back of the American's back!

"Yayh! thaht's whaht yoah biieg mouth desuhves! yah theenk Oy was gaowin t' laeh' yah geh' awhy!? Oy'll shaow yah whaht hahppens t' those who daeh spayk eow' of tuhm! enjoy yoah triiep t' the ER!" Tia started yelling crazy at the downed Betsy!

The crazy Aussie would throw the Kendo stick away as she wanted to really send a message to her. She would grab the American and lift force her up on her feet and proceeded to use her signature move The Dominator and slam her face first into the ramp in front of the audience!
"Hey!!" By the time Christina ran up the Tia had already slammed Betsy with her signature move...the Aussie would look at the Filipina wrestler and taunt her...

"Whaht ahh yah gaowin t' do!? come and geh' some!"

Christina would grit her teeth and try to rush Tia with a flying knee but the Aussie would move out the way and start locking up with Christina, pushing her to the barricade rails, and started throwing hockey punches! Christina would do the same thing before a team of staff members would pry Tia off of Christina.

"Hy laeh' me gao! Oy'm nawt dun weeth thaht beetch!" Tia started yelling as she tried to bulldoze her way back to Christina. Meanwhile the Brunette would flip her off and yell back...

"Hey! Fuck you Tia! Fuck you!" Things were getting chaotic with some fans throwing snacks and watter bottles at Tia! The Aussie would be escorted out the ramp before some fans started to throw chairs meanwhile some of the staff members started to check up on Betsy trying to carry her out of the riot that's going on.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

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Indescribable. Simply indescribable.

Betsy stepped out past the curtain and was greeted by this wave of energy, this massive pulse of power that washed over her like a wave. The crowd was loud, booming, cheering and screaming and flashing her with their cameras. It was like walking out into a sea of stars, and the sensation was nothing short of electric. While this was far from her first time being in front of a wrestling crowd, the scale was something else. For the first time since she came to this country, it really sunk in.

This was it. She’d made it. This was LAW, and this was where she was supposed to be.

”Well, all right, then.” She stood at the top of the ramp with her hands on her his, arched back and let fly with the biggest yell her lungs could manage. ”Hey, Japan! Make some-

And then came a sound. This raw, cacophonous sound that overrode the crowd’s roar in Betsy’s ear. For an instant she stood there, frozen stiff, as her brain tried to process where the wooden crack came from - and then the pain settled in. Then her spine lit on fire. Then she screamed.

Ah!” She fell to her knees with her teeth clenched tight and her eyes screwed shut. ”Ah, God, shit, shit!”

It was hard to make sense of anything in the moment, but somewhere far off, amidst the thunderous boos and her ringing ears, she was certain she heard a familiar Aussie twang railing at her. She wasn’t given much time to process it, however. The next thing that Betsy knew, she was being hoisted into the air with her arms flailing, the world spun about, she saw the metal ramp rushing to meet her face, and then-

”-up! Betsy, look at me! Come on, don’t do this…”

Betsy came back to reality slow, opening her eyes only to be greeted by the harsh light of the medical examiner’s pen light. She shut her eyes again just as fast, opened again, then closed once more, followed by some rapid blinks. At first, she didn’t even know where she was, still trying to register the reality of the situation. But it all came back fast enough, along with dawning realization of how she’d got there in the first place. ”Son of a…”

Betsy hissed and reached up to rub her forehead, only for a strong, familiar hand to grab her wrist and stop her half way. She opened one eye, looked to the side, and sure enough it was Troy. He looked down on her with a weak smile, trying his best to hide the worry, always looking to keep her calm. It wasn’t going to work today, but she admired the effort. ”Oh, hey.” She stuck her tongue out and managed a weak laugh. ”You’re late.”

Despite the situation, he couldn't resist a quick chuckle, with a long sigh coming along right after. ”Yeah. My bad.”

She gave him a warm smile for a few more seconds, before she started looking around to get a better grasp of the situation. She was back in the gorilla position, with the medical staff forming a circle around her. It seemed like they were focusing on her forehead, and she couldn't even guess how bad it was - the smell of blood was in the air, not a good sign, and she was fairly sure someone had wrapped her up, which was why Troy had stopped her from rubbing her head. The pieces were coming together, but she was still unsure on where her attacker was, or what happened after she went down. It seemed like the crowd was still pissed off about it, chanting ‘Bullshit’ in unison, so she couldn't have been out that long.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

Unread post by Weonna »

Tia had to be escorted out the building, much to the Aussie's displeasure, as she wanted to continue and go after Christina who just flipped her off. The security team had to restore order and with there combined numbers simply held Tia who was struggling hard to get free from there grasps but to no avail.

After that Christina wanted to check up on her what would have been opponent and came to the scene where the medical staff was surrounding Betsy.

"Hey excuse me...excuse me sorry..." Christina tried to squeeze herself in between and got on her knees as she was right beside Betsy and Troy.

"Hey are you ok girl? I'm sorry what happened to you..." Though it was not her fault that the crazy Aussie decided to assault Betsy, Christina felt bad that she couldn't have gotten to Tia fast enough to stop her from doing her signature Dominator Slam.
Last edited by Weonna on Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

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Betsy was just about to keep talking with Troy, when they both heard a voice worming its way towards them. Her husband tensed up, concerned at first, not knowing what to expect and still on high alert, but he eased up when he saw exactly who was coming over their way.

”Oh, uh, Ms. Perez.” Troy stood up and gave enough room for her to squeeze in, without getting in the doctor’s way too much. He was an elderly man, far older than Betsy would’ve expected to be working in a place like this, and all of this interference was starting to grate on him, but he didn’t seem to care enough to speak up about it. Yet. Troy was too busy addressing the new woman to notice, anyway.

”Thank you for coming to Betsy’s aid. Seriously.” He had a long, drawn out sigh. ”I should’ve been here, but…”

”Hey, hey!” Betsy lifted her head up, ignoring the doctor’s protests, and turned to Christina. ”Hey, nothing to apologize about. Just got rocked for a bit, nothing I can’t handle. Just let me walk it off, and we can still have our match, and-”

Betsy had started to sit up, only for her spine to give her a shining example of why that was a bad idea. That kendo stick was still working its magic on her bones, and she had a hot blast of pain all the way down when she tried to raise up, making her shriek and flop back down. Troy dropped back to his knees and helped ease up, as the staff brought the stretcher in from the side.

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Re: A Failure To Communicate: Betsy Lincoln vs. Christina Perez

Unread post by Weonna »

"Oh shit!" Christina panicked when Betsy tried to sit up only for her to shriek in pain and lay back down. The medical staff came in with a stretcher and placed Betsy on top if it. As they start to lift the stretcher up to escort her to the ambulance Christina would walk beside them.

"Betsy...we can have our match some other time...I promise you that...I hope you a speedy recovery..." She gave the departing American a smile watching the medical team and Troy get in the ambulance. With a sigh Christina began to walk back to the locker room.

'No doubt that this match is a no-contest...damn Tia...I fucking hate that bitch...I'll get my revenge soon...' Christina thought to herself.

As soon as Christina went to the locker room and began to open the door there were a bunch of security guards running around. Some of them zoomed past her which began to confuse her.

"Why the hell they running for?" She scratched her head and shrug going inside the locker room to retrieve her stuff and call it a night. When she opened her locker she started to take her duffel bag to change to her street clothes. She got a text from her phone from Emma about the whole Incident as her candian friend watched the whole thing on TV. While Christina was starting to text back to her the door in the locker room began to close silently. Someone mysterious got inside and locked the door. When this person got close to Christina from behind they began to whisper in her ear.

"G'day mite~" Christina's body began to freeze...she knew that Australian accent anywhere...now she remembered why the security guards were running...Tia somehow managed to escape!

"N...N...Noo..." The Filipina was ambushed and even if she wanted to fight back the Aussie quickly grabbed her head and slammed it hard to the steel locker causing Christina to scream in pain as she was in the floor covering her aching face. But Tia wasn't done as she grabbed her throat with both hands lifting the Brunette up in the air, choking her, before slamming the back of her head in the steel lockers three times and letting go!

"Uggghhnnn...No...No please stop..." Christina was in a seated position coughing, groaning, and holding the back of her head in pain begging for Tia to stop.

"Oh? whaht's wrawng Chreestina? wheah the fuck is ooll thaht tuff guhl shiieh' naow huh!? look at yah...all wayk and haelpless~ pahthaetic...people loike yah desuhve t' be knawcked eow'..." Tia would stare down coldly at the disoriented Filipina as she grabbed her by the throat and slammed her to the locker room on her back some more before throwing her hard to the ground.

"Uggnn..." Christina was weakened by Tia's brutal assault and started to crawl away.

"Oh nao! Yoah nawt gaowin anywheah~" Tia laughed and stomped on Christina's back repeatedly before grabbing her head and placing it on her thighs lifting Christina up in a powerbomb position.

"Ahhh! No! No! No! No! NOOOO!!!




Tia used her T.H. Powerbomb Finisher slamming Christina hard to the locker room floor knocking her out unconscious. There was no twitching, no movement, no screaming...it was all utter silence. Tia would rise to her feet looking at Christina's spread eagle unconscious form as she spat on her face.

"fuckin beetch..." was all the Aussie had to say as she left the room leaving Christina all by herself.

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