Cecilia Lombard

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Cecilia Lombard

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"Really, DON’T waste my time."
Name: Cecilia Lombard
Age: 22
Hair: Black (with silver highlights)
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6 / 168 cm
Weight: 135 lbs. / 61 kg
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Alignment: Heel

Entrance Music:
Ronnie James Dio - Holy Diver
Twitter: @RealCLombard


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Swimwear…”wait, what?”
”Fanservice? What fans-oh, for fuck’s sake…”
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Old Art

History: Cecilia was born to a homeless mother in Detroit, and became an orphan at a young age, raised in a city orphanage. Without any family to call her own, she grew cold to the world and was never one to become close to others. What she learned, however, was a deep resentment of poverty and the life she was forced into, never even having a chance to live comfortably, and all because of factors beyond her control. During this time, she started going to a gym nearby, at first as an outlet to vent her own anger, but soon she found that she could use her newfound strength not only for herself, but to keep down any other bitches who dared stand in her way. She took on a career in professional wrestling, and while the crowds hated her cold-hearted nature and her ruthless treatment of the faces, it paid the bills - and soon, Cecilia realized she would never need to be poor ever again. She vowed that she would never be the weak, helpless person she used to be, and everything from thereon out was her climb to the top, where she rightfully belonged.

It was that attitude that led Cecilia to continue on her path, making a name for herself in the indies, and eventually going to Japan to start a career in LAW. There, she hoped to take her efforts to a whole new level, establishing herself as a fearsome presence on the roster that all would-be contenders would have to watch out for.

Unfortunately for Cecilia, her success with that was...mixed. Her first match in LAW pitted her against Ducky Williams, a fellow submission specialist. Cecilia underestimated what her opponent was capable of, and Ducky was able to get an edge on her. While Cecilia tried her best, and the match ended up being a close one, Ducky still won in the end, costing Cecilia her chance to make a strong first impression.

Undeterred, Cecilia kept at it. She had a few more matches under her belt, winning some, but ultimately she wasn’t having the same success she had hoped for. After a losing streak landed a blow to her dignity, Cecilia was faced with a difficult situation. She had come to LAW to win, to crush the competition like she always had before, and it wasn’t working.

That was, until she saw her out. She entered the 2019 Last Woman Standing tournament, confident that she could stand against any opposition LAW could throw at her and emerge victorious, and she felt she had the toughness, the stamina, and the ruthless instinct to succeed in a contest where the goal was to leave one’s opponent unconscious. Sure enough, she was quick to establish herself as a fearsome contender, and she advanced all the way to the finals, where she would face off against a familiar opponent - Ducky Williams.

For Cecilia, this was more than the final round of a tournament; this was personal! At last, Cecilia had the chance to show how far she had come since her first match, and to prove to Ducky that she would emerge superior once and for all. This was one match Cecilia needed to win.

But, alas, she didn’t. She ended up losing the tournament in the final round, in the most humiliating way she could imagine: choked out under a facesit from her hated rival.

After that, Cecilia laid low for a while. She needed to recover the blow to her pride, and she needed to train. She needed to get better. She decided it was time to get serious, and that the time for playing games was over. Now, Cecilia only set her sights on destroying any competition in her way.

Now, she’s ready to return to LAW, and to prove to all the doubters just how dangerous she really is.

Following her match at Do or Die against Jonathan Steele - otherwise known as the Anomaly - Cecilia was consumed by hopelessness and helplessness and became a supporting member of the Selection. There, she seems to carry on under the whims of the faction, trusting in its leadership to guide her.

Personality: Cecilia is, to put it bluntly, a cold-hearted bitch. A cruel and deceitful person who sees everyone else as beneath her, she thinks highly of herself as the greatest wrestler in the promotion, nay, the world. And she wants everyone else to know this, whether or not she needs to get it through their skulls by force or not. Caring only for herself, Cecilia only makes allies of convenience, and she'll discard them as soon as they stop being useful to her; as far as she's concerned, everyone else is only a stepping stone for her further advancement. Because of this, she gives little thought to the regulations of wrestling or the people in charge of making and enforcing them, so she sees fit to discard them as need be, using any technique at her disposal to get to the true goal - winning.

Cecilia’s motivations are perhaps defined by her arrogance. She thinks very highly of herself, and never wants anyone else - her opponents, or even any unlikely allies she might entertain - to look better at any cost. Starting to lose control of a match pisses her off, and while it drives her to try harder to punish her opponent, it might also get her to lose her cool. Because of her vanity, she doesn't take kindly to humiliation, be it from an actual humiliation match or simply from being defeated by a far inferior opponent, especially if it's won easily. She reserves an especially painful fate for them.

Despite her conceited nature, Cecilia isn't one to play up the pageantry of wrestling, being quite cold, quiet, and distant to others. Success, for her, seems to be more of a personal goal - though if people are afraid of her, that's all the better. She’s become especially withdrawn since her loss at the tournament, which told her she needed to get serious, but she still enjoys taunting her opponents and getting in their heads if it’s what she needs to do to gain an edge.

When under the Selection's control, Cecilia behaves in a strangely placid demeanor. She rarely raises her voice, even in the midst of a tight spot, and always seems gripped by an unshakable sense of calm. She also holds herself in a position of authority and knowledge over others, acting as though she knows what's best for them and treating them as a mother would treat her children, even if they're older than she is. She's no less merciless and willing to take any means necessary to win, all the same.

  • Cecilia never knew her father, and she doesn’t particularly care to know. She’s been offered a DNA test, but refused it under the belief that she should be making a new name for herself rather than worrying about the past, especially when her father walked out of the picture before she was born.
  • She is, however, of mixed Italian and Iraqi heritage.
  • Cecilia is double-jointed, and she makes use of this when trying to unnerve her opponents. It also helps her get out of holds.
  • Because of her lonely upbringing and her reputation scaring people off, Cecilia isn’t accustomed to being complimented, and she doesn’t know how to receive it.

Fighting Style: If there's anything that Cecilia excels at, it's fighting dirty. A firm believer that as long as you win it doesn't matter how you get there, she's got no qualms about any underhanded tactics, like distractions, foreign objects, eye gouging - if you can think of a way to cheat in a wrestling match, it's likely that she's done it. She'll skirt around the rules as long as it helps her to gain control of a match and make sure she holds onto it - and once she has the momentum, she'll do anything to keep her from having to give it back.

But when she has an opponent at her mercy, she'll go all out on dishing out pain and crippling moves to disable limbs, which is where her true sadistic streak comes out. She'll be especially cruel to any opponents who managed to get on her nerves, which comes out to most of them in the end.

Finally, Cecilia has a special soft spot for using mind games against her foes. She'll try to get them off their game and make them feel unnerved so they can't focus fully on putting up the best defense, acting bizarre and unnerving around them, such as using her natural flexibility to perform seemingly impossible contortions, or even stalking them outside of the ring so they never know what to expect from her. As of late, Cecilia has been focusing more on sheer power and brutality, skipping the games and going right to getting results. However, she still does enjoy the smug satisfaction of knowing her opponents are afraid of her, and if she’s sure she can get away with it, she’ll still mess with them.

Favored Match Types: Cecilia is keen on anything she can use to prove herself and crush any upstarts that might be in her way. She’s a natural for submission and hardcore matches, which both play to different areas of her expertise. Cecilia is less interested in the lewder aspects of LAW, seeing such things as beneath her when she wants to be taken seriously, but that doesn’t preclude her getting roped into them - which, of course, she’s not one to enjoy.

Finishing Moves:
Paradise Lock
Often accompanied by her stomping on the back of her bent-over opponent.

High-Angle Figure Four Leglock
Public Execution
A move designed to both inflict pain on her opponents as well as showcase their suffering to the crowd. It is a modified Caballete hold (see below), but with her opponent facing outward (with their back to Cecilia) and their legs over her shoulders. If Cecilia is particularly angry, she'll also step on her opponent's hair while doing this to cause further pain.


Relationships with Other Characters:
  • Skylar Jones is someone Cecilia considers an ally of convenience. Since they first met, Cecilia has found her attitude obnoxious and annoying, but she's willing to put up with it, as she considers someone as violent yet as easily manipulated as Skylar to be a useful asset to have on her side - or perhaps more accuately, not on the side opposite her own. The two of them form the Street Dogs, but Cecilia will maintain to the end that they are most certainly not friends. For as much as she insists otherwise, though, she can't ignore the fact that Skylar is the closest thing to a friend she's ever had.
  • Ducky Williams is, perhaps understandably, someone Cecilia has a special place in hell for. Enraged that she’s managed to upstage her so many times in the past, Cecilia feels she won’t be able to recover her good name until she’s been crushed beneath her boots, and she hopes to make her defeat an especially crushing one. Right now she's focusing on herself, but she still has Ducky in her crosshairs.
Last edited by CaptainL on Tue Dec 17, 2024 2:59 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Cecilia Lombard

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