Chance Encounter

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Chance Encounter

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Location: a local cafe

LAW has come a very long way since the company's inception. Today, being a cornerstone in the world's premiere pro wrestling league meant and working whatever shows and tours LAW Management demanded. Now that the organization was working internationally, the top stars regularly compete in arenas and train in facilities all over the world! During one such tour, during a rest day between shows/matches, one Katherine Hart found herself getting some much-needed downtime during one of the free days she had before her flight out to the next big city for the next big match.

It was late morning in the winter season. The blonde found herself getting coffee at a cafe. The shop was small and local enough that there wasn't tabled seating. Just a long counter with a few barstool-height seats. The air was cold enough that you could see your breath. Cold enough to see the steam and the vapors rising from the hot drinks. She sat at the counter with her drink in hand. Kat didn't often indulge in morning coffee, but when she did, she took a few more sugars and a little more cream than any of the LAW trainers would like her to.
Kat Hart (in streetwear)
Clad in a purple wool sweater, denim jeans, and of course, her signature mask, Hart would stir her drink and take a whiff before taking a few light sips. It was a nice, quiet day at the cafe. And while she relaxed and hummed a tune to herself, Kat's gaze wandered. Each customer coming in and out caught her attention. There wasn't much else to take note of. The employees were just doing their jobs. No one stuck around to strike up conversation. She aimed to enjoy this solace while she could. Being somewhat of a household name and a largely recognizable top LAW star, Kat didn't often get quiet moments to herself while she was donning her mask. Invariably during her outings, fans would interact, attention would be called to her, and a crowd would form. Hart loved the fans, of course. But she'd be lying if she said the experience wasn't suffocating at times. It was part of the reason that Kat hung out unmasked when she wanted to be alone.

But today, good fortune smiled upon The Super Kitty. There were very few passersby at a small shop like this. She was concerned about the possibility of drawing attention to herself, but in an interesting twist of fate, the inverse happened. A tall woman, taller than Katherine herself, strode her way into the cafe. Her long, blue hair flowed in the breeze.

"I know you..." Hart whispered to herself as she glanced in the lady's direction. There were quite a few bluenettes on the LAW roster but very, very few with her build, or her brand of good looks!

Kat resisted the urge to comment on how pretty the woman was. Instead, she waited for the model-esque woman to make her order. While it was being prepared, Kat would hope to make eye contact with her, and if she did, she'd wave.

"Heyyyy~! You're...Vera, right? Vera Sapphire?" Hart would smile warmly in the hopes that she was right about this woman's identity and could find a friend in her.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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Re: Chance Encounter

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Vera walked with confidence during a cool December day, wearing a stylish white sweater and blue jeans. Practically anything she wore looked great on the big woman, as she strode down the streets of Japan, making more than a few men and women look her way.

Deciding to grab some coffee, she entered a small cafe with a smile on her face. Once again, plenty of people turn her way, while she stood in the que, waiting for her turn to order. Vera didn't mind the staring. She loved the attention, be it from her celebrity status, or just from her good looks. Someone in the cafe definitely recognized her!

And once she ordered the coffee...she realized that she was recognized by someone very famous as well!

"Oh my goodness! Ms. Katherine Hart? The Super Kitty?"

Vera did her research getting into wrestling, and several women caught her eye, especially the famous "Hoss ladies" of the ring such as Alaina Sanders...or indeed, Kat Hart.

She got her coffee from the barista and sat next to the Tag Team Champion.

"Hi! How are you doing?", she would warmly ask, interested in making friends with the Super Kitty!

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Re: Chance Encounter

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"It's me! In the flesh!" Kat flashed a warm, toothy smile to Vera and waved. The two women had known of each other. But meeting in person for the first time and actually getting a chance to get familiar was certainly exciting!

The luchadora welcomed Vera to sit next to her. She held her coffee in her own hand and smiled at the bundled-up bluenette.

"I'm good! Just chilling during a day off. No training, no big shows for me today....just a nice break!" Hart would say before taking a sip of her warm drink.

"I have to say that it's awesome bumping into you like this. Some of the best things happen by sheer coincidence. I'm flattered! You are able to recognize me so quickly! You won't believe how often I get mistaken for a fan, haha."

"I want you to know the pleasure is all mine! I've seen a couple of your matches. The charity match against Thereisa. Your Apex Qualifier with Selket. You're making waves at LAW! So I've had my eye on you for a minute." Kat smiled and shot a knowing glance at Vera, a look that communicated that she was both impressed and intrigued.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Chance Encounter

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Vera has actually encountered plenty a Super Kitty cosplayer or fans trying to pass as the real deal…but between her body and her voice, she could tell that this was the legendary heavyweight wrestler in the flesh in front of her!

”All the best things in life are because of coincidences, Ms. Hart.”, the Russian blunette would say with a smile.

Vera put her hand on her chest as Super Kitty described seeing her accomplishments so far, though growing a light shade of red in the face at the mention of Selket:

”Ooooh, I am touched you’ve been keeping an eye on me! Though the match with Selket wasn’t quite a success for me, sadly…”, Vera would say, before perking up a bit:

”But look at you, ms. Tag Team champion! And Matches with Alaina Sanders and planning to go for Heavyweight title…so having such a pristine eye such as yourself on me feels like quite an accomplishment!”, the Russian would say, sipping a bit on her coffee,

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Re: Chance Encounter

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Kat was happy to be chatting up Vera like this. The coffee was certainly a welcome pick-me-up, but nothing perked up The Super Kitty like meeting and getting along with a wrestler of Vera's caliber.

"Haha, you flatter me, Miss Sapphire!" Kat politely waved off the compliments.

"I'm just doing my best out there. I want LAW to stand out as the top promotion in the world with the best wrestlers in the world. I want to bring this sport and bring LAW to anyone and everyone. From laymen to full-on fans, from second and third-generation wrestlers to aspiring wrestlers that started out like me, with absolutely no connections to the business. I want to be a paragon of pro wrestling." Kat stopped to take a quick sip of her own drink before resuming.

"And that means wrestling everyone from heavy hitters like Alaina Sanders to budding superstars like you, Miss Vera..." The buxom, masked blonde would wink at Vera, not so subtly implying that she'd like to throw down with her!

"I haven't don't all my homework but what I do know is that before your indie days, you used to be a force in the apartment wrestling and oil wrestling scenes, right?" Hart eyed The curvy brunette curiously, yet she was confident in her assertion.

"I don't suppose you'd mind showing me a thing or two, some time would you?" Kat would smile. She was eager to amass experience in different types of wrestling beyond her wealth of experience in the pro ring!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Chance Encounter

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Vera pleasantly smiled as Kat explained her wishes for LAW. It was nice to have a high level star that cared about growing the brand and cultivating all kinds of talents. When Kat mentioned her, Vera smiled at the Super Kitty:

"Huhu...I am sure this can be arranged at some point..."

Interestingly, Kat raised another interesting point, talking about Vera being active in apartment and oil wrestling circuits in Japan:

"Was?!", Vera would say, mildly surprised and mildly amused:

"Ooooo, Super Kitty. You shouldn't speak like that to me...otherwise I would indeed show you a thing or two in a proper match at my house...", Vera would say, in a faux-angry, giggling tone, smiling to make sure Kat understood that this wasn't a threat...but a challenge!

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Re: Chance Encounter

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Kat found Vera's faux-angry expression cute. She giggled as the beautiful bluenette got in her face. Kat knew the "was" would catch Vera's attention and that her new friend here was quite the accomplished woman in both those schools of wrestling.

"Oh no, whatever shall I do~" Kat brought her hand to her forehead and feigned fear and surprise with a very obvious tone.

"Haha...all jokes aside, I'd LOVE to take you up on that offer, Vera my dear." The blonde smiled sincerely. She leaned in close.

"I promise I'll be a good house guest. If we keep this little coffee date of ours going, maybe I'll take you out for dinner if you beat me in an apartment match at your place." Hart would stick her tongue out at Vera, continuing to tease and play around. The two seemed to really be hitting it off! But that certainly wouldn't stop them from giving it their all in competition together!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Chance Encounter

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"Ooooooh!", Vera said, excitedly, as she smiled to the proposal. The moment she saw Super Kitty, she already hoped to score match and/or date with her...and Kat was fully willing to do both these things right now!

"Then you are cordially invited to my humble abode, Ms. Hart!", Vera said, finishing her coffee, and setting her cup on the plate:

"Shall we go?", she would say with a smile.

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Re: Chance Encounter

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"Now there's an invite I wouldn't miss out on for the world!" Kat smiled at Vera. She was eager enough to rise up out of her seat then and there!

"Lead the way, hun!" Kat gestured with her cup hand towards the exit. She doubled checked the seats for their belongings to make sure nothing was accidentally left behind.

"Make sure you've all your stuff with you. I'll phone LAW HQ on the way and we'll have them send a ref over to your place in a few hours, yeah?"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Chance Encounter

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"Sounds probably heard that one enough times.", Vera giggled as she quickly checked the table for her things, and following Kat, looking forward for a fun tussle at her house!

To be continued: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=14332&p=291033#p291033
Last edited by Vc0m on Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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