Melody and Domino - An Encounter in the Gym

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Re: Melody and Domino - An Encounter in the Gym

Unread post by Vc0m »

"I wanted to go buy grocieries and then rest up for tomorrow...but I really need a cup of coffee after the spar. You wouldn't mind if I go with you? My treat, since I lost", Melody would ask.

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Re: Melody and Domino - An Encounter in the Gym

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Obsidian eyebrows lift in surprise at the offer. He didn't see that coming. But he assents with a nod and smile. "Sure. Sounds good." He hasn't exactly made many friends in Japan, so this could be a nice change of pace - even if it started with them beating on each other.

"But you don't have to get me anything," he smiles. "I mean, you've been through enough." He winks an eye at her teasingly before pocketing his phone. "Good to go when you are. Just don't lemme keep you out too late."
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Re: Melody and Domino - An Encounter in the Gym

Unread post by Vc0m »

"I have the whole day free, so don't worry about it. Let's go get changed, and then we'll meet at the gym's entrance", Melody said with a smile.

With that, Melody went to the lockers to quickly get a shower, and change to her shirt and trousers, before going towards the entrance to wait for Drake...

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Re: Melody and Domino - An Encounter in the Gym

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

"Sounds like a plan." Drake wasn't sure if she wanted to wait long enough for a proper shower; he wouldn't have cared either way. Athletics can, after a while, de-sensitize one to certain otherwise unappealing aspects (read: stank). He'd have gotten to it when he got back to his residence at the latest!

They break, Drake gets a shower, and emerges again dressed like a normal functioning member of society. She seems to've finished before him, so he greets her with a wave of the hand. "Hey. Let's get going!" He moves ahead to get the door for her.

And off they go, to have a nice evening after spending a solid amount of time beating on each other. Wrestler culture, yo.
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