Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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Simona and Marie continued going to town on Origa in the corner, Simona in particular using her bubbly butt to sexually crush the giant, giving her the lapdance of a century till she reached orgasm, and even continuing for a moment after until the other blonde stepped back, and realised.

" Oh Simona, all that squealing was her caving in. " Marie informed.

" Oh, so that's why she was bucking against my ass. " Simona responded, stepping forward and looking back to survey the damage, wanting to see how exhausted Origa was.

Marie walked forward, taking the initiative as she used her leg to try to move one of Origa's legs to the side, Simona joining and doing the same as they tried to cause those tree trunks to lose their balance, and for the pleasured giant to sink into a seated position.

" Wonderful idea Marie, she won't be able to do a thing right now. " Simona said, as she turned her butt towards Origa' that grinding session had resulted in her trunks being wedged so far up her ass that she may as well just be wearing a damp sweaty thong.

" Thank you! I was really hoping we'd get the chance to do this. " Marie admitted, turning her back to Origa too, her skirt covering her butt cheeks, though the underside of each cheek was visuals under the skirt, and it looked like she was wearing an actual thing from how little of her body was covered. Simona would be significantly sweatier than Marie, but this late into the match even Marie's butt would be dripping somewhat with sweat.

Origa would have the wonderful view of both those booties side, as they closed in on her face, both blondes squeezing tight together to fit in the corner as they sat down, smothering the giant's listless face under both their bubbly butts at the one time! The rosette sisters were going for a double stinkface.

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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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The double team of Marie’s groping and Simona’s lap dance had driven the caramel amazon to her limits and eventually past them. Origa’s mind entered a hazy fog as her climax tore through her, Simona not seeming to notice it as she continued to grind her ass against the giants quaking sex and extending the orgasm. It was only when Marie noticed did they both back away to survey their handiwork.

The once powerful amazon was a total mess as she leaned against the corner as if it was the only thing keeping her upright and for all intents and purposes, it probably was. Her shorts were soaked with her own juices and her legs trembled in a way that showed she was barely able to keep herself upright. So when the sisters came and pulled her legs out from beneath her, the amazon quickly slid down the turnbuckle until she was sitting on the canvas.

Her torment wasn’t done however. The sisters saw the position that Origa was in and they were more than happy to retake her face as their shared seat. The amazon could only watch in despair as the two turned around and backed up against her face before sealing her in a double stinkface. The amazons hands immediately tried to push them away but with her drained state as it is, it was more like a kitten pawing at their legs than a giant amazon.
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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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Simona and Marie closed in, their butts squishing together as they smashed their bubble butts into Origa's face. Marie shook her hips quickly, as did Simona, the duo smacking the groggy beaten giant over and over again with 4 butt cheeks, Origa would hardly see even a glimpse of light, apart from the rare occurrence when their butts moved enough to leave her nose momentarily spared, before it would then go back to being competed for by their butts.

The crowd of course went wild, cheering and filming it from all angles, much like the rest of the match.
" This is so fun! " Marie said, causing Simona to laugh a little.

" Well let's not rush too much. Nobody could get two asses out of their face, especially not this slut. " Simona said, enjoying the feeling of her sweaty butt slapping into Marie's own butt in the double smother, sweat from both booties dripping and flying into Origa's face, as this portion of their stinkface was like the duo doing a tango dance on her face, with maximum shake and hip movements, making sure to maintain the speed.

" Don't be so mean to her Simona, I'd love something like this too. " Marie responded, enjoying the presence of their submissive large pet, not feeling the same urge to mock or degrade her as Simona was.

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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

Unread post by Ringropes98 »

Things only went from bad to worse for the caramel amazon. Seated against the corner after the sisters sensual onslaught, Origa hoped to get some form of recovery in. The sisters however thought differently as they then proceeded to combine their two asses together to completely smother the amazons face between their cheeks, and in the state she was now Origa could do little to stop it.

She tried to at least by pressing her hands against their rears and hips and tried to push them away but with her strength sapped as it was, all it looked like was a kitten pawing at their thighs rather than the massive lion she was at the start of the match. The smother was constant and Origa quickly found herself running out of air as her strength drained further and further away. If this kept up then the sisters might make the giant pass out.
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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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Between them the Rossette sisters collaborated to give Origa one hell of a potent double stinkface, rubbing aggressively and dominantly, the giant likely getting sweaty flesh in her mouth as they pummeled her face with their asses.

" Oh wow... she's actually going to pass out... what a wet dream. " Marie said, almost jealous of Origa's position, but she was also blushing and enjoying her position, crushing the giant under her ass, not letting her get a single breath of air or speak.

" Hah! Imagine losing to this, such a useless freak! " Simona laughed, as she pushed her butt further against Marie's pushing her out of the way momentarily to get Origa's nose in her sweaty crack.

Marie would try to counter by pushing back harden resulting in Origa's nose being crushed by and dragged across Simona's bubbly butt cheek, before that nose was slotted between her ass.

This process would continue indefinitely, as the Rosette sisters noticed how weak Origa currently was and tried their best to give her the most humiliating smother loss possible, holding nothing back as they enthusiastically battled to cover more territory of that face with their asses.

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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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While the sisters seemingly fought over who got complete control over the amazons face with their ass, the amazon herself was another story entirely. With her body drained from all the earlier lewd attacks, Origa barely had any strength to resist against the sisters smother. And such resistance barely accounted for nothing more than pawing and weakly pushing at their hips and thighs.

Origa could see dark spots in her vision and slowly those spots grew to over take them. Until finally with a final moan, the caramel giant lost touch with reality and fell unconscious. Her arms slipping down the sisters legs and thumping limply against the canvas. The giant had been completely smothered by the sisters asses and had succumbed.
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Re: Origa Xenia vs The Rossette sisters - tornado tag

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The rosette sisters hardly noticed that Origa had passed out in the stinkface, crushing her between their butts until the ref finally noticed and pulled them off. With a giggle Marie observed the sleeping giant after walking out the corner.

" Awww how cute, c'mon lets pin her and take her home. " Marie said, as she started trying to drag Origa out the corner by the foot, but could hardly drag her weight even an inch without help.

" As nice as that would be, we can't carry her. Let's just take the win. " Simona said before joining Marie in dragging Origa out of the corner, dragging her to the middle of the ring then letting go of her.

" aw but that's... " Marie whined, before realizing that they did in fact have no way of taking their large toy home.
" Fine...but it's unfortunate. " Marie conceded, before laying down sideways over Origa's chest, stomach spread along her large bust.

Meanwhile Simona sat between her large hips, blushing slightly as she wiggled against those enormous hips, even Simona felt a little sad to end their encounter. The sisters would certainly be looking out for Origa backstage for more fun. The ref noticed the double pin, and moved in to count, slowly.

" One...Two...Three! " the ref called, before the bell rang to signal the end of the match. The Rosette sisters then stayed there on top of Origa to let the fans take photos, before finally heading out the ring and up the ramp to go to the showers then home, both the sisters feeling tired.

Winner by pinfall: The Rosette Sisters!

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