Bites and Scratches ! The Wolf vs the Wildcat !

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Re: Bites and Scratches ! The Wolf vs the Wildcat !

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louise had only one goal at this moment, to completely dominate her opponent by pressing her with all her strength with her arms against her body and to be able to take revenge for the torture she suffered a few minutes before. She was well on her way to doing so, her strength and body were clearly superior to Finella's but the lightweight knew about bearhug and knew that she could do something as long as both her arms were free.

As Louise lifted her opponent to make her embrace more suffocating and painful, the Australian puffed out her chest and forced the Frenchwoman's head to lean forward, trapping her in an unexpected breast smother. Finella's breasts were smaller than Louise's but big enough to suffocate the Frenchwoman who had no choice but to squeeze Finella harder and harder before she lost her strength.


Louise's sighs and groans between her opponent's breasts were becoming less and less powerful. Not breathing for ten seconds during such a physical effort and especially in an environment as humid as a shower was tiring. Quickly, the French woman found herself tired and lost her strength, slowly but surely releasing her grip by first starting to put Finella back on the ground.
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Re: Bites and Scratches ! The Wolf vs the Wildcat !

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella grittdd her teeth. She always thought of herself as Queen of the Badasses, as unstopable mayhem that aeept over her opponents, crusher off...well...of what? Other lightweights, some lighter middleweights and...jobbers. The Hellraiser now faced a middleweight that was closer to being a heavy then she was light and the Hellraiser started to feel it as her ribcage and midsection was crushed in a grip she only had felt at her time in the underground matches which she was painfully reminded of yet!
"Gah...argh...ugh...", she grunted as she squirmed helplessy in Lous brutal clutches, feeling the air leaving her body quickly while noticing her ribcage aching under the pressure. Finella felt weaker and weaker and she had to do something quick or this would be one of her most humiliating losses!

She gathered some strength, shoved her tits into Lous face and squeezed her head into them, smothering the Wildcat out cold in the process! Finella shivered as it was no easy feat, her strength drowning from her just as quickly as Lous! But thankfully the Wildcat, still weakened by the fight before, gave in, dropping Finella to her feet. The Wolf still held Lous head in place ad she leant against the wall, taking greedy huffs of air into her lungs. Her raven hair stuck to her head, her face was red and her body full of fresh scratches. She needed a moment but soon the hate against this bitch took over and the Hellraiser lifted her knee to send it into Lous pussy!
"You...really...fucking...make me...angry!", she hissed and accentuated every word with a harsh knee to the frenchgirls womanhood.
When she was assured that all life had left Louise she shoved her against the showerwall and down to the floor.

Finella herself slid down to the ground, trying to get some more air into her and resume the fight. When she saw Lou there she knew that she had the perfect situation to finally show that tramp off!
She grinned and grabbed for the hair of Louise, lifting her into a kneeling position. "Come here you little slut!" she snarled and locked lips with the barely concious woman, shoving her tongue into her mouth and getting herself a dominant position in frenching the frenchgirl! Then when she let go, a trail of saliva between their lips, she shoved her around and against the glaswall of the italian shower!
Finella bumped into her from behind and Lous large tits deflated against the glass, getting bigger in the motion and then to finalize the humiliation, Finella grabbed her wrists behind her back with one hand and started to shove her index and middlfinger into Lous wet pussy to fuck her from behind!
"Ah, that's better...would:nt you say? Now scream you little wimp! Fucking beg for mercy after you came!"

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