Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

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Re: Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Lacramioara's composure remained unshaken as she watched Ionia being brought down, and even through Vanessa's lewd taunting of her. But to see someone tripping her up so soon warranted a comment, albeit in her native tongue.

"Sigur nu ești pe cale să o lași să te umilească așa în fața amantei tale? Și atât de curând după ce a început concursul?"

Her voice was raised only as much as was necessary for her words to reach her wife's ears. Otherwise, the tone was conversational.

Like hell she was. Ionia went right to work on turning things around on the Lightweight submission artist, causing the Romanian to crack a smile and clap her approval. She had no doubts about Ionia's ability to do exactly what she's doing now, but every now and then, she liked to spur her on a little.

"No no wait!"

A grimace spoke of the white-haired vampiress's continued residence in the woods, but the panic she heard in Vanessa's voice bolstered her resolve. "You want out?" She began, cranking the reverse headlock even further. "Tap!"
Romanian to English Translation
"Sigur nu ești pe cale să o lași să te umilească așa în fața amantei tale? Și atât de curând după ce a început concursul?" -- "You surely aren't about to let her humiliate you like that in front of your mistress? And so soon after the contest has begun?"
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

Unread post by LawHell »

Vanessa found herself in a precarious position as Ionia intensified the hold, eliciting pops and cracks from her neck and spine. Despite her discomfort, Vanessa's instinctive response was to try grabbing onto Ionia's hands, but she knew escape through conventional means was futile. However, Vanessa had a mischievous plan up her sleeve—a daring attempt to startle Ionia into releasing her grip.

Summoning her resolve, Vanessa raised her hand towards her mouth, feigning a seductive gesture as she licked her fingers provocatively. With a strained voice, she uttered, "You know, every lock has a key, right?" As she spoke, Vanessa subtly maneuvered her hand, aiming to slip it into Ionia's underwear with the intention of reaching her rear. "In short, my fingers are the key, and your ass is the lock."

It was a risky gambit on Vanessa's part, a last-ditch effort to break free from the seemingly unbreakable hold. Only time would tell if her bold move would pay off.

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Re: Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Ionia instinctively tucked her head inwards the moment she saw Vanessa's hands enter her periphery. It still left her hair up for grabs, but much better that than eye rakes. However, their positioning left her blind to the crafty Lightweight's machinations. And with her head down, she couldn't see that small "uh oh" in Lacramioara's expression. And she wasn't about to tell her what was coming. What Vanessa was about to do wasn't quite what Ionia would classify as cheating, and that would've thusly turned her warning into interference in Ionia's eyes.

"You know, every lock has a key, right?" Vanessa choked out. Ionia didn't know what, but she knew that she had something up her sleeve. But still, she kept the hold locked in. The longer her brain goes without oxygen now, the fewer schemes she'll be able to plot later. "In short, my fingers are the key..." Oh no. "...And your ass is the lock."

When she felt the Sadistic Student's hand snake into her bottoms and a finger into her asshole, half of her being wished that she'd released the hold when she started talking. As it was, she sprang away with a low gasp and a roll, almost like the woman had suddenly burst into flames. An escape made more energetic by the shiver it sent up her spine.

It wasn't anything that The Black Queen couldn't endure...physically. She stopped on one knee to look up at Vanessa with glare that bared her fangs, the other half wishing that she'd ignored the indignity and just squeezed down even further on that little neck of hers.
Last edited by DSX93 on Wed May 15, 2024 11:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

Unread post by LawHell »

Vanessa's laughter echoed through the arena as she broke free from the hold. The risky move had paid off, evident in the frustration etched on her opponent's face. With a smirk, Vanessa rose from the ring floor, her movements fluid as she prepared to resume the match. She shot a daring glance at her adversary, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Aww, didn't want me to stretch you out already?" Vanessa taunted, her voice laced with amusement. "Just remember, I tried to help. Because when I win, you'll be the best fuck toy. Haha, now come to Mama."

The taunt elicited a laugh from Vanessa, her confidence evident as she dashed towards her opponent. With agile grace, she closed the distance, her target clear. Vanessa leaped into the air, aiming to deliver a punishing dropkick to her opponent's face. The anticipation of success fueled her movements, but beneath her bravado, Vanessa knew the risk. If her opponent managed to seize control, the tables would turn swiftly, and Vanessa would find herself in a precarious position, at the mercy of the enraged woman she had provoked.

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Re: Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Cocky little shit.

Ionia rose to her feet, knees bent as Vanessa enjoyed her little moment of triumph. Ready to dodge, if she needed to. At this distance, the odds were high that Vanessa was about to charge. It was one of the better moves she could make, and depending on what one does, it could be surprisingly effective in spite of the predictability.

Lacramioara's eyes would have shot daggers at her beloved's opponent if they could. She leaned forward into the apron with interest, wanting nothing more in that moment than to get in that ring and show Vanessa the dangers of encroaching upon her territory. But as it was, she could experience that vicariously through her mate.

"Demontează această femeie!"

Ionia kept her eyes locked on Vanessa, turning her head not even an inch in Lacramioara's direction. But a resolute nod of it told that her words had reached her. She has asked, and she shall receive.

And here comes Vanessa. The white-haired, statuesque vampiress was zeroed in on her movements to such an extent that it looked like they were being made in slow motion. She was waiting for that one moment. That crucial moment either just before or right at launch that would expose her flight plan and tell her if she needed to step to the side, stand her ground and brace herself to catch her...whatever it was that she would need to do.

Vanessa's body turned to the side, both feet planted on the mat just a second before she leapt.

Dropkick. This was a move to step to the side for. Deftly done, her instincts lifting her arms to where they needed to be for her to be able to use that momentum against her. Done with a simple downward shove in the direction that Vanessa was travelling. That invasion of her orifice was already enough to make Ionia put some extra muscle into it. And that this woman thinks that she's going to turn her into a sex toy? Well...

Ionia would shuffle into position behind Vanessa as the lightweight crashed into the mat, knees bent, lowering her to the level she needed to be, arm reared and ready, eyes locked on. Ice cold and full of bad intentions, waiting for her prey to get up and turn around...

"OOOOOHHHHHH...!" The fans could sense it. They know what's coming.

A Thunderclap that had the wrath of Zeus himself behind it. The clash of flesh, palm against chest would be heard all the way up in the nosebleeds if it connected, giving the capacity crowd only a mere taste of its bone rattling force.
"Demontează această femeie!" -- "Dismantle this woman!"
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Daughters of the Game (Ionia vs Vanessa Jones)

Unread post by LawHell »

Vanessa was caught off guard by Ionia's swift attack. As she rose to her feet and turned, the anticipation in the arena swelled with the loud cheers of the fans, their collective roar echoing off the walls. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the intensity of the match unfolding before them.

Their eyes locked for a fleeting moment before Ionia's strike landed with devastating force. The impact reverberated through Vanessa's body, causing her to collapse to the mat with a sharp gasp for air. Pain shot through her chest as she clutched at it, her usual bravado replaced by a grimace of agony. The crowd's excitement turned to gasps and murmurs of concern as they witnessed Vanessa's vulnerable position.

Struggling against the pain and dizziness, Vanessa knew she couldn't stay down for long. She fought to regain her composure, pushing herself to crawl away from Ionia, knowing full well the danger of being caught in a submission hold. The threat loomed over her, urging her to move faster, to get back on her feet before Ionia could capitalize on her vulnerability.

Every movement was a battle against the pain, every breath labored as Vanessa focused on recovering. Despite the agony coursing through her body, she managed a chuckle before speaking through gritted teeth, "Is that... all you've got?" Her voice, laced with defiance, echoed faintly across the arena

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