Teams Meeting Up

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was on the ground hurting but she had her eyes on Melody. As Melody ran and humped Alaina raised her knees up, looking to give Melody a rough landing when she came down on the Amazon!

The pressure would still hurt Alaina, but not as bad as Melodys ribcage would hurt after her unexpectedly rough landing!

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

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Right as the greenette thought she was going to land stomach first into Alaina's stomach, the Amazon's knees dug deep into her belly, giving Melody an extremely rough landing!

"GUUH!!!", rolling off of Alaina, Melody hugged her hurt belly with both arms, trying to soothe the pain in her hurt stomach as the momentum on her side fully shifted to the Thundergirls!

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

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Alaina hauled Melody up to her feet and whipped Melody into the ropes. The amazon moved in her return path setting herself up. Alaina was going to grab and powerslam Melody as hard as she could!

Alaina looked back over at Navi a brief second before focusing back on Melody. These two were still the same and it made Alaina smile.

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

Unread post by Vc0m »

Alaina would easily get Melody to her feet and launch her to the ropes for a rebound, definitely planning something on Melody's way back...

Melody would quickly find out what it is as Alaina grabbed her between her legs and by her shoulder mid-run, as she turned Melody around in mid-air, and slam the greenette down for a Powerslam!

Melody wouldn't notice, as she would close her eyes, cringing in pain, but as Navi worriedly looked at her partner, the Amazon would shoot a smile at the blonde. Navi was taken slightly aback by the gesture. Was there some ultirior motive behind the smile...or was the veteran smiling in earnest?

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina stayed on top of Melody and kept a leg hooked as she began to count out loud!


The first count was there and Alaina was raising an arm up high, and would vring it to the mat again if Melody was unable to kick out! However Alaina had expected Meldoy to kick out, she knew it took more to pin the woman. Still, this was a good year to see how Melody was holding up.

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

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As Alaina hooked the leg for the pin and started counting, Melody already got prepared to kick out of the pin.

So, just as Alaina would call for the second count, the greenette would quickly try and raise her hand into the air to break the pin!

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

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Alaina felt Melody kick out and sighed. She knelt next to Melody grabbing an arm as she pulled heraelf as well as Melody up to their feet.

Alaina bent down, trying to pick Melody up across her shoulders. Alaina wanted to spin her around a couple times before falling backward to plant Melody to the mat with a Samoan drop!

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

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Even though she kicked out, the earlier powerslam really did a number on Melody. The greenette unwillingly followed the vets lead, as she got both of them to their feet, and picked Melody up on her shoulders.

Alaina would easily drive Melody into the mat spine first for a Samoan Drop! At this point, the greenette desperately needed to tag in her partner, otherwise she'd simply continue to be ragdolled by Alaina until the vet would pin her for the 3 count!

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

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Alaina saw Melody down and backed off. She wasn't out to hurt anyone and wanted a workout more than anything. If her and Tina won, great. If not no big deal they could learn from it even if it wasn't going to provide an immediate cure for their tag woes.

Grabbing Melody up by the arm, wins whipped her to her teams corner and waited in the middle of.the ring fully expecting Navi to tag in and come at the amazon.

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Re: Teams Meeting Up

Unread post by Vc0m »

Melody grunted as Alaina, once again, Irish Whipped her into the corner...only to realize that it was her team's corner, and the Amazon realized the greenette's wish to tag out to her partner.

Sadly sighing that she couldn't get a solid upper hand on the vet, Melody clapped on Navi's hand, allowing the blonde to get into the ring, smiling like a Cheshire Cat over getting to face Alaina in the ring.

Quickly making her way to and locking up with Alaina, Navi would attempt to get behind the Amazon, catching her in a waistlock, getting ready to take her down to the mat shoulder and upper back first with a German Suplex!

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