Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Reiko smiled, she did love women but she loved women who also liked to put things at stake. She did agree, when things were on the line it ensured that both her and her opponent would do their absolute best to put the other away. The lengths they would go to come out the winner, how they would sexily tangle and try to force a submission out of the other, Reiko found it all the more exciting as the two of them continued to grope and squeeze each other's pairs.

"Well I didn't say that I didn't want a drink. I'll take you up on the offer. Loser buys winner's drink." she cooed back, the deal was settled. She knew that whatever happened with those drinks was going to go the way she wanted it to go.

"So I'll take you up on that. Now then...when do you want to get serious?" she let out as her eyes widened with Rhiannon shifting her body weight and caught her arm in an armbar hold! It wasn't the tightest, but Reiko could tell that Rhia wasn't going all in just yet. Reiko would've been in big trouble if she did. Twisting her body while staying on her knees to keep herself facing Rhiannon, she was careful not to fall back and give Rhiannon all of the leverage to control her as Reiko clasped her hands together to keep her elbows locked.

"Oooooh, so I guess it's now?" Reiko cooed out as she attempted to roll forward, attempting to try and slip her way out of the hold and find herself back first on Rhia's chest! Or at least that's what she was aiming for.

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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" Yeah now seems good, sorry for being so easy, I just really want to wet my tongue with that drink." Rhiannon would respond, putting in some effort both to wrench her opponent's arm in the submission and to run it against her slick thick thighs, trying to derive pleasure from her control.

Just as quickly as Rhiannon secured the hold though she would lose it, Reiko showing some impressive ressourcefulness as she joined her elbows to ensure Rhea couldn't take full control by sneakily and quickly freeing her arm by rolling forward, landing her body weight atop Rhiannon's chest and earning a grunt from the pervert as she was caught under Reiko's weight.

" Someones slippery"
Rhiannon would quickly comment as she struggled under Seiko instinctively, before trying to bring her arms round Reiko's upper body and firmly grasp her breasts. " I wonder how you'll get out of this, if you even want to " Rhiannon would comment, one of her hands straying from her opponent's breasts and instead running up and down her side and upper stomach, which unfortunately was all she could reach in her current position.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Reiko managed to flip over as she managed to escape from the armbar attempt. Usually this would result in a pin but for their particular match pinfalls didn't mean jack as Rhiannon's hands released her arm and went for another target, two perfectly unguarded targets as Reikos eyes widened as she let out a soft moan.

"Huhuhu, I can be even more slippery if we were in the right kind of environment." Reiko mused out as she would reach up to grab on the wrists of Rhia but was not doing much to remove them. "Maybe I'll stay in's feeling pretty nice." she moaned out softly, she smiled as she would begin to rock back and forward.

Trying to deliver pleasure back, she would start rubbing her shoulder blades into Rhia's chest, "Now the question you want me to escape from this hold?

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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As both wrestlers struggled for control it became evident that actually dealing damage was going to take a back seat to both women's temptations, which was fine with Rhiannon and by the sounds coming from the crowd it seemed they appreciated the action too. Rhiannon would ready herself for some serious chain wrestling though as Reiko's hands settled on her wrists, but it seemed neither wrestler was eager to make any movements to escape the position.

" It is? That's a shame, I was considering making it my new finisher too... " Rhea would joke, fondling with more force for a moment just to spice things up. As Rhiannon worked over her opponent though she would notice that the woman was rocking back and forward, rustling the twisted pervert's own breasts in the process, but not causing any major discomfort for now. However that would change when the blue haired woman started moving her shoulders, something which in any other position would be an innocent enough gesture but was now responsible for Rhiannon's sensitive orbs being crushed and squished under the other wrestlers shoulder blades.

Rhiannon wouldn't be able to stop herself from letting out a low hum as the sensation worked it's way to the forefront of her mind, teasing to such an extent that Rhiannon had to actually put in effort to hear and acknowledge Reiko's teasing words. " Hmm not yet, You've just started to excite me, and I'd hate to ruin your potential comeback " Rhiannon would respond, before lifting her head towards her opponent's neck and trying to take advantage of her situation by planting a long kiss with the occasional nibbling and licking thrown in to really catch the attention of her new person of admiration.

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Reiko smiled out about how Rhia was planning to make this her finisher. She didn't know if she was being serious or not, but Reiko wouldn't mind letting her slap on this over and over to her again. The way her hands were squeezing on her breasts made Reiko moan out just a bit as she continued to grind her shoulder blades back onto the opposing pair of breasts as Rhia squeezed on her boobs even harder.

"Mmmm...! It's a good choice...but...I think you need something....with a little more force." the blue haired woman let out as she would feel Rhiannon beginning to shift around underneath her, letting out a louder moan when Rhiannon began kissing on neck. It sent chills down her spine as her body shivered on top of Rhia.

With her opponent making the effort, Reiko wasn't just going to let her opponent do all the hard work as she began shifting on top. "Mmm.....against this? My comeback....has to be a bit more....heated." Reiko moaned out as she attempted to twist around, trying to lay her breasts down on top of Rhia's! "Like this..." she let out, breathing her hot breath into Rhia's stomach before starting to pepper it with kisses!

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Rhiannon was joking about making this move her finisher, but she was starting to warm up to the idea of ending matches in this particular manner. Reiko seemed to have something else in mind though, not quite willing to let the twisted pervert slowly work her magic. " Oh?" Rhiannon would hum as she broke her lips hold on her opponent's neck for a moment, curious on what the blue haired woman's plan was.

Reiko would hint towards what she was going to do, but Rhea could only pay some attention to her words due to the ever present task of sinking her lips into the woman's smooth neck. Soon enough though Reiko would take control, twisting her body atop Rhiannon's and resulting in her body squishing into the actors, breasts meeting breasts and with Reiko's toned and being shoved against her face.

Rhiannon's hands would quickly adjust her new position, bringing themselves to Reiko's sides. " Hmm... This is pretty good " Rhiannon would say, trying to justle her body under Reiko's, but as a result just further squishing her barely covered breasts into her opponent's own pair, the twisted pervert naturally squirming as she felt her breasts being pressured and crushed by the weight atop.

Rhiannon was clearly underestimating Reiko though, and would be caught off guard when her opponent breathed against her stomach, making Rhea tense up her tummy before Reiko started to kiss the woman's stomach. The twisted pervert would immediately start to struggle and giggle as she felt her opponent's lips against her stomach, leaving both a pleasurable sensation and one which tickles her body and forced her to struggle and squirm further under her opponent's body.

"'re...mnn, killing me here " Rhiannon would mutter out, her intentions both being blocked by her opponent's belly covering and squishing against her face and being obscured by her own unpredictable laughter. Rhiannon's involuntary squirming would pick up pace as she started to squirm more, her body wiggling and swaying in one direction before swaying in the opposite direction, meanwhile her hips would wildly buck as she was tickled and teased.

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Reiko managed to roll over on top, her breasts bearing down onto Rhiannon's as the older woman pressed down with her body weight, moaning out as she felt the two barely covered chests mashing against each other. With Rhia squirming underneath her, Reiko would constantly be moving to adjust and keep her opponent pinned underneath her as she let out the occasional giggle as the breath washed over her stomach and Rhiannon's arms at her sides.

She would move her arms to do the same, holding onto Rhia's sides for support as she continue to squirm on top of the actress as she would continue planting light kisses into her stomach. "Hahah...killing you? My dear, I don't want that, because if this is killing will you last when we really get serious?"

Reiko would let out another kiss into Rhiannon's stomach, this one a lot more forceful and wet as she sucked on the soft skin of Rhia, "Because....I'm not too far away from the real action..." she gasped out beginning to crawl forward and down Rhiannon's body, draping her lips and dragging her breasts off of Rhia's tits and down the body as she tried to head into the crotch and enter the 69 position!

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Rhiannon was already feeling vulnerable enough pinned under her opponents body, and by extension horny due to her opponents unorthodox method to tease trap the actor. Especially when Reiko's own hands rested on her sides, making it seem as if the twisted perverts body was her meal, or at least that's how Rhiannon envisioned it.

Reiko's words would strike a chord with Rhiannon though, the actor morbidly curious what her opponent planned to do when things got serious, although that thought was quickly interrupted when her opponents lips latched into her tummy again like a leech.

" Hahaha! H-heyy..." Rhiannon would almost howl out, squirming wildly from side to side and laughing as her opponents wet lips latched onto her, the actor's squirming resulting in her own bust being squished into her opponents. Things would soon be kicked up a notch though, as the older woman dragged her lips down Rhiannon's body and squished her breasts down her body too as she moved, sending a chill down the perverts body.

Soon enough Reiko's crotch would invade Rhiannon's face, sliding downwards over her face before placing itself squarely over her lips, meanwhile her opponent's breasts would squish into Rhea's reasonable toned abs, and Reiko's lips finally found their target of the twisted perverts excited sex.

As Reiko sensually slid down Rhiannon's body the twisted pervert would feel her nipples perk in anticipation, meanwhile the crowd roared in approval at the increasing eroticism of the situation. By the time the twisted pervert considered trying to escape it was too late, as Reiko's meaty thighs pressed into her cheeks, Rhiannon feeling the sweat from her opponents thighs against her face and the warm steamy breath of her foe against her barely covered sex. Rhiannon would only be able to squirm and struggle under her opponent, although of course that only amplified her excited Rhiannon's own body was getting as it rubbed against her opponent's, and likely Rhiannons wiggling and squirming hips only resulted in Reiko's meal looking all the more satiating.

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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Reiko let out a hot gasp into Rhiannon's crotch as she locked into her side of the 69 position, feeling the warm cheeks of Rhiannon pressing up against her thighs as she snugged the face in her legs. Her eyes were locked on the clothed crotch in front of her, her lips salivating at the sight of it. The nipples poking through Rhiannon's bikini, poking into her stomach felt like little shock nubs baring into Reiko, sending bolts of arousing sensation shooting through her body.

"Mmmm..." Reiko moaned out as she reached around and latched her arms to Rhiannon, gripping the luscious and firm butt cheeks. Massaging it into her palms. "The way your body moves, it's so alluring." Reiko moaned out as her nipples were erected and poking through her bikini, stabbing themselves into Rhiannon's belly for a nice return.

Reiko's own hips would begin to wiggle on top, dangling itself right over Rhiannon's face, anxious for the really fun bits to start. Reiko would push the envelop of their erotically charged match as she would lower her head down and with her nose, begin to rub it into the crotch of Rhiannon, taking slow strides of grinding it back and forth!

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Re: Reiko Tachibana vs Rhiannon Sellsword

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As Reiko's legs smuggled up nicely against the actor's face Rhiannon would feel her nipples rub against the opponent's stomach, a sensation which was both painful and pleasurable as the wriggling woman atops abs squished and grinded into her breasts. Had things ended their though Rhiannon would probably have been able to formulate a witty respond, but they didn't.

The blue haired pervert, much like Rhiannon herself would, decided to take full advantage of the all you can touch cafe. Reiko's hands would latch themselves to the twisted pervert's firm butt cheeks, causing Rhiannon's body to wriggle and her hips to squirm in response while the purple haired woman's lips released a slight yelp which naturally transitioned to a low voiced giggle.

Rhiannon was able to mostly keep herself in check regardless of how she was teased though, pressing her lips tightly together to prevent making any noises. However that would become difficult when Reiko teased Rhiannon's crotch with her nose of all things, earning a teased grumble from Rhiannon as she rolled her hips against the canvas, as if such a thing would prevent her opponent's face from tracking and plunging itself into her crotch.

" hmmm, getting there " Rhiannon would mumble, the extent of her words somewhat being muffled against Reiko's thighs.

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