Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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The winner of this match will be decided once a wrestler passes out within a smothering hold

Rosemary was glad to make her debut in such a large scale company, but truthfully she was more than a little embarrassed about the match type. At the same time though the thorny maiden was still as green as could be, with only a few months training and a battle royal appearance on the indies and a quick squash match under her belt. As embarrassed as Rosemary was about being in such a match up, she was glad that she was in a more softcore match, afterall had it been a hardcore bout or high impact based match up like an iron man or knockout match she could seriously hurt herself early in her career while she is inexperienced, the embarrassing match type was almost a blessing in disguise for Rosemary, and it certainly helped aid the nerves that her opponent was apparently making her debut too.

Rosemary would wait patiently backstage, wearing her in ring attire she recently had made, which consisted of simple black boots with white rims at the top and a white section at the bottom, short black wrestling tights held in place by a belt made of surprisingly soft material and pretty green and pink long socks and a similarly patterned top. Rosemary's waiting would luckily come to an end quickly as she was prompted to make her enterence, and then almost immediately after her theme " Playing with fire " By Blackpink would blare through-out the arena, and Rosemary would barely burst into view on time, almost missing the start of her music but managing to make it just in time. The thorny rookie would then quickly pose atop the ramp and take a moment to observe the sheer number of fans in attendance before then making her way to the ring. It was nerve wracking for Rosemary as there was almost complete silence as she made her appearance, only getting a slight pop for her good looks. The rookie had absolutely no past wrestling history though and wasn't surprised at the response, and would just try to brave through it by quickly pacing to the ring and rolling under the bottom rope.
Without any further theatrics Rosemary would then walk to her corner and wait there for her opponent, staring at the crowd at first before then feeling the hairs on her back stick up as she made eye contact with some of the waiting crowd, before quickly averting her attention back towards the ramp.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Well on one hand she was finally going to see some action in the ring. On the other hand she had to smother the girl out to win, which she wasn't evens sure how to do. They didn't talk about this in the wrestling school, submission moves sure but one that makes the girl pass out? She couldn't think of any that counted as smothers of the top of her head. Man this was going to be tougher then she thought. But she could do this! She didn't travel all the way here to indulge in self doubt after all, she needed to be confident.
Her generic intro music played as she came out. Having only picked it to have one while she thought of a better piece before bouncing on down the ring. All smiles and waves she could tell the crowd liked the looks of her, which was a good start anyway. Rolling into the ring she looked at her opponent and smiled. "Man is this place big or what?"

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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As Rosemary waited anxiously before the crowd she would beg for something else to grasp their attention, and soon enough her opponent's theme and the cute woman atop the ramp would pry the attention away from Rosemary, something which she would find great relief in.

Rosemary would be happy to see that her opponent didn't get too loud a response, which hinted to her that she at least wasn't facing some large indie wrestling star. The thorny maiden's eyes would be locked on her cute opponent as she skipped towards the ring, before rolling into the ring nearby Rosemary.

Rosemary would feel herself get slightly nervious for the mere moment of silence, before Miranda spoke and mirrored the pink haired wrestlers thoughs with her words. " Oh yeah, giant. It was so was nerve wrecking just to make the walk down" Rosemary would admit with a genuine smile, before then bowing quickly and awkwardly to her opponent before continuing on with a proper greeting and maintaining a more serious expression.

" Nice to meet you, I'm Rosemary Hina, it's a pleasure to make your aquantince " The blushing wrestler would say, waiting for a response before flashing her opponent a quick smile and going back to her corner as she waited for the bell to ring. Meanwhile the fans had no clue who to focus on, both wrestlers seeming equally cute and well natured, which would likely make it a fun match, but made it harder for the individual fan to decide who they would want to win.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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"Miranda's my name and this is my second match ever. First one here but lets ignore the details of past times before here." Miranda said looking at Rosemary up and down and judging the girl with her eyes. She seemed nice enough and nervous too which led her to believe that she was fairly new as well.

That helped her deal with her own nerves, knowing she was facing off with someone of relative skill and giving her a much better chance then she would have with a more experienced chick. And it was her first singles match so there was that. Taking in the crowds approval, Miranda offered her hand real quick before she would retreat to her corner.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Rosemary was glad that her opponent was new to wrestling like herself, but couldn't bring herself to reveal her inexperience. This wasn't due to her opponent as much as it was the crowd though, Rosemary was honestly finding it difficult to say anything with the ears of the fans listening in, it was nerve wrecking and the maiden knew she was going to need to get used to that aspect of LAW.

Rosemary would manage to at least break the tension created by the millions of peering eyes enough to shake hands with her opponent, before walking back to her corner and hoping that she would be able to move less stiffly after the action had gotten started and adrenalin grabbed hold.

As soon as the bell rang Rosemary wouldn't be sure how to start the match, but would go for the traditional method of a lock up. Going towards the middle of the ring the thorny maiden would hold her arms outstretched in front of her, and would quickly speak to her opponent. " Hey, want a test of strength?" Rosemary would ask, although that was probably needless since it was obvious what she was calling for anyway.
Last edited by RJD on Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Miranda had to look at her curiously after her offer. Sure she was just challenging her to a simple test of strength but usually you didn't like...announce that. You just did it. Still it wouldn't hurt her since it didn't look like she was planning anything malicious like that so she simply brought her hands up and locked them up with Rosemary's

"Your going down." She said pushing into her and trying to overpower the girl as best she could and get an early lead in this match. Miranda hoped maintain a good stance would keep her from falling behind in the early going of the match.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Rosenary wasn't the most experienced, but she was pretty inteligent. So it wouldn't take long for the pink haired woman to realise that verbally asking for a lock up made things awkward. The thorny maiden would note to herself not to make that mistake again as she joined hands with her opponent and both women started to push against each other.

Rosemary wasn't the strongest though, and would struggle to match her opponent's power, pushing her whole body forward until both women's bodies were squishing into each other. " Ahhhg...I'm not going to let you " Rosemary would respond, before she was forced to take a few steps back, not able to push against the force she was met with for as long as she liked.

The thorny maiden would quickly look behind her, figuring out where she was going to end up before putting all her weight down to try and keep her position. Rosemary knowing that ultimately she was going to lose out the test of strength, but planning to at least tire out her opponent as much as she could beforehand and hoping to be aware of her surroundings enough to use them to her advantage to flip the momentum when given the opportunity.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Pressing into Rosemary and tries to keep herself composed as she pushes her backwards or at least attempts to. Though in the early going shes doing well enough and pushing her backwards slowly and trying to get the better of her. Smiling confidently she tries to push her into the opposing corner while pressing her body into her to get more of an edge.

"Sorry but I'm not here to lose sweetie." Miranda said in her efforts to overpower Rosemary and would go for a headlock if she could pull it off pressing her face in her chest and trying to bring her to the floor.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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As Rosemary schemed far ahead her opponent would worry more about the short term, which would soon prove to be a mistake on the pink haired woman's side as while she waited for things to fall into place Miranda would easily wrap her arm around the woman's head and effectively bury Rosemary's face into the side of her boob in the process.

" Hmpth! H-hey" Rosemary would mumble out, her plans falling apart now that panic set in, instead over arms just naturally testing against her opponents sides before Miranda swiftly brought Rosemary to the floor In a slam, managing to maintain the headlock as she did so and earning a yelp followed by a long groan from the thorny maiden.

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Re: Miranda Tomi vs Rosemary Hina - double debut smother match

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Miranda had her down on the floor and was starting to get an advantage, smiling as she tried to keep the lock secured she wondered if this was Rosemary's first actual match. If it was Mira kinda felt bad but then again she learned through a bad loss, it kind of just happens. So with that in mind she tried to move herself so that her chest was fully on Rosemary's face.

"I think this is how one of these works, like I said never done something like this so you'll have to forgive my confusion." She giggled, letting go and trying to grab her arms and finish this match quick by using her chest.

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