Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Despite the pinkette looking guilty, GASTER couldn't help but be angry with her. All this match was since it's half-way point was her, simply letting Amber experience her holds. She could not understand to the life of her how masochism worked. How could someone derive pleasure from pain?

" love holds so much, I'll give you an offer. If you survive my next hold for a minute, no giving up, I will forfeit the match...if you submit, there is that, I we have a deal?", she would ask the pinkette. Clara simply wanted some sort of challange from her opponent, one she was capable of giving in a regular wrestling match...but, if she had to play Amber's game to improve and get her challenge, so be it...

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Her face burning a bright red color, Amber felt absolutely humiliated at the fact that she had been pushed to this point, her masochism being blatantly exploited and pointed out in front of the crowd, leaving her an embarrassed mess! And what's more, she couldn't even hide her face, as GASTER continued to hold her in the painful submission, leaving Amber to listen to her foe!

"Nnnngh... alright, alright! I agree!" The tired wrestler realized that this was the only way she was going to win, and so, with a grimace, she accepted GASTER's challenge, getting ready for the pain!

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Still holding Amber in her Chickenwing Crossface submission whilst standing up, Amber would agree to the final deal, as the Shadow Lord would nod and release the girl...

...before grabbing her waist, lifting her up slightly, and dropping her onto her front with a Waistlock Takedown:

"Get ready to lose!"

GASTER would press her feet into the pinkette's small thighs, while she hooked the girl's feet around her legs...before grabbing at both her arms...and pulling backwards, lifting the magical girl up for a painful Romero Special!

GASTER started a mental count in her head to a minute, eager to see whether the masochistic pinkette could survive her most powerful hold...

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Finally agreeing to the terms laid out for her by the Shadow Lord, GASTER would indeed let go of the crossface chickenwing soon after, before wrapping her arms tight around Amber's waist! The magical girl gave a slight gasp as she was lifted up a tad, before being slammed down onto the floor on her stomach, landing with a grunt thanks to GASTER!

"Augh! Oww..." Amber grumbled from her position on the floor, before suddenly feeling GASTER's feet on the backs of her knees, the Shadow Lord tangling their legs before grabbing ahold of Amber's wrists!

"Oh no... AAAAAH!" Amber cried out, as GASTER suddenly rolled backwards onto her back, yanking Amber up and over her with a brutal romero special, stretching out Amber above her!

"AAAAHHHH!" The masochistic girl screamed out, filled with more pain and pleasure than she could almost bear!

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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"Mmmmmmggghhhh...", GASTER would grunt as she struggled to keep the pinkette up. Despite being very light, even for a lightweight wrestler, the Romero Special was a very difficult hold to maintain. She chose a minute, because this was roughly the amount of time she could hold someone of Amber's size up. It was way less for other gals, downwards of 30-40 seconds for girls her size, and barely any time for lighter middleweights, as she discovered with some of the LAW gym trainers.

But the effect was at hand. Amber's spine was bent not just by the person doing the hold, but by gravity as well. The girl was in hellish pain that the Shadow Lord herself couldn't imagine anyone bearing, much less a very short petite wrestler like Amber.

The count in her head was at 20, as the Shadow Lord called loudly on the girl to: "GIVE UP!"

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Wrenched upwards into the ceiling hold, Amber quickly found the pain spreading throughout her body to be entirely overpowering, taking control of her and leaving her a gasping, screaming mess, writhing in the hold! And now, she was left to dangle, crying out as the pain filled her body, providing her a great deal of agony and pleasure all at once, leaving Amber trapped in the middle of the ring!

"AAAAAAHHH! NOOOOO!" Amber screamed out as her body was stretched in the hold, refusing to submit to GASTER still, doing her best to last throughout the minute!

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

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Clara was starting to get scared...did she underestimate how much punishment the girl could survive? Her spine was already hurt from previous holds, and yet she was still unwilling to give up. Amber's masochism was disturbing to her. Did the amount of pleasure she was feeling outweigh the agonizing pain?

"GIVE UP! You will end up with back problems if you don't!"

, GASTER would think to herself...
Last edited by Vc0m on Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With Amber's body being suspended in the air, each second seemed like an eternity, though that wasn't quite just a bad thing, as both pain and pleasure filled her body in equal measure!

Still, Amber could only hold on for so long before she'd need to tap, and that seemed to be rapidly approaching!

"Nnnnnhh! I... won't lose...!" The pinkette cried out with a pained voice, very clearly in a lot of agony, but still trying to hold on! However, she could only do so for so long.

With GASTER wrenching hard on Amber's body, the pinkette would soon feel the pain flood through her, eventually beginning to drown out the pleasure she felt from it, before the magical girl finally broke!

"Aaaaaah! Okay! I give! I giveeeeeeeeeee!" Amber cried, hands flailing in a meager attempt to tap out, submitting to GASTER's brutal romero special!

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

Unread post by Vc0m »

"50...c-come on...tap already...", Clara would think as she got weaker and weaker. Only 10 seconds were left as Amber laid shaky and suspended in the air...

...before finally, at the 58th second, the pinkette finally broke and submitted to the Shadow Lord!

The bell would be called for, and even before ringing, GASTER would already drop Amber to the floor. Her arms hurt after maintaining the hold for a while...

...but in the end, she came out victorious, with the crowd cheering for the win, and the ref lifting their hands up into the air!

GASTER would quickly ask for a mic, as she looked with sharp gaze at the pinkette, before speaking:

"Your...machinations were not enough to break me! Your magic...deriving pleasure from's more evil than I am! And yet...I managed to persevere! You can only challenge me again without usage of these dark arts...", GASTER explained before leaving the ring. She was still angry at Amber on the inside, but, professional as she was, she wouldn't let her feelings come out on screen like this. She wanted her opponents to give her a challenge in matches, even if it was sometimes impossible. Not willingly let themselves drop the match completely...

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Re: Amber Starcatcher vs GASTER: A Heroic Magical Girl debuts, facing off against the Evil Shadow Lord!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Letting out a low groan as GASTER let her go, Amber would flop down to the mat with a loud thump, released after finally breaking and submitting to GASTER's brutal romero special!

The crowd let out a cheer for the Shadow Lord, while she would raise up to her feet, gesturing for a microphone, a stagehand quickly bringing one over! And as soon as she had a microphone, the masked wrestler wasted no time in cutting a promo, shutting Amber down, the pinkette able to tell that the Shadow Lord was none too happy with her!

"Nnngh... It wasn't on purpose..." Amber groaned, trying to offer an explanation, something to hopefully calm GASTER down. However, the Shadow Lord hardly waited around, quickly stomping out of the ring, heading backstage while Amber simply had to recover in the ring, beyond embarrassed at this point!

Winner Via Submission: GASTER

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