Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

Softcore Hentai event
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Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Match type: Wet and messy Hentai match
Winning condition: Make you opponent cum first
Special: the two fight inside a pool of Jellow

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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Naomi Tsukuda
Naomi's heart was all a-flutter. It was already time for another match, and this one sounded just so fun that she couldn't contain her excitement! It was a jell-o hentai match, two fun things that sounded like an absolute blast when put together, she just hoped that she had a nice, cute opponent for it. It probably would have helped if the tealette had paid any amount of attention to the advertising, or the event signups... but, that took time and there had just so much other stuff to do!

But- but! Not only did she have such a fun match lined up, but it was in an event too! It seemed like a miracle, and that was why the tealette was currently bouncing on the balls of her feet, hands waving at her sides as she found herself fully incapable of holding in any of the nervous energy that seemed to be overflowing! If she had to wait any longer before her match, she might just explode here and now!
Theme Music
Thankfully, her theme tune sounding meant that she didn't have to live in suspense any longer. The energetic girl let out an honest to goodness
"Squee!" as she bounced her way to the head of the ramp and started skipping her way down to the ring. There were so many people here tonight! Naomi honestly hadn't been expecting this many people to show up, and she sure hadn't expected how loud the cheering was! But that was fine! That just meant that she had to do her best tonight!

"Now entering from Canada, weighing in at 120 pounds, Naomi Tsukada!"

"Ah! That's me!" She cheered, bouncing as her name was shouted out for all to hear. That brought a new wave of cheers, leading to Naomi waving out at everyone as she bounced up into the ring, pulling herself to spy the pool of jell-o that she'd be wrestling in.

This whole thing was unreal, there was no way this was actually happening right? She was going to wake up any minute now, back in her bed in her boring life. She had to pinch herself before slipping inside to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

... Nope, it was real!

Naomi cheered as her feet slipped into the cool jell-o and raised both hands above her head, waving out at the crowd before her theme music finally faded, and she turned, watching with baited breath to see who her opponent would be!
Last edited by veritech892 on Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Misaka would pace back and forth as she was really nervous for her match right now it was a big ppv event match that she signed up for thinking they woudln't let her in cause her debut was botched due to uncertian things. she was excited to be picked for the match but she was still a newbie by law standards. hearing the stage hand she nodded nad would head over to the back stage area. Her music started to play as she walked over to the arean as she waved to the confused audience who wonder who she was.

"And her opponent. MIsaka satan!!"

Misaka walked to the pool of jello. she would Looking at Naomi as she smiled at her and bowed. " hello there! i guess you already know who i am but i don't think i got your name..." Misaka giggled a little as she looked up and down at naomi seeing how hot she looked. "lets have a really good match!" she smiled at her.

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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Naomi softly tred off to a corner as her opponent's theme music began, wanting the other girl to have as much room as she needed for her entrance. The rookie's eyes were glued to the ramp as she waited for her opponent to appear, heart pounding as she waited to see who she would be up against, still hoping for someone cute.

And Naomi was not disappointed as Misaka tred out onto the ramp and towards the ring. Now all she had to do was hope that the other girl was nice, and that they could have a great match, and everything would be perfect!

Misaka's statement and bow as she entered made the teal-haired girl bounce with joy- only to slip a bit on the jell-o and have to take a moment to recover. "A-ah, Naomi Tsukada! Great to meet you, Misaka!" She exclaimed happily, bowing in response before taking her opponent's oogling of her to do the same back, looking her foe over and blushing a bit at how hot the girl was. A small part of her wondered if maybe the girl would be interested in having some more fun afterwards.

"Ah, I'm sure we will! I'm sooo excited!" She giggled back, sliding her legs slowly apart and lowering herself into a grappling stance as the bell rang.
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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Misaka would smile at Naomi. She liked her thinking she was really cute. "its nice to meet you Naomi " She smiled at her more. when the bell rang misaka would spread her legs a little and raised her hands up to chest level. She would then start to make he way to Naomi trying not to slip on the oil. Misaka would offer a test of strength.

If the girl would accept Misaka would push against the girl and pressed her large breast into the girl's own pair. "heh You're pretty cute you know Naomi." MIsaka said remembering this was a hentai match as she would think on what she can do for a hentai match knowing she had to make Naomi cum inorder to win.

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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Naomi would smile back at Misaka. It was nice to know that not only was her opponent cute, but the brunette was super nice too! She giggled as she watched Misaka spread her legs and raise her hands up, slowly making her way towards the teal-haired girl, offering up a test of strength. Of course Naomi wouldn't refuse an offer like that, and made her way towards her adorable opponent, being just as careful to make sure she didn't slip on the slick jell-o beneath them.

"Ah." The Canadian would squeak as Misaka's nice, big breasts pushed into her pair, her bare feet slipping against the pool surface. It didn't help that Naomi was already a little distracted with the compliment that had just been shot her way, a rosy tint in her cheeks already. "A-ah, thanks. You're pretty cute too." She replied sweetly, trying to press her chest back against Misaka's and regain some ground.
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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Misaka would push against the girl and smiled at her. "hehe thanks Naomi." Misaka said a she would push against the teal haired girl and pressed her breast more into the girl she felt the girl push her breast back and nearly slipped in the jello. "whoa..." Misaka was able to catch her self hopefully Naomi wouldn't take of advantage of her almost slip up and would look at Naomi.

Misaka hope this would be a good match as she would lean in to Naomi and gave her a soft kiss to to the lips.

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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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"You're, ah, welcome, Misaka." Naomi giggled back, smiling as her breast push on her opponent caused the girl to slip backwards in the jello. "Hee..." The teal-haired girl giggled, slipping and sliding along with her opponent. Naomi, however, would attempt to take advantage of the slip up, attempting to grab at Misaka's outfit and strip it off, or at least attempt to partially remove it.

This was a hentai match, after all.

"Ahhh..." Naomi gasped, finding herself suddenly distracted as Misaka's lips pressed against hers softly. The teal-haired girl dropped what she was doing, a rosy tint rising in her cheeks as she gazed over at her opponent.
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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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Misaka smiled at Naomi as she would pushed against the girl she would slip up and she saw how Naomi was about to take advantage and take her down. However Misaka would kiss Naomi to distract her thankfully that was enough as she saw her gaze over at Misaka.

Smiling at the girl MIsaka would trip her so they both would fall into the jello with a loud splat. Misaka would be on top as she kissed the girl's neck softly. "mmm such soft skill you have and large breast." Misaka said as she squeezed teh girl's breast.

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Re: Jellow Hentai match: Naomi vs Misaki

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"Ah!" Naomi squeaked out as Misaka tripped her down, leaving the two girls to fall down into the jello, a SPLAT greeting them as they landed in the desert. The blush remained in her cheeks as she felt Misaka's big, soft breasts squishing into her chest, the teal-haired girl's hips bucking up against Misaka's as her opponent kissed along her neck gently.

"Ah... Thanks, you've got such nice skin too~" Naomi flirted back, giggling a little as she felt her opponent's hand squeeze her big, soft breast. Her hands slipped down the girl's back and grabbed at her rear, giving it a squeeze. "And, ah, you have some very nice curves too~" She giggled, pressing a gentle kiss on Misaka's forehead.
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