Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

Title Defenses/Feud-ending Matches
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Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

Unread post by Vc0m »

Winning Condition: Pinfall, Submission, KO.
Special Conditions: Any winning condition counts outside of the ring. There are no rope breaks and no disqualifications in the match

"Back in the spotlight...back where I belong...", Navi muttered to herself, as she got changed in the locker room.

It's been around a year since her fateful match with Tina in the semi-finals for the Middleweight title. And although Navi had plenty of wins behind her, that particular loss may have struck a chord with the suits running the company...or they just hated her already, and simply didn't want her to challenge for the title again.

After the loss, the blonde wouldn't get booked for We Are LAW, when her two friends, Melody and Clara, did...even though she managed to get on the card in a different way. Subsequently, she was only getting booked for a handful of matches, but barely getting any wins that way. Despite Tina promising her a title shot in the future, she knew that her recent shody record would be used by the suits to justify to not put the blonde into the title match.

So she took option B. Forcing the suits to give her a match, else their new champ's photo online or in the newspapers would always be with Navi ruining the moment of a great title defence by the Tigress. Ultimately, Tina (as well as the LAW officials) would give her the opportunity tonight.

And with Navi prepared to do whatever it takes to rip the title out of the brunette's bloody hands, she knew she was going to be walking away victorious.

A few minutes later, the blonde would be on her way to the ring to her theme song, showered by the boos from the crowd over how much of a bitter (or rather, more bitter) individual she had become over the last several months. But the blonde simply flipped people the bird. They would boo her no matter what. Winning, losing, playing fair, playing this point, she knew the crowd simply loved to hate her. Might as well give them every reason to do so.

Rolling under the ropes, the blonde would intensely look around the crowd, before taking her place at her corner, taking off her flower vest and throwing it outside the ring. Strangely, the nerves were not getting to her in any sense of the word. She was ready to win the Middleweight title.

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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Tina was more anxious to get this title match going than any match in her career up to this point. Tina had fought tough women before but this third title defense against Navi was different. Navi attacked her after her previous title defenses so she had a personal stake in putting Navi through some nasty punishment. Clad in her two piece tiger print attire the champ paced back and forth, watching Navi make her entrance on a nearby monitor. The tigress grinned when she began to make her way towards the ramp knowing she was about to be called down to the ring.

As her music began to play Tina burst out into the arena as the fans cheered her appearance. She held the middleweight title belt high and gave it a couple thrusts into the air before it was again resting on her shoulder. She confidently strut her way down the ramp high living fans in the crowd as she drew nearer to the ring, climbing up onto the apron before making her way through the ropes. Once inside the ring she held the belt up again before basking in the fans continuing cheers. Tina handed the belt off to the referee and looked back over at Navi, daggers in her eyes. "Just like before I am gonna take the fight to you and win clean. You are good, but not as good as I am especially when you aren't starting off by attacking me with my back turned..." Tina said in a low growl to Navi.

Tina was rocking back and forth waiting for the bell to ring. She wanted to rip Navi apart.

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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As the Tigress entered, as she gave the belt to the referee for the context to announce the bout, and as Tina said her piece, all that Navi would do was stare daggers into the brunette. She was one of the 2 hurdles on her way to destroy the things holding her down, she told herself. After tonight, only 1 cat would remain.

With the referee finishing announcing Navi and Tina alike to the paying crowd the ref would quickly check for the readiness in both corners...

...before signalling for the bell!


Even before the first bell would finish ringing, Navi launched herself at Tina like a woman unchained, jumping onto the Tigress to take her down with a Lou Thesz Press!

Upon having the brunette pinned underneath her, the blonde would start launching rights into her rival's jaw, starting the bout in a fast and furious way!

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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Tina was caught off guard by Navi's direct approach given her tactics recently! "Oooomph! Arrggghhhhh!" Tina shouted as she was taken down hard, the punches raining down on her! Tina was aware enough to get her hands up but a few hard shots had nailed her and they took their toll. Tina was starting off in a bad spot, knowing she had to do something about her current situation. Tina groaned and tried to roll over to get on top of Navi to instead be the one punching away at Navi's face! If Navi wanted to go with a direct, intense gameplan Tina would have no problem with that. The tigress was a ball of energy much of the time and she would try to return the pain back on Navi!

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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Navi's attack would prove to be a success, as she rained and landed multiple punches to her rival's head, with anger, vitriol, and the jeers of the crowd behind each of her strikes...

...that is, until she was wildly buckled off her perch by the Tigress, as Tina forced Navi off of her, reversing the situation as the brunette was now on top of the blonde, returning her the favor!

She would let a couple good shots get to her head, the champ doing solid damage on her, but not enough to put her out. Instead, Navi would grasp Tina's head by her hair, try to pull it towards her forehead to ram her foe's nose in to her hard skull!

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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Tina was going at it as savagely as she could until the surprise headbutt led to her whole face throbbing and the tigress flopping off Navi. She rolled to her side, one hand rubbing her face after the impact as she tried to make it up to her feet. Tina shook her head and backed up to create some distance between her and Navi. Navi was going to pay for all that, the attacks after her other matches.... for everything.

Tina let out a loud scream as she tried to suddenly rush forward herself, moving right at Navi as the tigress attempted to slam her with a running lariat!

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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"Uuuugh...fuck...", Navi would remark after the headbutt. Her whole face now hurt from both Tina's attacks and the hard headbutt. Still, it wasn't enough to keep her down...

...however, what the Tigress had in mind next definitely was, as she rushed at Navi with an outstretched arm for a hard Lariat!

With a scream and a thud, the blonde hit the canvas hard, cradling her own head in her hands due to the impact.

Almost on reflex, she would roll outside of the ring, managing to stay on her feet, looking to get a minute respite from the champ attacking her...

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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Tina heard the impact, felt it and watched Navi crash to the mat, rolling to the outside. "No running away! Get back here!" Tina shouted as she saw Navi on the outside. Tina wanted to keep going and if Navi wanted to go all-in with energy and non-stop offense that is what Tina would do as well! Tina ran to the opposite ropes and bounced off, rocketing back towards the side of the ring where Navi was on the outside. Tina jumped up, leaping over the ropes and flying through the air! She aimed a suicide dive right at Navi, hoping against hope that she would come down atop her target!

If she missed Tina would be in a hole to start the match! She started slow against Megumi, and remembered how difficult it was to claw her way back in and defeat the woman in a comeback win. She'd rather not to that again...

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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As Navi rolled outside, she knew she only bought herself around 4 seconds, before Tina either exit the ring...or dived from inside the ring...

And, thankfully for Navi, the Tigress went for the more risky attack, bouncing from the ropes from the opposite side of the ring!

And, timing it just right, Navi would roll away, right as Tina would come flying through the ropes!

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Re: Navi Florges vs Tina Armstrong (c) - Falls Count Anywhere (for LAW Middleweight Championship)

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You win some, and you lose some. Tina knew that an attack like hers was a big gamble. She just hoped it would pay off, but unfortunately for her it didn't at all! She came crashing down hard on the ground outside, screaming as she landed! She curled up into a ball laying on her side, her body heaving as she wheezed. the landing knocked the wind out of her, left her torso throbbing and effectively left Tina stunned on the ground!

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