Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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Aya got hit with another stomp to the head as she was worried that she may have crossed the line with her comments earlier. To make it worse the Indian teen knew she should have finished the match earlier as she got covered for the pin while hearing Navi say that she should not get back up for her own good. So as the referee counted to one and then two the conflicted teen would attempt to kick out as she replies ''never do listen to others when they say it for my own good''.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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As Aya kicked out, and replied to Navi, the blonde growled. She expected this reply, likely being something she would say in a similar situation.

But in this match, she had to win. She had to put the Indian Teen in her place (and in the back of her mind, she remembered that this was for getting closer to the title as well).

Navi would lift Aya to a seat by her hair, before one of her hands went around the teen's head, and the other to her arm, putting it into hammerlock. If successful, Navi would clasp her hands together, trapping Aya in a Crossface Chickenwing!

"You really should", she replied, putting as much pressure to the hold as she could.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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After Aya had kicked out she tried to get away , but before she could even get the chance to get away she would feel Navi pull her up into a seating position by her hair. After that one of her arms got trapped in an hammerlock while she would soon feel her opponent's hands around her head as she got trapped in a crossface chickenwing.

To make it worse was the fact that the other wrestler mentioned she should have given up , and to be honest maybe that was for the best as she attempted to break the lock with one hand.When that did not appear to be working she would attempt to reach for the ropes with her free hand or leg to get a ropebreak that way.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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Navi put as much pressure as she could onto Aya's shoulder and arm without breaking them (she may have been angry at the girl, but she wasn't THAT evil). And with the window she allowed the girl to move with, the Indian tried to drag herself and Navi towards the nearest rope using her hands and legs.

Navi wouldn't resist Aya in her quest towards the ropes, allowing her to get a break. In return, however, she would milk the rope break count for all it was worth, up until ref screamed 4 count.

After letting Aya go, ref reprimanded the blonde for using the count, shoving her away from Aya to allow her to get to her feet.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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Aya was desperately trying to reach the ropes as she was worried the blond could break her arm at any moment. Luckily the Indian teen was able to drag herself and her opponent towards the ropes and grasp them causing a rope break as she screamed in pain while the referee would count to 4. While on one hand the conflicted teen was hoping that the other wrestler would keep her trapped until the referee counted to 10 , but on the other she would not deny being relieved when she got released as she got shoved into the ropes.

After being freed Aya would pull herself back to her feet using the ropes with one hand as the other was going to be useless for a while.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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"Ow, cry me a river. I didn't pull on your arm that hard,", Navi would say in regards to Aya visibly cringing at her hurt arm.

Still, seeing her like this, Navi would formulate a plan in her head, that would, hopefully, guarantee her a victory. Rather than grappling with an Indian Teen and waiting for her to recover, Navi rushed at Aya with an outstretched hand, looking to clothesline the girl right out of the ring!

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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''I'm not crying bitch , but who was complaining just a few minutes earlier about how I was attacking you Navi''replied Aya after she got back to her feet. Still just as she turned around she would look up in shock as the blond wrestler was already rushing towards her , and would slam her arm into the Indian's teen body causing her to fly out of the ring as the result of an clothesline.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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"Whatever,", Navi said while looking down on Aya (in more ways than one) from the top of the ring.

Rolling outside of the ring, Navi would grab the Indian's hair to get her to her feet, before trying to launch her head first into a steel post connecting to a turnbuckle!

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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Aya had just landed on her back on the outside as she could not believe she had bin knocked out of the ring with an clothesline. While her back was in pain the Indian teen attempted to make it to her feet when she suddenly screamed in pain as Navi forced her back on her feet as the conflicted teen yelled ''Hair ref '' in an attempt to get the hairpulling to stop.

Sadly the referee ignored her , and just allowed the blond to do as she liked as Aya attempted to stop what her opponent was attempting to do next by placing one of her hands on the steel post to avoid having her head slammed into it.

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Re: Qualifier match Aya Proudstar vs Navi Florges

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As Navi tried to smash Aya's head into the steel post, ref would ignore Aya's pleads about Navi pulling her hair, especially since she had to prioritize the outside ring count-out: "ONE!"

With the Teen blocking Navi's attempt to smash her pretty face against the ring post, Navi growled, and once again dragged Aya by her hair towards the ring steps a meter away from them.

From there, Navi would attempt lifting Aya into the air for seemingly a Vertical Suplex...but, if Aya didn't reverse, and allowed Navi to succeed, Navi would slam the Indian chest first against the steps with a Suplex Slam!

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