Adriana would kick open the door to the official law gym. She was already in her workout outfit. Today was going to be a shitty day, so much was sure. She would walk into the gym with her back laid over her shoulder. The law management did force her to take part in some kind of fitness test or some fitness work out to increase her endurance and strength. She didn’t really listen what this was. All she needed to know was that she was fit as possible. She wasn´t the strongest woman around, but she could go for like forever. She would pass any test of endurance and speed.
Her confidence got quit the big boost after her last match… she didn´t won that match but she was able to step up to one of the top woman of law…. She was able to fight against Alaina the amazons for quite a while without being turned into a playtoy or getting broken. She was able to bring that big woman into some serious problems and even to the edge of a defeat. When Adriana came into the company she was nothing more than a pushover rooky and weakling. But now she could keep up with people that were normally out of her league… Maybe all she needed to make a difference would be more and harder training.
The Italian woman was wearing her typical sprat bra and thighs outfit, and a pair of simply sport shoes. She would walk into the gym and after taking her water bottle out of her old bag she would throw it into the next corner. She would walk around a bit before putting her bottle away and starting to stretch herself a bit as good as possible. She would look around, for a bit. If she remembered it right someone else should show up as well. That shouldn’t be a problem. She would stand back up grabbing her bottle and taking quit a big swallow from it.
Making new “friends” during training
- Lazy Bastard
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Rosemary was incredibly new to the wrestling scene, and truth be told she had been a little bit down in the dumps after her previous matches had turned out badly for her, after all the LAW was populated with lots of experienced wrestlers while she was one of the few LAW home grown talent within the promotion. After her against the odds win against Jenny though the rose haired wrestler was feeling much better about herself, and she was much more happy to push herself today in her daily training than she had been beforehand.
The Danish woman would wear her black shorts and white shirt as she ran between the ropes in one of the rings within the LAW gym, really building up a sweat as she was completing the last item on her schedule. Rosemary's face made it clear that she was tired, but still a subtle smile occupied her face as she pushed her limits, trying to reach a new personal record as she tried to run continuously for 25 minutes, currently on minute 22 when her previous record was 18, and of course she was exhausted.
Ultimately Rosemary would reach 23 minutes before she seriously needed to stop for a breather, leaning against the ropes and picking up her water bottle to take a nice long sip from it, before then lowering it against the corner as she leaned over the top rope, seeing as no one was waiting to use this specific ring at the moment, and so Rosemary decided to lean over the top rope for a moment as she caught her breath back.
The Danish woman would wear her black shorts and white shirt as she ran between the ropes in one of the rings within the LAW gym, really building up a sweat as she was completing the last item on her schedule. Rosemary's face made it clear that she was tired, but still a subtle smile occupied her face as she pushed her limits, trying to reach a new personal record as she tried to run continuously for 25 minutes, currently on minute 22 when her previous record was 18, and of course she was exhausted.
Ultimately Rosemary would reach 23 minutes before she seriously needed to stop for a breather, leaning against the ropes and picking up her water bottle to take a nice long sip from it, before then lowering it against the corner as she leaned over the top rope, seeing as no one was waiting to use this specific ring at the moment, and so Rosemary decided to lean over the top rope for a moment as she caught her breath back.
- xalex
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Adriana would wait a bit longer. She hated it to be made waiting. The Italian woman would look around the gym, only a little pink haired bug was jumping around in the ring like crazy. Adriana would watch what she was doing there and would shake her head. What the fuck was she trying to do there. Adriana would watch her a while longer before deciding to go over there and talk to her. The Italian would grab her bag and walk there. She would throw her back right next to the ring and stand under the spot where the other girl was leaning over the ropes. Adriana would cross her arms under her chest, while taking a closer look.
That girl was looking quit cute… or damn cute better said. She got good looks but a pretty bad trained body she was skinnier than anything.
“hey little miss pinky? Do you mind me asking what you doing here?”, she would call up. She wouldn´t wait for a response instead she would go on. “Just asking because this is a gym for wrestlers… and not for dancers.” Adriana would stop for a moment only to go on right the moment when the pink haired woman wanted to answer: “so why don´t you take your stuff and fancy jumping around like a fary and go somewhere else? Somewhere you don´t waste air of people that really know how to train!”
That girl was looking quit cute… or damn cute better said. She got good looks but a pretty bad trained body she was skinnier than anything.
“hey little miss pinky? Do you mind me asking what you doing here?”, she would call up. She wouldn´t wait for a response instead she would go on. “Just asking because this is a gym for wrestlers… and not for dancers.” Adriana would stop for a moment only to go on right the moment when the pink haired woman wanted to answer: “so why don´t you take your stuff and fancy jumping around like a fary and go somewhere else? Somewhere you don´t waste air of people that really know how to train!”
- Lazy Bastard
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Rosemary was focusing pretty immensely on her work out schedule, and admittedly she was exhausted as she finally stopped her routine, panting and sweeping her hair back. It was fairly embarrassing to be running the ropes in a gym likely full of more accomplished wrestlers than herself, but being new to the sport she certainly needed to work on her stamina and speed, and both her and her trainers agreed that this was the perfect way to do so.
The rosy maiden was in her own world as she leaned over the ropes momentarily, before the voice of a woman which had managed to sneak towards the ring without her noticing revealed Rosemary to Adriana's presence. The initial comment would confuse Rosemary, and to begin with she thought maybe the woman was curious what the actual purpose behind her specific method of training was, but before long it became apparent that the woman harboured ill intentions.
Rosemary naturally was about to respond, but her voice was slightly faint from her work out, and even if it was it likely wouldn't be too difficult for someone to talk over her. At last Adriana finished her insult and seemingly was giving the pink haired wrestler the chance to talk, or rather she had shut up long enough for her to do so.
" Jumping around...? My trainer told me to do this and I've seen other people do the same before. If you just wanted the ring you really could have been nicer about it. " Rosemary would respond, she wasn't naturally argumentative, but she didn't take kindly to being insulted, down talked and bossed around by someone she had never so much as talked to. As irritating as it was to bump into such a rude person, Rosemary wasn't too surprised, she had actually expected to bump into more wrestlers who disrespected her for her amateur esque body and training regime, Rosemary was too self aware to claim to be more of a wrestler than someone who was fitter than her, but she found it silly that someone so well trained bothered to pick on someone who she likely had been in the same position as when she had just started.
The rosy maiden was in her own world as she leaned over the ropes momentarily, before the voice of a woman which had managed to sneak towards the ring without her noticing revealed Rosemary to Adriana's presence. The initial comment would confuse Rosemary, and to begin with she thought maybe the woman was curious what the actual purpose behind her specific method of training was, but before long it became apparent that the woman harboured ill intentions.
Rosemary naturally was about to respond, but her voice was slightly faint from her work out, and even if it was it likely wouldn't be too difficult for someone to talk over her. At last Adriana finished her insult and seemingly was giving the pink haired wrestler the chance to talk, or rather she had shut up long enough for her to do so.
" Jumping around...? My trainer told me to do this and I've seen other people do the same before. If you just wanted the ring you really could have been nicer about it. " Rosemary would respond, she wasn't naturally argumentative, but she didn't take kindly to being insulted, down talked and bossed around by someone she had never so much as talked to. As irritating as it was to bump into such a rude person, Rosemary wasn't too surprised, she had actually expected to bump into more wrestlers who disrespected her for her amateur esque body and training regime, Rosemary was too self aware to claim to be more of a wrestler than someone who was fitter than her, but she found it silly that someone so well trained bothered to pick on someone who she likely had been in the same position as when she had just started.
Last edited by RJD on Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- xalex
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Adriana would start to laugh out loudly when she heard the respond of the little pink girl in-between the ropes. “yeah that might be right that this is done by wrestlers.” She would throw her bag away and climb up onto the apron standing there leaning over the top rope. She would look right at the cute girl and smirk a bit. “but you know when it is used? Either as warm up exercise for professionals. They do these thing 20 times or so, to warm up and stretch, preparing for real training. It is only a exercise for real noobs! People who step in-between the ropes for the first or second time does these things to get to know the ropes!” Adriana would lean forwards bowing down to enter the ring as well. She would slowly set into the ring.
“And surprise this is LAW GYM, for LAW wrestlers. It is no god damn wrestling school, for people who have needs for exercises like that. IF you want to learn how to act between the ropes go to one of these and leave the ring here to the pro´s to train!”
Adriana would step closer and closer to the other girl while talking. She would stand right in front of her pressing breast against breast. “if you think you need to train this thing, you totally have no belonging here in law.” She would look down at the girl and smirk. “Except… yeah that might be it…!”
“And surprise this is LAW GYM, for LAW wrestlers. It is no god damn wrestling school, for people who have needs for exercises like that. IF you want to learn how to act between the ropes go to one of these and leave the ring here to the pro´s to train!”
Adriana would step closer and closer to the other girl while talking. She would stand right in front of her pressing breast against breast. “if you think you need to train this thing, you totally have no belonging here in law.” She would look down at the girl and smirk. “Except… yeah that might be it…!”
- Lazy Bastard
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Rosemary realised pretty quickly that it would probably be a bad idea to aggravate the woman who had approached further, and she couldn't really argue her case considering she wasn't the one who made her work out schedule, and admittedly she for the most part just followed it without questions.
" Well...I'm an LAW wrestler and for myself and a few others this is actually a wrestling school. Can't you save your immature trash talking and pointless arguing for your actual matches? " The Danish woman would respond, usually she would just avoid confrontation, but she was still slightly tired and currently couldn't resist the urge to back chat. After all, if this bitch came up to Rosemary without any aggravation and started getting in her face, she would likely do the same with other trainees, which didn't sit well with Rosemary.
" Since you think I don't belong here how about you test me out? though to me it just seems like you were trying to pick a fight to begin with. " Rosemary would suggest, as she didn't back off from Adriana.
" Well...I'm an LAW wrestler and for myself and a few others this is actually a wrestling school. Can't you save your immature trash talking and pointless arguing for your actual matches? " The Danish woman would respond, usually she would just avoid confrontation, but she was still slightly tired and currently couldn't resist the urge to back chat. After all, if this bitch came up to Rosemary without any aggravation and started getting in her face, she would likely do the same with other trainees, which didn't sit well with Rosemary.
" Since you think I don't belong here how about you test me out? though to me it just seems like you were trying to pick a fight to begin with. " Rosemary would suggest, as she didn't back off from Adriana.
Last edited by RJD on Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- xalex
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Adriana wanted to say something but this time she would swallow it down and just smile happily. She would push herself away from the ropes walking over to her opponent slowly but surely. She would try to close in the distance to her opponent and stand right in front of the pink haired girl. She would look at her whole body again, but this time from close up again and she would shake her head.
“like I thought, defiantly eye candy!” would the Italian woman answer to the other girl. In the next moment Adriana would pull her flat hand upwards, trying to slap her backhand into the face of her opponent with all she got. She would wait only a short moment not giving pinky any chance to come back to grab her shoulders and pull her close before throwing herself forwards and jumping up into the air. Adriana would try to push out her knee and ram it into the stomach of her opponent without holding back. After that The Italian woman would step back looking at her work, crossing her arms under her chest.
“like I thought, defiantly eye candy!” would the Italian woman answer to the other girl. In the next moment Adriana would pull her flat hand upwards, trying to slap her backhand into the face of her opponent with all she got. She would wait only a short moment not giving pinky any chance to come back to grab her shoulders and pull her close before throwing herself forwards and jumping up into the air. Adriana would try to push out her knee and ram it into the stomach of her opponent without holding back. After that The Italian woman would step back looking at her work, crossing her arms under her chest.
- Lazy Bastard
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Rosemary was ready to come to blows, after all she was arguing with a fellow wrestler, and one with one hell of an attitude on top of that. Or at least Rosemary thought she was ready, the rose haired wrestler was easier to get the better of than she would like to admit. The Danish woman was distracted by her opponent's accusations, which were just getting more and more rude.
" What the... You're a tactless bi- " The Danish woman would begin to mouth off, before her pretty face would receive a stiff backhand, with enough force behind it to cause her to stumble to the side. Then before Rosemary had fully processed and decided what to do about what had just happened the cheeky Italian put her hands on her again, grasping her by the shoulders this time before brutally driving her knee directly into Rosemary's unprepared stomach.
" Aouhh! " Rosemary whined, before keeling over as her opponent stepped back, her stomach felt like it was on fire. For a moment the rose haired wrestler simply glared up at Adriana as she tried to hide the obvious pain in her face.
Without another word Rosemary would move back up to her feet, ignoring the pain in her tummy when it stretched as she got up. Rosemary saw a chance to strike while Adriana sat there cockily. The Danish woman would raise her hand high before trying to bring it down hard between Adriana's breasts, giving the woman the harshest chop Rosemary could muster, which hopefully would be enough to make that bitch Adriana squeal.
" What the... You're a tactless bi- " The Danish woman would begin to mouth off, before her pretty face would receive a stiff backhand, with enough force behind it to cause her to stumble to the side. Then before Rosemary had fully processed and decided what to do about what had just happened the cheeky Italian put her hands on her again, grasping her by the shoulders this time before brutally driving her knee directly into Rosemary's unprepared stomach.
" Aouhh! " Rosemary whined, before keeling over as her opponent stepped back, her stomach felt like it was on fire. For a moment the rose haired wrestler simply glared up at Adriana as she tried to hide the obvious pain in her face.
Without another word Rosemary would move back up to her feet, ignoring the pain in her tummy when it stretched as she got up. Rosemary saw a chance to strike while Adriana sat there cockily. The Danish woman would raise her hand high before trying to bring it down hard between Adriana's breasts, giving the woman the harshest chop Rosemary could muster, which hopefully would be enough to make that bitch Adriana squeal.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- xalex
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Adriana would enjoy seeing this little model in pain. She was here just to look good and pleasure the fans request for good looking girls. That was everything, so hurting one of them wasn´t really a crime in her eyes. She would smirk watching how the pink haired woman would go down a bit. Seems like she was tougher than Adriana though, when she was pushing herself back directly. She just took a good hit and was coming right at the Italian again… impressive for eyecandy. The Italian would uncross her arms from her chest and smirk, if she wanted more she could get more.
She would reach backwards getting ready to punch this pink haired doll, but before she was able to throw a punch, Rosemary was already making her move. She would chop the chest of the Italian woman so hard that a loud clapping noise was to hear throughout the whole gym, followed directly by a painful scream of Adriana, who was starting to stumble backwards away from her opponent holding her now red glowing chest. “shit”
She would reach backwards getting ready to punch this pink haired doll, but before she was able to throw a punch, Rosemary was already making her move. She would chop the chest of the Italian woman so hard that a loud clapping noise was to hear throughout the whole gym, followed directly by a painful scream of Adriana, who was starting to stumble backwards away from her opponent holding her now red glowing chest. “shit”
- Lazy Bastard
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Re: Making new “friends” during training
Rosemary would try to follow up by charging forwards and pushing her opponent by her shoulders, hoping to knock the woman on her ass.
If she was successful then Rosemary would run forward again and try to leap into the air, coming down crotch first directly against her opponent's face, hopefully slamming the cocky woman's head into the mat and crushing her face under her crotch.
" I may not be eye candy, but this definitely is. " Rosemary would say with a smirk, before she slowly began to hump her opponent's face. Usually Rosemary wasn't sadistic, however she didn't like Adriana, which made her face more comfortable to sit on.
If she was successful then Rosemary would run forward again and try to leap into the air, coming down crotch first directly against her opponent's face, hopefully slamming the cocky woman's head into the mat and crushing her face under her crotch.
" I may not be eye candy, but this definitely is. " Rosemary would say with a smirk, before she slowly began to hump her opponent's face. Usually Rosemary wasn't sadistic, however she didn't like Adriana, which made her face more comfortable to sit on.
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