Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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The winner of this match will be decided through a single knockout from a smothering move

Casey was yet to wrestle in the LAW and was excited for her first match, both due to the size of the arena and the unique match stipulation. The redhead was still fairly young and inexperienced in the wrestling world, and so this was the first time she had even heard of such a match type, and naturally the flirtatious wrestler was excited to have an excuse to make another woman embrace her curves. Of course Casey was used to beating up her opponent's pretty badly though, she wasn't sure if such a thing was expected in a softer kind of match up and was curious to see if her offence could transfer to such a match up even if she had no qualms with such a match. Casey would be donning her usual ring gear, which consisted of a bodysuit which covered her legs, stomach and torso, some stylish pink trainers and a Chinese inspired shirt which covered her breasts, acting as a third layer covering her somewhat lacking bust, covering both her bra and the body suit.

It didn't take Casey long to get ready and before long she would make her enterence, accompanied by a somewhat generic rock song, which unfortunately she was currently stuck with since she didn't bother to fill out what her music should be in a form. Previously Casey didn't mind what music she had, but now that she was quickly pacing towards the ring with an unceremoniously dull and generic rock song the redhead couldn't help but wish she had chosen a specific song. Before long the lightweight would make her way down to the ring, hopping up onto the apron and entering through the middle ropes, before then hopping over towards the closest corner and waiting in it, claiming that corner as her own as she gazed up at the stage to await her foe.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca would take deep breaths as she was preparing for her next match she's been in and out of matches not even have a week off. "I'm so sore.. but i cant give up" Rebecca told her self as she stretched a bit. She would have a basic leotard on and some foot wear that were okay for the match. "hmm a smother match so i have to pin her down with my breast or ass.. this might be a new one." rebecca said to her self again as she got her cue for her entrance and would walk out waving at the crowd. The crowd cheered for her telling her to put on a bikini or wear nothing at all, Rebecca would simply wave and giggled.

Looking at her opponent Rebecca though the girl was quiet cute, "ohhh i say a 7 out of 10 on the cute side." Rebecca said as she entered the ring. Looking at Casey Rebecca would wave at her, "Hello there I'm Rebecca is so nice to meet you lets have a good match and no sore losers on who wins" Rebecca said smiling at her foe.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Casey would watch with interest as her foe headed towards the ring, not doing a good job at hiding the fact, or perhaps more accurately not even sparing a thought to consider doing so subtly. Casey couldn't help but notice just how extremely cute Rebecca was as she entered the ring, giving Casey a slight inferiority complex but even moreso exciting her for the body contact to come. The redhead could slightly hear what her foe said and would take the slightest irritation at what she could make out, she didn't quite hear anything other than the rating, but whatever the rating was she wasn't happy to be even a handful of digits away from perfect. The redhead wasn't so petty to start an ordeal over that though, and instead would just be bothered by it as her opponent greeted her.

" Oh Hey Rebecca, I'm Casey. That sounds good, lets stay civil " The redhead would agree, keeping consistent eye contact with her absent looking eyes before then portraying a tiny bit of anxiety on her face as a sudden wave of guilt overcame her. " Yeah...sorry I don't really know how to hold back, and you just look a little...cute?" The redhead would say, pausing for a minute as she tried to come up with a satisfying and unoffensive word to illustrate her point, before settling with a simple compliment that at the very least hinted to what she meant. " Anyway, nice to meet you " Casey would abruptly continue, cutting off the response time for her last comment and leaving that point in the dust as she forced the conversation back to a simple introduction.

With that Casey would wait in her corner for the bell to ring, and once it did she would quickly hop out of the corner, running towards her opponent and throwing a somewhat clumsy but powerful clothesline towards her foe, trying to rock the smaller woman with an ungraceful but powerful clothesline. The redhead of course wasn't the quickest wrestling, focusing more on muscle training at any given moment, but she still had somewhat impressive speed considering that it was hardly her main strength.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca smiled at Casey as she spoke, "Its okay if you don't hold back I am a Wrestler to despite my small stature." Rebecca said and giggled, "your cute to Casey." Rebecca smiled at her soon to be foe. Heading to her corner the cute girl would stretched to limber up until the bell rang and Rebecca would head out towards Casey. The taller girl would come running at her, the smaller girl would brace her self for the clothesline even if it was sloppy it sent the small girl down onto the canvas.

"ugh.." rebecca groaned as she would look over at Casey before wrapping her legs around the other girls hoping to trip her and then get on top of the other girl. Rebecca would try to pin her down by grabbing her hands, "nnnghg hold still.." Rebecca said as she didn't want much bucking.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca did say that it was accepting for Casey not to hold back, but the redhead knew that her foe likely wouldn't understand to what extent Casey's solid strikes were damaging. The gale would charge forth as soon as the bell had rang, throwing herself somewhat recklessly arm first towards her opponent in a clothesline, which unsurprisingly the smaller wrestler managed to counter by dropping to the mat and taking Casey down with her in a drop toe hold. Then as soon as Casey fell face first into the mat and rolled onto her front Rebecca would turn the wrestler around before straddling her, and grasping Casey's arms before pinning them to the mat, something which Rebecca would meet some struggle with, but it didn't seem like Casey was putting in too much incredible effort to escape her position.

" I guess if you keep me down then you don't need to worry about me going all out " Casey would joke, before trying to struggle under her opponent, all while attempting to forcibly slide her arms outwards from her body to make it harder for her opponent to keep Casey against the mat. The redhead perhaps was taking the encounter a tiny bit lightly, but there was at least some strategy behind her questionable actions. Afterall, it was too early for Rebecca to successfully pin Casey down long enough to cause any significant damage, especially considering the height difference between the two. Plus it would be a bad idea for Casey to go all in to escape such a position, since the worst thing she could do at the start of a match would be to put all her effort into escaping a hold before her opponent even had a chance to show her mettle, which would result in Casey both not getting a taste of her opponent's offence and style but also tiring the redhead out in the early bout.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca smiled at Casey, as she was able to bring the girl. Her chest hurt quite a bit, from the clothesline. Rebecca would have to be mindful of Casey's speed and strength. Knowing that if they were on the ground. It would make it easier for Rebecca to not let Casey strike her to much, so that was was her plan. "Hehehe...yeah I can tell you can put a lot of power into your strikes. Just from that clothesline.", The cute girl said with a smile. Struggling to keep casey down. Rebecca was hoping she could pin down those hands, but the girl was alot stronger then Rebecca. it was proving to be very hard to pin down Casey. Once she pinned down Casey's hands for a while. Rebecca would try to go for an early smother.

Pushing her breast into the redheads face. Rebecca would want to hold the smother for a bit, but she knew it would be a short while before Casey tried to break out. Instead of holding onto the move for to long. Rebecca would try to hold onto the smother for a few minutes before rolling off of Casey. Rolling towards the ropes. Rebecca would have her strategy. Now she had to apply it.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Casey admittedly was having some fun trying to keep her arms out of her foe's reach, sure it was a horrible time to take it easy, but Rebecca's focused face as she struggled to keep the redhead under control was unbearably adorable. " Yeah, I'm sure the canvas won't mess with me again after that devastating clothesline" Casey would joke, before one of her hands were successfully grabbed and pinned to the mat.

Now that Casey was one handed and genuinely trapped the expression in her face would become slightly more serious, as she quickly had her other hand pinned to the mat too. The redhead had thought for sure that she would be able to out muscle her opponent immediately, but even as Casey pushed with all her strength Rebecca's arms would still lock here against the mat, Casey heavily underestimating the influence the woman's advantageous positioning would have on their battle of strength.

As if by some kind of twisted karma Casey would go from playing the fool to actually playing the full, embarrassingly being held down by the smallest woman in the LAW. Then Rebecca would lower her breasts, which were certainly far from the smallest of their kind in LAW, in fact they were quite an admirable and feared entity when compared to their brethren. " H-hey, you're cutting to the Chase quite quickly " the redhead would nerviously mutter, before her pretty face would be squished under the weight and mass of Rebecca's chest." Hmpth! Omm fummmn" Casey would mumble, her voice being almost entirely muffled as she failed to get a quip across. The redhead's face and even some of her hair would disapear under the woman's breasts, Casey's nose being jostled within her opponent's sweet scented valley through her own bucking and struggling, while her cheeks were being squished under Rebecca's alluring orbs.

Casey would frantically struggle and buck her body, her arms still traped, but her hips frantically bucking and arching off the mat in an attempt to shake the woman off. It would take a few moments, but eventually Casey would free herself and be left laid out on the matt with a modest blush, before the sight of Rebecca getting to her feet in the corner of her eye sparked Casey into action as she pushed off the mat and stumbled back up into a standing position herself if given the time.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca would give her foe a good rub of her breast as she felt Casey buck wildly. Gettting off the girl Rebecca would use the ropes to get up and look at her opponent as she got up as well. "Dam..." Rebecca said as she didn't want Casey standing knowing the girl was fast on her feet and her strength was better then the cute girls.

Rebecca had to move and get Casey back down as she ran at the girl quickly before she can react. Jumping up Rebecca would try to slam her body down on Casey hopefully she could hit her with a full body tackle and bring them down again. it was going to be hard but Rebecca had to weaken the girl more and knew her only bet would be to go for submission moves. she just hoped she could take down the girl and not miss her tackle.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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As Casey got into a standing position she would quickly scan in the ring for her opponent, and luckily would notice that the cutie was quickly approaching, managing to spot the woman before she rammed into her. unfortunately Casey wasn't the best at reacting quickly, even if her speed was pretty impressive she tended to be one of the worst wrestlers when it came to reaction times. The redhead wouldn't be able to even brace herself before Rebecca crashed into her, letting out a slight grunt before slamming into the mat and releasing a much more prolonged groan, holding her pained head while Rebecca landed atop her.

The hard hitting lightweight would be left rocked for a moment from the sudden charge, embarrassingly being left in quite a vulnerable position by someone who she considered to be one of the most adorable wrestlers she had ever encountered.

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Re: Rebecca Watatsumi vs Casey Quick ( debut ) - Smother match

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Rebecca tackled Casey even though she saw the girl coming but didnt reacted in time. "whew thought for sure you were going to dodge or counter" Rebecca smiled at her as she tired to pin down Casey arms again. Rebecca looked over at Casey. "ready for an other smother Casey?" Rebecca asked cutely.

She would start to lower her impressive chest ready to push it into Casey's face yet again. Rebecca knew it was still to soon to get a win but she wanted to weaken her as much as she could.

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