Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

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Re: Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Clara's grown very eager in recent month in regards to her matches, a little more aggressive. Her match with Astrid may have been a loss, but it did not discourage her in the slightest. On the contrary, it lit the fire under the Brit, trying to fight to her damnest, challenging herself to win no matter what!

Still, Lunara had her own skills to prove tonight, and wouldn't give up so easily! As Clara approached the blonde, she would see her getting her fist ready at the last second, pulling her head out of the way of the punch!

Only for the Jaguarundi to whip her other arm at Clara, driving her fist straight into her cheeks!


Right as Clara staggered back from the hard punch to her face, the blonde would whip her leg up, nailing the Brit in her skull! In the face of her rival's combo, Clara would crumple to the floor, holding her aching skull!

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Re: Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

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Lunara was not the most versatile fighter, most of her arsenal consisted of aerial techniques. And although she was not as good at using her fists as Astrid and not as good at using her legs as Charlotte, she still knew how to use both. She demonstrated this by catching Clara off guard.

The brunette managed to avoid the first punch, but a quick second punch broke her defenses, which allowed the predator to use a truly powerful kick that sent the Shadow Lord to the mat to the enthusiastic screams of the audience. After Clara fell, Lunara allowed herself to smile because she was pleased that the audience appreciated her fighting skills.

Without losing her pace, the American woman intended to grab Clara by her left elbow and right shoulder in order to abruptly lift her to her feet. However, she didn't do it out of the kindness of her heart, because as soon as Clara was in a more or less vertical position, the Jaguarundi would have thrown her left knee up to hit Clara in the stomach with a curving knee strike!

This strike differed from the classic one in that Lunara intended to use not only her knee, but also most of her thigh to hit as large an area of Clara's stomach as possible, thereby both squeezing the air out of her and forcing her to stagger back to the corner behind her.

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Re: Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Clara lost her advantage over Lunara, the blonde managing to outstrike the Brit. Despite her specialty, Lunara likely was able to spar with Astrid, Nerissa and Charlotte, all 3 of whom had superior striking skills to Clara. Whether the blonde was on the level of either woman, Clara didn't know, but the blonde was managing to prove herself better than the Brit with her punches and kicks!

The moment Clara tried to rise, Lunara would be onto the Shadow Lord, driving her knee into Clara's stomach!


Clara stumbled back, her back impacting the turnbuckles behind her, as the Predator was cornering Clara, not letting her escape from her attacks!

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Re: Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

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Sweat was running down Lunara's skin, and adrenaline was coursing through her veins. Damn. How long has it been since she's been in a real fight? Yes, sex is the best stress reliever, and hentai matches where sex is competitive are one of the most exciting things in the world. But a real fight... for Lunara, it was as much a pleasure as good sex.

Having gained an advantage with the help of signature her combo that broke through Clara's defenses, the predator used an unconventional knee strike to knock out the Shadow Lord's breath and send her to the nearest corner. The turquoise eyes of the American woman sparkled playfully. After this match no one will dare to say that she is only fit for sex, everyone will remember that she is as skilled a fighter as the rest of the women in this federation.

The brunette was exactly where the Jaguarundi wanted her to be, but this time she intended to be much more careful. Clara's knees in all their glory made it clear to her how dangerous this lightweight is. So now the predator wasn't going to leave her opponent even the slightest opportunity to defend herself.

Lunara rushed towards the Shadow Lord, accelerating with each step, and then pushed off from the mat with force. Using her strong and long legs, she intended to soar into the air while simultaneously pulling her right knee up to her chest to hit Clara in the chin with an extremely powerful high knee strike!

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Re: Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

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Trapped in the corner, Clara tried to breathe deeply in...and finding resistance from her body to do that, her attempt only coming out as a loud cough. Clara wanted to be ready to fight back against Lunara, to try and shut up the blonde's attempt to gain momentum in the match...

...only for the Brit to look up at her rival, with the blonde rapidly approaching, before lifting her knee upwards, and smashing it right up Clara's jaw for a High Knee strike!

The moment Lunara would land back on her legs, Clara would stumble forwards, losing all strength in her legs as her mind went black for a moment, falling face first onto the floor from the blonde's brutal strike!

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Re: Lunara Ashmore vs Clara Gaster - Presence and Power!

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At the moment when Lunara's knee crashed into her opponent's chin, first a terrible click swept through the arena and then the arena was filled with screams from the audience. Oh, it filled the American woman's heart with an unusual warmth. Of course, this wasn't the first time the audience had admired her, but usually she was naked in those moments. This time, they admired not her naked body or her charms that could bring anyone to orgasm, but her fighting skills. Damn... that was exactly what she wanted... and it felt incredibly good.

The Jaguarundi landed on her feet, while Clara, clearly stunned by such a hard strike, began to fall forward. It might have seemed that in a second she would fall to the mat, but suddenly the blonde stretched out her arm to the side, catching her opponent and thereby preventing her from falling.

Don't rush, darling...” she purred.

Without removing her right hand from the British woman's waist, Lunara intended to grab Clara's left leg with her free hand. She was going to lift Clara above the mat, but instead of another throw, she wanted to put the brunette on the top turnbuckle, which caused a new wave of noise from the audience.

Without wasting any time, the predator would have climbed onto the middle ropes. Clutching Clara's head with her left hand, she would have pressed it to herself, as a result of which her rival's face, albeit involuntarily, would have been pressed against the blonde's lush breasts. Holding Clara, Lunara intended to raise her right hand and stick out her index finger, receiving support from the audience in response.

Sex is good. Sex is the best thing in her life. But today she wanted to taste another victory. She's not just a sex doll, she's a fighter. And today everyone will remember it. The Jaguarundi intended to push off from the middle ropes and jump onto the top ones, but only to push off again. Demonstrating amazing agility and grace, the predator intended to wrap her legs around the Shadow Lord's head, and then abruptly lean back to smash Clara's head into the mat with the help of a outstanding frankensteiner!

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