First to Fall: Ana Akira vs Aurora

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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First to Fall: Ana Akira vs Aurora

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Falls Count Anywhere Match
Win by Pinfall or Submission.

So, everything that makes me whole
I'm Yours
Pryo goes off as Ana slides onto the stage ramp with a massive grin on her face, wearing one of her new outfits for everyone to see.

What so great about this outfit is parts of the outfits she won from opponents went into making this suit for her, as she hops up to her feet smirking listening to the jeers and boos coming from the fans seeing the hated Idol make her way down the ramp and to the ring.

Inside the ring Ana would do her signature cartwheel splits showing off her body before striking a cute idol pose for the fans, before walking over and sitting on the turnbuckle waiting for her opponent to show up with a unimpressed and annoyed look on her face.

Since she is the first one of Cyber Legacy to challenge one of the Cats to a match, with the other being her sister challenging Kat to a match on a empty bullet train.

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Re: First to Fall: Ana Akira vs Aurora

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The feud between Cyber Legacy and the world tag team champions, The SWAT Cats had escalated to unprecedented levels. Cyber Legacy had been systematically and viciously targeting The Cats for months on end. Whether it was the trio ambushing Tracy in her match with Serilda, whether it was the group staging a coordinated assault on Aurora meant to draw out her tag partners, whether it was Thereisa picking a fight with Kat during a photo shoot, the dynasty that was Cyber Legacy would not stop coming for LAW's fan favorite luchadora trio.

But between members of both teams, there was perhaps no beef more personal than the rivalry between Ana Akira and Aurora Estrella!
Entrance Music
Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella

The crowd erupts as Aurora's music hits! The Galaxy Cat walks out, gloved fists balled firmly at her sides. Her signature afro poof is noticeably shorter than usual, nearly gone entirely- due to the liberties her opponent took the last time they jumped The SWAT Cats!

Contrary to her upbeat entrance music and the fanfare all around her, Aurora marched to the ring with purpose. Her heterochromatic eyes narrowed and glinted with purpose. Her brow furrowed. The commentaries at ringside reacted with shock at how we were getting a very different Estrella tonight and rightfully so after all of Cyber Legacy's treachery! After Ana had the gall to come after both Aurora's friends and her trademark flawless and beautiful hair!

Aurora made a beeline for the ring! She slid under the bottom rope and quickly pushed up to her feet before stepping up to Ana and pressing her forehead against the so-called "Murder Princess's" own!

Though Aurora was noticeably angry, she didn't attack before the contest officially got underway. She knew that Ana would have smack to talk before things got started. As the announcements were made explaining the match and introducing the competitors, the tag team champion didn't pay any heed to anything Ana said. She was laser-focused on getting avenging her team and her hair, and doing it the right way! She stood her ground and no matter what insults Ana hurled her way, Aurora would answer by maintaining fierce eye contact and instructing the referee girl!

"Ring. The. Bell." The Chromatic Cat commanded. And when the referee and the timekeeper obliged, Aurora would look to drop down to one knee and push forward on her back foot to slide behind Ana and get a firm grip on the bluenette around her small waist! If Aurora was successful, she'd look to take command of this match by trying to bridge back and throw Ana down to the mat onto the back of her blue-haired head and neck with a Release German Suplex to start things off!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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The Riders
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Re: First to Fall: Ana Akira vs Aurora

Unread post by The Riders »

As soon as the bell was rung... Ana was taken aback by Aurora coming out quickly out the corner and was able to get behind her and catch her off guard.

The next thing she knew was her feet leaving the mat with the other woman trying to land a release German suplex... but Ana would rotate her body more and land on her feet with a smirk seeing that she was able to pull it off.

She even goes so far as to take a bow at Aurora in a mocking way before running forward and trying to land a sliding clothesline of her own onto her opponent's neck.

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