Aurora Estrella "The Galaxy Cat"

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Aurora Estrella "The Galaxy Cat"

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Basic Info:
Age: 23
Eye Color: Right eye is yellow, left is blue (heterochromia)
Hair Color: Midnight Blue/Black
Weight: 107 lbs
Height: 5' 1"
Alignment: Face
Epithet: "The Galaxy Cat" / "The Chromatic Cat"
Nationality: American
Entrance Music:
Twitter: @AuroraGalaxyLAW

Wrestling Attire/Appearance:

Formal Wear(contract signings, press conferences, etc):

Wrestling Style and History:
Before Wrestling
Aurora is an intelligent and pragmatic girl that grew up with an aptitude for academia. As a child growing up, especially one that performed well in her accelerated courses, Aurora was much quirkier than her peers. Having conformed to the stereotypes one would associate with a smaller, nerdy girl, she faced challenges in the form of bullying and heckling. Towards the end of high school, this culminated in her reinventing herself as more of an extrovert and training herself to become comfortable in front of crowds and people in general. Aurora would gradually work her way towards building her confidence and coming into her own as a mature, young woman. She took speech classes, dance classes, rhythmic gymnastics, and so on. She didn't enjoy theater at first, but the more she tried performance arts, the more she found that it helped her grow her confidence. Eventually, she branched out to pastimes like dance and improv. As she continued exploring, Aurora took up the odd gig here and there, making fast friends and becoming more confident until she eventually referred to a gig to be a round girl/ring girl, holding up the cards between rounds at boxing and MMA matches. While she didn't take to those quickly, she was scouted as a prospect for a local wrestling promotion. First as a valet/eye candy. But it didn't take long for her to try lacing up some boots and trying her hand at wrestling in the ring.

Aurora had a friend at a wrestling gym show her the ropes. At the time, she was only working there as a valet to accompany the talent to the ring. To her friend's surprise, Aurora was a very quick study. The first time Estrella sparred with this girl at the wrestling gym, a trainer there witnessed it and offered Estrella the chance to formally train her. Aurora took the trainer up on it and tried her hand at the whole wrestling shtick. Becoming proficient in so many physically demanding hobbies throughout junior high and early highschool gave her a leg up on other trainees around her age. After finishing training, she did well in her tryouts and decided to give wrestling a try when she got approved. She was a natural in the ring, picking things up much faster than your average wrestler. It didn't hurt that she could have some fun, too. The hardest part was landing on a gimmick. Something that would help her connect with a crowd. Aurora tried many costumes and personas. She wrestled as a mad scientist, as a football player, as a cheerleader, and so on (she did really enjoy the scientist gimmick but it wasn't getting over). Eventually, the perky idiosyncratic girl settled on an outer space "galaxy" themed cat. Her initial inspiration came from the old nyancat meme. She retooled it with the help of a costume designer and came up with something really special.
Early LAW Career
As she rose through the ranks in the independents on the east coast of the US, LAW took notice of her. Eventually, as LAW continued to become a more and more prominent promotion, she was scouted and picked up by the organization. With a lucrative contract to her name, Aurora took up the task of trying to be a successful wrestler and a successful college student at the same time!

Aurora got off to a strong start in her LAW Career. her resourcefulness, drive, and her ability to think on her feet helped her adapt to various match-ups and succeed in situations where she was a hairsbreadth away from defeat. Aurora's demeanor during this time was more on the aloof side. While she would never act malicious for the sake of it, Aurora relied heavily on her many different opponent's tendencies to underestimate her based on her looks and demeanor. And this strategy worked to great effect, earning her an undefeated streak which she became known for!
Present Day LAW Career and Wrestling Style
Her adventures at LAW had her get lumped in with Katherine Hart and Tracy Canon during a faction war between the two cats and the three-woman dog stable, Cerberus. Having been accused of being a SWAT Cat, Kat and Tracy decided to roll with it and welcome her into the fold! Cerberus had unknowingly made the team that much stronger and more well-rounded! And Aurora found lifelong new best friends in Tracy and Katherine Hart. Her dynamic with Tracy sees the two playfully tease one another. Though there was friction between them at first in how their very different approaches towards most things in general, they've since seen eye to eye and developed a sisterly bond. Aurora has also learned a great deal from Kat and values The Super Kitty's experience, wisdom, and wrestling acumen. It was her training and bonding with both Kat and Tracy that helped Aurora bring her tag team wrestling skills up to par with her singles wrestling skills and ultimately helped imbue her with her own brand of confidence in her wrestling, in what being a wrestler means to her, and in herself.

In the present day, Aurora graduated early from college and focused on LAW full-time. She truly enjoys connecting with the fans, and when she can, connecting with her opponents as well. She no longer pretends to be aloof. With her undefeated streak still intact, and her status as an Inaugural World Tag Team Champion, her opponents bring the fight to her relentlessly, and she's learned to adapt as best she can!

Despite her size, Aurora is a capable all-arounder in the ring. She wrestles a rather balanced style, exhibiting different moves and strategies based on what her competition is capable of and based on what opportunities present themselves. While she doesn't bring a ton of power to the table, her ability to use all other move categories and her ability to think on her feet and keep her offense varied help her adapt to her competition.

Aurora is fun-loving and sweet. She's very observant, perceptive, and contemplative. Her tag partners often call her the brains of the team. She often breaks things down pragmatically and she works/thinks meticulously when problem-solving.

Aurora has taken her time exploring herself as a person and what wrestling means to her. She's discovered her confidence and she derives fulfillment from connecting with fans and with fellow wrestlers. The more she feels she understands her peers, the more capable she feels about her ability to make herself useful.

Aurora will typically disengage from people she and situations that she finds overly/needlessly aggressive or fruitless. People that jump the gun, are incapable of diplomacy, or are otherwise delusional are all pet peeves of hers.

Finishing Moves:
Drops of Jupiter
A Double Moonsault executed from the top rope. Aurora generates enough torque and momentum to manage two rotations. Tracy is capable of using the move as well, but Aurora will tell you that she was doing it first (and she's right!). Though the two poke fun at each other for it, it was actually Tracy that helped coach Aurora to perfect the move and use it as a finisher.
Lunar Eclipse
A Code Red, also known as a sunset flip powerbomb, allows Aurora to use a foe's weight and momentum to help her slam them down into sitout position for a pin! Can be executed from the standing, the corner, and even from the top rope!
Solar Eclipse/KCM
Aurora had used this move on her own in singles competition under the name "Solar Eclipse".The move is essentially a Single Leg Crap with an Armbar, straining an opponent's arm, leg, and back.

After meeting Tracy and Katherine and bonding with them, she had put forward the idea of making it their team's shared submission finishing hold. When used with her team, they refer to it as the K.C.M. for "Kitty Combat Maneuver", but commentators and fans will still call it "Solar Eclipse" when Aurora is in solo competition, out of respect for her solo career beforehand.

The Cats can tap someone out individually with the move, or two Cats can double up on one opponent, taking an arm and a leg each to apply double the pressure and double the pain!
Star Cross
A variation of the Indian Deathlock taught to Aurora by Kat. After passing the KCM finisher onto her team, Katherine repaid Aurora by training with her to come up with a new submission finisher to add to her arsenal! This leglock ties up the opponent's lower body and targets the hips and legs, allowing Aurora to trap even her most physically imposing foes in a hold that can earn her the win!

LAW Achievements/Accolades

• Main Evented We Are LAW 5 alongside Aurora Estrella in a World Tag Team Title match against The Thundergirls
• Former #1 Contender for the LAW Lightweight Championship
• Inaugural LAW World Tag Team Champion alongside Katherine Hart and Tracy Canon
• Participates in endorsements, sponsorships, commercials, and autograph signings on LAW's behalf

- Aurora is afraid of pointy/sharp objects
- Her favorite beverage is tea; she often drinks jasmine
- While she was training to become a wrestler, Aurora wrestled full-time while attending college full-time. She graduated early with a Bachelor's degree
- Aurora gets sentimental easily. She's fond of the fact that her tag partners took her up on her suggestion that they use one of her finishers as their shared submission finisher/signature for The SWAT Cats
- Aurora tutors Tracy since Tracy isn't attending school. Tracy slacks off a lot during tutoring and Aurora often wrestles her into studying and doing her homework
- Though Aurora is much more confident now than she was in the past, she's prides herself in accurate estimates, observational skills, and resourcefulness. She is very honest about her chances of success vs specific opponents or in any given situation when prompted.
Last edited by winner3 on Tue Jan 16, 2024 6:20 pm, edited 30 times in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: Aurora Estrella "The Galaxy Cat"

Unread post by winner3 »

Overall Match Record: 6/0/0 (W/L/D)

Match Outcome
Misty Sims vs Aurora Estrella Misty Sims X - Aurora Estrella O
via Pinfall
Fumi Inari vs Alice GASTER vs "Galaxy Cat" Aurora Estrella Fumi Inari X - Alice GASTER X - Aurora Estrella O
via Submission
"Galaxy Cat" Aurora Estrella vs Sylphia Fairs Aurora Estrella O - Sylphia Fairs X
via Submission
The SWAT Cats (c) vs The Ashford Family The SWAT Cats O - The Ashford Family X
via Submission, The SWAT Cats Retain
Piper Sherwood vs Aurora Estrella Piper Sherwood X - Aurora Estrella O
via Pinfall
The SWAT Cats (c) vs Sweet Lust The SWAT Cats O - Sweet Lust X
via Submission

Complete Character Timeline and Detailed Match History

Misty Sims vs Aurora Estrella
Match Thread - Aurora debuts at the same time as Misty Sims in a match that sees both of these hot new stars giving it their all! Though Aurora manages to win decisively, Misty has a good showing and picks up on Aurora's invitation to make a statement after the match concludes!

Result: Win via Pinfall
Teardrop Suplex -> Single Leg Boston Crab -> Springboard Bulldog -> Pin
Post-Match Talk - Aurora/Misty
Backstage Thread - Aurora and Misty talk about their match, as well as the post-match attack Aurora invited Misty to perform so that she could look strong. The two hit it off and Aurora agrees to train with Misty to help her realize her true potential as a big star at LAW! All the while, the two grow fonder of one another.
The Smother War (ongoing story)
Other Areas/Various Places - A prank from Cerberus stable member Kate Conners pulls on Tracy in the LAW locker room results in Tracy retaliating ten-fold with a smother attack. Kate and the rest of Cerberus seek retribution via a series of jumpings that see Aurora get caught in the fray. She bands together with The SWAT Cats, becoming their third member to even the odds against the canine trio!
Fumi Inari vs Alice GASTER vs "Galaxy Cat" Aurora Estrella
Match Thread - After a good showing in her debut and after news of Aurora joining The SWAT Cats broke out, The Galaxy Cat steps up to the plate when management seeks to organize a Triple Threat Elimination match between 3 premiere athletes in The Lightweight Division!

Result: Win
Aurora eliminates Alice via Pinfall: Hurricanrana on Alice, throwing her into the corner -> Spear into the Corner -> Drops of Jupiter -> Pin
Aurora eliminates Fumi via Submission: Solar Eclipse
Aurora Estrella "Galaxy Cat" vs Sylphia Fairs
Match Thread - After being crowned a Tag Champion, Aurora seeks to continue pulling her weight as both a singles competitor in the lightweight division and a tag team all-star. Management informs her that she's been issued challenges from various lightweight competitors, and her first opponent among them is "Fairy Princess" Sylphia Fairs, a striker with forceful kicks!

Result: Win via Submission
Avalanche Hurricanrana off the Top Rope -> Star Cross
Tag Team Championship Gauntlet Match at We Are LAW 2
PPV Thread - The time had finally come to determine the inaugural LAW tag team champions! Having drawn the last seed in the tag gauntlet match, The SWAT Cats pick up the win. While they do celebrate the championship victory, the trio looks forward to proving themselves quintessential champions and cornerstones of the division.

Result: Win via Submission (Katherine and Tracy were the ones participating, so I didn't add it as a win to Aurora's record, but it's relevant to her LAw Canon)
K.C.M. on both Ducky and Black Swan at the same time
The SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge Begins at Fight The LAW
PPV Thread - The SWAT Cats make it their mission to cement their reign and the tag team division by committing to open challenges and they lay one out at Fight The LAW! The cat luchadora trio quickly gets much more than they bargained for, however, when multiple top tag teams answer the call and declare their intent to come after the titles!
Another Interview Interrupted
Other Area/Lexy's Lexinomicon - Lexy Alan is entrusted with the task of presenting The SWAT Cats with their newly updated tag team belts. She does so in an interview during her show while hosting the champs! Sadly, the show is hijacked by one of Tracy's fiercest and most stubborn and competitive rivals: Camie Young!
Aurora Estrella "Galaxy Cat" vs Sylphia Fairs
Match Thread - After being crowned a Tag Champion, Aurora seeks to continue pulling her weight as both a singles competitor in the lightweight division and a tag team all-star. Management informs her that she's been issued challenges from various lightweight competitors, and her first opponent among them is "Fairy Princess" Sylphia Fairs, a striker with forceful kicks!

Result: Win via Submission
Avalanche Hurricanrana off the Top Rope -> Star Cross
The SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge at We Are LAW 4
PPV Thread - Making good on their promise as champions, The SWAT Cats lay out an Open Challenge at We Are LAW 4. They are answered by the curious and capable pair of Toni and Mara Ashford, only for their mother Dana to run in while the champs are distracted! A very one-sided beatdown ensues! Despite suffering heavy losses and having Kat sidelines, the champs do not back down and commit to defending the titles against the Ashford Family trio in a 2 v 3 match on the PPV with the odds stacked heavily in the challenger's favor!
The SWAT Cats (c) vs The Ashford Family
Match Thread - Mara Ashford, Toni Ashford, and their mother, the famed Dana Ashford steamrolled the champs and took Kat out before their title match. Now The SWAT Cats face dire odds against some of the coldest and most calculating women in the tag division! The Ashfords threaten to stop The SWAT Cat's reign before it ever really got started!

Result: Win via Submission, The SWAT Cats Retain
Hot Tag from Aurora to Kat -> Rolling Thunder Senton -> Forearm Blow to Mara to knock her off the apron -> Enziguri Kick to Dana to knock her off the apron -> Queen of Harts on Toni transitioned into the Ace of Harts
The Second SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - As they continue trying to elevate the tag titles and the tag division as a whole, the Open Challenges continue, too! This time, The Dangerous Double Tatsumi sisters, DDT, step up and request a Ladder Match in the Yokohama Arena in their hometown!
Becoming The Number One Contender
Promo Thread - The General Manager himself addresses the currently reigning Lightweight Champion Rose Gold by calling her out to the ring to name Aurora as Rose's number one contender, seemingly tasking her with dethroning the Mad Queen! Though Aurora doesn't make an appearance, this news makes waves at LAW!
Piper Sherwood vs Aurora Estrella
MatchThread - Aurora looks to continue pulling her weight in the tag division and in the lightweight division as she takes on promising rising star Piper Sherwood. Although Piper had a rough start in LAW, she's begun to turn things around. And Sherwood looked to cement her rise by pulling out all the stops as she tries to defeat one of the top lightweights in the company, Aurora Estrella, herself!

Result: Win via Pinfall
Buckle Bomb -> 540 Kick -> Backstabber -> Drops of Jupiter
The Third SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - After laying out their formal challenge at Fight The LAW, The SWAT Cats make good on their promise to lay out open challenges to the tag division over and over until they lose. This open challenge sees The Booty Princesses rise to the occasion for a shot at The World Tag Team Championships!

After some fun back and forth, The Princesses choose a match that fits their forte! They take on the champs in an elimination-style tag team smother match for the titles!
Declaration of War: The SWAT Cats Rebuttal
Promo Thread - The stable Cyber Legacy has executed a string of violent and unprompted attacks on fans while calling out The SWAT Cats. The champs tend to Cyber Legacy's victims and respond.
Falling Out With Lexy Alan
Interview Thread - In an interview with Lexy and The SWAT Cats covering very many topics, the segment winds down with news of the We Are LAW 5 card reaching them all at the same time. News of Aurora and Katherine main eventing over Lexy's love interest Rose Gold drives a wedge between Lexy and The Cats, putting a half to the regular interviews they used to do together
The Third SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - After laying out their formal challenge at Fight The LAW, The SWAT Cats make good on their promise to lay out open challenges to the tag division over and over until they lose. This open challenge sees The Booty Princesses rise to the occasion for a shot at The World Tag Team Championships!

After some fun back and forth, The Princesses choose a match that fits their forte! They take on the champs in an elimination-style tag team smother match for the titles!
The SWAT Cats vs Sweet Lust
Match Thread - The fledgling team of Jenny and Rose set their sights high by having the Rodouko gym work with LAW to arrange a 3 v 2 non-title handicap match against the world-renowned tag team champions.

Result: Win via Submission
Belly to Belly Suplex into the corner(Kat to Rose) -> Tag to Aurora ->
Superkick/German Suplex Double Team (Kat and Aurora on Rose) -> Tag to Tracy -> KCM Finisher (Tracy and Aurora on Rose)
The Fourth SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - The Champions continue their Open Challenges as they seek to give every tag team that will step up the best tag match of their career! This time the premiere team of Alaina Sanders and Tina Armstrong step up and quickly state their business!
The Fifth SWAT Cats Tag Team Open Challenge
Promo Thread - This Open Challenge sees The Superstars answer The SWAT Cats for their crack at the tag titles! Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster demand a World Tag Title Match at Fight The LAW 2! And they do so remotely, all the way from Harmonia's yacht in this fun back-and-forth promo!
A Long Time Coming
Promo Thread - Tensions are high going into this interview segment with The SWAT Cats and The Pom Pom Punchers! The Punchers, particularly Amber Skye had been accusing The SWAT Cats of ducking them for quite some time! Now the time has come for the two teams to hash things out either with words or with fists!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 04, 2023 8:24 pm, edited 10 times in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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