Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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Match One out of the best of Three.
Win by Pinfall Or Submission.
Music blares over the speakers as Thereisa makes her way out on stage. The confident smirk on her face is gone... she had a serious look on her face as she made her way down to the ring.
The time for fighting is done. All of this started because someone couldn't handle seeing their loved one being destroyed in the ring. And yet the older woman would get a small bit of respect from Clara standing on business and seek her out for a fight.

Hence why this series is happening and Thereisa plans on using this as a showing of pushing herself right back into title contention.

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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Clara motivated herself to her match tonight by slapping her cheeks. She took deep breaths, in and out. Tonight was the first in a series of 3 matches where she was facing Thereisa Niedermeyer. Black Widow who used her own gift to her girlfriend to assault her. This was far from the only incident where something like this happened, and the locker room needed to know. If you were messing with Kay, you were going through Clara first.
Clara stepped on the entrance ramp wearing her signature mask, doing her signature laugh as she made her way down the ramp. However, the mask would figuratively slip off her face as she made her way down, not slapping hands with the fans…eyes set on Thereisa.

Clara would enter the ring, staring down Thereisa as she took her mask off, the look of determined anger on her face. She kept her eyes on Thereisa, not finishing her entrance like she usually did, as her theme would slowly quiet down.

She kept her gaze carefully on Thereisa, making sure the match didn’t start prematurely, as she nodded to the ref that she was ready to start the match…

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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'Seems you want to say something with all that glaring you're doing right now. Is it cause you failed your loved one... and wasn't there to save them?. Well, then, that is your own fault... I remember her screams begging for you and to stop... music to my ears.' The older woman would say with a twisted grin on her face.

She is starting to slowly sink back into her heel personal when she first joined the company. That twisted violent woman who either struck you hard and fast... or struck your weakness to get an advantage.

Deciding to go forward and not even wait for the bell to rung. Theresia would race out of her corner and lower her head, going for a massive Spear before the match even started.

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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Clara already felt rage bubbling from deep within her heart, rage she hadn't felt since over a year ago, when the Baroness had kidnapped her girlfriend.

"She is going to pay...", the Brit told herself as she glared at her veteran opponent...right as Thereisa rushed her from across the ring, driving her shoulder into her stomach!


Despite the pain and lack of air in her body, Clara didn't go down without a fight, as she drove hard punches into her opponent's back as she fell onto the ground!

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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Deciding to throw the rules out the window and do whatever she pleases in her match against Clara, Thereisa mounts the much smaller woman. She wraps her hands around Clara's throat and begins to squeeze.

The referee, noticing what is happening, quickly rushes over to try to separate the two women. Although the match is supposed to be a standard contest, the bad blood between them threatens to escalate.

However, the referee is under strict orders to ensure that there is a clear winner and loser in this match.

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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On top of Thereisa jumping the bell, she would also throw the rulebook out of the window, wrapping her arms around Clara's neck, and outright choking the British woman! No matter how much Clara tried to open her mouth to get a fresh gulp of air, it wasn't working. No matter how much she tried to get Black Widow's hands away from her neck, nothing was working. The ref wanted to count Thereisa out, but she was under explicit orders to avoid DQ finishes in this fight: "Widow, let her go!" she would order, though Clara did not believe that that would be followed... instead, the Brit would go for a cheap shot of her own, putting her hands at either side of Thereisa...and using her thumbs to gouge at her rival's eyes to force her off!

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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Thereisa wanted to end this match... by choking out the smaller woman by using her body weight and longer limbs, which alone would make the match more difficult for Clara.

She is not even paying attention to what the ref is telling her, not even paying her any mind as she makes the mistake of leaning down so that her opponent can see the evil glint in her eyes.

Before letting out a loud scream, 'Aargh,' as Clara's thumbs poked at her eyes. The older woman would clutch at her face with her hands, her eyes stinging, her vision blurry, and something wet dripping from her face. 'Aaahhhh you little bitch... I swear I am going to break your neck,' the older woman would scream out, trying to clear her vision from the poke to the eyes.

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Re: Best out of Three: Thereisa Niedermeyer vs Clara Gaster

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"GHAAAAAAAAH!" Clara wheezed as Thereisa finally relased her throat. Even as the air rushed to fill her lungs, she felt the aftermath of Black Widow squeezing at her neck, feeling as if something stuck inside her throat.

" shouldn't have done th-" the ref tried to give Clara a sheepish warning, knowing that her fighting back with this was entirely justified. She immediately shut up the moment Clara glared at her, as she listened to Thereisa's threats.

Clara had enough of threats, however, as she rushed towards Thereisa, to deliver a hard knee strike to the veteran's gut! From there, if Widow doubled over, Clara would try to swing her leg up to ram it into Widow's face!

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