A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

Unread post by Vc0m »

With a series of misfortune events befalling Melody and Navi due to karma catching up to them, the two girls were currently barely on talking terms over what happened during We Are LAW. This impacted their training schedules as well, as Navi intentionally adapted her's to not train with the greenette that often...

With a heavy heart, Melody left for her 5th training session without the blonde in a row, leaving while her roommate was still asleep.

After a solid hour of jogging, she went in to the closest non-LAW gym to their house. After a bit of stretching, she went up to the closest punching back, unleashing a flurry of punches on it as it seemed her training session tonight would calmly continue with no interruptions...

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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*The infernal ruckus caused the only member of The Gem's Haven to be stirred from his slumbering, Lex finally tossing on a bronze bathrobe and slippers to go address whatever monster was the source of such vile, unwanted calamity.*

"Hey! This is private property! You're trespassing, and if you don't leave I'll ca~" *He couldn't dare continue his empty threat, as his jaw nearly crashed against the marble slab floor beneath him as Melody of all people was merely feet from him. The woman he had mortified in front of thousands, potentially millions, of onlookers only weeks ago. He slowly took a moment to compose himself, almost beginning to hyperventilate before finally calming down and approaching her. So much was racing through his mind, but he decided to swallow his trepidation and approach her.*

"Hey...Melody? Is that you?" *His inquiry was a confluence of sarcasm and sincerity, since he'd never expect her of all people to be capable of vigorously thrashing a heavy bag in such a proficient manner.*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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As Melody hit the bag hard, she realized she heard someone's voice calling out to her, warning her over the gym being a private property:

"...? Did my Google Maps glitch? I searched for the closest open public gym at this hour...".

That would certainly explain why there weren't any people in the gym but her...

She turned around, to offer the apology to the man in the gym, and leave quietly, paying more attention to where she would go next time...however, right as her mouth opened, her jaw would drop at just who called her out.

"...YOU?!", she shouted loudly in shock at Lex. A bit of fear washed over her. She already expected the worst of people who somehow upset her. A slap in a face, various sexist remarks in her address, embarrassing R Mika was bad enough...

Stalking her solely to make fun of her in a public gym crossed the line in her mind, especially when she was already in a terrible mood:

"I'll be calling the cops alright, you stalking motherfucker!", she swore in anger, approaching Lex with balled fists!

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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"...Um...you're in my gym." *He casually pointed above him to an enormous sign that read "The Gem's Haven" Sandwiched between A Ruby and Sapphire gem. She appeared to be so enraged at the sight of her old rival, that she didn't bother examining her surroundings before darting into whatever gymnasium just so happened to be available.*

"Yeah, I think we're the only twenty-four hour gym in the area. You...seemed to be a little on edge.." *He chuckled at how furious she appeared to be, and also at how awkwardly she positioned her self to attack him.*

"Also, if you intend to strike me, I don't think your going to generate much momentum when your posture is counter productive." *He gestured towards her legs, which happened to be too far apart, and made a quick stance to provide her with a strong example of what a pugilistic stance looked like.* "You want should length apart, and shoulder length back. At least, that's what I was taught."

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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As Lex pointed out the sign above him, letting Melody know that it was, indeed, his gym, the greenette's cheeks turned a tint of red:

"Y-yeah, well...you...grrr...should close your doors if it's privately owned! Then people won't randomly waltz in your gym!", she said, trying to redirect the blame from herself.

As Lex pointed out that she was on a edge: "Shut it! I might've waltzed in on your property, but don't expect anything more than an apology...unless you want a punch to your head to go along with that!"

As she raised her fist up, to emphasize she was serious, Lex would suddenly explain that her positioning was all wrong. Gently, the misogynistic (?) inventor put his arms and legs into a proper position, showing her to move her legs closer to the shoulder length, much more fitting for if the greenette actually wanted to attack Lex...


She blinked...no, it was the same Lexington that berated, slapped and groped her in the middle of the LAW ring just a few weeks ago...but the way he was acting now was the complete opposite to how he was acting then...

"Ummm...thanks?", she would say, relaxing her offensive posture, turning her body to face him for a normal conversation...

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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"Just want to you get the full effect out of clobbering me, green." *He casually snickered, gesturing towards her svelte body with the tips of his fingers.* "Plus, given that you aren't a hulking leviathan, you'll need ever ounce of momentum you can get."

*So, Want some breakfast? I was just about to whip something up in the kitchen, and I know Jess has a few pounds of prime rib left somewhere in the fridge." *He spun on the back of his heel, doing a full one-eighty while nonchalantly sauntering towards the fridge.* "I'm more than willing to share if you're interested."

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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The answer from Lex was even more confusing. He wanted her to hit him?

The most interesting part was that those were things Melody could legitimately agree on about herself...but she didn't expect constructive criticism to come from a man she (originally) thought of as a misogynistic pig...

...who now offered to have breakfast with her.

She followed him into the kitchen of the gym. She didn't have breakfast, being afraid to wake up Navi so early in the morning (the girl's might've been at odds, but the two of them still respected on another's sleeping schedule), so she would gladly take Lex on his offer:

As she saw Lex rummaging through the fridge, she felt compelled to ask the guy:

"Wait...are you the same guy? The same one that spoke shit about me and copped a feel? Or are you his twin brother or something?"

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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*While casually scrounging around through the rather gargantuan sized refrigerator, Lex peered over his shoulder to find the otherwise confident and composed Melody to be befuddled by his demeanor.*

"Oh, him? Yeah, I dumped his body in a ditch somewhere after clubbing him over the head. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to subdue unsuspecting people." *He chuckled, taking a modicum of amusement from her confused state.* "I'm the new and improved Lex, now with thirty percent less douchebag."

*After finally locating the plate of ribs, he clutched one side of it with his right hand, rotated to face Melody and slammed the door shut with the heel of his foot.* "So, heated up or as is?"
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Sat May 19, 2018 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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"...huh...", was all that Melody could tell to the newly improved Lex. While she believed people could change, it was only a few weeks after the guy berated her and Mika on stage...could people truly change so quickly?

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize Lex was holding a dish for her for breakfast. While ribs were a bit heavy for a breakfast for her, she was really hungry from not eating before she left:

"Umm...heated up, if possible..."

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Re: A Melodic Tune (for SubtleRoar)

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"Oh, it's definitely possible. In fact, you could say it's happening..." *The silver-haired slugger casually popped the gigantic plate of succulent meat into the microwave, stretching his taut arms upwards as Melody's food spun around inside the miniature box.*

"So, what brings you here? I'm sure you've got better things to do than grace me with your presence." *He chuckled, politely pulling out a chair for his uninvited, yet not unwanted guess.* "Please, allow me."

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