Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Victory conditions: smash at least three pumpkins on the opponent in any way, then place the opponent in a coffin and close the lid shut

Special conditions: there are two caskets on the opposite sides of the ring; initially, the caskets are on mobile platforms at the ring level; there is a large pumpkin in each corner of the ring, more pumpkins are located here and there outside the ring; outside the ring there are a large number of Halloween props such as witch brooms, skeletons, scary boxes, candles and so on; hardcore rules are applied; no disqualification

HUGE thank you to @FreestylePoet for writing up this awesome introduction to this match!

The video screens lit up once more. Our view panned to Mr. Halloween – the book in front of him dangerously close to its end. "Now, esteemed guests…" he said. "The pages of our story grow thin. For hours upon hours, we have watched these hallowed grounds be stained in blood and ichor. Warriors rose and fell and rose again, vying for survival on this battlefield of ours." He breathed in, then breathed out, and dust swirled about the room.

Mr. Halloween paused.

"And you cheered it."

"You fools."

He banged the table! "In this most haunted of cities, on this most auspicious of eves – a night to end all nights! You gave power to the bloodshed." A shaky finger, all sinew and bone, accosted the crowd. "Your cheers, your chants, your cries of shock and awe. They have fed the beast sealed within these walls. A beast which lurks in the spaces between life and death. A beast that has drank of the hope that this night has snuffed out. A beast that now breathes again."

"But this, too, was foretold." Bloodshot eyes rolled to read the tome once more. "'The chains shall break,' it said, 'and the City of Ravens and Revolutionaries shall bear witness.' For even my powerful magicks cannot restrain the unknowable. It has bristled against its chains since time immemorial. Waiting for that night where it may call unto this earth a Grand Rapture. A battle between forces so fierce, their blows shall threaten Existence herself."

"Tonight, dear guests…" A dozen bells chimed a dozen times. From Charles Street to Lombard, and one within the arena besides. " that night." Mr. Halloween turned to the penultimate page. "Now: Where, oh where, shall the Rapture arise… Ah." He cracked a knowing grin, lips splitting and teeth nudging to all sorts of crooked angles. "Of course it would be them. Perhaps I should read you this tale, that you may know the faces of your demise… Listen well:"

Mr. Halloween closed his eyes and raised his arms. Then, with a start, he opened them, and both glossy eyes lolled out of his skull. He caught them, one in each palm, and lifted them to the sky. The camera panned out. Our host crushed one fist and let out a blood-curdling scream! Smoke emanated from his balled hand and slowly but surely filled the screen. Mr. Halloween's desperate cries faded away into the night.

Then. Galloping. Whinnying. Closer and closer with each passing second. "From the isles of Kings and Queens rides a spirit all in pale. A usurper, come to stake her claim to the greatest prize of all." A figure burst through the fog, a mere silhouette on these video boards. "Clad in hood and mask, this Lord of Shadows is no mere pretender queen. Her roots in these lands reach deeper than any other – though gnarled and ornery they have grown at the denial of that which she seeks."

The pale rider continued her journey. "The world's biggest stages have played host to duels both brutal and lurid, where she has left many a body in her wake. She has felled Heroes, crushed Dreams, and pulled the very Sparkling stars from the sky. On her relentless climb to top the mount, she braved the thorns of the Echidna, burned fields of Wisteria, and finally, returned home to overthrow the bloody Baroness." The camera panned and rotated, finally zooming in on the figure – only to find a familiar mask grinning madly back at them.

"GASTER… The Shadow Lord. A fearsome spirit, to be sure." Another crack, another scream. The other eye, now, had gone. "Though far from unopposed."

Silver and white whipped across the video board. "For a wind from the North blows strong, frigid and searing in equal measure." Then gilded flames engulfed. "Honed by the killing frosts arear, it streaks aflame, painting the sky with the visage of a Golden Dragon. The blood of warriors and wayfarers has laid its path for centuries." Our view panned to a boat. One lone warrior stood at the bow. Foot upon the prow and eyes towards the horizon. "Now at the fore of this wind is one who carries it with pride – who lets it be the bellows that lights her soul ablaze. It is with that mighty soul that she has battled through the maelstrom…" Gold at her waist glinted for the camera. "And took her spot in immortality."

"Yet this ascension was no easy feat. Many stood in her way, only to be struck down. First, a Queen among Queens, soon to become a Champion in her own right. Then, a fighter whose scars told a tale she was all too happy to add to. Third was the Legend – one who had earned that name in the Old World and the New. Then, a rising star in her own right who was no longer content to dance the night away. And who could forget the way that story ended? This warrior from warriors earning her gold by way of two Champions: against the LAWLESS One to forge it, and against kin of a sort to defend it."

The mist overtook the screen one final time. And when we returned, it was the visage of Mr. Halloween looking back at us: Eyes naught but holes. "The Shadow Lord. The Golden Dragon. A tale written in the stars, it seems – at last come to life. All that remains is the fight. Who, I wonder, shall stand at the end of it? Strapped in gold, our world their kingdom…" He flashed a wry, knowing smile. "Alas. I shall not live to see. But you will. And so, with the final gasps of my waning spirit, I ask of you one final rite… Descend with me. Descend into havoc and hellfire. Descend into madness and war. Descend…"

M&T Bank Stadium was engulfed in darkness.

"…Into our main event."
Last edited by Malkavia on Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:49 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Clara, clad in mask all day (t'is the season!), waited for the match all day. This was her first title match in 4 years. Though she wished to get a title earlier, too many things stood on her path until today. From her long rivalry with Baroness, to her disagreements with her own girlfriend, to the quite fierce rivalry with Nerissa, "The Shadow Lord" Clara Gaster had quite a comeback after her hiatus, after her loss in the finals of the tournament meant to crown the inaugural Lightweight champion.

And although she hasn't rechallenged for the belt again afterwards, today was a day she could potentially win... and potentially define, a much bigger prize. After weeks of preparation, Clara was going to win the World Openweight title tonight. She promised herself.

Mr Halloween, the host of tonight's supershow, introduced the Shadow Lord, the Golden Dragon, and their match to the crowd in an overdramatic manner, and once the darkness fell on the arena, Clara... no, GASTER knew that her time has come.
A haunting, yet grand melody played across the arena asfog descended on the arena, with a light shining through it, and a lone dark figure proudly walking. As she finally stepped out of the fog, the Shadow Lord, GASTER, put her arms at both sides of herself, and laughed loudly as the spotlights of the arena shone at and followed the masked figure. Across the entrance way, GASTER would get into people's faces, wildly laughing at them, before climbing inside the ring, standing in the middle, and letting out one last laugh before her music quiet down. Swiftly, she grabbed the mic from ref's hands, and said the final words she wanted to say to herself, her opponent... and the world watching:


Pumped up, the Shadow Lord threw the microphone into the floor, the ref quickly picking it up, as she directed GASTER to the corner at the right of the entrance ramp...

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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"What a story..." Astrid said softly. "That rare case when I feel goosebumps on my back..."

Listening to Mr. Halloween, it was as if she was back in her childhood. Her mother often told her fairy tales, legends and real stories about their ancestors and their old Gods. Every story Astrid heard in her childhood was filled with symbolism. This greatly influenced her and it played a significant role in who she became. The descendant of the great Vikings just couldn't help but smile while listening to the story of the mythical creature on the screen, addressing thousands of spectators in the arena.

There was hardly a better way to introduce Clara Gaster and Astrid Arvidsson than this. Moments from their lives were woven into the fairy tale so skillfully that the blonde felt the trembling of even the thinnest threads of her soul. She didn't know who exactly came up with it, but this person was without a doubt a real genius. Perhaps most of all Astrid was impressed by the point that despite the fact that it was a fairy tale, it was all true.

Of course, Astrid knew better than anyone the path she had gone to this day, to this moment. However, she didn't know much about Clara before their first meeting other than her more than respectable status in the federation. Partly thanks to the Internet and partly thanks to Nerissa, the blonde learned a lot about the woman who intended to come for her title. However, the wrapper that Mr. Halloween gave to the story of Clara Gaster deserved the highest praise. And when the mythical creature disappeared into the fog, hardly anyone in the arena had any tangential doubts about what exactly this match would be. Today, both women will fight not only for the highest award in LAW, but for their own principles.

"I hope you're taking it seriously," Victoria said, adjusting her glasses. "She's no less dangerous than Ostberg or any of the others you've fought."

"Don't bother telling me, huh," Astrid chuckled slightly. "Even if we forget that I almost lost to Miranda, Clara is no weaker than Nerissa, and Nerissa, like Charlotte, is quite capable of defeating me." Turning her head, she looked at the manager, which allowed Victoria to see that Astrid was really serious. "I have no prejudices about lightweights, and I know for sure that Clara is ready to fight to the death to get my belt, so, yes, Victoria, I intend to answer her in the same way."

Before Victoria could say anything, the breathtaking music of Clara Gaster began. No, not Clara Gaster, only GASTER. Considering where Astrid was looking at the entrance of her rival, Clara seemed very small. However, it was only an illusion of distance, besides, as Astrid already said, she was not going to treat the British woman lightly just because of their size difference. In the ring, only your skills and your willpower are important, especially when it comes to the World Openweight Championship.

The piercing laughter of the brunette made the audience shudder, while the smile on Astrid's face became wider. The entrance of her rival fully corresponded to her wildest expectations, because during their short meeting, Clara made it clear that Halloween is her fiefdom. Accompanied by the applause of the audience, GASTER reached the ring. And the first thing she did was take the microphone out of the referee's hands, which clearly indicated that she had something to say.

"You will try..." Astrid whispered after Clara's words, as if her rival could hear her.

"You two, move!" Victoria commanded. "Astrid, it's time!"

"Yes, it's time!" The blonde agreed.

Two of the staff approached her and snapped two carabiners on her belt. After making sure that everything was in order, one of them patted Astrid on the shoulder, letting her know that everything was ready. If the Norwegian woman had said at that moment that she was absolutely calm, it would have been a lie. No, she was not at all afraid of the upcoming match and its result. She was worried that in a few moments she would have to do something that would surely go down in history. Considering how much time, effort and money has been invested in this... she was afraid of screwing up...

"Astrid..." Victoria began, but the champion raised her free palm, making it clear that she did not need guidance this time.

"To the last drop of sweat and blood!" She said without breaking tradition. "And now let's fucking go!"

The lights in the arena almost completely went out and everything was plunged into semi-darkness. High above the ceiling, smoke machines began to work, creating a fog that, thanks to the darkness, looked like thunderclouds. The audience was ready to start buzzing like a swarm of bees, but were interrupted by a lightning bolt, which became possible thanks to the hidden Tesla coils. Thunder from the speakers was not long in coming, followed by two more lightning bolts illuminating an unusual silhouette among the storm clouds. Given the circumstances, the audience was prepared for the fact that it was going to rain, but instead something else was waiting for them...

A few seconds of increasing tempo, and then the well-known musical theme of Astrid Arvidsson swept through the arena even louder than thunder. Multiple lightning bolts flashed in the dark clouds near the ceiling and finally the audience saw something that literally made them gape. They say that the first impression is the most correct. And if this is indeed the case, then there is no doubt that at that moment no one other than Thor himself was coming down to them.


Dressed in clothes made of leather and fur, Astrid smoothly, but quickly enough, went down with the help of two thin cables attached to her, which were completely invisible due to the semi-darkness in the hall. Lightning now and then illuminated her silhouette, allowing viewers to see her unique costume, including her tiara mask, partially hiding her face. But, of course, no less attention was attracted by what she was holding in her right hand. Mjolnir.

Landing on one knee at the top of the ramp, the descendant of the great Vikings unsnapped two carabiners from her belt in one quick movement. With a wide confident smile, she straightened to her full height and raised Mjolnir above her head. At this moment, every prepared Tesla coil worked. There were so many lightning bolts that sparks flew from some metal constructions under the ceiling. And each of these lightning bolts was designed to notify everyone of just one thing. Astrid Arvidsson, the Inaugural World Openweight Champion, has arrived.

The audience and fans were so excited and carried away by the shouts and applause that they did not even notice that the light had returned to the arena. The Golden Dragon began to descend the ramp with, barely finding the strength to hide how pleased she was with their reaction. Not so long ago she without remorse would have called such a show nothing more than a show-off. However, her confrontation with Diana showed her that the way to the hearts of the audience lies not only through victories or defeats. This is the world of pro wrestling. This is LAW. And here it is important for every fighter not only to show good results, but to be able to win a place in the hearts of those who look at you. Astrid, with the support of her manager, spent an incredible amount of effort in order to make a real show. And now, looking at the faces of those who came here today, she was convinced that all this was not done in vain.

When she came down from the ramp, the audience in the front rows had the opportunity to look at the champion in more detail. Her new costume consisted of a huge number of details, which clearly indicated how much effort had been put into it. Her tiara mask was a real work of art and hardly anyone would have guessed that it was made of carbon fiber. And considering how much her right arm was strained, no one had any doubt that her Mjolnir was made of metal. Even Astrid would have had problems if this thing was entirely metal, so both carbon fiber and metal were skillfully combined there, but the fact was that this Mjolnir weighed exactly twenty-five kilograms. The final touch completing her God of Thunder image was the golden belt at her waist. The World Openweight Championship Belt.

Before getting to the ringside, Astrid stopped several times to take selfies with young fans and sign a couple of posters. Realizing that it had already taken too long, the Golden Dragon was ready to rush to the ring, but was forced to stop once again. A young girl, sitting on her father's shoulders, was reaching out to Astrid with a request to give high five. A fighter should always keep their composure, but at that moment the champion's heart melted. Slapping the young fan on the palm, the Golden Dragon took off her cape and handed it to the little girl who came here today to support her.

Finally, the blonde got to the ringside. Stopping by the commentators' table, she left Mjolnir there. As much as she wanted to, this thing was too heavy to wave freely in the ring. Immediately feeling relief in her right arm, the Golden Dragon looked around the field of their future battle. In addition to the two coffins, there were countless huge pumpkins, not to mention other Halloween-themed stuff. Astrid's eyes involuntarily stopped on the eyes of her rival and the right corner of her lips lifted.


The champion ran up the metal steps and grabbed the top rope. Showing a very impressive agility for a heavyweight, she jumped over the ropes in one movement and finally found herself in the ring. With a confident step, she headed to the center. There was no need for the ring announcer to introduce her today, Mr. Halloween had already done all the work. Therefore, Astrid could only stop and, using her signature gesture, point at herself with her thumb. Accompanied by deafening cheers from the audience, her music and her entrance came to an end.

Without leaving the center of the ring, the champion turned to face the contender. Even though Clara's face was hidden by the mask, she was sure that the brunette was grinning. Astrid would not dare to say that she knows Clara well, but thanks to what she heard from Nerissa, she was sure that the contender was in the same anticipation of this match as the Golden Dragon herself. Realizing that it was time to start, the referee motioned GASTER to the center of the ring.

"I guess it's known why you're here," Astrid said. "Right?"

Removing the golden belt from her waist, she handed it to the referee. At the same moment, the striped shirt raised it with both hands above her head, demonstrating to everyone what is at stake in this main event. The World Openweight Title Belt, shining in the spotlight, made the audience gasp loudly. The Golden Dragon's lavender eyes were directed at the cheeks on her rival's mask. She knew perfectly well that today GASTER would do anything to take the belt with her. And yet...

"Let it be a match worthy of becoming legendary!" Astrid said, putting her right fist forward and thereby inviting the contender to bump their fists before they start the match that everyone has been waiting for for so long.

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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It didn't hit her until right as the lights dimmed for Astrid's entrance. This was it. This was part of the reason why she and her sister signed up for a wrestling school more than a decade ago. Over half her lifetime till now was spent towards the goal of winning a prestigious prize in the Sport of Kings. Tonight was the night when she met that goal for the first, though hopefully not last, time. For tonight, Clara GASTER was ready to put her life... her entire being on the line, everything to ensure that tonight she went from a beloved wrestler in LAW into a Legend.

As Clara was deep in her thought, an actual lightning hit the entrance ramp, with the sound of thunder following soon after. Though it was impossible to tell under her mask, but the Brit was impressed at the work that went into the entrance already.

Even more impressed she was when Astrid, dressed as Thor, descending down from the thunderclouds onto the ramp.


It made her retro GASTER entrance seem meek in comparison. Lightning striked right as Astrid finally landed on the ramp, illuminating her god-like, high quality costume. No expense was spared, no shortcuts taken with the costume to ensure that it indeed looked like it was crafted in heavens. Her lifting her hammer up like she did couldn't be fake. The hammer wasn't just a prop - it was legitimately made of metal.

For the next few minutes, Astrid took her time going down the entrance ramp, carrying herself like a champion, high-fiving and doing selfies with the fans. Trying to be in character as GASTER, being too focused on the match, the Brit didn't appeal to the crowd too much... definitely something she would change once she won the belt.

Leaving her hammer at the commentators table (and making a mental note of it in case things got... too rowdy), Astrid entered the ring, and as she pointed at herself to crowd's loud cheers, her entrance came to an end. Though throughout her own entrance Clara had a serious expression under her mask, after a while into Astrid's entrance, it did indeed shift to a grin. Astrid's entrance got her even more pumped up for the match, to the point where her early morning anxiety didn't bother her, not anymore...

With the champion and the challenger stepping towards the middle of the ring, the Shadow Lord responded to her foe: "That is known from heavens you came down from, all the way down to the firey pits of deeper still, into the cores of darkness of nothingness. The darkness that awaits me to strip you, Thunder Goddess, of that which shows your status. And it won't let me back in unless I take that from you. And I plan to fight for it until my last breath..."

As GASTER mentioned the last part, Clara wasn't quite sure whether what she just said was a theatrical line... or whether she meant it.

The tall, blonde champion passed the belt to the ref, with the zebra striped official holding it between it's current owner and her shorter brunette rival. Clara appeared as an underdog to everyone in anticipation of the match... but it was hard not to cheer for the noble, powerful champion she would be fighting against.

And because of that, at the showcase of sportsmanship, Clara couldn't help but return the fist bump at her rival, both women now going back to their respective corners, mere seconds remaining between now and...


For a moment, Clara's anxiety threatened to return... but a threat was all that remained. The moment the bell rung, only one thought dominated the Shadow Lord's mind:


THe masked woman's hands were raised, proudly and confidently stepping to the middle of the ring. Though the match was technically no-DQ, GASTER wanted to actually feel how good of a champion Astrid was. And there was no better way to do it than to start with a bit of chain wrestling!

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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"I bet you plan, huh!" Astrid replied to her rival's words.

Unlike her opponent's mask, her own tiara mask did not hide the champion's smile. Even though she kept her cool, it was hard not to see the anticipation she was in. She was absolutely sure of the truth of Clara's words, but at the same time she was not going to hide that she intended to make sure that if GASTER left today with the golden belt around her waist, it would happen only if the unconscious body of the descendant of the great Vikings was in a closed coffin.

The moment the referee lifted the championship belt over her head, the tension around them increased many times. Looking at both wrestlers, the audience was able to feel in all its glory what an amazing match they would see today. Astrid and Clara differed greatly from each other in both size and fighting style. However, when these two women found themselves face to face, determined to achieve their goals, no one would dare to say that it would be an easy match for either of them.

Despite the loud words filled with theatricality, Clara accepted Astrid's gesture. After their fists collided, the blonde nodded respectfully at her opponent. For the Golden Dragon, motivation in the form of greed was not something she could appreciate. However, she sincerely respected her opponent's skills and the path she had gone to this day. Well. Once, the descendant of the great Vikings already had to take back her words. And if Clara's greed turns out to be stronger, then she will accept it. However, before that moment she intends to do everything in her power to keep the promise she makes to herself before each match. Fight to the last drop of sweat and blood!

After the referee quickly reminded them of the rules of the match and the victory conditions, the Golden Dragon and GASTER took a few steps back from each other. The blonde bounced several times on her toes. Not only to get the blood pumping through her veins, but also because of the excitement she was in. And then, after the referee handed the championship belt outside the ring, the cherished words finally rang out.

"The Main Event! The Halloween Queen of Pumpkins and Coffins match for the World Openweight Title..."

Astrid's eyes were directed into the slits on her rival's mask. It was at this moment that the smile disappeared from her face. There was nothing but cold concentration in her eyes now. She knew that GASTER wanted only one thing. It was as if she could hear that one thought in the brunette's head. Win. And exactly the same thought Clara could read in the eyes of the Golden Dragon a second before the last word of the ring announcer sounded.



Amid loud applause and shouts from the audience, Astrid took the first step forward, raising her clenched fists. Her opponent did not stand still and also went straight to her. In a sense, this was not surprising, because it was definitely not the kind of match where just standing still was a good idea. However, there was something surprising about another thing. Even Astrid couldn't help herself when she saw her rival's slightly outstretched hands.

"Hoooooo..." she drawled with a note of surprise and respect at the same time.

Apart from endless sparring sessions with Nerissa, Astrid had only one match with a lightweight. Miranda gave her a truly incredible match during the Apex event and she was so close to winning that several times it seemed really inevitable. However, Miranda made it clear from the very first second after the bell rang what tactics she intended to use against Astrid. She stuck to this tactic absolutely the whole match, doing everything in her power to keep as much distance from the Golden Dragon as possible and avoid any close contact.

That was the reason Astrid looked at GASTER with both surprise and respect. Yes, she knew it could be a trap. But if the British woman really offers the Golden Dragon to close up with her, then Astrid simply could not refuse such an opportunity. The champion unclenched her fists and took another step forward, at the same time throwing her hands to Clara in order to grab the elbow and the back of the brunette's head.

If it wasn't a trick and she really managed to close up with GASTER in collar-and-elbow, then she would have tested her opponent's strength without delay. Astrid intended to use the strength of her arms to forcefully squeeze Clara's elbow and the back of her head, at the same time using the strength of her legs to start pushing the brunette to the ropes behind her!

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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Looking at Astrid through her mask, the Shadow Lord fully understood her opponent's feelings on her for this match. She saw the respect in her eyes... but she also the champion's fire in them as well. She would have to go through hell and beyond in order to defeat this woman... but Clara has been in this business, this company for years. If being a champion was easy, she wouldn't have accepted the challenge...

With the final announcement for the match beginning, GASTER's eyes didn't leave her opponent's. With the final announcement...the bell would ring, and the title match would be on!

The Brit knew that a lot of wrestlers liked to bathe in the moment, to realize how big the moment is of their title match...but Clara's been here before. She knew how important title matches are...which is why she was so pumped to get started!

As Clara stood in the middle of the ring, hands outstretched, several game plans ran through her head. Her strategy relied on holds and counters a lot of the time. But a major part of it for a match like tonight was to make sure her opponent could barely move for her to roll her into the coffin... all the while keeping her own body healthy enough to make sure she could either slam or otherwise drive Astrid through the pumpkins...all the while not letting the blonde champion manhandle her and drive her through the pumpkins. Clara had to be aware of her surroundings and aware of where Astrid was at all times... otherwise, she was one short throw away from being slammed into a short trip away from being driven into a casket from there...

Astrid stepped towards Clara, accepting her grapple to start of the match... and immediately exuded her power against the Brit!


Clara was one of the stronger lightweights in the company... but that meant little when her opponent was a full head taller than her, with arms almost twice her size. She felt the full force of the champion's strength. No matter how much she tried to dig her heels into the floor, nothing was working...but then again, the point of this wasn't to overpower Astrid. It was to try and duck out of the way - under her right arm while taking a firm hold of it, twisting it to try and twist her foe's arm for a Wristlock! From there, if Clara was fast enough, she tried to get behind Astrid, trying to bend her arm at a painful angle for a Hammerlock!

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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When the fighters grabbed each other, the audience let out a loud shout, because now the match has really begun. Considering that it was unlikely that Clara would have offered such close contact if she thought she had no chance, the Golden Dragon expected to meet decent resistance. However, she was genuinely surprised because after she started putting strength into her arms and legs, she couldn't immediately push the British woman back.

Astrid felt the strength in the brunette's tense muscles. She even had to make some efforts not to give her rival a smile. The descendant of the great Vikings quite involuntarily once again compared Clara to her best friend. The Native American woman possessed truly outstanding physical strength for a lightweight. Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that, like Nerissa, Clara could easily give odds even to some middleweights.

But Astrid was not a middleweight.

Starting to breathe deeper in order to saturate her muscles with oxygen, the champion increased the pressure. GASTER's resistance was impressive, but it didn't help the brunette stay put. Gradually, Clara began to shift back. Astrid's plan was simple. She intended to either press her opponent's back to the ropes or force her to kneel down. Any of the options would be advantageous for her, and considering that the contender could no longer hold back the onslaught of the Golden Dragon, it seemed inevitable.

However, Clara had her own plan. She did not wait for the loss in this confrontation. Instead, she abruptly took a step to the side, grabbing Astrid's wrist. Acting so fast that the blonde didn't even have time to blink, GASTER twisted the Golden Dragon's arm.

"Uhhhh..." Astrid breathed through clenched teeth.

But Clara did not stop there, she took a step behind Astrid, at the same time bending the champion's arm at the elbow. This earned her the applause of the audience, who were clearly impressed by her speed. There was nothing to deny here, Astrid was also impressed by her opponent's speed. However, this was not a reason for her to panic, and despite the pain in her right arm, she kept her cool.

In order to relieve Clara's pressure and thus reduce the pain, the Golden Dragon strained every muscle in her right arm. Of course, it wouldn't help her get free, but it would definitely help her make her next move. She intended to turn sharply to the left while swinging her left arm. But not in order to hit the contender, only in order to grab her head and close it in a classic side headlock hold. She hoped that this would allow her not only to break Clara's grip, but also to squeeze the brunette's head as if it was a watermelon.

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

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As GASTER and Astrid collided for the first time, the crowd went wild. The Shadow Lord tried to fully focus on the match, but she couldn’t help but smile under her mask, hearing the excited noise of the crowd. Several signs also showcased their support for the Brit as the new champion…

As Clara proceeded with her holds, she promised herself to not let them down. She was winning tonight.

She tried to work over Astrid’s arm, with the blonde trying to resist the motion the best she could. So focused was Clara on her rival’s arm that she wouldn’t notice her counter-play! Astrid would swiftly wrap her arm around the Brit’s head, trapping her in a Side Headlock!


With a flex of her muscles, the blonde put immense amount of pressure on Clara’s head, threatening to crack it open like a walnut! GASTER tried to shove against it to little success, abandoning her arm holds. She was not escaping Astrid on brute strength alone…

”Mgggg…your power is mighty indeed, God of Thunder… but I am a Lord of Shadows…”

With the mention of that, Clara tried to wrap her legs around Astrid’s, trying to bend and trip it to make the Golden Dragon fall forward in order to escape!

”And shadows cannot be trapped! Mwahahahaha!”

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

Unread post by skip-stop »

If the Norwegian woman had less prominent muscles, she would probably have had problems with what she wanted to do. However, she managed to strain her right arm hard enough and thereby pave her way to a counterattack. Turning to the left, she waved her free arm and in one motion grabbed her opponent's head.

GASTER let out a strangled groan due to the pressure that had fallen on her head. This forced her to release Astrid's right arm, after which the Golden Dragon thought for a moment about trying to grab Clara's head with both hands and squeeze it with enough force to repeat the scene from a popular TV series.

However, even for a hardcore Halloween match, this would be too much. Therefore, Astrid simply reached out with her right hand to her left hand in order to strengthen her hold. She supposed she could afford to weaken Clara a little more before moving on to more serious things.

The champion's eyes suddenly widened. Not so much because of her rival's theatrical phrase, but because of the fact that GASTER wrapped her legs around the Golden Dragon's. The ground literally went out from under the blonde's feet and she began to fall forward. Experience and instincts quickly made it clear to her that she had only two options. Or continue to hold Clara and fall to the mat with her. Or...

Releasing the contender's head, Astrid threw for both hands forward in order to fall on all fours instead of falling flat on the mat. Well. She was well aware of her opponent's vast experience, but now she felt it for herself, because not everyone would be able to break the Golden Dragon's grip so effectively.

"Shadows..." she said. "Dissipate in lightning!"

Clara wasn't the only one with theatrical skills. The Golden Dragon intended to abruptly and forcefully push away from the mat in order to rise to her knees, at the same time turning towards the contender. She intended to swing her right arm and send a simple but monstrously strong right cross into the brunette's stomach, as if she wanted to not just hit Clara, but literally punch her through!

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Re: Main Event: GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) for the LAW Openweight Title

Unread post by Vc0m »

The Shadow Lord could feel her rival's muscles against her skull, trying to completely crack it. Clara knew that the scary part was that, given time, Astrid was strong enough to actually do it, without hyperbole. For a moment, she got a flash of potentially getting into a scenario of Oberyn Martell vs The Mountain... with Astrid being the one turning her head into fine, red paste.

Still, the Brit wasn't helpless while in the hold. Kicking against her rival's leg, she successfully managed to get Astrid on all fours! Clara wasted no time, trying to grab at the arm that was threatening to turn her head into a massacre just a few moments ago, planning to bend it at a painful angle in an armbar to try and work over on the Champion's limb!

...Astrid, however, had completely different plans, as she swiftly tried to rise back up to her feet! Sensing danger, Clara tried to step back...but she was not quick enough. She definitely avoided the worst of it, but the champion's lightning fast fist managed to collide with her stomach!


And even slightly whiffed - the punch was enough to make Clara almost double over. Astrid's strength was no joke - she attacked with the intent of both sending the Brit flying, and emptying her body of all the air in it. She stepped back, one hand raised in defence, one hand covering her stomach for recovery, reseting the contest as the audience clapped at the two competitors.

"Ughh...they don't dissapate...", the Shadow Lord would respond:

"They move at the speed of light!"

Clara rushed towards the champion, trying to quickly stop in place and turn on the spot, trying to drive her foot into Astrid's stomach for a Solebutt!

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