Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Last Woman Standing
Winning Condition: Opponent is unable to stand by the end of a count of 10 from the referee

Alice has been getting booked quite a bit more in the aftermath of Apex, which was more than ok for her especially as the match vs Nerissa got her blood flowing for more hardcore bouts. Today she was fighting a cowgirl who wanted to do some hardcore matches… and ended up getting a few vicious scars in her previous match. She wondered how she reacted to them. Even the toughest wrestlers wouldn’t want to do anything with hardcore again after a permanent reminder on their skin, so she at least respected her for trying again…
Alice walked out with her kendo stick in hand to cheers from the crowd. She wasn’t the flashiest wrestler, but what she did worked as she gladly gave high fives to people in the crowd, before stepping inside the ring, shouting at the top of her lungs: ”GET READY FOR A FUCKING WAR!!!”, to massive cheers from the LAW faithful. Alice took her place at the farther corner from the entrance ramp as she awaited the Cowgirl’s arrival…

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Lexi booked for another hardcore like match but tonight's was last woman standing. The cowgirl was backstage inside of the locker room getting ready for her match. After putting on her boots she walked over to a mirror begrudgingly and would be lying if she said the scars she got in her last hardcore outing didn't bother her, they even made her angry sometimes as she looked in the locker room mirror and had to resist the urge to punch it like she had done once in the past. Lexi took a deep breath before walking away from the mirror and out the locker room door.
Lexi Morgan
Lexi's Music
Lexi walked through the halls backstage and towards the arena entrance. Lexi waited a few moments for her music to start and then a few seconds after that before walking out onto the ramp. The cowgirl smiled at the cheers of the fans as she made a small pose for them before skipping down to the ring giving all the fans in the front row high fives on the way down. Lexi took a lap around the ring to finish giving everyone high fives before walking up the steel steps and getting her first good look at her opponent. She was much smaller than Lexi but she knew not to underestimate her opponents. Lexi walked up to Alice and gave her a friendly smile and offered her a handshake while getting a decent look at the scar on the woman's eye seeing that they both have something in common. "I'm Lexi by the way" she said introducing herself.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Lexi walked out on the ramp shortly after Alice. Even if Lexi was concerned about the scars she endured in her previous hardcore bout, she didn’t let it show. Alice respected that, proudly showcasing her scars for the world to see, something the Brit herself wasn’t fully confident with on occasion.

Once in the ring, she outstretched her hand to Alice, greeting her, with Alice confidently returning the handshake back: ”I’m Alice. Sorry if I end up making you bleed more than necessary tonight…”, the Pale Rider would say with a grin, lifting up her kendo stick, before taking a step back to her corner, leaving her kendo stick behind her to start the match on equal ground at ref’s request, before the official checked both competitors for their readiness. Once satisfied, she signaled for the bell to officially get the encounter under way!


Alice would approach Lexi, motioning for a grapple… though once the cowgirl was close enough, the Pale Rider planned to start the match with a low kick to her rival’s leg!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Lexi was happy her opponent accepted the handshake and this match would at least be respectful, respectful as a match were rules were practically non existent could be at least. "No need to apologize considering we are both about to beat the shit out of each other, just no hard feelings about it ok?" Lexi said with her same friendly demeanor. The Texan began backing up to go to her corner as Alice raised her kendo in the air. "Nice stick" Lexi joked as she reached her corner ready for the match to start.

As the bell rang Lexi stepped out of her corner seeing her opponent motion for a grapple but Lexi wasn't so trusting approaching with her guard up high incase Alice tried to pull a fast one. Sure enough Alice tried. Lexi noticed Alice going for a low kick to her leg. Lexi stiffened her leg to block the kick as best she could before trying to trip and shove Alice over at the same time. "A plus for effort though it was a tad predictable" Lexi would say playfully allowing Alice to get back to her feet trying to be a bit friendly regardless of the match type literally being one where you beat your opponent until the cant stand.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:00 am, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Alice actually made a disappointed face at Lexi, telling her: "Surprisingly, you are the first one to make that joke to me in LAW.", right before the bell rang...

As the match began, Alice's kick was checked, and before the Pale Rider could react, Lexi would kick Alice's foot from under her, before shoving her onto her back!

"Ugh!", she grunted, as Kayla moved slightly out of the way, giving Alice some space to get up, taunting her all the while.

"Huh...but how about THIS?!", she would say, practically leaping upwards, as she tried to ram her head into her rival's jaw!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Lexi managed to check Alice's kick before giving a kick of her own a shove and a small taunt. "How about w-" Lexi was cut off as her opponents head rammed into her jaw causing her to stumble back holding it in pain for a few moments before attempting to steady herself and get back in a fighting position. "That was really cheap you know" Lexi would say with a small smirk trying to keep things at least some what friendly early in the match.


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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Alice's style required her to use her own body with wreckless abandon, even at the expense of doing damage to herself if it meant hurting her opponent more. Headbutts always had a good bit of recoil, so even though Alice's surprise attack worked, she couldn't help but grunt as a spot on her skull felled washed with pain.

With the Pale Rider on her feet, she smirked at her foe's comment: "Comes with the territory!", before approaching her rival, and trying to follow up her attack to her jaw with a swift uppercut!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Lexi recovered just about as fast as Alice did from the headbutt playfully rolled her eyes at Alice's reply. "Guess I'll have to make it my territory too huh?" Lexi joked as Alice reapproached her, Lexi was ready though stepping out of the way of her opponent's uppercut before throwing a right hook at her opponent's face to leave her reeling and stunned. If successful Lexi would go behind her opponent wrap her arms around her before attempting to lift her up and slam her back down to the canvas with a German suplex!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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"Not unless you want to get a bag of tacks up your mouth", Alice giggled... before that quickly switched to a pout when her fist whiffed through the air, Lexi successfully checking it with a Hook to Alice's jaw!

"GAAAUH!!! Huh?!"

The world spun in Alice's eyes for a moment, and when she regained her composure, Lexi was nowhere to be found...

The answer to where she was lie in the fact that Alice was now flying through the air in an arch.


No matter how many falls she took in her life as a wrestler, being dropped on her neck and shoulders courtesy of a German Suplex never failed to hurt. She tried to roll through the folded up position, her hand massaging her landing spot, but her ascend was slow. She was completely open to a follow up from Lexi!

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Lexi Morgan - Last Woman Standing!

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Lexi had a mischievous smirk on her face seeing Alice's confusion after getting slugged across the face. before Lexi lifted her up and slammed her down to the canvas head and shoulders first with a painful German suplex. Lexi then glanced back at the corner and the ring post getting a devious idea in her head. Lexi then got up and grabbed Alice and dragged the by her arm and leg to the corner before sliding outside the ring and then pulling Alice against the ring post before painfully stretching the woman's body against the cold piece of steel! Lexi pulled as hard as she could wanting to weaken Alice early as well as cause her agonizing pain as if there wasn't already plenty of that to come.


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