Kuki Kagawa vs Bella Belorum - Bring Your Own Weapons Match

Hardcore Event organized by Vcom
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Kuki Kagawa vs Bella Belorum - Bring Your Own Weapons Match

Unread post by Vc0m »


Bring Your Own Weapons Match
Winning Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO
Special Conditions: In addition to weapons outside and under the ring, the competitors are allowed to bring any weapons of their choice (within reasonable, legal limit)

With that, the event entered the final hour (or thereabout, as the event was on the network, it was allowed to overrun). Alice stood in the ring to announce the next match of the evening:

"For the next match, our gladiators will supply their own weapons of the match, though for further violence, they are allowed to use the tools underneath the ring! With that, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!"
Last edited by Vc0m on Mon May 23, 2022 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kuki Kagawa vs Bella Belorum - Bring Your Own Weapons Match

Unread post by pu-level-up »

Entrance Music
After Alice made her announcement, a somber rendition of "Smells like Teen Spirit" began playing over the speakers, as a metallic clanging sound came from behind the entrance ramp. It came at regular intervals, like someone was hitting the ground with regularity. The sound was ominous, building in loudness and intensity as the song slowly built into a crescendo.

"Making her debut at LAW, standing at 5'9" and weighing 145 pounds," Alice continued, "Please welcome Battle Princess Bella Bellorum!"

The clanging ceased, and the music paused right before the chorus, leaving the arena in silence. That only lasted for a moment, as with another loud metallic clang Bella leapt onto the stage. It was obvious what was making that sound, as in one hand she held a long metal pipe, the impact on the entrance ramp making a sharp clang that reverberated over the sound of her entrance song. In her other hand she held a baseball bat, and hooked into her belt was her favorite weapon, a folding metallic baton she stole off a police officer. When she looked up, the crowd was shocked to see quite an innocent-looking and pretty face, two big eyes with dark purple irises framed by dark black hair and smooth features. She did not look like the kind of tough girl who would take part in such a weapons match, though everyone watching knew that looks could be deceiving.
From the way she held herself and from the bits of her skin that were exposed by her outfit, it was obvious that she was in fantastic shape. Clear abs were visible on her exposed belly, and her arms showed corded muscle. Tossing her long hair behind her back, Bella walked down the ramp with her head held high, seemingly fearless in the face of the audience and the cameras, a small confident little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. There was nothing for her to worry about, she was here to do what she did best, and that was to fight!

After climbing into the ring, Bella set down her baseball bat and the metal pipe in her corner, leaning them against the turnbuckle. She didn't need the carry those around to intimidate anyone, and she might not even need anything more than her fists and her trusty baton to win this match. As she awaited her opponent's entrance, she seemed totally relaxed, not even bothering to warm up as she leaned against the ropes and calmly waited for the fight to begin.

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