Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

The video starts with a shot of Lexi Morgan on a beach in a blue bikini and sunglasses as the camera approached her and gets a close up of Lexi. "Oh hey there, as you all probably know I'm Lexi and an oil wrestling tournament is right up this cowgirls alley and it happens to be one of my specialties" Lexi said taking off her sunglasses before a montage of footage from Lexi's hentai matches mixed in with some modeling pictures begins with her theme playing over it. The montage ends with footage of Lexi fucking her rival Faye Knox unconscious along with several of her opponents tapping out in hentai submission matches. The video then switches back to a now nude Lexi covered in oil running her hand through her hair while her other rest on her hip making a sexy post for the camera. "Now tell me you don't want to see me in your tournament after watching that. I have no attentions of being outmatched in oil but the competition better" Lexi said before the camera circles around her nude body so that there was a good view from every angle. The camera soon returned to Lexi's face "Hope to see you all outmatched in oil very soon" the cowgirl said giving the camera a wink before the video ended.
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by CaptainL »

Up to this point, most of the entrants in the tournament had been emphasizing their sex appeal in their promos, showing up already nude (or nearly so) and showcasing some of their more erotic highlights. Mina Morgan, on the other hand, would favor a different approach. When the screen cut to her contribution, it would show her reclining on a couch in a high-end penthouse apartment in one of New York City's wealthiest neighborhoods, full of designer furniture and high art. She stared out a large window on the wall, overlooking the nighttime city lights that illuminated the smirk on her face and the glass of champagne she balanced in her palm, occasionally swirling its contents. Mina didn't need to rely on her looks to make a case for herself in the tournament. She would rely on her status and her family legacy - knowing full well that the luxury she had on display now had been bought by her mother's accomplishments in the apartment wrestling circuit, and that she fully intended to follow in her footsteps.
"Hello, LAW. Hello, Starship." Mina might have displayed a merciless brutality and a killer instinct in her time in LAW, but right now, she was conducting herself with composure and professionalism, her tone even and well-spoken, with a cadence that had been trained in some of the most elite private schools in the country. "My name is Mina Morgan. My father, Danny Easton, is a publishing magnate with millions to his name. My mother, Cynara Morgan, is a former Apartment House Wrestling champion. And I...intend to do her legacy justice." It was then that Mina shifted her position on the couch, revealing she was wearing the AHW championship belt around her waist. She stroked a hand along the faceplate, drawing all the more attention to it.

"So why, then, am I applying for Outmatched in Oil? To put it simply...I already have the skills I need to succeed in it, and I'll happily put them to the test. If you think I'm afraid of a little catfight, you haven't seen what I'm capable of. I'm not going to balk at getting a little rough, and some of the women I've seen enter this competition so far...have every reason to be afraid of me. You think I'm a prude? I'm an apartment wrestler - we aren't afraid of showing a little skin. I think my mother said it best, in her day." She cleared her throat. "I've got a beautiful body. After a match I've won, it seems the most perfect creation on Earth. And to have it exposed at its greatest, with so many adoring eyes ready to appreciate it, is the biggest thrill I know. Let's face it, I'm not ashamed to be who I am. Quite the opposite. I'm a second-generation champion, and nothing - whether I'm naked or not, whether there's oil or not - is going to change that fact."

"What is important, though?" At that, Mina set down her glass. She looked up into the camera, where her tone grew more serious. "If I win this tournament, it means that'll be another audience that saw me dominate my way through anyone unfortunate enough to get between me and my goal. Another audience that knows I deserve the belt I wear around my waist, and that nobody can take it off me. AHW, LAW, Starship...they'll all realize that the Morgan dynasty is back. In apartment wrestling, professional wrestling, and beyond. We're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. And anyone who takes exception...you won't for long." A manic smirk flashed across her face for just a few short seconds. "But if I need to do anything else to convince you all..."

With that, a few clips of Mina's wrestling career flashed onto the screen. She was quite literally fighting tooth and nail, tackling her opponents to the floor and clawing and biting at them until their panicked cries for mercy filled the room. There was her dominating opponent after opponent in her matches in AHW, overcoming her foes in mere minutes and not allowing them any chance to retaliate. There were her matches in LAW, with her holding her own against Kat Hart and demolishing Nashi Dragneel and Clara. And, at the end, it cut back to Mina seated on the couch once again, smirking into the camera. If there had been any doubts as to whether or not she was a worthy addition to the tournament, she hoped they would be answered.

"I rest my case."
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by lyannapelon »

The video opens onto a closed japanese style sliding door while soft violin music plays in the background along with the sound of water splashing upon rocks. The camera then begins to zoom in as the door slides open, seemingly on its own accord for no one is present in the shot. That soon changes however as the camera finishes zooming in on a man made hot spring, complete with a small waterfall and fake stonework, where a blue haired woman in a pure white swimsuit emerges from beneath the water like a mermaid making her grand appearance, droplets of water flying from her hair as she whips her head back and stretches her arms towards the night sky. It takes her a few moments to acknowledge the camera with an enticing smile, one that beckons any watching to try and climb into the screen to join her, before she turns towards it and wades through the navel deep water up to the edge of the hot spring where she rests her folded arms upon the bamboo flooring that leads up to the pool on that side.

"Good evening members of the JAV group Starship and welcome to my home." As she spoke Natasha leaned a little more upon the edge of the hot spring, her large bust puffing out even further, to the point her swimsuit was barely up to the task of keeping her girls from popping out. A fact anyone watching would know that Natasha was fully aware of this. "My name is Natasha Loclear, proud member of the hentai division at LAW, and aspiring champion of your next tournament." She spoke with just the faintest trace of her natural French accent, lips curled into a playful grin while idly splashed herself with the steaming water of the spring around her.

It was then the camera would change entirely, the pov of the new one being off to Natasha's side and quite near to the water's edge as the ground leading up to the water couldn't be seen at all. "Ah there you are." Natasha chuckled after spending a moment pretending to search for the camera, giving anyone watching wonderful views of her hypnotic figure as she left and right before her eyes settled in on the camera once more. "Now I am sure you have all manner of women seeking the limited spots, each one a beauty in their own right, thus making these openings for the tournament some of the most highly valued commodities in LAW at the moment. So let this video be my proposal as to why your tournament can only benefit from my joining."

Natasha then winked to the camera and sent a splash its way, one big enough to obscure the view long enough to make for a smooth transition from that scene to footage of Natasha's several matches since joining LAW. Footage of her match against Ichika involving the vibrating ropes would play first, followed by footage of her smothery match with Mai Shiranui, then came her watery match with her near doppelganger Nathalie, her debut match with Sena, a muddy encounter with Sara the Raven, and finally came an in depth look at her oil and lust filled match with the goddess Ishtar!

It was then the view returned to Natasha, only this time she stood outside the hot spring with the camera in hand and held slightly above herself, giving that camera an incredible look down at her bikini clad body that now glistened from a thick coating of oil. She had even arranged extra lights around her to really make her body glow for the recording, a fact those from Starship with knowledge of their sets would likely pick up. "I could list off a long list of all the reasons why I belong in your tournament but I don't wish to take up too much more of your time, seeing as if any of you want more all you have to do is message me back right away." Natasha then set the camera down on its stand so she could sit down upon the bamboo floor, her hands resting upon her powerful thighs. "So let me finish with this. Since coming to LAW I've had my heart and mind set on pushing for more hentai events. Those in the sexual arena fight every bit as hard as those outside of it, push ourselves to the very limits, and I just want the stage to show the world just that. Choose myself and I'll put on a show for you and your fans that no one will ever be able to forget~ Don't keep a woman waiting now, I look forward to your answer. Merci and adieu~"

With that said the camera cut off and upon the screen those watching would see Natasha's full name written in a flowing script fade into view, only for it to then disappear in a haze of rain as the video ended. Along with the video had come a series of photos of Natasha in the very swimsuit she had modeled during the video.
Natasha Loclear

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by Vc0m »

A video on LAW’s website was posted. Recently, a lot of videos were posted about “Outmatched in Oil”, a crossover event, and this vid was in the same vein as the others… or was it?

From the title, something wasn’t right about the promo video: “Chika Igarashi gets Outmatched…before Oil!”

If one were to click the thumbnail or the title, they would get the following, 3 minute video:

Chika Igarashi was standing on a beach, wearing a cute black bikini, with little number of folks in the background… though one lady with pink twintails was standing out a bit more than others…though swiftly, she disappeared off camera. Chika began speaking:

”Good day. I am Chika Igarashi, wrestler for LAW, booked for the upcoming We Are LAW pay-per-view for an oil match against famous Persephone Kamenis…but, on top of me beating her at the PPV, I decided to broaden my horizons in regards to oil ma——<WHAT THE—->!!!”

Before Chika could understand what was going on, from the corner off her eye, a pink haired figure from earlier speared her to the ground! As she rose, grabbing the Raven Knight by her hair, she pointed at the camera: ”Do not turn it off!”. On the cameraman’s earpiece, they received an instruction to continue filming the promotional video.

In response from Chika, however, the pinkette received a punch into her jaw!

”Grrrgh, you piece of…”

Before she finished, she grabbed her hair with both hands, and tried to daze her opponent further by driving her forehead straight into her face for a headbutt!

Still keeping a hold of Chika’s hair, the unknown figure lifted her up to her feet. The camera man stepped back to get a better look at the pinkette. She was slightly shorter than Chika, though her musculature and abs were more pronounced, and with the twin-tailed pink hair and cute American face, some fans were already deducing who the assailant was!

The woman would then lift Chika effortlessly up onto her shoulders, grabbing her leg and head for a Torture Rack!

”AAAAAH-MPPPH!!!”, Chika cried out in pain before the pinkette covered her mouth:

”Oh, just shut up already, you f—idiot…”

At first, some might think there was a censor in place, but carefully looking at pinkette’s mouth would show that she in fact didn’t say the “f” word.

”Ok…now…I am sure this display might’ve been slightly confusing to you folks at home, but let me introduce myself for the few of you who don’t know me:”

“I am the cutest, strongest, bestest wrestler you will ever meet on the planet - Lucy Lincoln! And despite what you might’ve inferred from the first few moments of the video, this is, in fact, my request to enter Outmatched in Oil. Google me! I’ve done stuff like this in oil and outside it!”

To help with Lucy’s point, the video cut to her previous fights with other catfight companies, with her easily lifting and dropping other women in both oil ring and across bedrooms:

”I maybe still new to LAW, but trust me when I say that, in a months time, you will be questioning how this company didn’t sign me sooner! How could they overlook this cute and this strong a—-aaah! Stop squirming, you f——BIRD!”

Chika was desperately trying to escape the hold, successfully nailing her elbow across Lucy’s jaw! Lucy’s attempts to shake Chika in the hold, bending her further, didn’t amount to much, Chika still trying to escape the hold!

An evil smile adorned Lucy’s lips:

”If that’s how you are going to be…”

Lucy’s arm shifted from Chika’s mouth, down onto her body: ”I am going to destroy you for this you runt, you hear me——AAAAAAAGH! <YOU FUCKER! YOU ARE DEAD!>”

Lucy’s arm latched onto the Raven Knight’s clothed boob, viciously digging her nails into her C-Cup breast, before with a quick motion, pulling her bikini up to unclothe her chest! LAW wanted the video available publicly, and as a result, Chika’s chest was blurred in the video.

”YOU PIECE OF—MPPPPPH!!!”, Chika tried to scream, before Lucy once again covered her mouth with her arm:

”Nu-uh! No swearing! Anyway, if LAW and Starship are as business savvy as they appear to be, I know that I will be one of the 8 to make the cut! Because I won’t just outmatch these ladies in oil…”

To make her point, Lucy pushed her left knee forward, before dropping Chika backfirst onto it for a vicious backbreaker!


With Chika left in the sand below, Lucy would step onto Chika’s naked boob, twisting her bare foot into it:

”I’ll smash them down!”, Lucy would finish, putting her two fingers into a V-shape next to her winking eye, as the video cut…

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by Pegasus »

The next audition would play as it would start off with the screen being pitch black, but then a light from a ceiling fan would turn on as Maxine would be there with her hentai attire on as she giggled and waved at the audience. She was shown to be on a mattress and felt up the bed letting out a contented sigh before turning to the camera on her.
Maxine Rossi
So, we have a little tournament coming up and I bet you didn’t expect ya girl to throw her hat into the ring to get a spot. Not to mention, none of the women even auditioning have done the stuff I have done. I’ve actually done so many of these type of matches in my wrestling films and I’ve dominated many bimbos that turned into the struggling actress I used to be. My stock has soared ever since those days and if you truly want to keep eyes on the screen, get someone that knows how to rock in the oil. I’m big, sexy, and got the booty to smother anyone out,” Maxine explained as she got up and spank her massive ass for emphasis.

I don’t think I really need to say more , do I? Just watch my films to see how I’m gonna dominate and mow my way through this tournament if I get selected. Dark chocolate ain’t all I’m packing in this body. I love dominating and I love humiliating so it’s just another day at the office. Let them tell me otherwise! Maxine exclaimed as she crossed her arms with a smug smirk on her lips and then she blew a kiss at the camera with a sexy wink.
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by Mysterdio »

As the previous promo came to an end a brand new one began. Fumiko Miura laid out on a beach in her tight fitting stripped bikini. This was exactly her kind of match. Fumi was filled with immense nostalgia when she had witnessed the initial tournament announcement, there was no way she would pass this up.

Sitting up, her breasts bouncing, Fumiko waved to the camera seductively. "Hello there, everyone. A little birdie told me there'd be a rather oily tournament. Well, I'd consider myself a bit of an expert, being a former local star. It's only right that I throw my hat in the ring! I'm sure all the other beautiful ladies requesting a spot have quite the accomplishments, but if you ask me, no one is more qualified to compete than yours truly!" Fumiko spoke, blowing a kiss to the camera. "Though I certainly expect competition to be fierce. All you young-ins certainly make it hard to keep up. But if I'm lucky enough to make the cut then I'd recommend betting on the lady with some experience." With a seductive wink and a sexy pose Fumiko's promo was over. Now at that was left was to wait.
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I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by Flamintree »

As the video flickered to life, the viewers would be met by the sight of the Little Dollie lying down on her bed dressed in a set of sexy black lingerie underwear. She lay against the sheets, looking as cute as she possibly could and staring up at the camera with bedroom eyes. She knew that she would need to appeal to a Japanese audience, and so she picked an audition that was less focused on the violence and more of what the viewers were really buying porn for.
Little Dollie
When she talked, pink subtitles in Japanese would appear, translating whatever she was saying. It appeared that she'd really done her research this time, wanting to make a good impression both on her bosses but also the company that they had agreed to work with.

She cupped her breasts, toying with them as she spoke. "Um... hi." She feigned shyness, knowing full well that most of the audience would love a gap moe. She knew from the brash attitudes of LAW that a lot of the other girls would be trying to act tough... but that wasn't really what their target viewer base was looking for.

They wanted to jack off, and if that was what they wanted, she would give them exactly, that. The filming was a little amateurish, she knew, but she hoped that it would be enough to convince the execs to accept her application. A series like this would definitely be a boost to her fanbase, and it was an opportunity that she'd rather not miss.

She picked up a bottle of oil, beginning to slowly dribble it over herself and rub it all over her body until she gleamed. As she did so, she spoke. "I'm the Little Dollie, if you don't know me yet." She introduced as she focused on her stomach first. Each brush of her fingers left a glistening streak of oil over the skin that it had touched - eye candy for those watching. Fuel for them to think with their dicks, rather than with their heads.

"And I think I could win an oil tournament!" She seemed determined in a kind of cute way, pausing in her oiling to pump her fists a little. Her cheeks were puffed out in an almost pout. She let herself stay like that for a few moments, before she picked up the bottle of oil and resumed making her body shine. She'd all but finished with her stomach, if the glistening sheen of translucent fluid covering her skin was any indication, so she moved on to her breasts.

To further convince those watching to pick her, she slowly, sensually, undid her bra and allowed her ample bust to spring free. Grabbing hold of her tits, she began to massage them gently as she spread the oil over them. "I mean, I think I've got the determination to pull out on top!" Insulting the other girls wasn't the way to do this. She would just seem childish, and she doubted that the execs would want that. She needed to remember who she was appealing to, and so she acted accordingly.

"So... please pick me, Starship-sama!" She let go of her boobs to clasp her hands together, looking as sweet and innocent as she possibly could. "I'll definitely make a set of videos that will outsell all of your others!".
Last edited by Flamintree on Sun Sep 17, 2023 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by Monsy »

A camera comes alive to a full view shot of Angelina Tarrants cleavage. She hung over the camera trying to fix its focus, angle and zoom. “Aigght. Just one little… Booyah. Shit.” She noticed the shot. “Sorry about that dorksticks. I promise to edit this out.” And she mouthed that she was lying to her little nervous assistant. All dressed up formal, with short boyish hair, curly, slender and tall with a fresh pressed green shirt. He had a water gun filled with baby oil in his hands, and his blush was supremely adorable.
Bikini Beani
Angelina had worn her white bikini, the same one that made it onto the poster. Earrings on her horns, white cloth sarong, black bikini top and bottoms. The lighting was fixed to give her best sections a little shine. Toned stomach, her squishy legs and the hips that you don’t expect when she’s been all goth’d up. It’s that kinda time. She talked from sitting on a stool in the middle of the backdrop. “Yo. This goes out to all the dipshits at Outmatched and the degens at home. Wait, was it outmatched? Hey. Guy.”

“Its Jin.”
“Gin. What's this event called?”
“Outmatched in Oil, miss.”
“Outmatched in huh?”

He repeated it, and Angelina rolled her eyes, walking over. There’s a whisper from beyond as Angelina walked out of the shot. “Hey, you’re supposed to shoot me with that thing when I say the thing. K? Right on the tits.”

“On the... tits?”
“The bazonkas, yes.”

The camera clipped with a beep, and the clapperboard hit take two.
“Outmatched in Oil!” Angelina shouted. Jin fired the gun, and it missed completely by a few inches. Angelina looked at the ceiling, “Again.”
The shot clipped with a beep and take three.
“Outmatched. In. OIL!” Her arms spread, and he fired again. But hit her hand.

She pushed her lips together, looking at him in total quiet as he held the gun pointed.
“Ok, why the fuck can’t you just hit my tits. They’re RIGHT fuckin’ there!” She cupped herself and pushed them together, then up.
“I can’t see them.” Jin replied.
“You’re in LAW and ya can’t look at tits?!” Her eyes rolled, and she pulled up her bikini to flash him. “Look! Tits! T.I.T.S. TITS!”
Jin flinched and looked away with a hand over his eyes. “Please, miss. I have girlfriend.”

Angelina’s eyes bulged, “Oh. My….” And she broke laughter hysterically, cut mid-way by a camera beep. The scene changed until she was at the door, holding a cherry popsicle stick like a microphone. “Alright. We’re gonna interview some randoms to see if they know what Outmatched is and why I should win it.”

Jin held the camera and whispered while giving a rickety shot. “You’re going to delete the last thing, right?”

Angelina nodded, “Yes, now keep up.”

They went out into the halls, dodging props and clothing racks until they found their first catch. A producer. “YO-YO!” She shouted, popsy stick in the air to call out to him. He looked, pointed at his chest and waited, squinting at the camera now put in his face.

“Ya know what Outmatched in Oil is?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Do ya think I should be in it?”

Angelina stuck a pose, and licked her popsy stick for a bit of hypnosis to the fella. But he just looked her up and down, then nodded. “I think you’d be a good fit.” Said respectfully.

But Angelina stepped closer to him and held the mic up. “Ya just pictured me naked, didn’t ya?” And his chin tucked to look down. She gestured to the camera to come in a little closer. “Come on. Tell ya wife of ya thought crime.”

To that, he replied firm. “I don’t have a wife. I just think, with your looks. And your attitude. It’ll be… nice.”
She raised a brow. “Riiiight. I get it. Business is business, and I’m Penny Barber. Which is why I should win, yeah?” And he smiled to appease, “Yeah, sure.”
Angelina accepted it, then turned to the camera for a beaming grin. “Ok, last question. Will ya watch me?”

The producer’s smile turned uneasy being on record, and looked at the camera, dead in its lens, unblinking, nervous, and squeaked out a syllable “I…” And Angelina interrupted, “Cut!” Then started walking, “Thank ya, guy! Next person!”

She bolted and Jin followed with a pant after twenty seconds of this. They were up and down halls, going up stairs and eventually reached an office door with a label on it in fat letters reading Dan DeFranco. Then she faced the camera, counted it down and it started rolling. Angelina held her half-melted popsy close, with its juices all over her hand.

“Alright, nerds. Next on our shitlist is Dan DeFranco, CEO of LAW and likely Outmatched’s biggest patron. Lets see what he thinks of me.” She knocked on his door. Nothing. So she knocked twice. Then after looking at the camera awkwardly, she began pounding on the door until everyone down the hall heard.

Not that there was many. Except for one who appeared from beyond the corner.
“HEY!” A huge six-foot-six wrestler with bulging arms and washboard abs yelled at her, and Jin turned, nearly dropping the camera and going pale. “M-Miss…”

Angelina turned to the new person. They pointed at her, and growled, “YOUR ASS IS MINE!”

Jin squealed. Angelina ran, holding Jin’s hand and tugging him along. “Move ya ass. Quick-Quick-Quick!” And for about a minute, they were chased, down steps and around corners. It was telegraphed by the buff woman’s shouting, and Jin got snippish. “What did you do?!” And Angelina shrugged, “I can’t remembah.”

And they continued their flight to a more open area with concrete. There were a few pallets and shelves, along with forklifts and more film production crates, racks and props in plastic boxes, The open garage door allowed the Tokyo sun to leak in a square, but it was next to nothing for the extremely tall ceiling blowing wind everywhere. But there WAS a little inflatable kiddy pool, rainbow coloured and with oil inside. She looked at it, and Jin panned on it with the camera.

“Huh.” She said, then stood up stiff as the buff lady’s breath went on her nape.
“You….” Jin fell back on his ass, and Angie broke a sweat. “A-Aha… Timeout?”
The lady responded by gripping her throat, prompting Angelina to gag. She was turned around, picked up and powerslammed for a wet slap of skin hitting concrete. Angelina coughed, curled up on herself and stayed there on her back.

Jin got up, and the buff lady stormed off. He panned the camera close to her face. The fall had knocked one tit out of her bikini into plain view. He didn’t watch, and Angelina croaked the words. “T-There…ya have it… f-foooolks. Outmatched in Oil. A.T. Book it.”

The camera clipped away with a beep. The next shot had the giant lady looming over Angelina’s splatted corpse, sprawled on the ground, and she looked up, glaring. “You were… Supposed… To put me in the pool… gently… Stupid… fuck.”

The buff lady scratched her chin, then offered a hand. “I’m so-so sorry. I misjudged the pool and was a little caught up in the script.”

Angelina swatted the hand away, “Ya… think?!”
Jin interjected, “Do you want to retake?”
And Angelina shook her head, “Lets just... call it a wrap. Concrete… is… the new oil mat.”

Then the camera bleeped away again, back to the room where they started at the first shot, take twenty. Angelina stood hands on her hips, tall and dignified with an excited beam directed at the camera.

“Outmatched in Oil!”

Jin missed. Angelina yelled, “That’s fuckin’ IT!”
And Jin squealed for real, dropping the gun which knocked over the camera on its tripod, hitting the ground and facing the door. Angelina picked up the oil gun and opened fire as Jin ran out of shot, and Angelina unloaded on him for as long as she could, then yelled as he was down the hall. “Even virgins have bettah shots than YOU!”

The video ended with Angelina finding the camera on the ground, giving it a little finger gun and wink. It turned to black.
Last edited by Monsy on Sun Jul 23, 2023 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by TheManVan »

The feed on the camera came alive as an empty sideways folding chair, the same type that a director would be seen sitting in was alone in the lights, a black background that blended completely on scene to focus the camera and everyone’s attention watching on the lone chair as soon, veiled in a white silk robe came out Da Xia. The robe was hung loose around her shoulders, giving a wide view of her chest and showing that she was wearing nothing underneath, naked as the event desired.

There was no question to Da Xia why the event was made, no one in the world could resist the urge to watch beautiful and oiled up babes to throw themselves and destroy one another for them to watch with humiliating glee. And there was no question for her to join or not, China’s Greatest Export had made a living on embarrassing and destroying the self esteem of any girl brave enough to put their eyes on her bare body!

A sneer curled on her face, leaning forward to rest her arms on her legs before her demeanor completely changed into a bright smile, her eyes closed as she waved at the camera. “Hi hi everyone~! It’s Da Xia here!” She cheerfully introduced herself, as if she was streaming live to adoring fans. The smile was laced with a disingenuous feel that seeped out of every pore on Da Xia’s face, “I heard that everyone was getting excited to see all these girls getting oiled up and tussling around for everyone to watch! Locked in a room with nothing but another oiled up girl to see which of us gives up, I think…” she trailed off, straightening herself back as that bright smile wore away into a condescending sneer, “…That it’s the perfect place for me.”

Gone was the briefest return of the once facade of Da Xia as she leaned into her hand, resting it on the chair’s armrest as she raised her leg, giving the slightest of looks to her bare groin before crossing her legs.

“I love it when girls scream for me, and I love it even more when they cry for me. The pervs who set this thing up know what I’m about, what I bring, and what I do to girls especially when I don’t have to work to get them naked. So consider me a part of this oil catfight, everyone of you is on noticed. If you get placed with me, there will be more than dignity you’re going to be leaving in that room.” Leaning forward towards the camera once more, she gave the same dishonest smile, to give a parting gift to those watching until the next time they would see her.

“Bye bye~!”

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Re: Outmatched in Oil Audition Thread (Oil Catfight Tourney Qualifiers)

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

The video opens with the reverberation of a drumstick on a snare as a girl in nothing more than a bowtie and suspenders pounds away on a drumset! The camera cuts to a close-up of a pair of plump lips as bright pink lipstick slides across them in sync with a fret slide on an electric guitar. The lips purse and deliver a teasing kiss as singing joins the poppy rock music. Singing that is instantly identifiable as one of Japan's biggest idols!

The camera cuts to a wide shot, showing all three women. The guitarist is dressed the most modestly, in a leotard that -might- be see thru, if only the guitar wasn't in the way! The drummer's breasts somehow managed to stay hidden beneath the straps of her suspenders as she bobbed and bounced to the rhythm she was guiding. And lastly, the frontwoman.
Courage Takemi

"Hello everyone!!"
She was resplendent in white and gold. Her green eyes sparkled behind her round spectacles. The slingshot bikini she wore barely contained her curves. It was only by a compromise between tape and gravity that her heavy tits didn't fall out the bottom of the lycra as it was stretched to its absolute limits!

The song continued. Her own vocals faded to a lower volume as she approached the camera. A slow methodical walk. Her legs crossed, her thick thighs tactically obscured what the sharp cut of the "bathing suit" wouldn't. "I'm Courage Takemi! The frontwoman for Courage Generation!" The introduction was impeccably timed with the chorus of the upbeat chart topper.

"I want to thank everyone for all of the support they've given me over the last two years! My journey from idol to wrestler hasn't been an easy one. There's been ups!" She gave a cheeky hop, and somehow her skintight swimsuit stayed on. "And there've been downs!" She dropped to a low crouch. Her knees splayed. But an arm posted between her legs, continuing to just barely hide what any viewer might be trying to see.

The camera panned around behind her to give a view of her plump backside. The back of the sling bikini was swallowed completely by the delicious swell of her ass. "Hey!" A hand faux took hold of the camera and pulled it back to face her front as she got back up to her feet with another generous bounce! "Naughty! No peeking!" She gave a stage frown that slowly broke into an irresistibly bright smile.

"Just be patient okay? I'm about to announce my next performance! And I think everyone is going to love it!" She tilted her head and threw up two V's with her fingers! "As a reward for all of my fans! I'll be competing in Starship's Outmatched in Oil Tournament!" She covered her mouth as if she'd said something particularly scandalous.

Her hand slid away from her mouth to take hold of one of her shoulder straps. Her arms crossed as her other hand took hold of the other side. They began to slowly peel the skintight fabric away from her body. "So I hope you'll all come and support me as seven of my friends and I roll around wearing nothing but oil for your entertainment! It'll be fierce! It'll be competitive! And you'll get to see one of Japan's top idols in a way you've never seen her before!" And when she let go of the pieces of cloth, the whole swimsuit fell away!

The camera cruelly showed nothing belong her bare hip bones! And her crossed arms continued to hide the swell of her breasts. With a blush and a coy smile she gave the camera a wink. "The opportunity to see an event like this comes only once in a generation! So I'm sure you won't miss it!" She leaned forward, her arms falling away from her bust! And they were almost caught on camera! Some fans were confident that if they paused it at just the right frame they could see the rosey pink of the top of her areola!

"See you there!"
She blew a kiss into the camera as the song cut and the video ended!

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