Astrea vs Ikumi Murakami - Justice vs Money

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Re: Astrea vs Ikumi Murakami - Justice vs Money

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Astrea breathing slowly from hard, she had taken way too much of a beating tonight and it was a miracle her body could pick itself up afterwards and keep fighting. But now, the Englishwoman had to breathe her last and forget about winning this match because the referee didn't wait to keep counting every second of the pinfall.


The bell rang 3 times to signify the end of the match, Astrea was covered in shame and didn't even have enough strength to hide her face with her arm. She ended up turning her head and hiding it over her shoulder, growling softly in frustration at losing that match.

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Re: Astrea vs Ikumi Murakami - Justice vs Money

Unread post by Vc0m »

With that the match was over, with Ikumi as a victor. She stood up, wiping the sweat off her brow before looking down on Astrea, right as the blonde tried to hide her face in shame:


Ikumi wouldn’t admit it, but Astrea did make her break a sweat. She flexed at the crowd as they booed her for defeating the cute blonde. She wasn’t there to make them feel happy. She was here to advertise her services to potential buyer. She walked up the ramp with an arm high up in the air, disappearing into backstage…

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Re: Astrea vs Ikumi Murakami - Justice vs Money

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Kokomi felt humiliated even though overall she had a good game. She was waiting for her opponent to come out of the ring so that she could get up in turn, having to face her fans who expected a lot from her. She raised her head showing a sad and annoyed face at the same time, she blamed herself for not having been able to win this match against such a wrestler.

"Sorry... I'll come back stronger!"

She greeted her shyly cheering fans and returned to her locker room, fists clenched and eyebrows furrowed, determined to train hard to win her future matches.

Winner : Ikumi Murakami
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