MILF-y Challenge!

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MILF-y Challenge!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Chika has hit a bit of a rut in her career as a wrestler. She was winning, she was losing...but she felt like she wasn't quite progressing enough in her career. The loss in the Lightweight tournament was a major offset for her towards the pass of the title, and the more time passed, the more it seemed like she wasn't making it onto the Apex Tour for a variety of reasons.

Still, getting an interview segment for online? That was something.

"Here with me at this time, the Raven Knight herself, Ms. Chika Igarashi!", the American interviewer would start as the camera at LAW'S backstage area zoomed out to introduce Chika into the shot, the Japanese woman smiling and nodding:

"Good day...."

"Ms. Igarashi, what are your current aims in LAW?"

"That hasn't changed in the slightest. Heading for the very top, for Lightweight, and now the Openweight championships."

"Very good, but it seems you have quite a bit of challenges ahead of you in that regard..."

"Indeed", Chika agreed: "LAW is full of amazing, powerful women that are currently the top tier of wrestling in the world. No one said that the journey was going to be easy!"

"Curious...what were some of your toughest challenges in LAW so far?"

" matches that I won I really have to highlight Akari Ito. This lady has quite a future ahead of her...another woman I have to highlight is Ms. Persephone. It was just a smother match, but she took me incredibly seriously in it...but I brought on just as much, and ended up winning!", the Joshi giggled, before sending an airkiss into the camera, intended for her Greek rival...

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

As much as she may not have wanted to admit it, Persephone had quite the penchant for people watching in the backstage areas of LAW, and today was one such day, with zero matches or other wrestling based obligations for the greek woman to attend to, giving her plenty of time to peruse through the backstage LAW areas as she wanted! It might cause others to draw some unseemly conclusions about her if they knew of her habit, but Persephone simply couldn't help herself! LAW was full of so many interesting characters, women (and even men) of all shapes and sizes, all sorts of personalities, and all of them were fascinating in their own way, so who couldn't resist a little observing of them!

However, what she would find today was perhaps not what she expected, as she rounded a corner nearby and from afar, spotted two women in the middle of the hallway, a camera pointed at them nearby and a microphone held from one to the other, a backstage interview! These sorts of things happened all the time of course, as they did in any wrestling promotion, but upon a closer look, Persephone found that one of the figures, a short woman with black hair, looked quite familiar to her, turned away from her and hiding her identity!

"Hmmmm... I wonder..." Persephone mused to herself, a wry smile crossing her face as she began to slink her way down the corridor, heading towards the pair while making as little noise as possible, so as not to disturb their interview! Getting closer and closer, Persephone was soon able to make out voices, and after that, the words that the two exchanged, finally getting close enough to hear Chika's voice, recognizing her fellow mother as she gave her interview! Persephone smiled, not having expected to run into Chika again so soon! Their match had been quite a fun one, even if it had ended with Persephone passing out in Chika's bare ass, something she hadn't been able to tease her about before she had left! So this might be the perfect opportunity!

But while Persephone fully intended on waiting for the interview to end... her ears perked up when Chika Igarashi, not knowing that the blonde was right behind her, would call out Persephone by name, teasing her for her victory over her in their match, even blowing a kiss at the camera! Well, she hadn't intended to interrupt the interview, but far be it from her to ignore a callout, even one as teasing and friendly as this! Persephone would slink up behind, the interviewer noticing quickly but saying nothing as Chika busied herself teasing the camera, allowing the blonde to get closer, and closer, until she would finally sweep in from behind Chika, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman's shoulders, pulling her into an embrace from behind, Persephone's large breasts smushing against the back of Chika's head as she caught her in her grasp!

"Oh my... not only did you break my poor heart by leaving me before I could wake up, but now you're teasing me in front of the whole world? I'm hurt Chika!" Persephone pouted, intending to give Chika quite the start as she appeared right after being mentioned!

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

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As Chika answered her question, she glanced at the interviewer, noticing that she was looking behind her...only to discover the reason why. Someone would wrap her arms behind her, as she felt 2 soft orbs press into her back from behind. The woman was taller than Chika was, and as she spoke, she finally understood who caught her during her interview.

" might've been a mistake to leave you in the ring hottie!", Chika would say, carefully taking Persephone's hands off her shoulders, and turning to face her, pressing her modest chest into the Heavyweight's bigger pair:

"But if you are hurt...I imagine you would like to get back at me for beating you?", Chika would say in a coy manner, interested in a potential rematch with the Greek blonde!
Last edited by Vc0m on Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Swooping in from behind, Persephone would give her presence away to the smaller woman as her breasts squished against Chika's back, and Persephone's teasing words would signal her arrival, crashing her fellow MILF's interview in a sense, though Chika didn't seem to bothered! She even paid Persephone the compliment of calling her a hottie, before lifting Persephone's arms off of her just to turn and bump her chest against Persephone's own large pair, the greek woman looking down at her with an amused smile! Chika was certainly confident, but her comment about a potential rematch between the two would raise one of Persephone's eyebrows, tilting her head to the side slightly before she responded!

"Get back at you? Why, I wouldn't want anything like that! If we were to rematch, I'd simply want to show you around MY backyard as it were! Learning the joys of oil wrestling!" Persephone teased with a smirk, planting the idea in Chika's head, and knowing that the smaller woman was likely gung ho enough to jump right on it and agree, despite Persephone's mastery of the style!

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

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Chika didn't mind interview crashes like this. For several reasons. For one, someone walking up to her, while she was in front of the camera, and challenging her to a fight, she found quite bold, worthy of respect even. And for the second reason...she simply found Persephone quite hot. She definitely had a crush on the woman to the point where she couldn't get mad at her for trying to steal her thunder like this.

And Persephone's challenge made her quite interested indeed. She had never tried oil wrestling...and she knew from Persephone's reputation that she had quite a bit of skill in the match...but Chika was nothing if not brave, wanting to prove that she was better than Persephone even in that match type:

"Then I would politely accept your invitation to your domain...", Chika would say with a smile, stepping towards Persephone to measure up to her rival's chest with her smaller pair.

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

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Approaching from behind, Persephone's presence would finally become known as she pushed up against Chika from behind, a few teasing words alerting the smaller woman to her presence to get her attention! But Chika wasn't surprised at all, instead turning to press up against Persephone and stand tall against her! ...As tall as she could against the much larger woman, that was! Still, Persephone found Chika's confidence quite adorable, but perhaps a bit misguided, as it didn't seem like the smaller woman realized what she was getting into with such a match!

"Oh, well that's lovely news! But dear, are you sure you're ready for a match like that against me?" Persephone teased, batting her eyelashes as she looks down at Chika, smiling down at her! Persephone would once more lean forwards, and as Chika attempted to press her chest into the heavyweight's, Persephone would attempt to do something a bit more teasing!

"Especially when I've got a score to settle with you?" She teased, leaning up to push her chest above Chika's and nearly shove it into the smaller woman's face, showing off the size gap between the pair!

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

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The cameraman tried to get the camera in position to make an effective shot for the news of a new challenge between the two friendly rivals, especially the attempt by Chika to push her smaller bust into the taller woman's pair...only for Persephone to tease the Raven Knight by shoving her breasts into her face!


Chika would pull back in surprise, her face reddening in embarassment!

"Hmph! I already defeated you once! Just because it would a match you are slightly better at doesn't mean you'll beat me! I'll get you under my rear again, and make you go to sleep!", Chika would proudly claim, turning to present her backside, slapping it in the blonde's direction to tease her back!

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With Chika stepping up to her and pressing against Persephone, the blonde couldn't resist the urge to tease her foe a little bit in response, straightening up and pressing her chest against Chika's face! It was quite easy given the difference in their height, and as Persephone watched Chika's face disappear between her breasts before she grunted and backed away, she could barely contain her giggles! Still, even as she was being made light of, Chika would re-assert her victory over Persephone in their last encounter, turning around to show off the rear that had smothered the heavyweight into a KO!

Persephone, already knowing that she had her foe flustered, decided not to take the obvious bait and instead would give a warm smile, before stepping towards her foe and wrapping her arms around Chika, hugging her from behind! Persephone pulled her into a close embrace, leaning forwards to rest her chin on Chika's shoulder, before whispering into her ear!

"And what a rear end it is... but Chika, do you really think you can handle me again, especially in oil?" Persephone teased, leaning in close enough that her lips tickled Chika's ear!

"That's absolutely adorable dear! You're just too cute!" Persephone said, leaning down to suddenly cover Chika's cheek in a series of quick kisses, teasingly smooching her face over and over as if to embarrass her through the display!

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

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Chika tried to tease the Greek blonde back, but Persephone would take the teasing in complete stride, instead using the opportunity to tease the Raven Knight a bit more, warmly hugging her from the back, moving her mouth so close to Chika's ear as she taunted her with whispers. Chika actually grew doubtful for a moment as Persephone challenged her...before Persephone switched things up with a rush of kisses to her cheek!

After a few reached her cheek, the Joshi turned around, lightly pressing Persephone away: "And that's as much as you get before the match, hottie...", Chika still tried to save face in the interview, despite being a red-faced, embarassed mess that she was.

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Re: MILF-y Challenge!

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Persephone holding onto Chika left the smaller woman with little recourse other than to take the myriad of kisses that the blonde would place on her cheek, Persephone very content to tease Chika, especially mid-interview like this! However, it wouldn't be too long before Chika would eventually push Persephone off and stop her playful kisses for the time being, leaving Persephone to puff out her cheeks in a slight pout as Chika would tell her to save it for the match, red faced and embarrassed, only to get yet another smile from Persephone!

"Well, if you insist my dear, I'll save what else I have for you... I think you'll be very excited for it!" Persephone teased with a smile as she would flash the camera's one more wave, before turning around and departing! It seemed that the greek woman had set herself up for a rematch with Chika, and this time in her home turf, and she walked away feeling quite pleased, more than ready for a second encounter with the black haired joshi!

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