Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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Location of the tour: Newcastle, England

Apex Hell in a Cell Submissions Only Bikini Match
Winning Conditions: Making your foe verbally submit.
Special Conditions: Match is to take place in Hell in a Cell;
KOs are not a viable victory method, and the ref must help revive the knocked out wrestler for them to continue the match;
Both competitors are to dress in bikinis;
Katherine Scarlett is to be put in the cage inside the Cell over the ring;
If Clara Gaster wins, Katherine is released from Baroness's obligations and Baroness is to stay away from her, Clara, and Clara's other acquaintances for the next year;
If the Baroness wins, Clara is to enter her servitude alongside Katherine Scarlett for the next year;

She made it to the her home, no less.

To say Clara was completely and utterly nervous would've been an understatement. The last several weeks have been sleepless for her as she tried to get the match at Apex as soon as possible...sneaking in one small stipulation for the tour for the match to take place in her hometown. It felt...nice to be home. She had never wrestled a big LAW match here...

...worse yet, this was absolutely the biggest, all or nothing match in her career. Victory meant several things. Most importantly for her - Kay would be free to go. Baroness has been tormenting her life for the last 5 years, but over the course of 2022, the attacks have intensified, as her attacks targeted various LAW wrestlers, including Kay and her own sister. She even tried to get revenge for Alice against Baroness's head maid, but the revenge wasn't to be. Now, Clara had the perfect option to get back at Stephanie Renaud for every time she interfered in her life, including making her hurt in her debut and ruining the return from her hiatus...

...the loss would mean the end of her in-ring career as she knew it, unless the Baroness asked in the coming year, of course. She was to be one of her maids, likely help cheat in matches, likely help "soften" her opponent's up for them to be her squeeze toy, likely to be Baroness's squeeze toy during their "spars"...

And in both cases, the winner had a chance to receive the LAW Openweight Championship, and in Baroness's case, the Middleweight Championship. If Clara won, she was one step closer to her own dream of being the champion...if she lost, she likely gave her most hated person a rule over LAW. If Clara lost, even if Baroness ultimately hadn't won the belt, she would quit LAW at the end of her serving period...and not just LAW. She would leave wrestling period.

Thoughts about everything that laid on the line tonight swirled in her mind as she sat prepared, in her bikini (yet another touch from the Baroness). She had an embarrassing thought, however. Was it a good idea to go for a bikini attire in front of her home crowd? Her friends might've been in the audience...her friends...

She blushed, but dashed those thoughts away. She had a few minutes to go...

She had a knock in her locker room.

Opening the door, she saw Alice was standing in front of front door...with a kendo stick over her shoulder:

"Hi...", she would calmly say.

"Hey, Ally...", she would say, letting her inside the locker room.

The two sisters sat down on the bench together, Alice leaving her kendo stick next to her. Alice was fully qualified for a proper Apex match, but she was just travelling around for now. But naturally, she would make her way to both sisters' home city. For a good moment, both sisters were silent, before Alice spoke:

"Big night, huh?"

"Quite a bit yeah..."

"You look cute in that, by the kept it from that photoshoot they did a few years back, right?"

"Yeah! It's still held up pretty good! In spite of it going through a few matches!", Clara giggled, Alice calming her nerves by distracting her even a little bit.

"Look...if you need my help..."

"No, Alice. Thank you, but no. I chose the cage specifically for that. I want to defeat Baroness alone..."

"You really should stop putting the weight of everyone's problems on your shoulders, you know...", Alice calmly explained to Clara: "I...insist you take this with you...", she would pass the Kendo Stick over to Clara.


"No. It was foolish of me to fight her without a plan in an Apex match, I accept that...however, I would try to make sure you could win in any way possible without touching the Baroness. This woman wants to destroy you, physically and mentally. If you don't hit back against her, it will all be over. I know you. If you lose tonight, I...I fear I might legitimately not see you again."

"And everything that happened from that match to now...feels like my fault. Kay, who saved me, put into this situation against her will all because of my stupid decision...So please...just let me help, just this once..."
, Alice's eyes were pleading towards Clara, as she took the kendo stick with both hands. She heard another knock on the door, with a voice calling out: "2 minutes to your entrance, Ms. Gaster!"

Both women rose...and hugged each other:

"Break a leg, sis.", Alice would tell her, with Clara nodding...

Time of Victory played on the speakers as Clara made her way out of the ramp, the crowd exploding in cheers at seeing their home town hero making her way down to the ring. Newcastle's arena was quite spacious, easily fitting in 10000+ folks wanting to see LAW matches tonight, with bikini clad Clara Gaster entering with a massive smile on her face. The cage loomed overhead...and right underneath the cage, in the ring, on a chain that will be lifted during the match, stood one Katherine Scarlett, the blunette dressed in the attire of Baroness's maids. Stephanie Renaud was running the show in terms of the costumes tonight, but Clara was determined to not let it get to her.

She walked down the ramp with a smile on her face, clapping some hands with the folks in the front row, trying not to show any of her worries on the outside. At critical part of the song, Clara entered the ring, stood on the entrance ramp, and lifted her kendo stick up, before her song quiet down...

...and Clara went towards the small shark cage, which contained Kay within it already.

"Hey...", Clara would try to talk with her girlfriend, likely only having a few seconds before Baroness came in, and it was lifted until the end of the match...
Last edited by Vc0m on Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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"Hey!" Kay replied, though her voice caught in her throat a little when she did so, no doubt emotions running high right now. Before anything could begin Kay had been led down to the ring by other Maids, doing what felt like a walk of shame before being locked up in this cage. It was all some terrible gimmick the Baroness had negotiated, all to no doubt play mind games with Clara and keep her from becoming focused. Drifter had been clad in a Maid's outfit, but the moment the cage had locked behind her she had thrown off the headpiece and other parts in a rage. She looked a little more respectable, clad in a sports bra top and black bottoms, but she felt useless and humiliated... trapped as she was and unable to help her love.

[color]"You look so beautiful... I've missed you so much. I can't wait for you to kick her ass so we can be done with this nonsense and move on with our lives. I wouldn't mind getting you alone in that outfit."[/color] Kay whispered with a giggle, no doubt trying to keep in good spirits for Clara before reaching through the bars to take Clara's hand with her own.
"I know it’s a bit late, but I wouldn't mind spending that Christmas day with you. I know we kind of missed it, but I was thinking... even if we just pretend its Christmas when this is all over. I've never had a Christmas with anyone for a long time, so... you know... I really want to have one with you." Kay would speak out, clutching Clara's hand tightly with her own.

There was so much Kay wanted to say to Clara, having been denied a chance to see her whilst serving her term with the Baroness. However, the lights would begin to darken all at once. Everyone knew what was coming next, and the reception shifted to one for the ages in wrestling. The jeers and rage from the crowd became immediately apparent, the crowd in the Newcastle arena rising to their feet to show their utter distain for the Apex Finalist who would be facing Clara Gaster in a match that felt like it had been years in the making. This went beyond Apex... this was personal to a new level with an attack against Clara's very life and wellbeing.

Despite how rapturous the crowd where in volume, "Fantasy" by I Will Never Be the Same began to hit the PA system at an unreasonable level of volume to drown out the rage of the crowd. Low level lighting began to pulse on either side of the entrance ramp, giving an eerie glow to the arena. As the music began to settle in, Maids... at least two dozen of them began to walk down from the entrance ramp, lining up almost in a militaristic style all the way towards the ring. It was the most that had been seen so far, all dressed in revealing attire, all looking more like silhouettes in the low lighting and quite imposing. After the Maids were all lined up and in position, soon enough, the Baroness herself appeared. She was a sight to behold, clad in shoulder pads with a hood covering her upper face in shadow. A long cloak trailed behind her as she began to walk down the ramp.

Even with her music at such high volume, the sheer distain from the crowd could still be heard as they jeered and roared out against the French Tyrant. A small and alluring smile with visible upon the lips of the hooded Baroness, and gradually she began to make her way down the ramp. Each duo of Maids she passed by would all begin to remove an item of clothing from her in a perfectly rehearsed manner. Her hood was slid back to reveal her long silver hair and that twisted and dark beauty the Baroness possessed. With seamless perfection, her shoulders pads were removed whilst the Baroness never broke her stride nor took her eyes off the bikini clad Clara within the rings. Her robes were removed next, revealing a rather gothic and intricate outfit below, as if the Baroness donned unique armour.

That too would be removed as she walked barefoot, slowly being disrobed and clothed by the skilful Maids she passed by all working tirelessly. Soon enough, the Baroness was clad in little more than a black bikini outfit, one she only donned during PPV matches and significant events. As she approached the ring, Maids threw themselves together, using their bodies to form stairs, allowing their mistress to walk up upon them, before a final two set of maids pulled the ropes to allow the Baroness to ease in. Once in the ring, the Baroness snapped her fingers, making her Maids all begin to retreat in a uniform manner, watching as all twenty four Maids slunk back into the darkness.

The Baroness glared at Clara, approaching her, standing over her. Her body looked more defined than normal, a marvel upon the eyes and glistening ever so slightly in the arena lights. It was clear the Baroness had stepped up her training, her shoulders looking just a little more broad then when Clara last witnessed her. Her eyes never blinked... it was unnerving to see, and Baroness stood close, within arm’s reach of Clara near the centre of the ring. A small smile began to develop.
"Don't worry Clara... This will all be over tonight..." The Baroness whispered, a clear tone of malicious intent dripping in that French accent.

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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Clara hated herself for letting this happen...this had to have been humiliating, to be treated like a damsel in distress. This is the lady who was usually kicking butt and taking names...reduced to a princess locked in a cage...

She giggled at Kay praising her bikini, tightly gripping her hand, and wanting to break the bars apart to take her and run away...Her thoughts, however, would be interrupted by Kay speaking about plans after Clara won tonight...because she would, the Brit told herself:

"It wouldn't just be a Christmas day. I will take the rest of the tour off. We will go to wherever you want...but...well...we are in my hometown, and I would like you to meet my parents while we are here. But afterward? We go wherever. Hawaii, Paris, back to Canada, whatever you wish. You deserve it for holding out as long as you did..."

Right as she said that, lights dimmed...and the Newcastle arena exploded in boos and jeers. Her song was unable to be heard, with LAW faithful in England being this loud and this hateful towards the French Aristocrat, as her entourage formed a line to the ring to guide their mistress towards the ring, with the icy Baroness soon appearing in her usual regal hood, covering her face, as well as her robes...

Slowly, the maids would disrobe her, leaving her in her preferred, beloved attire of a pure black bikini, before the maids made their way in front of her to form a staircase towards the ring, with two maids pushing the ropes away from one another to let the Baroness enter...

Clara would be wordless during the entire entrance. She was staring at the embodiment of all her screw-ups, her worst rival in wrestling today, as she now stood like a massive, overpriced wall between her and her girlfriend. Even more than the first lightweight match, tonight was a match she had no ability to lose, otherwise resulting in her quitting in wrestling...worse than that, she wouldn't be able to see her girlfriend in the eye...ever. Even if Kay wanted to stay in LAW, if she lost...she would be too humiliated of what she put her girlfriend through...she would be completely unworthy of her hand in any way, shape or form. She wouldn't be able to allow herself to call her a friend, let alone her girlfriend...

With a snap of fingers, the maids were no more. Clara always got special treatment from Stephanie Renaud, she noticed. Almost all her other opponents she broke down via her entourage, them beating up a potential victim first before Baroness dealt the final blows...but Clara was special. Clara, she had to take down herself. It could've been because of how much she was obsessed with the Brit. No one could touch Clara but her...

"I'm sorry...", she would tell Kay, as she gave one last squeeze to her hand before letting go: "I...I promise...I will see you soon..."

She stepped to Stephanie, looking at her with a serious expression: " will be..."

A menacing tune began the cage began to be lowered...with Kay's cage being pulled up into the air. Clara looked up. She was actually worried about Kay's safety, dangled in the air like that...but she knew LAW wouldn't skimp on the money for a big match like this. The Canadian Blunette was perfectly safe as being trapped in two sets of cages was...

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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There was so many things that Kay wanted to say to Clara, it had been so long since she had truly seen her since living in captivity, no matter how it was that the Baroness had tried to dress the situation. Mostly she wanted to tell her that she loved her, and how much she had been missing her. The stunning bluenette wanted to tell her lover that no matter what happened, at least the two of them would be together through it, whatever it was that would face the pair next. However, in the back of her mind, Kay feared any such words and pleas would only serve to distract Clara. No doubt there was already so much on her mind, and Kay did not want to leave any room for doubt... her focus had to be on the match and the match alone right now... no matter how she felt. With that... as the cage began to lift, hoisting her form into the air, she could think of only one thing to say as her hand was peeled away from her girlfriends.

"Kick her ass Clara." Kay whispered, just loud enough for her to hear, managing that beautiful smile that she saved only for her.

As Kay was lifted within her containment, the cage lowered in unison. The Baroness stood, her eyes never going away from Clara even with the attempted distractions of the music. The crowd all began to speak nervously, watching as the grand structure was lowered, before a heavy clash of steel against concrete sounded out, the cage finally settling down to lock the two wrestlers within the confines of the ring.
"You certainly choice a good lover Clara. That blue flower is a lot more resilient than she looks. She served me well for many of my training sessions. She was able to withstand my powerful embraces for sometimes hours at a time." The Baroness would sing out, slowly beginning to circle around Clara now that she had the space to do so. The crowd all watched with anticipation, knowing that the match would begin soon... real soon.

"I wonder when you are my sparring partner if you will be able to last as long? I am sure we can build you up... when you are serving me you will find the experience will strengthen your core and your resolve. You will be a better woman for it I assure you... You may even learn to love it." The Baroness continued, slowly becoming more guarded as she rolled her shoulders and took a rare wrestling stance. Normally the Baroness was arrogant, standing with no guard when faced against her enemies as a sheer display of dominance... but she was not messing around this time. She had fought Clara twice before, and knew very well what the lightweight was capable of. Clara had scored many upsets in her career, even against the Baroness herself.

"You are more delicious than I remembered my dear Clara. I'm going to enjoy breaking you again... no one will be able to save you this time, and you will receive just a taste of what to expect over the next year." The Baroness added, a little more venom beginning to drip into her tone, as she rapidly began to circle closer towards Clara.

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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Clara couldn't help but shyly, carefully wave to Kay as she was lifted into the air. This wasn't a goodbye for too long, she told herself. Within half-an-hour, she will have Kay in her arms, and she'll take her out of the arena in her arms, to her house, and hug and kiss her as if there was no tomorrow. She had been missing her for far...far too long, and not only would she win Kay's freedom from the Baroness...she would destroy the witch and purge her from her life...

Clara closed her eyes for a good while. She couldn't focus on Kay for too much longer. She couldn't afford to lose a step against the Baroness tonight. This was a match with the highest stakes possible for her, and if she let nervousness get to her, it was game over. Nodding to Kay's last words, she focused her sight on the Baroness, and her ears on the sound of the descending cage, as it finally hit the bottom.

The ref nervously looked at the two heated rivals, worried about either jumping the bell too early, but so far, the only fight happening before the bell was a verbal one, the icy Frenchwoman digging under Clara's skin with descriptions of tortures she had for Katherine...and ones she had in mind for her:

"I'm already the best woman I can be.", Clara would state, shaking her head at the Baroness's final words.

She held her kendo stick at the ready, trying to motion going for an attack as the two rivals started to pace around the center of the ring...


But as the bell started to ring, Clara would let go off the stick, dropping it straight down on the floor!


And at the second bell, dashed towards the Baroness, jumping into the air!


And with the final bell, tried to take Baroness by surprise similar to their last match by driving her feet into her rival's chest for a Dropkick!

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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There was a massive roar from the crowd as the bell finally rang. This was the third match between Baroness and Clara, with a rivalry that was already an established event of legend in the LAW! To see the two fierce rivals go head to head in an Apex Final was a dream come true to many, and already the crowd were on their feet! Clara wasted no time, carrying with her a long history of hate and torture from the woman who stood before her. Kicking off her bare feet, Clara raced with momentum, all whilst the Baroness took an arrogant step back, lowering her guard as a flash of darkness took her eyes.

In fluid motion, Clara was up in the air, traveling almost like a bullet. Her intent was clear as she threw out both of her legs, looking to plant her feet straight towards the chest of the Baroness in an attempt to land a brutal looking missile dropkick! The only issue was, Baroness was not standing where she was supposed to be when Clara went for her strike. Her bare feet struck nought but air! She would have carried on and landed safely upon the ring surface none the less given her skill and momentum, but much to her horror, the Baroness had slipped below her, grasping her shoulder and her hip with a firm grip.

In a sheer display of strength, Clara stopped dead in the air as the form of the Baroness strained to absorb the momentum. Her chest and stomach muscles tensed and her arms seemed to briefly bulge as she stopped Clara's forward momentum. With a forced drop, the Baroness hoisted herself upwards, tucking her own legs in against her chest before she pulled Clara down with her! The crowd gasped in horror, knowing the move too well, a signature of the Baroness known as Le Rompe! The sound of Clara clashing back first against the legs of Baroness rang and echoed out loud in the arena, the move being applied with such pressure that Clara snapped back into a C like shape before launching off of Baroness' legs to collapse upon the ring.

Kay gasped out loud, leaning against the cage she was contained in to try and reach Clara, but it was no good! The crowd excitement turned to horror, wondering if Clara could take such a devastating attack so early on. The Baroness slowly rose to her feet, dusting off her shoulder, a twisted smile forming upon those dangerous lips of hers as she began to walk towards Clara, knowing her back would be in agony after hitting her signature move upon her.
"Already the best you can be?... Then show me." The Baroness would whisper, grasping a handful of Clara's hair before lifting her upwards, wrapping her powerful arms around her waist from behind for a strong bodylock, looking to get an early and long awaited squeeze upon her long rooted rival!

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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Baroness moved out of the way. In the moment while Clara flew through the air, the Brit damned her luck…but no, it wasn’t quite luck. It was foolish to go for the same start to the match as last time. Baroness anticipated Clara jumping her the moment the bell rung…but it was more than that, as the Shadow Lord was about to find out.

Clara wouldn’t hit the ground. The Baroness would actually manage to catch her in midair! Clara would flail as Baroness got her up onto her shoulders. She tried to ram her elbow into her rival’s jaw, but such swift the motion for her next move was that she simply had no time to do any meaningful damage. The Baroness dropped Clara downwards, and with the same movement, fell onto the ground, knees pointed upwards as she impaled Clara’s back onto them for her signature Le Rompe!


The familiar pain she felt during her matches with Baroness let itself known. Her spine felt like it was set ablaze, as she was thrown off of Baroness’s legs, wincing as she tried to get back up to her feet…but the pain made it very difficult.

Baroness would “help” the Brit, yanking her up by her hair, Clara yelping at having her hair pulled, before Baroness taunted her, putting her into reverse Bearhug as she continued to work over Clara’s back!

”Grrrrgh…I’ll…show you!”, Clara would shout, trying to ram her elbows into the Baroness’s sides to try and fight out!

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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The Baroness managed a giggle between grunts as Clara began to show defiance. Escape would not be so easily attained however, as the strong form of the Baroness was able to tank the hard shots against her sides. It was already fun to see Clara struggle so much, as her arms began to enclose around her waist, digging deep into her lower stomach for a long and gruelling squeeze. The Baroness looked to drive the air from Clara, enjoying the feel of her bikini clad form against her own body. She almost seemingly snuggled up against her back, managing a near pur as those dangerous and powerful arms folded tighter and tighter around the bare core of her prey. It was an intoxicating feeling, putting such a squeeze on her rival... but it was far too early to settle into this kind of game.

The crowd continued to rage as Baroness Woman handled Clara, jostling her from side to side before going for a big crush against her lower stomach. The match was not going as they had desired, nor would it if the Baroness got her way. She could feel Clara's midriff strain against the growing pressure, the life being slowly squeezed from her body as the Baroness hoisted her up higher for a deeper crush. The silver haired tyrant held her prey up in her colossal grip, for all the fans to see and for Drifter who shouted out profanities at the Baroness. The prize of the match, the beautiful bluenette began to push and test the cage, trying to break through it to help her lover who was being constricted.

"This is just but a taste of what you can expect in this match my dear Clara." The Baroness would whisper in a longing and delicate manner over the screaming fans that chanted for Clara to rally. Before Clara could even begin to think straight, she was suddenly planted down upon the mat with a brutal modified reverse powerbomb! The entire ring shook, before she felt Baroness' arms re-secure around her slender waist for another deep squeeze. Before Clara could even react however, she was being lifted upwards straight after the first slam and crushed hard... before being thrown back as the Baroness arched in an impressive manner.. slamming Clara in a German Suplex to finish her series of torture…

.. for now

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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"Gaaaaaaaaaaaah...", Clara exhaled, unable to get back the air the Baroness was forcing out of her body. Her resistance proved futile against the Baroness, as her elbows felt weaker and weaker. She grimaced as the hold got tighter and tighter...before Baroness tried to make the hold even worse, lifting the Brit into the air as her arms dug deeper into her stomach!

"GAaaAAAAAAGH! LET GOOOOO!!!", Clara screamed, resuming her elbow strikes, this time driving them into Baroness's Clara heard the clanging of the cage, and rough, loudmouthed shouts above her! She started to drive her elbows in much more vigourously, even trying to lift her arm up in order to ram it into the side of the hated Frenchwoman's head...


Right as Clara tried to drive her elbow into the Baroness's face, Stephanie would drop Clara straight down onto the floor onto her face, chest and stomach! Dazed, the move easily allowed Baroness to go for a follow up attack, not releasing Clara as she threw her straight across the ring with a German Suplex!

"AAAAAAAGH!", Clara cried out, her arms going to her neck and shoulders. Barely a minute into the match and her entire body felt like it was ablaze! She tried to get up, but Baroness's powerful attacks drove a lot of the fight out of the Shadow Lord...

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Re: Stephanie "Baroness" Renaud vs Clara Gaster - Hell on Apex

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"You do not know how long I have been waiting to hear those screams again... " The Baroness whispered in sinister fashion when she peered down to grasp Clara by the back of her neck. She managed a twisted smile upon her regal features, hoisting Clara upwards onto her feet as if she weighed nothing at all. Kay was bashing and prying at the bars, making her little cell rattle which would briefly catch the attention of the French Tyrant.
"You will wait your turn..." The Baroness mocked, before she grasped Clara's slender and bikini clad form, using her unreal strength to launch the lightweight wrestler with a brutally hard Irish Whip to send her crashing into the corner.

Taking a step back, the Baroness would soon launch herself towards Clara not long after she slammed into the corner at high speed, watching as her form slumped against the turnbuckles after her back slammed into it. The Baroness looked to continue to work on Clara's core, no doubt looking to wear down her body for what would no doubt come towards the end of the match when she intended to end things. As such, the Baroness went at high speed, looking to ram into Clara if she was not able to recover in time, hoping to drive a hard shoulder right into her bare stomach and crush her against the corner!

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