Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

Unread post by Vc0m »

Yuzuha’s “Stop”, surprisingly, did the trick. The scared, anxious and angry Shadow Lord stopped pounding her fists against Yuzuha’s face, recognizing that she was basically beating down a tired, hurt woman (even though the crowd was cheering for her to continue…)

Clara stood up, realizing that her fists were now covered with Yuzuha’s blood. Clara’s anxiety skyrocketed, as she looked at Yuzuha in shock, not knowing what to do now…

…before quickly realizing that she was yet to tend to Alice.

The ref was already loading her onto the stretcher alongside the medics, with others arriving to do the same for Yuzuha, as she also experienced a ton of punishment during the match.

For now, Clara approached her sister, who, from all the pain and fatigue, drifted to unconsciousness. Clara followed the medics to backstage, fully planning to ride with Alice in the ambulance to make sure her sister was fully tended to…as she tried to get her mind off the beatdown she almost delivered to Yuzuha…

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Re: Alice Gaster vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Apex of Hate

Unread post by LowDefinition »

Even though Yuzuha reactively shielded her head. The damage was already done, she kept her guard up although barely. Her vision blurs and slowly blackened out. She couldn't make out what the crowd was cheering on.

Yuzuha laid down on the canvas, barely moving her muscles as she watches a blurry figure of Clara standing above her. Her arm barely rise as she tried to reach towards Clara and strike back. But obviously she was unable to do so...

As her consciousness slowly drift away... She could feel the medics grabbing her limbs and gently dragging her along the canvas going out of the ring to load her into the awaiting stretcher. As she was carried out of the arena... Yuzuha doesn't feel satisfied with this match ending, she wants another match with Alice to have a more decisive ending. But if Clara gets in her way again... Alice's sister or not, she is going to make sure she regrets that decision.

Winner by "I Quit" : Yuzuha Takamiya
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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