Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

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Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Match Type
Lumber Maid Match
Victory Conditions
Pinfall, Submission or KO
The ring will be surrounded by the Baroness' maids. Any wrestler who is ejected from the ring is fair game for the maids to do with as they please. No Count Outs, and victory can be obtained by pinfall, submission, or KO.
Nervousness. Kayla was nervous.

You wouldn’t know it to look at her in the moment, as she stood in the middle of the ring and her theme music began to fade. She had come for her match - her first match in LAW. Many wrestlers would’ve been outwardly giddy to be here, jumping about and high-fiving and bursting with energy. Kayla, in stark contrast, stood at the dead center of the ring, hands folded in front of her lap, looking ramrod straight towards the curtain. She didn’t move. She didn't smile. She didn’t so much as twitch. She might as well have been a statue, rooted to the canvas, with only the occasional blink and rising of her chest to set her apart.

Inside, however, things were far different. Her mind raced with a dozen disparate thoughts, her heartbeat went along at a staccato pace, she swore she could feel the blood rushing through her veins. She was a bundle of nerves, and it didn’t have anything to do with the audience or the referee or even the match itself. It all came down to one reason: The Baroness was watching.

The idea of joining the Baroness in LAW had never occurred to Kayla - while she was more than capable in hand-to-hand combat and had cut her teeth as a wrestler long before this, she had deemed herself unworthy of competing in the same ring as her mistress. She was content to serve on the side, at the mansion, in training the other maids.

But here and now, she was serving in a different capacity. As the Baroness’ vanguard, she would be expected to perform and serve her will. There was no room for failure and hesitation - she had to win, and she had to win decisively. Nothing less would suffice. This was her time to show that Stephanie had not erred in her decision to bring her into LAW, that her faith was not misplaced, and she would waste the opportunity.

Kayla wanted to win this match. She needed to win this match.

She did her best to quell her breathing as the music faded off into nothing, going over her mental notes, making sure that she hadn't lost sight of the plan in all her jitters. This wasn’t to be a random opponent, after all - she was someone the Baroness had designs on, and this was a chance to launch a significant salvo in their conflict. Everything was in place and Kayla had talked with and intimidated the right people - now, all she needed was for her opponent to come out and fall into the trap.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

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Clara. in comparison to her rival, wasn't just nervous. She was tired. Baroness has haunted her for the past 4 years. She felt like a phantom she would never be rid off...or at least, one she wouldn't be rid off until she stopped paying LAW officials to put her into matches that Baroness specifically requested. She had received too much sway in recent years in the that almost made her want to try and confront LAW hierarchy about it...but she knew it wouldn't amount to much. Money spoke louder than words. She was, admittedly - high-card, attraction with a 5-figure salary, and Baroness was an insane rich person doing insane rich person things on a whim.

It was almost poetic, given the state the world was in.

She knew it was a trap. There was 0 chance she was walking out of here tonight unscathed, and she would be lucky to walk away from the building without having been "embraced" by the Baroness...but part of her felt like she needed to put herself through this. She needed to get revenge for what happened to her sister. And part of that came from at least doing some damage to the woman that most people considered was Baroness's right-hand woman.
Her entrance song was upbeat as ever, but her entrance was very subdued, with her eyes shifting. She was a bit of a trickster herself, and could tell there was something amiss in the arena. Crowd was cheering for her, compared to the relatively unknown newcomer that was just introduced a few weeks back with video packages, but she still couldn't shake the feeling that the match wasn't just a regular one. The moment she stepped into the ring, something was going to happen...she just didn't know what.

She calmly made her way down the ramp, not having the energy today to greet people in the front row seats, commentators noting to the people at home about how tense the Brit was.

Clara entered the ring, her gaze not leaving Kayla, gazing at her with a mean look up at the heavyweight who was a good bit taller than her. She didn't leave her gaze as she made her way towards her corner...
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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

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Kayla stayed in her unmoving state as her opponent came out, not budging an inch, but if you looked closely - oh, so very closely - you could see the hint of a sneer growing along the lines of her face, threatening to morph it into a full blown glare, as the hatred simmering under the surface threatened to spill over.

This woman. This woman. Clara Gaster.

While she wasn’t at the top of Kayla’s shit list, she was easily in the top five, and seemed to rise higher every time she met with the Baroness. Another one of the unworthy, disgusting women that couldn't see the blessing that her mistress tried to bestow on them. Little ants trying to crawl along the web of a spider, ungrateful nuisances pestering something far greater than themselves. If joining LAW meant that she had the opportunity to put down women who stood in the Baroness’ way and facilitate her rise, then it would be more than worth whatever troubles she incurred in the process.

Her first inclination was to simply move in the moment Clara entered the ring and dismantle her straightaway, but she fought the temptation, even as the woman had the audacity to glare her way. That wasn’t the plan, after all.

This was.

"Good evening my dear Clara.” The Baroness’ wonderful visage appeared on the big screen, as she filled the arena with her honeyed tones. “It has been some time. I hope you forgive me that I did not relay this message to you sooner, it would appear that due to my busy schedule, I was unable to inform you in time to an... alteration to your match tonight against my employee Kayla. I discussed with management that we should make tonight’s match a little more interesting... that is why I proposed something that I believe you will enjoy and find the utmost challenging."

On cue, a dozen of the Baroness’ most trusted maids - after Kayla, of course - emerged from the curtain and made their way down to the ring, hailed by a chorus of boos from the ignorant masses. The came down as instructed and proceeded to circle the ring, three to every side, giving it complete coverage, all while the referee looked on with clear befuddlement.

"... tonight Clara, you will have the pleasure of facing my beautiful Kayla, in a first ever Lumber-Maid match. I was hoping for a more elegant title, but when I proposed the idea, but management insisted due to the low intellect of the so-called fans watching tonight. Still... I think you will enjoy the stipulation. As will you my dearest Kayla."

Kayla shuddered at the way Baroness spoke her name, savoring the bliss that came along with it for a moment, before she turned all her steely focus to Clara. The referee was reluctant to call for the bell, but a quick glare was enough to impart the silent threat, and she gave the signal for the match to start. The trap was set, the subterfuge was complete.

With the advantage firmly on her side, Kayla moved in with slow, measured steps, hands at the ready, circling her prey. Even with the advantages, she had to be careful - an animal was at its most dangerous when cornered.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

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And there went the mousetrap.

She wouldn't even turn towards the screen to face her nemesis's recording. She simply listened. The Brit grit her teeth as Stephanie Renaud explained the rules of the match, as her faithful, loyal maids popped from behind the curtain. Clara was unable to do anything more than see them flood in, and surround the ringside, ready to pounce at her the moment she came close.

She could tell that some of the maids were present at the match with Alice, from watching the footage back. In a way, maybe Baroness has given her a perfect way to enact her revenge as well, since these were the women who hurt her sister.

One other thing she could tell? The poor ref was 100% one of the women not informed of this "change". She actually hesitated calling for the bell...but a loud voice in her ear and a glare from Kayla let her know that she had no choice, as she looked at Clara apologetically...with the Brit nodding in acknowledgement.

With that, the match was on.

Kayla slowly closed in towards Clara. If the Brit tried any sudden movements, she would quickly pounce in to knock her down. Her opponent wasn't a light or even a middleweight, after all.

Carefully, with determined gaze, she would try and grapple with Kayla, trying to initiate a Collar and Elbow Tie Up!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

It was tempting, too tempting, to simply rush in on her opponent and start wailing away on her. After all the trouble the Gasters had brought on her mistress, Kayla had fantasized about the way she could punish them, the holds she would put them in, the bones she would break and the horrors she would force them to endure. This was a match she had craved for a long time, and having it finally here made her blood race.

But she resisted. She held back. For now. The match was firmly in her favor, after all, there was no need to rush in and make mistakes. Be careful, be smart, and things would sway in her favor, she was certain of it.

She came in with the collar and elbow tie up, keeping her eyes open for any deception on Clara’s part, thinking she might try something deceptive with her smaller size. To her surprise, she actually took her head on, locking horns with her and pushing with a fair bit of force. It was enough to catch the Iron Maid off guard, and she took a step back.

But no more.

Kayla planted a foot, grunted, then pushed forward with her full might, forcing Clara back, back, back with hard, powerful steps, unwilling to surrender an inch. She tried to push her into the corner, looking to pin her there in a show of dominance.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

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Clara would grapple with Kayla, regardless of the fact that there was no way to win a strength contest against the head maid. Quickly Kayla tried to drive Clara back, Clara's back almost went to the corner a second later...

Clara grit her teeth, as she could feel the maids trying to grab at her feet. Acting out of instinct, Clara would try to launch her arms towards her rival's arm, trying to catch her left arm into a wristlock!

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Kayla kept nothing back as she forced her opponent towards the corner and pinned her there, putting her up against the turnbuckles. She could see that her fellow maids were chomping at the bit to get at Clara as well, but they would keep their distance for now - she would throw this woman to the wolves eventually, but only after she’d chewed on her own pound of flesh.

She was enjoying herself, perhaps a little too much, because Clara’s speed caught her off guard - the woman was able to burst out and secure her with a swift wristlock, one that would’ve made her yelp if she hadn't gritted her teeth in time.

Tricky. This one was a touch more skilled than Kayla had expected, but she would deal with it.

She took a step back, creating some space, then used it to lash out with a kick to Clara’s knee, trying to give her some incentive to break the hold before the situation worsened. She knew all too well how an effective hold could weaken a larger opponent, and if her opponent thought that was the key to victory, she would happily prove her wrong.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

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Clara needed to get Kayla on the floor, and wrestle her down. Any way of using the ropes for momentum build up was completely cut off because of the Baroness's army chomping on her heels, so beating her rival down, and not letting her get up was the only sure way to win...

...but that didn't mean Kayla would take this lying down, since she had another advantage on Clara - her height. Her leg was long enough to reach Clara in a hold, nailing her right in the knee!


Clara would let go off the wristlock, retreating away to try and recuperate...
Last edited by Vc0m on Sun Dec 25, 2022 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Kayla didn’t give Chase immediately after Clara surrendered the hold, instead taking a moment to roll her wrist around and get the kinks out. It was far from broken, but the pain, small as it was, served as a reminder of what her opponent could do if she wasn’t careful.

Her strategy was a simple one - grind this woman down into dust, and let the others blow her away. She just had to catch her, first.\

With Clara retreating, Kayla followed with heavy steps, closing the distance in a hurry. The moment she was in range of her nimble foe, she brought her arm out and swung it wide, attempting to clobber her with a stiff lariat to the chest, trying to knock her down in one fell swoop.

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Re: Clara Gaster vs. Kayla Mizrahi - Maid To Own

Unread post by Vc0m »

Clara would be careful in circling Kayla as she took care of her wrist. Clara couldn't get the best out of her wristlock, but it would at least feel twisted for a bit.

That said, it didn't mean that it dulled any other sense in Kayla.

The maid was deceptively fast. Within a Blink of an eye, she would be onto Clara! Before the Brit could raise her hands up to defend herself, she would be swept off her feet by a single hard strike to her chest!


Clara fell down, rolling almost to the ropes from the the bloodthirsty maids were eager to grab at her and beat her down outside of the ring!

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