Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Standard Match
Ingrid Galatea vs. Phoebe Justice
Winner via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
Ingrid Galatea

Ingrid's LAW career had not gone as advertised. Ever since those humiliating defeats to both Skylar and Karla, Ingrid felt as though whoever was on the LAW booking committee did not take her seriously at all, and this incensed Ingrid to no end. She was early on cards, working against either relative rookies, Jobbers, or even massive joke characters in a sense. It has been forever since LAW actually gave Ingrid an opponent she was satisfied with.

And that her opponent tonight was also a relative rookie named Phoebe Justice definitely incensed her. Ingrid wanted to face the cream of the crop of LAW, not be put as some sort of gatekeeper to whatever shiny new and possibly lewd toy LAW signed recently. Needless to say, whoever this Phoebe was was gonna get her ass kicked and pinned by Ingrid.

Clad in her light green wrestling gear, Ingrid was doing some stretches, making sure to limber out her body and make sure Phoebe does not catch her slacking. The last thing Ingrid needs is another loss, and people won't ever take her or her points eriously and LAW will never change and stop being an embarrassment to the pro wrestling industry.

The LAW official came in and gave her a signal, telling Ingrid that she would be entering first. Ingrid gave them a nod before continuing on with her stretching for a few seconds and then heading out to the ring.

The arena was clad in green light, and the boos starting, with some minor cheering here and there, as Ingrid came out of the curtain and onto the stage, looking at the crowd with a serious, angered deposition on her face. Ingrid charged down to the ring, not paying attention to any of the fans who were showering her with jeers.

Ingrid Jumped onto the ring apron, and jumped over the top rope, making her way into the ring before waiting in her corner, looking all business as she waited for Phoebe Justice to show her face.

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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With Phoebe getting more used to life in Japan, it was time for her second match to get going. One against a woman in a higher weight division than her, though realistically, she wasn't too much bigger. Phoebe stepped towards the gorilla position that had her bike ready to go. Tonight's ramp was perfect for Phoebe to drive up to the ring this time.
Phoebe would drive down to cheers from the crowd, slowly so as not to crash it, and would leave it to the right side of the entrance ramp, before stepping towards the ring, jumping onto the ring apron, and jumping onto the rope for a flip off the top rope, before rolling through, and posing with her hand over her chest at a diagonal in the middle of the ring!

Phoebe would take of her mask and coat, taking a look at her opponent, before silently going to her designated corner, leaving her mask and coat outside the ring, as her theme quited down, and she did last stretches before the start of the match...

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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What the actual hell was this, Ingrid thought to herself. Her opponent came in with some crazy looking mask, and thought she was all cool and shit coming in on a motorcycle. At least her gear looked like a wrestler, more then what Ingrid could say for most of her opponents, but if she thinks this is some tv show where she wins, that's outta the question.

Ingrid walked right up to Phoebe before the match, looking to confront and intimidate her before the match, attempting to size her up.

"I hope your ready for an absolute beat down. Your super hero schtick was extremely cringe, and whatever show your a big fan of, probably sucks and is for children. I however, am a REAL WRESTLER! Not a fake ass superhero. If you know what's good for you, take the countout loss. Or else, I will beat your ass."

Ingrid said all that with an angered, determined look on her face, staring at Phoebe. Now she waited for Phoebe to reply.

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Despite Ingrid getting in her face, ranting about her entrance and threatening to leave or she'd beat her up. In response, Phoebe's expression didnt change:

"For a real ass wrestler, you really don't want to do your job if you want me to leave this badly. Don't worry, i won't take long kicking you to death.", she would tell Ingrid calmly, as ref would approach the two, trying to separate them...
Last edited by Vc0m on Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Needless to say, Ingrid started to get real heated after Phoebe's non-reaction to her words. The referee did managed to separate them or else Ingrid was gonna attempt to pop Phoebe right in the face with a right hook. "I'll show you then you excuse of a wrestler." Ingrid said before being huddled to her corner, as she was itching to start the match.


The referee called for the bell, knowing that both wrestlers were probably itching to start. And as soon as the bell rang, Ingrid made the first move.

She came running straight at Phoebe, before leaping at her feet first, looking to hit a Dropkick on the Kamen Rider fan.

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Phoebe could almost tell Ingrid was gonna launch from the corner like a gun at her the moment the bell rang, as she rushed straight at her with a Dropkick... that the Detective would quickly dodge to the side, before quickly dashing to the ropes to her right, jumping onto them, and jumping off, trying to flip off and nail her loudmouthed rival with an opening Springboard Moonsault!

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Like a bullet, Ingrid came flying from her corner, heading straight towards Phoebe, looking to hit a dropkick right on her opponent's noggin and send her straight into a daze to start the match. She jumped up into the air.

But only hit the air as Ingrid fell onto the mat back first and winced, Phoebe managed to dodge her attack. And before she could do anything, Phoebe landed a moonsault on Ingrid before she can even blink.

"GAH!" Ingrid grunted as the impact of the moonsault riveted across her body. Phoebe has the initial advantage, and Ingrid needs to figure out how to get the advantage back.

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Phoebe started with momentum on her side, so once the impressive Moonsault was performed, she would tug on Ingrid's hair briefly, trying to sit her up, before rushing for the ropes, and rebounding, jumping in the middle of the ring to try and nail the blonde in the face with a hard Dropkick of her own!

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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Ingrid was still recovering from the surprising moonsault that Phoebe got her with. Ingrid herself would not admit it, but she got outsmarted by Phoebe Justice, and now she was on the back foot, needing to be the one to turn it around against the superhero fangirl.

Sadly for Ingrid, that time would not be now, as Phoebe would put her into a seated position ,and then quickly dropkick her.

"EUGH!" Ingrid grunted as her frustration with this bad start was starting to rise, with Phoebe completely owning her so far.

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Re: Ingrid Galatea Vs. Phoebe Justice: Can Justice be Elite?

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With Ingrid knocked down, Phoebe would try and go for the record. Who knew, maybe if she pinned Ingrid now, she could get a win?

But she wouldn’t just go for a regular cover. Instead, Phoebe would grab her rival’s legs, and jump over her body, trapping her in a Jackknife Cover!

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