Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

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Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

Unread post by Vc0m »

After Person recommended using WWE games to try and make LAW title...I went and did. I dunno how well I've done it. Winner liked it, but recommended to show it to everyone

Don't feel afraid to say you outright hate the design (though it will help me a lot if you say what can be improved), I want to make as best of a belt as I can through the game:


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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

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I do like the center part but I feel that the side parts with the two wrestlers attempting to overpower each other doesn't fit since they are males and this is a belt for females.

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

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That is a bit of a problem I ran into, since I didn't find any good logos featuring women wrestling on Community Creations. I might need to search the web for a pic that will make a good logo and then upload it. Thank you for the advice, Person.

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

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Oh nice job man! Looks awesome!

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

Unread post by Person »

Vcom7418 wrote:
Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:45 pm
That is a bit of a problem I ran into, since I didn't find any good logos featuring women wrestling on Community Creations. I might need to search the web for a pic that will make a good logo and then upload it. Thank you for the advice, Person.
You could always just put some kind of star or something.

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

Unread post by Vc0m »

Updated the belt for the time being (removed some relief bits, which people didn't notice, and I already found them unnecessary), and changed the side plates with a temporary logo.
Quick bonus: On a lazy Saturday afternoon, I have updated all my AFW threads, done all my uni homework, and, having nothing to do, decided to make AFW Title belts in 2K17. I ended up making AFW Friction, Entropy, and the tag belt. I don't remember how Friction belt looked, but I remember it was a bit meh, so I deleted it. I do remember that Entropy title was bad (let's just say I took the word "Entropy" quite literally with this design). I wanted to show it to Highfly, RJD and/or Winner, but thought this unholy abomination might kill them, and thought better of it, and deleted it.

And then we come to the tag belt. Quick fun fact, you can make Women Tag Team belts in 2K17 (and 16). And because the game doesn't have an official tag belt for women, I didn't delete that one. Considering one of the people viewing this site has one of their characters as AFW Friction Tag Champion, Person, all I'll say is, I am sorry:
Seriously, please don't kill me, Person

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

Unread post by Person »

I can still see the 2k17 in it!
Rips Vcom heart out

On a serious note, I feel the side plates for the middleweight are perfect for the tag team title belts.

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

Unread post by Vc0m »

...but...I added it because I thought it would look nice...

...I am sorry...it...didn't...

"Falls down, face first, blood still pouring from the whole in my chest"
For real, I feel like it was a bit trashy of a design, something like WWF Hardcore Title. Now I feel the design doesn't suit the belts at all, especially considering who is holding them right now.

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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

Unread post by winner3 »

Are people content with using vcom's WWE 2k middleweight belt instead of this one? It's up to all you guys, I just want something most are happy with and they'd like to use moving forward.
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Re: Middleweight Belt Design using WWE 2K17

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