Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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The winner of this match up will be decided through a single pin fall or submission, DQ and count out will both be strictly enforced.

As excited as ever to grace the wrestling world with her unique flair and outstanding character Sally would smirk into the mirror as she put on her hair band and then covered it somewhat with all the strands of hair it had previously displaced along for forehead. " There we go! Now I'm ready! " Sally would roar, bouncing on the spot slightly as she turned to look at a very tired looking member of the backstage crew, presumably tired specifically because the blonde had been here for more than long enough and wasn't one who was known to shut her mouth unless given a reason to.

" Is it time yet Stacy? I can hear the crowd, they're getting restless. " Sally would note, having earlier learned the name of the exhausted worker whom now was just vacantly staring back at the blonde and trying to keep her professionalism in tact, despite the fact that Sally was the only one getting restless.

" Uhmm No mam, I'll let you know when. " The agonised intern would respond, earning a spectacle look from Sally, one which almost suggested that Sally considered herself more aware of when would be the proper time to reveal herself rather than the very people who schedule and plan the show. Sally waited patiently for a few more minutes, pacing with her odd frilly low cut top which functioned somewhere between a bra and a top, which was lucky considering she wasn't wearing a proper bra underneath.

Eventually the LAW backstage stage hand would be happy to finally signal Sally, which prompted the bubbly blonde to burst towards the enterence to the fan occupied part of the arena, cutting through the curtains immediately as her music started to excite the crowd with her presence. " Better, harder, faster " Would bang through-out the arena as the blonde held her hands high before carrying herself towards the ring in what functioned both as a dance of sorts and a warm up as she weaved, punched the air, stretched her limbs while walking and nimbly bounced from one foot to the other while consistently switching up the positioning of her feet.

At long last Sally would make it towards the ring, breaking off her tap dance esque moves as she grasped the ropes and stretched her leg high into the apron as she pulled herself up. The blonde holding one hand high as she turned around to look towards the fans behind her who gave her a mixed reaction, but the boos slightly overwhelmed the cheers, not letting such trivial matters get to her Sally would quickly weave through the middle ropes before heading towards the furthest corner from herself and climbing it, holding her head high and pointing out to the crowd before she finally jumped off the ropes and turned around before settling down in her corner of the ring as she waited for her opponent.
Last edited by RJD on Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers lurk in the night

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In an instant the lights would flicker and black out, leaving much of the arena in darkness aside from the spotlights that now shined down on Sally as well as two women in generic hazmat suits as they wheeled out a small, black box roughly large enough to hold a human being inside if she were to squish herself. The box itself was fairly nondescript aside from the fact that it was black as night and was scrawled over in various, bright red markings of seemingly archaic origins. The red of the markings appeared to dance in the light of the spotlight, giving the entire object a bit of a creepy vibe. As the women came to a stop with their object a dark, ominous voice came over the speakers accompanied by an equally ominous tune.

"In this place there is no sun
And nightmares do come true.
Here, instead of shadow falling
The shadows follow you."

At this, the two hazmat-suited women leapt forward, each taking a corner of the front of the box and yanking it outward with straps on either side so the front panel popped open and slapped hard against the ground with a bounce before coming to a rest. With their job completed, the two girls bolted back behind the curtain as if they wanted nothing to do with what was about to come out of that box.

"Consider getting comfortable,
Before the air grows colder.
Prepare yourself, if you dare.
Come, ...inch a little closer."

As the deep booming voice continued to relay its message, a thick, cool mist poured out of the box to further conceal what was inside. There was no movement from within so far as anyone who attempted to peek inside from along the sides of the aisle would be able to tell. The mist just continued to pour out of the box and pool over the floor, inching its way down the aisle and to the ring like a sluggish tidal wave.

"If darkness is what you're after
Seek no more. Your search is through.
You haven't found the darkness, traveler.
...The darkness has found you..."

And at that, there was suddenly a hand grasping the threshold of the box as glowing eyes peered out menacingly from within the mist, easily reflecting the light. Her actual entrance music qued up at that moment, sliding straight into the electrified vocals as the young woman pulled herself up and out of the box, her eyes already fixed squarely on the subject illuminated under the other spotlight.

"♪You... see the light begin to fade...♪"

She offered up a toothy grin, showing off the sharpened teeth in her maw as she stalked toward the ring like a predator with all the time in the world. She adamantly refused to acknowledge the presence of anyone along the way, her eyes not even flitting for a glance as a few people reached far outward to touch her arms.

As she reached ringside, she rolled quickly up and onto the mat, getting under the ropes and hopping to her feet with a sprightly bounce to her step.

"♪So close your eyes and say your prayers now!♪"

With the drop of the beat, the obviously elated wrestler threw both hands toward the sky and howled ecstatically, quickly joined by a roar from the crowd, ending it with a joyful laugh as the spotlights went out and the lights came back up. The box had been wheeled away sometime during her walk to the stage and now there was only the two women. She took a few seconds of running from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, obviously avoiding Sally's corner for now as she shrieked nonsensically into the crowd.

She looked as though she wanted to dive straight in and rip her poor opponent's head off immediately once she was finished and her music faded out, but instead backed away to her own corner so that she could be properly introduced by the announcer now that she'd made her big, dramatic entrance. The grin never left her face as her eyes roamed hungrily up and down Sally's form, waiting for her chance to strike.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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In stark contrast to her own stylistic dance to the ring what followed was ominous enough to likely cause a chain of shivers to run down whole rows of the crowd's spines, and at the very least that was the achieved affect the odd spectacle had on the blonde wrestler as she stared over at the box. Sally quickly gathered that this wasn't going to be a fun competitive match, but rather a fight for survival, as getting somewhat lost in the vivid imagery booming through-out the arena the Icon was shocked back to reality when her gaze was met with a gleaming light in the distant which was belonging to a face shrouded still in darkness.

Then she stepped out, the beastly woman disregarding everything and everyone around her as she paced directly to the ring, ignoring hands grasping at her arms as she reached the ring and quickly rolled onto the mat before entering the ring. The blonde's peering eyes following the odd figure as she sprinted from corner to corner, Sally wondering if the demon was going to charge her before the bell rang or if she was at least going to have time to try and ward off the foul spirit staring her down. As intimidated as she was Sally had to admire the style, the spectacle, the chilling reaction within her body, as the announcer spoke Sally started to imagine how she would describe the uncanny experience of bearing witness to Yokai.

Then Sally's odd mind would come to it's own odd conclusion, that she very much could do the description justice, that she was the only one who possibly could, after all not one living human could hope to understand moreso than Sally who was dealing with the fact she was going to have to face that monster soon enough. The blonde being driven too much by her odd inspiration would roll out of the ring, with strange timing considering if her opponent charged her it would have been when she was running around, and so the crowd seemed confused at why the blonde chose now to exit the ring.

Perhaps Sally wished to flee? or force her opponent to give chase? Both options seemed possible, until the blonde picked up a mic and proceeded to talk over the announcer. Cutting her off with a series of sharp noises. " That was utterly...terrifying, and perfect. Yokai it was right? Let me do you the honour of truly describing the horror and wonder one such as yourself instils, I'll lend you my endless insight for but a moment. "

The blonde would speak, very unwisely prolonging the amount of time her opponent needed to wait to rip her head clean from her body. " Common everyday fans, shield your children's eyes, and mentally prepare yourself to drown in horror as your eyes feast upon the ominous spectacle of the most ferocious beast from the deepest depths of evil, as it tries to prey upon a creature of the day, but do not fear! I, Sally Angella, the Icon shall vanquish this beast of nightmares. The toothy grin of my greatest challenge yet shall not cause me even a moment of hesitation, watch as I display my valiance by chaining up and taming this uncanny monster! " Sally would finish, before dropping the mic and entering the ring, ignoring the insistent complains from the ref to hurry up and let her do her job.

Satisfied with her piece Sally would slowly get back into her corner, and only now start to stretch. Starting with her right arm, then left arm, then rolling her neck against her shoulders. All the while the blonde smiled towards the most terrifying thing she had ever seen, the ref asking Sally if she was ready and receiving a stern " no. " in response as Sally now stretched her legs. The fans starting to get more than slightly irritated by the blonde's escapades as she very slowly prepared herself for action. Yokai seemingly becoming even more of the fan favourite not just due to her uniqueness, but also because not one soul in the arena sided with the arrogant blonde.
Last edited by RJD on Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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As Sally rolled herself back out of the ring, Yokai followed her with her gaze, leaning over the ropes as she appeared to be totally interested in burning a hole through the chatty woman with her eyes. The talking went on and on, causing the dark-spirited woman to huff in impatience.

"I'm gonna break you...!" the newly infuriated woman growled just as the blonde dropped the mic. Then she chuckled wickedly. "And I'll enjoy every second of doing it, too." Still, she was content to remain in her corner as her opponent returned to the ring, her muscles getting a little twitchy as she began to itch for this fight to begin already.

...What she received instead only began to really piss her off. As the blonde took to stretching and stalling this match even further. The woman's shark-toothed grin slowly fell into a frowning scowl, looking quite disappointed with what she was now being subjected to.

Yokai turned and screamed into the crowd. "Is this the best talent this federation had to offer?! I'm gonna take this one on a ride to hell!" And at that, she turned back to Sally and charged with a frustrated roar. If the match wasn't going to start with patience, then she'd be the one to start it herself! She aimed to slam straight into the girl's stomach with her shoulder, knocking her bodily into the turnbuckle and pinning her there.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

Unread post by RJD »

Despite how impressively oblivious Sally could be she could still feel the ire of her monstrous opponent as her eyes tracked the blonde like a predator. Sally hearing a fairly worrying promise after she dropped the much, almost making her decide not to get back in the ring, but ultimately she opted to stick to her word as she backed into her corner to stretch.

Sally slowly stretched, as Yokai roared at the crowd who understandably boed the woman as she undermined the very wrestlers the crowd came too witness wrestling on a regular basis. That was awfully rude of the shark toothed wrestler, Sally was going to need to make her take that back, after she finished preparing fully of course.

Sally would be forced to forsake her proper pre-exercise stretching though as Yokai charged recklessly and shockingly fast for a woman her size, the experience of witnessing such a thing being similar to an unfortunate soul witnessing a Bear run with no prior knowledge of their speed.

As Yokai was about to close in Sally would need to act quick if she didn't want to get speared right through the corner. The blonde would show impressive improvisational skills as she wrapped both her arms around the top rope slightly and sternly took a tight grasp of the ropes. Sally leaning her back against the turnbuckle and pulling herself up against the ropes for support as she lifted both her legs from the mat before trying to drive them right into the charging monster's face.

If Sally had landed her counter and nothing had went wrong she would quickly unhook her hands from the top rope and let her feet fall back to the mat in a stumble. Before the blonde tried to step backwards into the middle ropes as quickly as she could manage, using her arms to support her yet again as she took the desired position.

Suppressing the fear of a critical failure on her part, or critical counter on Yokai's part, Sally would jump from the middle ropes. Trying to link her hands together and bring them down into Yokai's head in a flying double axe handle.
Last edited by RJD on Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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"Kchgh!" Yokai's sound of pain was just as surprised as the expression on her face, though that was difficult to see with Sally's boots covering it. The supernatural terror stumbled back in initial shock as well as from the force of the surprise kick, one hand coming up to her face in reaction from the first strike being landed. Unfortunately, the stall from her attack being countered was too great and she didn't even see the hammer coming down, let alone even realize that Sally was attempting to capitalize on her first attack with more until the flare of pain struck her square atop the head and she was forced to take a knee.

If she hadn't been fresh to the fight, this probably would've been bad news, but Yokai's body and mind were still working at full capacity... even if she was beginning to develop a pretty good headache all of a sudden. Instinct kicked in quickly. She needed to throw her opponent's momentum quickly before even more pain was inflicted, even if the damage she inflicted to stop Sally's charge was minor.

Her hands came down to the mat as her feet braced in her kneeling position, quickly charging forward in an explosion of motion with a snarling sound from her kneeling position like a football player. Her aim was to catch Sally in the forward charge, her arms coming around her waist and lifting her straight off her feet before slamming her hard to the mat in a thunderous and sudden comeback. It would be her greatest physical statement that attacks had no real effect on her!

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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Sally may have surprised her foe and the crowd alike by getting the first hit in, despite how eccentric and irritating she could be the blonde had a pretty strong mix of creativity, instinct and wrestling knowledge which could result in her getting ahead even when she seemed to be dramatically out matched. The blonde was more than a little relieved that when she closed the distance between herself and yokai in a leap, slamming her fists down in a double axe handle.

Impressively Sally had managed to make the beast take a knee, and even more impressively after that combination of limbs to the head Yokai had crumbled down to one knee. It made sense to Sally once she thought about it, no matter how freaky Yokai was she was still just a normal person, and normal people often didn't match up to her. It was actually really simple, Sally was just better, of course, how hadn't she deduced this? Previously she thought she would win, but it would be an underdog victory, while in reality Yokai was the underdog and the blonde herself was the shinning pinnacle of the wrestling world.

While Sally's mind went through the compressed train of thought which made her more than confident of her victory she would lower her hands to Yokai's head with the plan of locking in a transitional side headlock.

Sally's plan was impossible to carry out though, as she was no longer there. Before the blonde could even question if her opponent was really moving already Yokai would lunge forward and wrap her arms around the blonde's model esque hips.

Sally's expression forming into a mix of shock and dread just in time for her body to be lifted with ease, before she plummeted into the canvas back first, with the strength of yokai directing her falling path with a brutal slam. The blonde letting out a fleeting cry as she was drilled into the mat.

Yokai had taken the initiative, but even with her back and spine seething with pain the blonde wasn't keen on letting Yokai get in any free hits, almost immediately switching from wrestling mode to survival mode as she tried to lock her legs around her opponent's waist in a snap movement before trying to constrict her in the vice.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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Yokai didn't even flinch as Sally's legs locked around her waist and cinched, instead grimacing in disappointment as she played this move seemingly made in desperation off as nothing.

"You call this a hug?" she questioned, both hands coming up to hold her opponent's arms in place at her sides as she let the rest of her body go limp, now laying atop the other woman and burying her face into her cleavage. A quick motion would see her attempt to roll over to at least temporarily see Sally on top as Yokai's arms wrapped the rest of the way around to cinch in her own squeeze with a spine-popping bear hug.

"This is a hug!" she screamed, her voice strained with all the effort she was putting into the hard squeeze.
Last edited by Problematic on Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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Sally would try to apply some squeeze upon Yokai, but the intimidation factor which came from the demon's lack of response was enough to cut the blonde's squeezing strength in half.

The blonde would momentarily be at a loss for ideas, simply looking upwards frozen until Yokai grabbed and easily pinned her hands overhead. Then before Sally could even try to wriggle her hands free her face would disappear into the surprisingly large bust of the monster, the blonde likely had focused her attention towards Yokai's freaky look rather than fairly curved body. " Mmnm.. " Sally would weakly protest as she squirmed, until the monster used her superior weight to force the duo to roll, the blonde ending up on top with her arms free now.

Yokai was quick to bring the pain though, seemingly sticking to the game plan of leaving the blonde in a constant panic so she couldn't strategies, which would be essential even to last ten minutes with the monster. Sally felt her opponent's strong arms wrap around her body, and then tense up and dig into her own soft body, earning a continuous cry from the blonde, and causing her eyes to force shut from the pain, till she slowly forced them open again.

Agony plain on her face Sally would try to calm down slightly, just enough to explore her line of sight to try and come up with a fruitful plan. Ultimately the blonde decided upon freeing herself first and foremost, and so she lifted her arm before throwing it down and bending it mid movement, trying to rattle Yokai's head with her elbow.
Last edited by RJD on Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yokai ( debut ) vs Sally Angella - Dangers which lurk in the night

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"Ggh!" A new sound of pain sounded from Yokai as she jerked slightly with the elbow to her head that was quickly adding to the building headache she was already beginning to develop like dry kindling to a campfire.

"Don't think it's that easy!" she snarled, her wince turning into a wide smile as she cinched in the tight hug, giving it a quick burst of power as she attempted to squeeze the air straight out of the other woman's lungs. It seemed as though she really did intend to bend Sally in half judging by how tightly she was squeezing her.

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