Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

Unread post by Vc0m »

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Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch
Winning Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO
Special Condition: The ring ropes are covered in barbed wire. In addition, small c4 charges are places between bits of barbed wire and on the floor outside of the ring

With the previous barbed wire match done, Alice let the workers around the ring take their time replacing the barbed wire around the ropes for sanitary reasons, as well as setting up the small C4 charges around the ring:

"That's right you sadistic bastards! If barbed wire wasn't enough for you in the last match, how about some explosions to go alongside them right now?!"

As the workers were done, Alice would proceed with the announcement:

"The following contest is an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch scheduled for one fall!"
Last edited by Vc0m on Mon May 23, 2022 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Morgan groaned softly as she stretched her arm over her head, preparing herself for the match at hand. It was a big one, part of Alice Gaster's event to show case the most brutal and hardcore of hardcore wrestlers that existed in LAW. Frankly Morgan was quite excited about the whole thing. Even watching the matches up to her own was quite the legitimately pleasant experience by being able to see what her fellow hardcore heads were capable of and in truth she was definitely getting hit with some inspiration for not only her own match, but for future bouts as well.

Yet in spite of all of that Morgan didn't have a smile on her face. Let alone the wide manic one she usually wore when she was excited. No instead her thoughts were lingering on her recent loss to one Sanae Saitou in a match last week. But not just any loss no. Normally it was easy for her to let such things go, after all who cared about a loss here or there? But no... this loss had been against some dainty, bight and cheery idol girl, in a no dq match. HER type of match and she had somehow lost due to a damned missed aerial attack... into a table.

Ever since Morgan could practically feel the hit to her reputation. Even today she was SURE some were casting looks her way, accusatory and condescending. Again Morgan normally wasn't the kind of woman who let such things get to her... But in this case she felt as if her pride as a hard core wrestler was hanging by a thread. Hence why she had gone to Alice and personally asked for this match to be changed to one of the most brutal and dangerous types there was. An Exploding Barb Wire Deathmatch. In her mind the pinnacle of violence in wrestling. So she would be damn sure to win this and remind everyone here who. the fuck. she was. Getting a que from the stage hand to go Morgan would merely respond by flipping him the bird before marching out onto the ramp.
With her music playing Morgan would come out to a chorus of boos mixed with some cheers. But rather than her usual prematch crowd taunts or jokes Morgan opted for something a bit more... different. Crouching down, her black leather and whited piped pants and combat boots stretched before she suddenly threw her head back. "GRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She roared animalistically, even pounding her chest as she did so causing her jacket to flail around wildly as she did so. Speaking of... "TAKE DIS!" She snarled out almost improhensibly while stripping her jacket off and throwing it into the crowd, leaving her in just her sleeveless black and red striped shirt.
Breaking out into a run Morgan would leap through the opening provided for her to safely enter the ring before leaping in without fear or hesitation at all. "Lets go bringem out!" She demanded, pounding the ring with a manic look in her eye, the same wild smile she had become known for finally splitting her face as she stared at the entrance ramp, waiting for her opponent, the adrenaline finally kicking in for Morgan as she bounced from foot to foot, waiting in anticipation to get bloody!

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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You could say that Erna was still just a rookie in LAW, since she didn't have many matches under her belt. But this didn't change the fact that she's a tough girl and boy she was satisfied after getting the spot in a Hades tournament.
Win or lose, Erna was really looking forward to this match. Worse case scenario, she go out in first round, but get some exposure among other wrestlers. Scars will heal and there's no such thing as too little violence.

Thoughts were running through Erna's head as she walked down the hall. She stoped behind the curtain at the top of a ramp and patiently waited for announcer to call her name.

And now... her opponent. Weighing 116 pounds, coming from an Indonesia - ERNA ALATAS
She showed up and looked straight toward the ring and Morgan. She seemed to be simillar size as Erna, so this should be a good match up for both of them. White haired girl remained completely calm and focused as she walked down the ramp. Finally reaching the ring, she step on the apron and gently traced her hand along barbed wire. It was pretty sharp and she could already imagined sending Morgan into it.

Erna walked to the center of the ring and stoped right infront of her opponent. She remained silent and just stared into her eyes as the match was getting closer to a start.

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Morgan watched with anticipation as the music of her opponent started. A relative rookie to LAW Morgan wasn't familiar with Erna's moveset or style, but as the woman came out from the back it was clear she was well versed in the ways of hardcore wrestling. Just the way Morgan liked it.

After all she was intent on using this match to reestablish herself and bolster her reputation, so it wouldn't do to beat down on someone clearly below her level.

In fact as the woman got closer to the ring before entering, it would become clear that from a physical perspective Morgan and her opponent would be a close match up from a physical perspective. 'Good. So no bs size advantage rubbish to worry about.' Morgan thought to herself before raising an eyebrow as Erna stepped up to her, getting right in front of her!

"Heh." Chuckling snidely Morgan would step forward, pressing her body against Erna's, forehead to forehead as she stared the woman down. "What got something to say before I shred you're back mate?" Morgan asked competitively while pushing against Erna, a clear power play int the face of an opponent just as driven and potentially unhinged as herself!

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Erna didn't say a single word during their staredown. Let Morgan do all the talk, she'll much rather focus on beating up the opponent. But one thing is sure - Erna won't let herself being pushed and bullied around. Like Morgan, white haired girl pushed against opponent's body and everyone in the arena could feel the tension in the air.

Erna kept on waiting in silence until she heard the bell ring. DING DING DING...

Even then, she would start things slowly. She didn't rush or attack straight away, but just slowly backed away while maintaining eye contact all the time. She didn't know what to expect from Morgan, so she was ready to quickly jump away in case she charge with attack. But on the outside, she kept calm and cold attitude.

Slowly circling around Morgan, Erna grinned as she began plotting her attack to start the match.

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Morgan and Erna had a staredown, neither backing down from one another, even if Erna didn't respond to what she said Morgan knew better than to get cocky about it. Silence was rarely a sign of weakness, especially in a situation such as this. So Morgan just kept up the glare until the bell rang.

Even then however that didn't mean it was fire on all cylinders right off the bat.

No quite the opposite in face. Rather than a immediate start Morgan's opponent simply back away from her, something that made the white haired woman growl softly in annoyance. 'I don't think so.' Morgan thought to herself as she darted forward, rearing her arm back and swinging it forward, intent on slamming a hard punch right across the face of her opponent!

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Erna expected some kind of attack from Morgan, but she didn't know it will happen so fast. She was ready for an attack though and could definitely use Morgan's anger into her advantage. Question was, whether she should strike right away or continue with provocations. She had no intention to avoid fighting, but wanted to maintain and keep her cold and chill persona for as long as she could. She knew that this will be over once the first hit lands. But everything is even better, if she can annoy her opponent by doing that.

Erna could easily avoid the attack. She rolled swiftly rolled away and got up on her feet. She turned back to Morgan, look back over her shoulder and smirked before confidently walked away to the other side of the ring. While she did show back to Morgan, she would keep on staring in her eyes to avoid any surprising attacks.

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Morgan was a woman with a chip on her shoulder, out to prove something to everyone watching just how tough and insane she really was. So naturally the already aggressive white haired girl went charging right in, attempting to land a punch right to the jaw of her opponent and leave her rocked.

Unfortunately however this isn't the reaction Morgan got. Instead Erna ducked out of the way, practically dancing away from her to avoid the attack. Immediately spinning around to face her opponent Morgan's glare would only intensify as she saw the woman walking backwards, even if she was looking back at her still. "Oi! The hell do you think this is ya git!? Ballerina time?!" Morgan demanded as she once again charged Erna, reaching out to try and grab her opponent by the hair and if successful pull her backwards, looking to drive her head into Erna's with a headbut!

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Erna remained silent and kept on grinneg as Morgan was getting more and more annoyed. But unfortunatelly she couldn't get away this time. Erna tried to jump away, but Morgan was already holding her by the hair. It was finally time to drop the shenanigans and get serious in fight. It was time for some violence and Erna's body imidiately pumped up with an adrenaline.

She looked toward Morgan and saw the incoming headbutt. She let out a silent grunt and kept on grinning. Headbut was painfull, but she didn't want to show that. Instead she kept on grinning and send a punch straight toward Morgan's face.

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Re: Morgan Romero vs Erna Alatas - Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Finally Morgan had managed to catch Erna with a headbut, managing to deliver a brutal headbut to her opponent's face. However despite the successful impact the damned woman didn't seem to even react to the blow!

'Fucking bitch.' Morgan thought to herself with an intense glare towards the woman, despising the woman's annoying smile that was exacerbating all of Morgan's pent up frustrations. This time however Erna's smile faded and was followed by punching Morgan in the face! "Gah!" Morgan gasped before glaring deeper at the woman. "Rah!" She's roar back at Erna as she swung her arm around for a punch of her own right into Erna's face in payback!

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