The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Millie Walker
Ava Landry
It was almost hard to believe for the Brit that they'd managed to get this far in the first place. Sure, when she'd been drunk and Ava had pitched the idea of a tag team she'd been all for it, but Ava could have probably convinced her that the moon was made of cheddar when she was drunk. What had followed was a lot of paperwork, training, and trying to figure out what the hell their intro would be, and how air force themed they really wanted to get with their team.

Honestly, Millie had her doubts that the WASPs would ever take flight. But now here they were, getting ready, together. Two airforce girls taking on... well, two other girls she supposed. Didn't quite have the same ring as "the world". She'd have to come back to that with a better catchphrase.

"Hello, Earth to Millie?" The cheerful Canadian pinkette asked, poking her friend in the shoulder, getting a small jump from the Brit. "It's time to go out, you ready?"

"Ready." Millie replied, giving a small nod, following her friend backstage, taking one last deep breath as she they headed out. This was it, the Brit wished that she could have the energy and optimism of her Canadian friend. The two of them made quite a pair, something that was emphasized by their entrance. While Ava skipped happily down towards the ramp, smiling and waving as their theme blared out of the speakers, and as pyrotechnics sprayed small flares into the air, Millie's eyes took on a distant look as she marched down to the ring, staring through everything with a distant gaze.

Once the two reached the ring, they split, Ava heading over to one side, bouncing happily up onto the closest turnbuckle and doing her best to look serious, flashing a salute, before she fell back into her happy, friendly smile, the salute bursting out into a flash of V for Victory to the cheering crowd. Across from her, Millie simply climbed neatly onto the turnbuckle and snapped off a well practiced salute before dropping back to the canvas, climbing outside the ring and leaving Ava to start the match off.
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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Angela was pretty annoyed, pissed might be the right word. She was starting to fed up with this shit, she was going to be in yet another tag match with that bitch Sarah. Who had gotten fucking uppity since they came to Japan. Thinking she was hot shit, that wasn't something that Angela tolerated. Still they had a match right now and she was going to have to tolerate it as they were going to be in a damn tag match against a group called the WASPs, Angela just hoped they wouldn't preach about how great the lord was.

Dressed in her black attire, Angela would roll her shoulders before she'd slide her jacket up onto her shoulders. Nodding her head a bit as she would step out of the locker room, looking back at her tag partner with disdain for a moment. " Get a fucking move on." She said before she turned to walk towards the Gorilla Position. Waiting just a second for Sarah before she would ignore that and start to walk out onto the ramp.

The Stage hands had to hurry and start the music as she hadn't even waited for that. There was a chorus of jeers that rained down from the crowd as Angela made her way onto the scene. She started to walk down towards the ring and made her way up into the squared circle, stepping into her corner as she would lean against the turnbuckles and drape her arms over the top ropes.
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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Sarah was not pleased in the least either, much like her partner was she was expecting to make a splash in singles competition and steam roll over all those who came before her, planting them into the ground in a broken heap. Instead, she was still stuck with the woman she hated the most on this green Earth. Even being tagged with her for so long, through the European continent and North America and still yet she couldn't stand the mere presence of her.

Dressed in her attire with her black hoodie zip up, she would angrily glare at Angela who left the room slightly before her and the stuck up bitch had the gall to hurry up. "Fuck you." was her immediate response, quite possibly her brain was wired to respond to Angela with, no matter the words the bitch used as she left the locker room and headed towards the Gorilla Position, the two teammates standing side by side for a second before both headed out onto the stage.

The two made their way to the ring, the animosity being as thick as ever between the two as the crowd showered booes around the two, however the joke was on them as the only hate that Sarah cared about was her tag team partner's. The two walked up the corner, each on the opposite ends of the corner with Angela draping herself over the rope while Sarah gripped on to the top rope, burning a hole to their opponents across the ring, before stepping through the ropes and electing herself to start the match.

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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Despite seemingly staring through the two women entering the ring, Millie noticed enough of the animosity between them that she couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was gonna be like that, huh? Of course, Ava seemed to be willfully ignorant. Some days she envied the Canadian's ability to just see the best in people, but today she had a strange feeling that it was gonna get her friend punched in the stomach. "Watch out," she warned her partner in a cold tone. "I've a bad feeling about them."

Ava nodded to her friend, but found herself having to stifle a little laugh. That was so classic Millie, the Brit seemed to distrust anyone and everyone. Sure, these two had a palpable tension around them, but that could just be stage presence. If it wasn't though, well, Ava was still going to do her best to be the bigger woman in this. She approached Sarah as she stepped through the ropes, a big old grin on her face an a hand extended in her typical before match well-wishing motion.

"Hi there, nice to meet you," she'd begin in a friendly tone. "Good luck in the match!" She added. The pinkette would stand there for a moment, radiating kindness as she patiently waited for Sarah to either shake her hand, or respond in some other way. On the other side of the ropes, Millie stared at the two with her blank eyes, watching this whole trainwreck play out.
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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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As usual they weren't exactly well loved by the crowd, and they had no love for one another either. It was a team of animosity which only created more animosity around them, especially in the crowd. Angela and Sarah had made their way down towards the ring and with it they found themselves standing across from their opponents in the ring.

Angela slipped through the ropes just at the time when the pinkish haired woman started to walk up towards Sarah Luther. The French beauty rolled her shoulders and spat out over the ropes, Angela would groan at the friendly sportsman-like behavior of the lovely Ava Landry. Whom Angela would step up to in an unassuming manner. Before trying to do just what Millie had predicted.

Attempting to throw a stiff punch right into that well trained gut of Ava to double her over and then throw a punch up straight into Ava's chin to try and knock the woman down on her ass with a swift uppercut! "Get your ass out of the ring, I've got a goodie goodie to bloody." Angela shouted back to Sarah, as it seemed as if the bustier of the two would start this match of.
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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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"Bollocks..." Millie grumbled to herself, having a definite feeling about where this was headed. The way that these two acted around each other certainly didn't seem like an act, there sure didn't seem to be any love between the two of them, and the audience sure didn't seem to have any love for them either. Angela's reaction to Ava just confirmed her suspicions, even before the French woman made a move for her pink haired partner.

Ava didn't move, just maintaining her friendly smile, right up to the point where she took a gut punch. "Guh!" She gasped, followed shortly by a, "Hurk!" as Angela's uppercut connected, knocking the pinkette flat on her ass. The Canadian wouldn't try to resist for now, instead just pushing herself back up and backing off, that same friendly smile still plastered on her face.

"So that's how it's gonna be, eh?" She asked, taking up a more defensive fighting stance, getting herself ready for whatever these two were going to throw at her next.

Outside the ring, Millie was far less forgiving, her usual blank stare become a burning glare aimed straight at Angela. The Brit's grip on the ropes tightened as she anxiously waited until she had a shot at Angela, fully intending to make her pay for that little stunt.
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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Angela would narrow her eyes as she looked upon Ava falling down onto her butt, the buxom one of the the two Rebellion members would step forward and crank her neck, glancing a look towards Millie as she felt the burning hatred of a glare from someone who wanted to rip her head off, flashing nothing but a hellish smirk towards the woman as she would step in after the pink haired woman.

Looking to send a firm punt straight into that chest of the downed woman, trying to smash those generous tits with her shin as it would crash right across that chest and probably send Ava down flat on her back without any air in her lungs. Aiming to right after move her right leg up into the air and bring it down for as hard of a stomp as she could upon that buxom chest, to keep the air driven out of her pink haired opponent and strike a dominant pose in the process. All to irk the woman who was glaring daggers at her. Looking to see if she could turn those daggers into swords.

The referee quickly scrambled to call for the bell, making sure the match was on the way and that they wouldn't just be brawling.

*Ding Ding Ding*

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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Millie's hairs bristled as she spotted the way that Angela looked over at her. The Briton wasn't really the kind of woman who liked anyone at first glance, but in the first few minutes of the match she already hated her French opponent. The fact that Angela seemed to be aware of this and playing it up certainly wasn't helping anything, as that little hellish smirk sent her glare from angry to straight up murderous, leaving Millie to already be leaning over the rope in anticipation of tagging in.

Ava wasn't really in any position to currently tag Millie out though, as her chest was smashed by the more buxom Angela's shin, sending her sprawling back onto the canvas, panting heavily. Panting as she laid on the canvas, Ava glanced up to see her foe's right leg shoot into the air, the pinkette shooting a sharp glance up as her instincts kicked in and her arms came up to shield her chest.

Ideally, the Canadian was hoping to catch the attack, tangle Angela's leg in her arms, and throw her opponent off balance so that she'd have a chance to get back up to her feet. At the very least, she wanted to keep herself from getting the wind knocked out of her again. Either way, she was pretty sure that this was going to hurt like hell.
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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Angela's boot came down aimed straight for that generous bust of the pink-haired woman and with it smacked straight into a pair of arms! It was not the intended target, but she drove her heel into those forearms and tried to drive those down into the generous bust of Ava Landry!

The buxom platinum blonde beauty would smirk as she tried to drive her weight and power down onto that chest and those arms, yet soon enough Ava was able to push upwards and force Angela off of her. Causing the French beauty to stagger backwards and shake her head a little bit. " So you do have some fight in you? That will be gone soon enough, cunt." Angela spoke out as she would straighten herself up.

She would shoot another glance towards Millie in the corner, placing a hand on her hip. She would smirk at the buxom British woman. Turning around, Angela would start to walk rather casually over towards her corner and would try and give Sarah a hard slap on the side of her head. " Tag."

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Re: The WASPs vs. The Rebellion - Tag Team Match

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Well, Ava had been right about one thing. It really did hurt like hell.

"Oof!" The pinkette grunted as Angela's boot drove down into her arms, pressing them down against her bust. It would take a moment, but Ava did manage to eventually push the French beauty's foot up and stagger her backwards. That gave the Canadian a moment to recover without recourse, besides a few barbed words at least, before Angela strutted to the corner and tagged in her partner.

Now while she might be nice, that didn't mean that Ava didn't learn from her mistakes. So the moment that Sarah came out Ava had dropped into a more defensive fighting style, watching the other woman's every move closely.

Millie was still bristling in her corner, her glare never leaving Angela as the French woman returned to her own corner and tagged in. To be honest, Millie was fully hoping that the blonde would try and start something, solely so that she could make her regret it.
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