Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

Unread post by Vc0m »

Melody has been getting angrier and angrier with LAW management. No matter how much she tried, she was only stuck in bad faith bookings as a gatekeeper for debuting wrestlers or dark matches. It was no different tonight, as she was asked to fight a recent LAW acquisition in Akiha Kosha.
Melody came out to her upbeat theme song, with her attitude being completely at odds with her song, looking incredibly serious as she walked to the ring in a newer outfit she bought, but never got to try out. She didn't pay any attention to the fans as she rolled into the ring, and took her place at her corner. She noticed the cameras weren't even recording her entrance...

...they were actually treating her as a jobber to be slaughter by a newcomer.

Melody waited for Akiha to arrive, wanting to kick the head off her opponent...

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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Today was an important night for Akiha Kosha. She was making her debut in LAW, the first large wrestling organization. This first match would show what everyone could expect of her and would decide how her career would go for a few months at least. While title matches were important, a debut matches could also be said to be one of the most important matches for a wrestler. Screw it up and it will take you a long time to recouver if you didn't crash and burn. If you did well in your first match your career could be propelled quickly forward. This is why Akiha was taking this very seriously and had made sure everything was perfect, her uniform, her gear, her body and most importantly, her mind. She also had her insurance, her water bottle.

Feeling that she was now ready, Akiha would wait for her entrance music to play. It would only take a few seconds for her music to start playing but these few seconds felt like an eternity. Despite how well she had tried to mentally prepare herself, she was still nervous. Then when her music played she would make her way out towards the ramp.
Upon doing so, she would be greeted by a thundering amount of applause, whistling and other types of cheers and noise. This wasn't say more then what the crowd would normally do for any regular wrestler but for the crimson hair wrestler, this was a overwhelming and caused her to pause for a second despite it being a normally greeting. But that pause only lasted a second as she then recomposed herself. She would elegantly walk down the ramp and make her way towards the ring with her water bottle in hand.

The Crimson hair wrestler would then walk on the ramp and enter the ring, putting her water bottle down in the corner. She then took a moment to size her opponent up. Akiha needed to be careful versus her as Melody had done a number of matches while Akiha was utterly fresh. The Japanese wrestler would then make her way to the center of the ring.

"Greetings, my name is Akiha Kosha, let us give the crowd a good match." said Akiha in a professional tone.

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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The crimson haired, white clad wrestler would slowly make her way down the ramp to an applause from the Japanese audience. Melody did some stretches, realizing just how charged up she was over a match like this. If she chilled out, just a bit, she knew that she could win this.

Professionally, and sportsman-like, Akiha would step to the middle of the ring after her entrance, offering Melody her hand for a shake, Melody stepping up, and with a neutral expression, accepting the handshake:

"Let's do it..."

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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It seemed that her opponent Melody was a bit respectful. Akiha would nod her head at her opponent statement before then taking a few steps back and waited for the bell to ring. During these few seconds the crimson hair wrestler would make a few mental notes. It seemed her opponent was larger then her which meant she had the reach and weight advantage. Akiha would have to rely on her speed and wits in order to win this match.


With the ring of the bell, Akiha would extend her arms forward and attempt to make her way towards her green hair opponent. She would attempt to lock up with her, going for a collar and elbow tie up. If she could do this, the crimson hair wrestler could get a good idea of what her opponent was capable of.

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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With the plesentries done, Melody stepped away, not taking her eyes of Akiha. If nothing else, she at least had a reach advantage with her lankier body...

As the bell rang, the match would start in a classic fashion - a Collar and Elbow tie up! Melody aimed to try and overpower her foe early on, trying to assert her dominance!

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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The two wrestlers were now tied up and attempting to over power each other. Each of them trying to overpower the other at the moment as Akiha looked her opponent in the eyes, trying to see her resolve. It seemed in terms of strength they were pretty equal. But when it came to such contest, their was more then just pure strength.

"Hmm... your pretty strong!"

The Japanese wrestler would take a step back attempting to trick Melody into thinking she had the superior strength. After taking a step back she would then try to side step and shift her weight. If the Japanese wrestler could do this she would then attempt to put her opponent into a headlock, trying to test of how good of a technical wrestler she was.

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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With Melody actually proving successful in a Test of Strength, she intended to try and pin Akiha early on to force her to waste energy...

...only for Akiha to step back and shifting herself, managing to break the grip of the tie up and wrap her arms around Melody's head for a headlock!

In a discomfort, the greenette would attempt to force her foe off her by punching her in the side!

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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Akiha managed to side step and shifted around. The result was that she placed Melody in a headlock while getting a bit of feel for her technical wrestling skills. Hopefully she could start to wear Melody down at the start of the match and build up some momentum as well. The crimson hair wrestler would then attempt to strength lock only to be hit in the side several times by the green hair wrestler causing a small cough to come out of Akiha. The Japanese wrestler would then release the headlock, taking a few steps back but would attempt to hold onto one of Melody arms. If she could that, she would then attempt to pull Melody towards her as she extended an arm out. Her plan was to hit Melody with a clothesline in order to knock her off her feet.
Last edited by Person on Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

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The punches got Melody the result she wanted, managing to get Akiha to release her, Melody trying to get away from Akiha...only for her to grab onto her arm!

Akiha would drag Melody towards her, before flooring her with a clothesline off her feet!


With the match not starting well on her end, Melody tried to get back to her feet, but with Akiha still up, it was likely that she would choose to follow up her attack...

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Re: Akiha Kosha (D) vs Melody Serperior - Cutting the Snake's Head

Unread post by Person »

Akiha had managed to grab onto Melody arm and pulled the green hair girl towards her before knocking the green hair girl off her feet with a clothesline. The Japanese wrestler was now starting to feel confident, the match was starting off in her favor. The crowd was starting to cheer and the announcers were talking about how Akiha seemed to be a talented wrestler.

The crimson hair wrestler still knew this was the start of the match and things could easily go bad for her, she needed to soften up Melody a bit before she could start hitting with some devastating moves. Akiha would raise her boot up and then attempt to bring it down repeatedly on Melody stomach and chest, trying to stomp her several times to get the oxygen out of her. It was a simple move but an effective one.

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