The huntress didn't know much about her opponent, other than the fact that since she didn't recognise their name they likely hadn't appeared too often on the show. After all Devin tended to sometimes watch other matches as she worked out, testing her stamina by trying to last till the end and picking up on useful tricks and creative holds that she could adapt for herself, plus she liked to poke fun at the losers who didn't bother preparing properly for such tense combat and ended up getting crushed by those far stronger, faster, more skillful or even all three. Devin had been waiting backstage for a while, warming herself up with some stretches and then doing a few push ups to get her blood pumping, since the huntress knew she would work more efficiently if she got herself truly ready to perform.
Waiting backstage Devin would be wearing her typical blue tights and a similarly coloured sports bra, along with some trendy trainers, and of course she had split her somewhat lengthy hair into two ponytails to hopefully alleviate any issues her black locks would potentially cause. The raven haired wrestler didn't have the intention to show a lot of skin, but moreso she tended to get sweaty and her body heated up to an extreme amount as a match continued on, and whatever she would wear usually stuck to her skin and caused a less than pleasant sensation.
Devin + attire
The huntress occupying the closest corner and leaning her peak physique against the turnbuckle as stood with her back supported by and pressing against the corner pads behind. Devin's expression being almost neutral with just a slight hint of frustration in her eyes as she waited for her opponent to appear, the gym freak knowing that first contact with a new opponent was always an issue, and was far less satisfying no matter the result when compared to the action that without fail immediately proceeds the awkward and pointless greeting.