Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon lay flat against the mat, her heart beating hard in her chest as she fought away the fear. GASTER was totally in control at the moment, and the young heroine was feeling totally powerless to stop her. Now, Moon's aching arm was on the line, with GASTER in position to deliver a devastating blow!

Kamen Moon had talked up a hell of a game, before the match, and now she was getting handily, humiliatingly owned. She looked out at the fans, seeing some that were practically begging the heroine to get up, to fight back. Wincing, knowing that her refusal of GASTER's offer was about to cost her, Kamen Moon braced for the worst!

Which was exactly what she got. GASTER's foot came crashing down on Moon's slender arm, drawing a scream of sheer agony out of the masked heroine! "AAAIEEEEE!!!" Kamen Moon cried out, her boots kicking the mat spasdically as the pain overrode her other senses. "My arrrrrm!" she wailed, tears soaking into the mat as she pressed her face into it.

Kamen Moon knew she was looking much less like a heroine, here, and more like a victim, but she couldn't help it. In her mind, GASTER was a perfect villain, cruel and strong, and the young heroine wasn't sure she could stand up to that!

From the crowd, however, a small chant started up. It seemed the plucky, can-do heroine of earlier in the match had earned herself a few fans, who began a low chant to rally her. Their voices picked up in Kamen Moon's ears, bringing her out of the agony she was wallowing in. Biting her lip, Kamen Moon tried to focus on that, trying to keep herself in the fight!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon's cry of agony actually sent a shiver down the Shadow Lord's spine. Was she overdoing it? Hurting her opponent's arm in every way possible, simply to make her submit to a painful hold, and to avoid trapping her in a hold of her own? She didn't want to leave any permanent damage on her opponent's limb. She wanted to win, but not shelf her opponent's career, especially in her debut!

GASTER decided that her opponent has had enough. and it was time to finish the match, to end the pain for Kamen Moon and her debut.

"You were a worthy foe, Hero of Moon. But you lost. Just give up now, and you may avoid utter annihilation!"

With that, she dropped to the mat, grabbing a hold of Moon's hurt arm, placing her own left arm around the heroine's shoulder, before grabbing at her wrist. If successful, GASTER would craaaaank her arm backwards, trapping her foe in the Fujiwara Armbar!!!

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon blushed, feeling ashamed of the scream that just escaped her throat. That was far from heroic, she told herself. Still, it was nothing compared to the pain in her arm, as GASTER had come down on it hard. Moon's limb had taken a hell of a beating, tonight, and the masked heroine was starting to fear the worst as the muscles spasmed and twitched in agony.

Moon shook her head, as GASTER called her a worthy foe. Moon wanted to disagree, vehemently, not feeling like she'd been anything close to worthy. She was on the verge of being a failure, not a heroine, and the realization of this brought her close to tears.

Moon's self pity party came to a sharp end, however, as she felt GASTER mount her and take hold of her arm and shoulder. Again, the Shadow Lord was threatening Kamen Moon with an armbar, and surely this one would be enough to finish the poor girl!

Eyes shooting open in desperation, Moon had to come up with a counter. Her arm couldn't be strong enough to fend GASTER off, and quickly enough GASTER dropped back and locked in the hold!

"AAAIEEEE!!!" Moon screamed, her arm jerked and wrenched helplessly in the hold. The ref was asking for her submission, but Moon bit her lip and refused. She couldn't let herself go down like this, she told herself. She had to be a heroine! With no way to get her arm out of this, Moon went the other way: sliding on her butt, bucking her hips and trying to scoot her body and her opponent. Each time, kicking out her leg, trying to hook the bottom rope with any portion of her foot, or even her leg, to try and force a break of the hold!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Despite her foe's cries of agony actually making GASTER feel bad for the heroine, she still wanted to win the match. She cranked down on the armbar the best she could to finally get a tap out from Kamen Moon:

"Give up! You are done, hero! Just admit that I am surp...! No! I...won't...let you!"

GASTER let out, as she tried to stop Moon from kicking her legs towards the nearest bottom rope, managing to turn on her rear while trapped! She tried to keep herself and the heroine grounded, to avoid them from moving anywhere...but every kick of Moon's legs towards the ropes brought them closer and closer to her intended target. GASTER was prepared to roll them into the middle of the ring, to truly finish the match, leaving Kamen Moon nowhere to run...

...and right when she tried to do that, ref shouted: "Break!"

She turned her head. Moon's boot was firmly on the rope.

Technically, if GASTER kept the hold in, she wouldn't get counted out, since the match was submissions only. Technically, she couldn't be DQ-ed. However, rope breaks still technically applied in a match such as this. They wouldn't DQ you, but if your opponent managed to get a break, you won't win the match, even if they tap out. The only reason to keep the hold in is to do more damage on the hurt limp...

...which the Shadow Lord couldn't find it in her heart to do, releasing the girl's arm, and stepping away as the ref checked on Kamen Moon, and particularly, her arm. If it was really hurt that badly, the ref was perhaps thinking of ending the match on grounds of referee stoppage.

"You got lucky, and I was merciful on you this time, Hero! But don't count on your luck of the Moon, or my kindness again!"

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Fear pounded through Kamen Moon's heart as GASTER yanked mercilessly on her arm! The slender young Japanese woman flailed and kicked and screamed helplessly, totally at the mercy of the Shadow Lord. Kamen Moon knew this was no form for a heroine, far less than she ever would have wanted the fans to ever see her, reduced to such a pathetic state by the masked villain. Still, she was helpless, small and pathetic in the face of the Shadow Lord's sadism!

Moon's only salvation came when she felt the ring rope across her ankle, prompting the referee to call break. Moon gasped, her chest heaving as she flexed her entire body and kept her ankle flush against the rope. The ref called for a break, and Kamen Moon bit her lip before she could end up begging GASTER to listen.

Fortunately, GASTER did acqueisce, and Kamen Moon lived to fight on. Once released, the heroine rolled beneath the bottom rope, clutching her hurting arm desperately. GASTER's taunts burned in her ears, reminding her that GASTER could just as easily have kept the hold locked in until permanent damage was done to her poor limb! The reminder hurt Moon's pride, but reminded her just how serious this situation was!

The ref loomed over Kamen Moon, asking to see her arm. Moon extended her arm gingerly, showing that at the very least, nothing was broken. With her other arm, however, the masked heroine tried to fend the ref girl off. The official was only doing her job, of course, but Kamen Moon wanted nothing more than to let her call the match here.

Seeming a bit reluctant, the ref waved off the timekeeper, signalling that the match would continue. The fans cheered, watching Kamen Moon try to pull herself up. The young woman grabbed the middle rope with her good arm, pulling herself up. Her toned bottom bounced off the mat as she clumsily brought herself upright. She clung to the rope, leaning against it for support. Kamen Moon gasped, wincing, as she got herself back up to her feet. She clung to the ropes a moment, trying to catch her breath. Shaking her head, Kamen Moon kept her hurting arm close to her body. Still, with a cautious expression and a guarded posture, Kamen Moon pushed off the rope, ready to resume the fight!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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GASTER herself looked on with worry as referee was checking on Moon's arm. She was slightly worried by this point. Moon's cries of agony laid heavily on her mind. She had to win the match by submission, but couldn't she try and switch her strategy a little bit? To not put the heroine on the injured list in her debut?

As she thought that, she saw Kamen Moon outstretch her left arm. "Thank goodness...there is no permanent damage done..."

However, before the ref could get a better look, the heroine defiantly fended the woman in zebra striped shirt away, wishing to continue the match, regardless of what she thought. Despite ref's wishes, she signalled to the timekeeper that the match would continue, fans cheering the underdog that was the Heroine of Moon.

She tiredly pulled herself up to her feet, catching her breath as she clung her hurting left arm to her body, while she herself was prepared to continue the fight!

Clara, however, half-wanted to ask Kamen Moon about whether she was really sure she wanted to continue, breaking her character...

...but decided better off it. She was going all out in this, and Moon likely wanted to do the same. Even a little bit of weakness would cost her the match completely.

She carefully approached Moon, making it look like her hurting arm was still the Shadow Lord's intended target. However, the Shadow Lord knew that her arm would be off limits...

Instead, she opted to change her strategy a bit to catch the woman by surprise. She would attempt to rush behind the woman, looking to lock in a waistlock to try and attempt to take Moon down to the mat from there with a waistlock takedown!

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Kamen Moon's face began to flush beneath her mask, blushing as the fans cheered around her. It wasn't a hard call for her to continue the match, but the fans seemed to appreciate it all the same. Kamen Moon grinned, suddenly starting to feel like the hero, once again.

The masked heroine's eyes narrowed, as she watched GASTER creep closer to her. The villain had done such an expert job of working over Kamen Moon's arm, and as she approached, it looked like she was all too ready to get back to work. Moon bit her lip, anticipating the attack. Her body tensed, her muscles preparing a response.

Moon lifted her foot as GASTER approached, ready to aim a sharp kick that would break whatever hold the Shadow Lord might go for, on the arm. Moon's eyes widened in shock, however, as GASTER stepped around her, avoided the arm, and went behind for a waist lock! "Wait," Moon grunted, as GASTER's arms wrapped around her belly.

Kamen Moon was startled, but struggled not to panic. With her arms wrapped around Moon, the Shadow Lord could likely hear the young woman's heart pounding, threatening to beat straight out of her chest at this rate. Moon was desperate, wanting nothing more than to keep GASTER from achieving total domination of her body, yet again!

As GASTER took her position, Kamen Moon reached behind herself. She twisted in GASTER's arms, tucking her legs off to one side to shift her center of gravity. Moon's body created a pivot point at her center, and went down. Moon's good arm reached to go behind the grimly-masked head of her opponent, pulling as her body twisted. If things went to plan, as Kamen Moon desperately hoped they would, the masked heroine would counter the waistlock with a side-headlock takedown, that would throw GASTER across the ring and keep Kamen Moon's body free- at least for now!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

Unread post by Vc0m »

Right as the Shadow Lord attempted to lift her foe off the mat, to possibly lock in the winning move of the match, suddenly, she would Moon's weight shifting. The woman moving her legs, and tugging at GASTER's arms made it harder for the Masked Wrestler to take her rival down!

Realizing that, at the current split second, she wouldn't be able to get Moon to the ground, she would attempt to plant the heroine feet first on to the canvas...

...only for Moon to trap GASTER's masked head as she did so! The moment she tried to plant Moon on her feet, the woman would once more shift her weight, eager to go down, stomach first to the mat...and take the Shadow Lord down with her onto her back!

As a result, Moon now sat near GASTER with her arms around her foe's head, trapping the villainess into a Side Headlock!

"N-no!", she would let out, trying to pry the heroine's arms open to escape...but her right arm would be out of reach, and GASTER would be unable to exploit her foe's weakness, remaining trapped in the hold as she tried to get herself out with her left arm!

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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

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Moon let out a chest-heaving sigh, after slamming GASTER into the mat. Her relief was visible despite her mask. Kamen Moon knew she'd been taking a beating, and one more brutal hold could be all it took to finally crush her heroic spirit! She had to fight harder than ever, she told herself!

"Y-you won't," Kamen Moon grunted, after their hard impact, "beat me that easily!" Moon's fans seemed to mobilize for her, cheering on the young heroine's reversal of fortune. Some of the more experienced fans knew how close things were getting, and were shocked to see the masked rookie make it out of that one. Many wondered if she could keep herself out of the Shadow Lord's grip, and for how long ...

Beneath Moon's body, GASTER was struggling for freedom. Kamen Moon grit her teeth, realizing that her opponent had just as much drive and desire to win this match. Resting on her laurels now could be a fatal mistake.

Moon worked GASTER over by wrenching on the headlock, trying to rock some of the fight out of the Shadow Lord and make her more pliable. If she could get a few good wrenches in, Moon would then try to follow up by rolling backward, lifting GASTER's face up just enough to open her up for Kamen Moon to swing one of her legs up, and smack straight into GASTER's masked face with a hard knee strike!
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Re: Submission Match: Kamen Moon vs. GASTER!

Unread post by Vc0m »

"Ghhhhhhhhk...", GASTER grunted as Moon wrenching on her head while keeping the Masked Lord trapped. Each wrench weakened the Shadow Lord more and more, the pulls at her foe's arm barely doing anything to affect Moon or the hold...

...right when she tried to think of a different way out, the heroine herself would release the hold, by rolling backwards, and lifting the Shadow Lord upwards to her knees...

...before unleashing a hard knee strike to her fcae!

"OOOOOWWW!!!", her mask did little to protect her face from the attack, Moon successfully landing her attack right at the bridge of the girl's nose. GASTER went limp, dropping face down to the mat, dazed by the shot to her face as the crowd continued to cheer the reversal of fortunes, and the heroine giving the villainess her due!

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