Shiori Takeda, the Fangirl
A genre-savvy otaku for all things wrestling, nerdom, and more!
A genre-savvy otaku for all things wrestling, nerdom, and more!
Vital Stats
Name: Shiori Takeda
Nickname: The Fangirl
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Eyes: Pale green
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’2
Weight: 115 lbs
Hometown: Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan
Alignment: Face/Jobber (Neutral Good)
Entrance music: Progressive -Zan Shin- by Tomohiro Nakatsuchi
Favorite Match Types: Standard, smother, bedroom, other "softcore" match types. Open to hentai, though rarely and for the right opponent.
Twitter: @WMyKeysITheePen
“Hey, Dr. Morgenstern…? What are you doing with these pictures, anyway?”
In-Ring Attire - “I, uh, don't actually have anything to wrestle in yet. But I'm not using my school clothes anymore, so…”

In-Ring Attire, Another View - “Oh! This one's on my LinkedIn!”

At a 'Protest' - “Look, those authors committed character assassination and they know it!”

Swimsuit Alternate Attire - “Oh, yeah, I packed my old school swimsuit. ”

Lingerie/Bedroom Alternate Attire - “Okay, seriously, what are you doing with these pictures?”

Hentai/Bedroom/Softcore Alternate Attire - “I… kinda cut up one of my old uniforms. How does this look?”

Casual Attire #1 - “I use this pic for my Twitter profile! That's okay, right?”

Casual Attire #2 - “I like hoodies. They're comfy and easy to wear.”

“Oh my gosh, that move was super cool! Do you think I could pull it off? Let's see, I just have to go like… OW!”
Style: Encyclopedic Superfan (... Puroresu?)
Shiori has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of professional wrestling, and a habit of learning absolutely everything she can about the things that interest her -- including wrestling. She's also spirited and excited to make her way through LAW. In theory, she should have at least the potential to become a talented wrestler.
Unfortunately, there are a few barriers in Shiori's way. For one, her superfandom for LAW and its wrestlers often becomes a distraction in matches. She's prone to fangirl over her opponents, and she considers it a genuine honor to be put through their signature moves. Her stream-of-consciousness rambling about wrestlers' histories in and out of the ring can sometimes unnerve her rivals, but by that point, Shiori is usually too starstruck to take advantage of it.
More importantly, Shiori is extremely clumsy and uncoordinated. While trying anything more complex than a basic move, she often fails horribly, falling into all sorts of embarrassing and unlucky positions. Despite this, her enthusiasm keeps her reaching for the stars when it comes to her moveset.
As for what Shiori does well in a match? She has a very strong understanding of the fundamentals, as well as just enough coordination to pull off simple moves that involve her throwing herself or a limb at an opponent. Similarly, her match sense is off the charts due to her many, many hours watching LAW and other promotions. Even if she doesn't yet have enough experience to apply all her knowledge, Shiori can still make reads with the best of them.
Favorite Moves:
- Smothers
- German Suplexes
- Slaps
- Spears
- Clotheslines
- Splashes
- Bronco Busters
- Stinkfaces
Endurance - 5/10
Growing up, Shiori was more or less always to keep up while playing sports in her classes. Even if she wasn't anywhere close to the most skilled player, she could always at least run around well enough.
Strength - 4/10
Shiori is actually somewhat strong for her size, as watching her favorite wrestlers go head to head inspired her to work out quite a bit.
Speed - 3/10
In theory, Shiori might be able to go a little faster, but her lack of coordination often brings her tumbling down long before she reaches those speeds.
Defense - 3/10
Much of Shiori's defensive ability comes from her encyclopedic knowledge of wrestling moves and her ability to recognize those moves when used by her opponent. She can prime herself to take hits if necessary, and sometimes, she can even dodge or block them!
Strikes - 3/10
Shiori is limited to basic slaps, punches, and kicks that involve her throwing out a limb really fast in front of her.
Submissions - 5/10
Surprisingly, Shiori is actually pretty good at submissions… if, that is, she's given enough time to properly lock the move into place. Outside of that, she's limited to using her smothers.
Aerial - 2/10
Other than simply jumping on top of her opponent, aerial moves don't really click for Shiori. She'd really like to get better at them, though!
Countering - 2/10
Again, Shiori knows what her opponent is doing almost immediately. But she doesn't have the technical ability necessary to do much about it.
Technique - 5/10
Shiori has made exactly two women orgasm in her life. One is herself. She's not bad at sex by any means, but she is inexperienced and unconfident.
Stamina - 6/10
As a wrestling otaku whose favorite promotion is decidedly sexual, Shiori has had many opportunities to build up her stamina while sitting around at home.
”Dominance - 3/10"
Shiori likes being on top, but she's not particularly good at being a domme.
Seduction - 4/10
To some, Shiori's cute bluster is actually really hot. To others, it's just a sign that she'll quickly become putty in their hands.
- A Fan's Keen Eye: Shiori's encyclopedic knowledge of pro wrestling gives her exceedingly strong situational awareness in the ring. She almost always knows what moves would be best for her opponent to use on her, and she can recognize their signature moves coming from a mile away.
- Hot Take Machine: Whenever she's extremely nervous or excited, Shiori has a tendency to word vomit. In the ring, this will likely take the place of muttering semi-coherently about the move or opponent that she's currently facing. On occasion, this can confuse her opponent or even make them nervous themselves.
Signature Moves:
Takeda on Top
Probably the most technically savvy move that Shioro knows how to do, Takeda on Top is a basic grapevine breast smother. If she can get past her nerves, figure out how to entwine her legs around those of her opponent, and actually use it, it's actually pretty effective.

The Shiori… Shlam? (finisher)
A basic splash off the corner post. The kind of move that will hurt when used right by anybody. Just hope that she doesn't accidentally trip and fall off the post instead.

“I'll work for free! Trust me, just being a part of LAW makes this all worth it -- huh? You're gonna pay me in matches?”
In a word, Shiori is a superfan. Many things have caught her interest over the years -- musical theater, JRPGs, and Western comic books among them -- and she immersed herself in every single one for at least a time, quickly learning the histories of writers, characters, and stories alike. However, nothing has drawn Shiori in quite like professional wrestling. She watches matches from promotions all over the world, following their storylines and learning their choreographies religiously.
As you might imagine, Shiori is incredibly bubbly, excitable, and just plain happy to be a part of LAW. She's extremely prone to geeking out when faced with an opponent with a history in wrestling, in LAW or otherwise, or in another one of the worlds with which she's familiar. While she has immense respect and reverence for the elites of the wrestling world, however, she's always had a special affinity for LAW's mid-carders -- in her words, the "lifeblood that keeps the promotion going."
There really isn't that much to say about Shiori Takeda. She grew up in a fairly normal Japanese household -- two loving parents, a friendly and mentor-like older brother, a big floofer of a dog. Pretty standard stuff, if fortunate and privileged. She coasted through school as a just-above-average student with grades and activities that probably would have been juuust good enough to get into a university.
However, she didn't want to go to college. Too much work, too much responsibility, too much tuition. While she makes money by writing, drawing, creating cosplays, and making all sorts of fandom-related goodies, she is a NEET in all but name. Much of her time is spent at home, watching or gaming or making. She takes good enough care of herself -- mostly out of a desire to be fit enough to stand beside her idols someday -- and is reasonably self-sufficient in terms of cooking and cleaning.
Thanks to her prominence in the fandom world, her commissions, her Etsy, and her Patreon are more than enough to pay for a shoddy apartment and home Wi-Fi good enough to watch all her favorite streams, play her favorite games, and download her favorite wrestling matches. LAW is her favorite promotion of them all, owing to all the strong personalities that do battle inside its squared circles… and maybe because they're all super freakin' hot, too.
One day, through a fortuitous stroke of luck, she stumbled upon a Twitter post by Team Stanza's own Dr. Christina Morgenstern. After a series of Tweets that ended in Shiori offering to intern for free, Dr. Morgenstern saw fit to bring the young high school graduate onboard. Unfortunately, some old LAW bylaws prevent any LAW manager from using fully unpaid labor, so Christina made an arrangement to pay Shiori with matches.
Fun Facts:
- Shiori loves J-pop and idol culture. Like she does in most things that strike her fancy, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of idols; her favorite of all, though, is Koto-chan.
- Shiori moderates the largest LAW fanfiction Discord community, and she is one of its most prolific writers. Yes, she writes fanfics of all your mains. Yes, there are ships. Yes, there's sometimes smut.
- As a Perpetually Online Zoomer™, Shiori is prone to arguing over the littlest things on the Internet, provided that it's about something she knows or cares about.
Record: 0-1-0
Timeline of Events
- A Starstruck Debut: COMPLETED MATCH against Chiaki Nanami (Standard Match)
LOSS by Submission (Grapevine Breast Smother) - Shiori makes her debut against one of LAW's newest generation of popular faces (and an occasional host of Shiori's late-night haunts on Twitch), Chiaki Nanami! In a thrilling bout filled with twists, turns, and plenty of smothers, it's an overambitious botch that eventually leaves Shiori the night's loser. - The Austrian Eagles present: The LAW Christmas Party!: SOCIAL THREAD with... lots of people!
- Time for a Comeback!: SOCIAL THREAD with Karl Schneider
Shiori shows LAW Magazine's newest hire, Karl Schneider, around the publication's offices. Teasing and wholesome moments ensue, though their time together is brief. - Fangirl Lassos the Moon: ONGOING MATCH against Gil "Arma-Gil-O" (Humiliation Match)
Shiori's Accomplishments: Autographs, Selfies, and Other Memorabilia
During her time in LAW, Shiori has made it her goal to get as many autographs, selfies, and other pieces of fan memorabilia as possible. Given that she's a jobber, these will be her primary accomplishments during her career. For now, she's gotten:
- An autographed photo of herself facesitting Chiaki Nanami during her debut match
- An autograph and kiss from Momo Kazan, who she'd lent some old match tapes of Mina Takemi
- A (smiling!) selfie with Lillian Byrne in exchange for helping her jump fellow LAW Magazine writer and part-time wrestler Alvin Simpson
- An off-screen selfie with Skylar Jones at the Team Stanza Thanksgiving dinner
- A Christmas-styled school shirt, stained by Ishtar Valisiev's vodka-and-raw-egg concoction and signed by Finella Edelstein, Chris Yukine, and Ishtar
- An office selfie to commemorate Karl Schneider's first day at LAW Magazine