He looked in the mirror and suddenly he saw the man again, that he once was.

The Austrian straightened his tie and tried to remember when had wore a tie the last time, or an ironed shirt..
He put on some aftershave and looked at himself.
"Looking good Grim Reaper...almost back at your form again...", he said and looked at his leg before sighing.
He went outside while walking by his roommates of the Austrian Eagle Roster who gave him curious looks.
"Who...who is this and what did he do with Karli...", Finella said and looked over the couch.
"Finella you are staring...", Harmonia said without looking up from her tablet.
The Hellraiser blushed and looked at her sister.
"I am not! This is still Karli our good old Loser...", she said and still she looked back at him...
He really changed since the Pub..for the better it seemed.
Karl stepped into his trusted VW Beetle and drove of, right to LAW Magazine where Eiji Matsumoto himself had invited him.
FInally, he thought, he was back on track. Being a correspondent for a magazine was one thing, but working directly for a gigantic
company like LAW was a whole other beast!
The building appeared before Karl as his trusty Beetle drove on.
A few weeks ago he had driven a certain newcomer home to LAW HQ only for his car to break down, making them walk the last mile to the train station.
Now "Schurli" as he called his car, was ready for action again, hopefully, for another 30 years.
Karl drove onto the parkinglot and stepped out of the car, taking with him a box with all kinds of stuff for his office.
He took the heavy box in one hand, while the other one grabbed for his cane, with the skull on top of it, ironically his gimmick the "Grim Reaper" had a prop like this and now Karl needed it for real medical purposes.
His knee hurt like hell as snow had started to fall again, the way from his parking space to the entrance hall seemed endless and he had to stop more then he wanted, clenching his teeth and steadying his breath before he went on through the thin snowcoat that was on the ground...