Akari Fujiyama (d) vs Monica Jackson: 2/3 falls

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Akari Fujiyama (d) vs Monica Jackson: 2/3 falls

Unread post by RJD »

To win this match a competitor must gain two victories through either pinfall, submission or knockout.

Monica was stretching backstage just a few feet away from the entrance to the ramp through guerilla position. The former street fighter was wearing her blue trunks and top, rather than her usual red one.
Most of Monica's recent matches hadn't went so smoothly, so she was fully focused on the match ahead, giving of a strict and serious air.

The backstage officials signalled Monica, and on queue she would speedily walk through, guerilla position and right out onto the ramp. The violent lightweight didn't bother with theatrics tonight, she needed to be focused and centred.

It didn't take long for Monica to walk down to the ring, and roll under the bottom ropes. There was a general buzz of recognition from the crowd, as Monica had competed enough to get a pretty good reaction, she had been getting a bit more publicity lately after her series of brutal and sometimes trashy fights with Alyssa.

Monica waited in her corner, and waited for her foe. The lightweight was curious what her opponent would be like, especially since it was her debut so she hadn't heard word of her wrestling style or build, which left her feeling a little unprepared, though given that she wasn't exactly a household name she figured her soon to be opponent might be working with a lack of information too.

Last edited by RJD on Tue Sep 28, 2021 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Akari Fujiyama (d) vs Monica Jackson: 2/3 falls

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Akari Fujiyama stretched and warmed up backstage. The somewhat tall and lanky teenager had her first match with a unique stipulation tonight. A three fall match, where she would have to take her opponent out twice to secure a win. She knew the name of the girl she was facing, Monica Jackson, but aside from that, she didn't know much. Backstage, she noted another girl, in similar clothes to her, namely, a sports bra and gym trunks.

"This must be my opponent," she thought silently, watching the other girl from across the area. Monica looked very pretty, her purple dyed hair tied back in a large ponytail. Her bra left her midriff exposed, and it was clear she was fairly well built, even for a wrestler. She also looked to be a decent bit older, at least in her twenties. Akaris eyes narrowed as she continued to watch and warm up in tandem with Monica, bouncing from one foot to another, stretching her arms. Her jet black hair collected itself, as always around her head, parting around her eyes.

Then, it came time for Monica's entrance. The girl adopted a similar strategy to Akari. A simple entrance, but herself displaying a lot of focus and confidence. Akari smirked as she watched silently, taking in Monica's movements and figure, analyzing and trying to find the best way to attack.

Then, it finally came time for Akari to make her own entrance. The young wrestler cast off her training hoodie, and stepped out into the arena. Fans murmured and whispered, excited to see the match underway, and Akari couldn't wait to give them a hell of a show. She gracefully flipped into the ring, and stared at her opponent.

"Guess it's about that time again that I get paid to beat someone up again," the cocky teen smirked, throwing a light verbal jab at Monica as she settled into her stance and waited for the bell.
Last edited by Marspell on Sun Oct 03, 2021 8:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Akari Fujiyama (d) vs Monica Jackson: 2/3 falls

Unread post by RJD »

Akari looked rather promising as an opponent, Monica could tell from her body that she was athletic, and she looked young too. Monica sighed, and mentally braced herself to face another youngster, they were always so energetic...and cocky.

" Well, I sure hope not, I don't think you're cut out for doing any real damage rookie. " Monica responded, not particularly keen to play nice with Akari after she disrespected Monica, whom was her senior in life and wrestling.

Once the bell rang Monica would go to the middle of the ring cautiously, before speeding up in her approach towards Akari, but focusing on circling around her when necessary to evade her reach. The more experienced wrestler would try to draw close to Akari, before suddenly lunging forward to try to grab at her from in front.

If that worked Monica would try to maneuver behind Akari next, and try to lock her arms around her midsection for a waist lock, Monica trying to open the match with some grappling.

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Re: Akari Fujiyama (d) vs Monica Jackson: 2/3 falls

Unread post by Marspell »

Akari smirked as her older opponent retorted to her own taunts. The slender teen giggled, and responded to monica, "If you had any knowledge of the world of athletic wrestling, youd know that you have one of the best female world champions ever in the ring with you right now. I know more about grappling than anyone at law!" She yelled, confident and cocky as ever. "You might think that because your older you have more expreince and are better, but with wrestling, only I know best."

As the bell rang, akari brushed her hair behind her ear a final time, and slid into stance. She watched monica expectantly, excited to see what she would do first. Her opponent slowly approached, andthen briskly crossed to Akaris side of the ring. Monica attempted to rush Akari, and grab ahold of her younger opponent.

Akari however, smiled. She grabbed her opponents arms and smirked. "I told you, I have the upper hand when it comes to wrestling like this. Allow me to demonstrate."

In a moments notice, Akari slipped through Monicas arms, and had grabbed ahold of the girls firm midsection. She barreled through her opponent, and attempted to slam them both to the mat. If it worked, both girls would be on the mat, with Akari on top of Monica, allowing her to press her opponent to the mat and attempt to go for a quick pin.

"See?" Akari smiled. "Told you so."

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Re: Akari Fujiyama (d) vs Monica Jackson: 2/3 falls

Unread post by RJD »

" Uhhh... don't really care about that stuff. So what, you do Bjj or something? Do you think that's going to scare me? I've fought hundreds with your skill set, in and out the ring. " Monica said, immediately getting peeved off. The antisocial lightweight had a strong dislike for arrogant youths, and LAW never failed to supply them.

" Oh, and yes, I do think I'm better. " Monica concluded, eager to get things going and show this bratty teen who was boss.

So Monica stepped forward, and then rushed after the bell, grabbing Akari. Suddenly something felt off though, subtle changes in her foe's posture left Monica's grip a little less tight, then those arms grabbed at her own and pulled them, her slippery athletic foe escaping her grasp and getting close.

Hands settled at Monica's midsection, and she was lifted, and tilted, her line of sight shifting in disorienting quickness before she was slammed down into the mat.

" Ahh! " Monica groaned out, occupied by the pain as Akari held her shoulders down, asserting herseld and applying her weight in a cocky quick pin.

" Damnit! And?! " Monica responded, as she tried to grab at Akari's body to push her back and sit up quickly, the older lady promptly looking to correct Akari's dominance over her.

Monica was a little frustrated to be pinned like that, but for now all she could do was focus on breaking the pin, she was much more of a striker and brawler than a grappler, so she would have to just endure the humiliation of being rolled around the mat and wait for her chance to switch things more to her style.

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