A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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Irelia had nearly earned the accomplishment of making Kay cry. The girl had never done such a thing, practically in her entire life as it turns out... yet Clara Gaster earned such an honour when she revealed her love for Katherine Scarlett that faithful night after the We Are LAW PPV. Irelia nearly followed up in quick succession when Kay returned home that night, announcing the news that she had a date with Clara to her friend Irelia.

That night Irelia revealed something to Kay... in that all the money she had been giving her for letting her take the spare room, Irelia had simply been setting it aside. The moment she found out Kay was going out on a date, she revealed the little fund she had built up, offering it back to Kay so she could treat herself. The notion had nearly set the Canadian up and comer off, as for the first time in years, she was able to go out and actually shop for herself.

Now was the faithful night... date night, and Kay left the taxi with a smile upon her face, gathering herself before she walked towards the apartment building Clara lived within. She looked... different, yet much the same. Always somewhat of a tomboy, Kay wore jeans, but they were not the ragged ones she was known for wearing so often. These ones were knew, somewhat chic but still affordable. She had a fresh chequered shirt wrapped around her hips with a green and black design, whilst wearing a dark feminine shirt and a smart jacket over it.

For the first time... Kay looked stylish and smart. She also had a little bit of make up on... not much, but a subtle amount to make her look ready for going out, having a little eye liner on and a very light amount of lipstick. Never being one for makeup, Kay had actually got help from Irelia applying it. Being the beautiful woman she didn't realise she was, it did not bring much to her angelic looks, but it certainly did not deter either. She wore brand new sneakers that matched with the rest of her outfit, feeling great comfort as she walked instead of with her own worn out pair that were long past their prime.

Kay was smiling... For the first time, she was able to make all her payments to the Orphanage.. and thanks to Irelia have a fair amount left. Most of it still went to the Orphanage payments... but Kay was left with more than enough to treat herself to the new outfit as well as have some left over to even fund the night and then some. Biting on her lower lip, Kay would press the buzzer for Clara's apartment. Normally many would be a bag of nerves at this point... but Kay was confident, uplifted even. She was where she wanted to be... and in truth she had been very excited about her first ever date... with someone she cared about... and who cared about her.

"Hey pretty. Ready to start the evening?" Kay spoke down the comm, before taking a step back... waiting with a smile upon her gorgeous features.

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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It's been a wild few months after We Are LAW PPV...but in the end, Clara has done the most important thing she wanted to do from when she came back to Japan - confess her feelings to Kay. Her love life was a whirlwind for the last 4 years, but she had no doubt in her mind that she loved Kay, for being the kindest, sweetest, most reliable soul she had known in her life.

They had met up several times since today, but the Brit explicitly wanted tonight to be specifically "a date", booking a good restaurant for them to have dinner at, and then having enough free time for a walk in the park, or doing whatever they wanted to do. Tonight was their night.

Much like Kay, Clara wanted to look the best she absolutely could today. In fact, for today, she set aside the money from the losing effort against the Baroness, and decided to pay a visit to popular clothes stores.

With that, the Brit was dressed in a very summer-y outfit for tonight, a combo of a black crop top t-shirt and black trousers, with a little bit of eyeliner and lipstick adoring her face. In addition, she decided not to wear a ponytail. For tonight, her hair was flowing freely.

The intercom buzzed, letting her know she had a visitor. She kept quiet for now, letting Kay into the apartment building, awaiting her to climb up to her floor, with an already open door.

Kay looked the best she had ever had. The Drifter's money problems weren't obvious as tonight she wore a completely fresh attire to impress Clara. And she succeeded with flying colours:

"Yes, honey. Ready to take the town over by storm!", she proclaimed, diving back to her apartment to grab her purse, and keys, locking it, before holding Kay's hand:

"We have enough time to get to the restaurant without a car...should we?"

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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Kay's smile was certainly something to behold. She became a little sheepish when Clara took her hand with her own, but remained all smiles. Considering the two had sparred a great deal since becoming friends, there had always been a lot of body contact between both Kay and Clara... but it felt different when she held her hand, it felt like something more. Slowly her own hand tightened around Clara's as she bit on her lower lip ever so softly. Tonight felt new somehow... since the two women decided that they would become girlfriends, they had met several times, and all seemed just as normal between the two as usual, save for the fact that the two now had a tendency to kiss and cuddle.

This was a date however... so somehow it felt all the more real. True, perhaps they were doing things a little out of order, but tonight they were going out as a couple for the first time instead of just meeting up as they so often did.
"Ooh. You called me honey... I'll have to think up of a thing to call you. Or are you okay with Pretty?" Kay spoke with a teasing tone. She looked upon Clara, taking her all in, seeing how her beautiful girlfriend was all dressed up and ready to go out with her. Her hair was loose, long and almost silk like in how it moved, her beautiful features as alluring as ever. Kay was not going to lie... there was a strong temptation to grasp Clara and take her back into her room... but in truth she had been looking forwards to this night a lot, and was eager to go out and spend money for the first time in what felt like forever and treat Clara finally.

"Oh... wait. You got something on your face. You can't... hold on... Let me just..." Kay spoke with a serious tone, leaning towards Clara as if she spotted something that was amiss. She slid close, and slipped Clara a soft and tender kiss upon her lips, savouring the moment and letting it last as long as she could. When Kay was satisfied she leaned back and managed a giggle.
"It's okay. I got it. You look fantastic now! Kay mentioned, caressing a hand through Clara's long hair.
"Walking sounds good to me. So long as it doesn't rain on us again." Kay than added to answer Clara's question. She gave her hand a little squeeze before gently pulling on her to follow her and guide her to walk along side of her as the two finally began to head out.

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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Clara still couldn't believe her luck. She had the kindest, nicest, prettiest girlfriend in the world. Spars with her took on a lot more intimate approach since she anticipated, Clara growing less competitive during those to allow Kay to win for a bit...though as time went on, those moments led to her being completely demolished by her, much to the blunette's confusion.

Naturally, the world of LAW and LAW fanbase were talking, with all mix of messages that Clara mostly tended to ignore.

But even now, holding Kay's hand, she couldn't believe how blessed she was. It was worth all the hardships...and she grew to regret not telling Kay about her feelings sooner.

"That works! Flattery is absolutely a way through my heart..."

Kay herself was looking incredibly pretty. The shirt and jeans were completely new, likely from the better check that came with getting into more and more LAW matches...something Clara actually wanted to talk to Kay about...but before she could say a word:


The kiss washed over her in a pleasant wave, kissing Kay back for as long as she could, before ten seconds later, the two women separated.

"Thanks!", she giggled as Katherine stroked her hair, and the two girls exited the building, going towards the restaurant...

"How have you been? In general I mean. We haven't seen each other in a few days..."

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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Kay was having a difficult time, for the life of her she could not wipe the beautiful smile from her lips. Her cheeks were starting to hurt a little as she walked at a pleasantly slow pace besides Clara as the two began to make their way towards the restaurant. Their hands were clasped together softly, the weather was pleasant even so late in the evening. There would be a few more hours of sunshine left, leaving a canvas of atmosphere in the sky above whilst the sun began its slow decent. It was a far cry from the night when the two first properly met, when the heavens had opened up and a near monsoon had attacked both girls.

To think that the two of them would end up here and together all this time later... it was all still a bit surreal for Kay, like at any moment she might just wake up and everything was all a dream. The thought had occured to Kay that perhaps this was all in her head, that at some point or other with all the various times she'd been put through various and dangerous spots, that perhaps she was in a coma and that one day she'd wake up in a hospital bed and all of this was what she feared it to be. It felt a little quick how everything just fell into place... yet it also felt so natural... Like it was meant to be.
"Hmm? Oh! Yeah... I've been great! I've been offered a more steady contract in the LAW so it looks like my woes there are dealt with for at least a little while... Also... I got asked out by a really hot girl, so there's that too. I think in general I'm doing pretty alright." Kay replied when she realised Clara had asked her a question.

She gave Clara a little wink as the two walked side by side, taking in the sights as they began to head towards the more populated town centre for the night.
"How about you? What have you been doing with yourself? Anyone I need to fight off? I imagine a lot of people are lining up to try and get to where I am right now." Kay added playfully, giving Clara's hand a warming squeeze.

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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Clara smiled at the late sunshine striking at both women's faces. It wasn't too bright, but it was just warm enough to raise the Brit's (and hopefully, her girlfriend's) moods as they went on their merry way on their date.

Clara giggled at Kay's comment that a hot girl had asked her out: "Heheh...I think I need to fight off that hot girl off for you...I don't want any rivals for your affection!", she pouted in a fake manner, before giggling. Kay did actually mention something Clara wanted to address.

"Actually, Kathy, I wanted to ask about your matc---"

"Wait...are you...?"

Someone sounded confused in their direction, as Clara turned to see someone rushing towards them:

"Oh my gosh it is! Clara Gaster! I am a big fan!".

It was a young woman, somewhere 19 years of age, as she got her phone and a notepad out of her bag: "May I have your authograph?"

For a moment, Clara was ecstatic to oblige...before realizing the awkward position that Kay was right there. It felt off for her to flaunt her popularity like this in front of her, as she was trying to build up her career: "U-um...c-certainly!"

She quickly signed the notepad and waved the lady good bye before Kay and Clara continued on: "I'm...so sorry about this..."

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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"So sorry about what?... What are you going to do? You're not gonna' nail me with a chair shot are you?" Kay teased with a cheeky smile upon her lips. It had been quite a joy to watch Clara be approached by a fan, seeing the joy that she brought to others. It was a side to wrestling that the Drifter actually forgot to realise... that many wrestlers were considered heroes to those that watched them, celebrities to be awed. The girl looked ecstatic when Clara signed her notebook, no doubt having a great tale to tell her friends when she raced off after getting a picture taken.

Drifter was smiling warmly during the whole encounter. She was aware Clara must have had a wealth of fans, and it was pleasing to see she had time for them no matter where she was. Kay expected no less from her girlfriend.
"Don't be apologising. It's part of the job I imagine. At the end of the day, I'm the one going out with Clara Gaster so you know... I win! Besides... I'm the Canadian here, I'm the one who should be saying sorry for no reason." Kay added, giving Clara a playful prod with her shoulder, letting out a little giggle.
"So.... what was it you were about to ask before we were rudely interrupted by one of your meddling fans?" Kay spoke with a teasing tone, circling around Clara to get to the other side of her, before she looked to retake her hand with her own as they walked.

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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"It still feels rather...awkward. I love meeting fans, but not in front of my peers still trying to break out in popularity...especially ones that happen to be very close to me..."

She had felt this guilt a few times walking along with Alice. While the younger Gaster sister has found a good bit of success on her own, she still struggled a bit with finding her popularity, being primarily a hardcore wrestler potentially having something to do with that. Needless to say, she didn't want to flaunt her popularity in front of Kay if she could help it.

She laughed at Kay's joke as they continued on their way before addressing her question:

"I wanted to ask you about your matches. For a lightweight you are getting booked against Middleweights and Heavyweights...too much for my liking. It is difficult to go against bigger opponents, and I know first hand how tough you are...but I can't help but worry something will happen, especially if you are booked against a particularly vicious foe..."

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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"Hey..." Kay was actually somewhat firm with her tone, looking to get Clara's attention. She pulled lightly on her arm, motioning her to stop for a moment, before she approached her, stepping to be in front of Clara so the two of them were face to face. She took her other hand gently with her own, standing before Clara as she pulled her a little closer, squeezing both her hands gently with her own.
"Don't ever let me stop you... from being you." Kay whispered in response, holding a bit of seriousness to her voice.
"Don't ever feel like you can't do what you want to do because of me. There's no need to feel awkward about meeting your fans. You've earned their love and respect tenfold and you deserve every single bit of their attention. Don't hold back just because I'm around." Kay spoke, giving Clara's hands a reassuring squeeze once more.

"Besides... I'm on the rise now. Couple of months from now they won't even know who you are when I'm at the top." Kay soon added in a more playful manner, giving Cara a cheeky wink. When she had finished, she soon returned to Clara's side, once more walking besides her as the two made their way towards the restaurant. Kay glanced towards Clara when she began to speak her concerns about the manner of opponents that Kay had been drafted against in recent weeks.
"Meh... I've been doing alright so far. No broken bones to talk about. I wish it was my choice honestly... Upstairs seems to think it's funny throwing me against people double my size! Still... I've managed. I'm only just a lightweight remember... I think after our trip to the restaurant I might actually hit Middleweight! Anyway... I know what you're saying... and I will be more careful if I can. I'll just make sure to hit them harder then they throw me. Besides!... You're one to talk! Baroness isn't exactly a featherweight opponent!" Kay responded, giving Clara a cheeky sideways glance and matching smile.

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Re: A First Night of Many... [Drifter & Gaster]

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Clara actually got worried as Kay firmly seized her hand, looking right at her with a slightly stern look on her face, before explaining her feelings on the matter of Clara meeting her fans in front of Katherine. To everything Kay said, Clara had a very simple response: "Thank you, Kathy..."

She giggled at Kay's assessment that soon enough she would be as popular as she is, something that Clara really wished would happen. While the opportunity didn't properly present itself, she wanted a clean bout with Kay...or potentially to tag with her...

The talks went to Clara's worries about Kay facing people above her weight class, to which she responded not to worry. She has been managing to handle her foes well, but the Brit couldn't help but slightly worry:

"Baroness was my own choice...sort of. After fighting her, I have been mostly sticking to my weight class...hmm..."

"Relative to you it actually sounds a bit cowardly when said out loud..."

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