Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

Unread post by TheManVan »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, or Count Out

The lights darkened as fog began to rise on the stage, the arena's speakers filled with a new theme started to roll through out the arena, the slow pace soon picking up as the fog started to writhe about before erupting at the center of the stage. The fog bloomed like a volcano as soon three green lights in form of eyes and a mouth could be seen through the veil, a figure standing in the middle of the geyser of fog before the fog fell entirely on the stage leaving a figure clad in a white body suit.

With long white hair and pale skin with the amount of cleavage showing as her modest breasts were partially exposed, the woman had on a black mask with the glowing eyes and open jagged mouth, staring towards the ring as she began to make her way down the ramp, pulling some of the fog around her. The woman approached the ring stoically as she reached the stairs, standing at the base of the metal before walking up the corner and climbing up onto the turnbuckle and standing on the second rope with her foot planted on the top turnbuckle.
Remaining still, La Fantasma Blanca finally reached up and grabbed onto her mask, gripping on her second face with one hand before ripping the hand away, revealing her big smile and pink eyes. Her demeanor quickly changed as she grabbed onto the top ropes, flipping forward and landing on her feet as she raced across the ring to leap up on the second ropes on the opposite corner and let out a cheer. She was amped being in a new promotion, ready to show off her skills she learned across the Pacific as she leap off of the ropes, twisting around to land facing towards the entrance as she waited for her opponent!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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It's been a long while since Clara has held her mask in her hand...not for 2 years now, really. She decided that she was done being a persona, and wanted to just wrestle as herself...

...but that didn't mean she couldn't have fun with her entrances, did it? Especially against a (rather cute) lady who herself wore a mask on her way to the ring. She didn't know too much about Fantasma, given her debut...and that fact almost always bit her in the rear. Still, Clara was still in the midst of her comeback to LAW, feeling confident of herself and of winning tonight.

The shadow fell as LAW were treated to a throwback entrance, Clara arriving masked in GASTER's creepy cute mask, before letting out her signature laugh and making her way to the ring, laughing into people's faces on her way there, before entering the ring, and letting out one last loud laughter, before turning to her opponent:

"Mwahahaha! You think you are worthy of being in the ring with me? You aren't even fit to fight my vessel in the ring tonight! But I suppose I'll oblige you on that one little thing tonight..."

From there, as the lights came back on, she took her mask off, looking at it, as she left it a top her respective corner, striking a more heroic pose as herself after the throwback entrance.

She stood in her corner, waiting for the bell to signal the start of the match.

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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Samantha thought she had a pretty impressive entrance, the fans seemed to think so as they began to cheer for her. A coy smile curled on her lips as she wanted to just bathe in their praise. But very quickly the atmosphere changed as the lights darkened, Samantha skin immediately chicken skinning as her body tensed. She thought her entrance was over, why was the lights going out?

And to her surprise, she was pitted against a kindred spirit! Another masked woman with the flare of theatricality! Samantha's eyes were glued onto her opponent as she made her way to the ring, and they widened even more when she heard her speak!

"So cooooooooooooooool!"

She thought, even if her opponent had blatantly mocked her, the insult flew right over Samantha's head as she was too engrossed with the other masked woman. Mentally she took notes, maybe a voice like that could up her status as La Fantasma Blanca, make it even more foreboding and cool!

Before she could squee over her opponent, she watched her masked opponent also removed her mask, revealing a cute girl underneath. A little blush popped on Samantha's cheeks, taking a moment to appreciate all her opponent brought to the ring against her as she took up her spot in the corner, Samantha quickly followed suit and quickly got to her corner, sitting on the lowest buckle with her hands on the middle ropes as if she was waiting to pounce a moment's notice.

And then, the bell rang as Samantha popped out of the corner, bouncing around the ring as her nerves were on fire! But she wouldn't skip out on sportswomanship, heading to the center of the ring to extend her hand for Clara to shake, a toothy grin on her face as she wanted to set a good standard for a La Fantasma Blanca match!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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With the masks off and both women appreciating one another visually, Clara smiling at noticing Fantasma's blush, the match would start with the sound of the bell ringing in the arena.

But as Clara tried to stand in a combat pose, getting ready to lock up with her rival, Fantasma would instead offer Clara her hand in a display of sportsmanship...or a small chance of tricking her with the opposite of that. Still, Clara wouldn't want to be impolite to a rookie, even if there was a small chance of deception from a newer wrestler. Clara would carefully move in to try and shake her rival's hand.

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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Fantasma stood in the center with her hand extended, her opponent was hesitant to accept it as the pale fighter got more and more nervous as time went on. The awkwardness made Fantasma shifter by the second as she didn't know if her opponent would find it rude to pull back now or not.

Thankfully Clara finally took her hand and gave her a firm handshake back as Fantasma's face curled into a smile as she eagerly shook back as she pulled her hand back. It was pleasing to know that Sportswomanship was as revered as she had heard in the Land of the Rising Sun, stepping back and clapping to rally the crowd with her in a show of good faith from both women.

But now was the time for action, Fantasma turning her attention back to Clara as she got into her stance, light on her feet as she bounced from foot to foot as she drew near to Clara, hands outstretched and prodding at Clara to try and grab at her hands to try and initiate a test of strength to gauge her respectable opponent!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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With the pleasantries over and done with, both women, smiling at one another, made their way back to their respective corners to allow the bell to ring, and for the match to get started!


Clara and Fantasma slowly approached one another, with both women having their hands raised, though this time for a test of strength! Clara would grasp her opponent's hands carefully in both hands, before trying to push into Fantasma's body with her own, her right shoulder pressing against Fantasma's as she tried to overpower the woman!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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Samantha crept in closer to Clara as the two sized each other up, prodding and reaching out at each other's hands to gauge their defenses before their hands finally locked together as they threw themselves into each other. Slamming shoulder to shoulder as they pushed against each other, their arms extending outwards as they tried to overpower the other.

"Nnnnnnnrghhh!" Samantha growled out as she dug her feet into the mat, shoving all of her body into Clara to try and push her off balance while also gauging to see just how powerful Clara was!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

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Clara tended to normally match strengths with her fellow lightweights, the stalemate usually leading her to follow up with a basic hold from her position...but with Fantasma being slightly smaller than her, she actually managed to overpower the girl!

She would attempt to overpower her to the point of bending her spine down towards the mat, potentially leading her to drop on the mat, Clara managing to score an early pin against the Luchadora!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

Unread post by TheManVan »

Even if this was the Lightweight Division, Fantasma was not ignorant to know that there would be slight size disadvantages one being this exact situation where her opponent was taller than her and gave her more leveraging to push into her. Such disadvantages could have been mitigated with sheer power, but the cost of energy for such a task was not worth the effort as Fantasma found herself being pushed backwards.

But winning straight up strength contests were not Fantasma's forte.

Looking to shift the focus of their lock up, Fantasma attempted to pivot her body, moving her leg behind Clara's for greater leverage while also sapping a bit of strength from Clara with disrupting her balance. If she was successful, she would attempt to push into Clara again but this time trying to bend her opponent back over!

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Re: Battle of The Masks! (La Fantasma vs GASTER)

Unread post by Vc0m »

Right as Clara was about to bend Fantasma at 90 degrees, the woman suddenly came alive, and managed to get her leg behind Clara's...and suddenly, it became much more difficult for the Brit to force her rival forward, as well as standing straight...and finally, the Luchadora started to overpower the Shadow Lord, forcing both of them upright once more, threatening to bend her over!

Not wanting to lose this, Clara decided to step back rather than let Fantasma beat her, getting her center of gravity lower as she tried to overpower Fantasma once more!

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