Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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"A bold one-" Tatsuta huffed, finding Monica a bundle of muscles and tension in spite of her shorter stature. She'd fallen onto her stomach due to the force and weight. "I could simply drop my head; there's less to move than a whole body if I don't want my head snapped like it is here..."

She had to admit, Monica's thighs felt quite nice. They weren't pure muscle like some of her compatriots and a bit of fleshiness softened the crush against her cheeks. She knew the girl had made it clear she was alright with the sensual side but was she really? Her crotch and thighs to her were an avenue of numerous opportunities, not all of which were directly related to physical pain.

"I do hope you're prepared... tell me Monica, which way do you lean... sexually, I mean." Monica slowly moved her onto her side and Tatsuta's legs carefully poised themselves against the mat.

Slowly, Tatsuta nuzzled her face against both sides of her thighs, cute and also warm. Yet Monica would feel a slimy moistness as well as her tongue began to explore her right thigh, teasing and flicking almost like a snake. She looked at her with a smile, beginning to lick faster and faster.

"I hope you don't mind if I continue; there's much a bit of seemingly minor attention can do. Though I have other more legs-on ways of countering. Would you wish to see those instead?"
The Lunar Fleet

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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As Monica trapped Tatsuta's head between her legs she would have a slightly cheeky satisfied smirk plastered to her face. The conflicted wrestler being glad that she had managed to quickly capture her sparring opponent, albeit In a non serious situation where Monica didn't squeeze harshly and Tatsuta didn't try to escape.

However the fun of competitive play seemed to leave Monica pretty quickly as Tatsuta took her off guard with her question. " Huh? I...just like the usual stuff I guess. Do you mean like...do I like women?" Monica would answer, not being sure exactly what her opponent meant, although the specific question likely didn't matter since she had near zero understanding of the sexual world.

Then suddenly tatsuta burried her face between Monica's thighs, the big beauties tongue trading her right thigh, with each lick threatening to cross the border to her crotch. The purple haired wrestler setting out a moan in surprise as she suddenly blushed before entirely releasing her scissors hold and looking blankly at Tatsuta completely flustered.

" W-what does that mean? I get lots of attention!" Monica would practically yell, letting her old hostile bad habbits take her over before she caught into a few passerbys who were sneakily watching the affair. Monica's blush intensifying. " You wouldn't do anything here anyway, right? " Monica would say, leaning in slightly and whispering to her mentor of the day.
Last edited by RJD on Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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"If you want me to refrain from more... sensual forms of my art, I shall..." Tatsuta's knees began to curl, at first seemingly in slow motion agony as her lower half began to fold. The girl had quite built legs; she would've enjoyed to have more. Yet there were other ways to satisfy herself that weren't necessarily sexual. "I imagine scissors are a familiar hold for you... but let me show you another way of escaping."

Tatsuta would pull her head forwards, not out of the hold but deeper towards her knees, aiming to grab her feet. With her body curling, her own legs would be pushing against Monica's, forcing them closer to her hands. Their grip was strong; firm but meant to demonstrate rather than attack. Gradually, her hands closed around her topmost ankle.

"It doesn't matter how thick your thighs are and how much they're packed with muscle. Because if you can't protect your feet, then you have no way to actually lock-in your submission. Because things like this-" Tatsuta's fingers wrapped around her foot, right underneath her big toe and began to wrench it outwards's; a cranking pain but it stung rather than burned. After all, the girl would need to know what it felt like if she wanted to counter it. "But you don't necessarily need to use your hands..."

Placing her own against the mat now, Tatsuta would do what at first seemed to only get her in more trouble. Pushing back against the mat with her feet, she put her arms over Monica's thighs, pushing them down as she slid her head until it bumped against her crotch. Yet quickly, her legs shot up like snakes, feet darting forth to knot and coil around her left ankle and foot. Sliding in and flexing, they began to squeeze and wrench Monica's foot forwards and outwards, their raw size and strength compensating for the relative lack of grip compared to her fingers.

"A little tricky, but effective no~?"
The Lunar Fleet

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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Monica would listen to Tatsuta, all while still feeling embarrassed with her opponent between her legs, head scissors were a regular technique Monica used usually without much thought, but knowing that the big beauty was willing to use her tongue to tease the American really made her more anxious.

Regardless Monica would try to pay attention to her display, letting out a slight cry when her sparring partner suddenly distached one of her feet by pulling it quite harshly to her side. Then the purple haired wrestler would be left wondering for a moment of Tatsuta seriously intended to free herself with her legs.

Tatsuta then did just that, distracting Monica for a second by pushing her head into her crotch before then snapping upwards with her legs, capturing Monica's own leg with both of hers and then pulling it forward and stretching it out. Although even with that option having more of a surprise factor Monica really didn't see why someone would go with that rather than more efficient methods.

" I get that you have strong legs, but even then wouldn't doing what you did with the hands just for both legs be far better? " Monica would say, deciding to pose her statement as a question as to not offend her mentor, although Monica was far to certain on the topic to change her mind after heading her answer anyway.

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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Tatsuta smiled and released her hold momentarily, raising her hands upwards. "You wouldn't have a hard time grabbing my hands; but these?" She raised her legs upwards, straining a little to bring her feat near her. "Well out of your grasp... unless you want to leave my hands and head unattended. And besides, once I open up your legs-"

She quickly returned to her prior position, wrapping her legs around that ankle and lightly pulling it outwards. Quickly, she pulled herself forwards but Monica would not see her or feel her legs lose contact with her own. They brushed and slid over the back of her foreleg, under her kneecap, as Tatsuta used her arms to reposition herself, almost like a crab scuttling but with a measured, dexterous speed.

"There's a lot I can do from here." Tatsuta continued, now seated opposite from Monica. Their legs were now the only parts of their bodies touching and Tatsuta's were sliding around hers. One pressed against the top of its ankle, another against the back of her knee and folded it up. She would then pull it forwards but didn't lock it in.

"Did you catch that? The locking position is a little tricky to grasp at first but it opens up a lot of options if you don't have to reach over off the bat with your arms to seize an opponent. You can set up a submission with your legs immediately and then use your hands to stabilize."
The Lunar Fleet

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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Monica would watch as Tatsuta explained and displayed her point, the purple haired wrestler looking at her opponent's legs as they stretched out. Then Tatsuta would return to their previous position, and the smaller wrestler would play along. " I guess that's true, not quite my style but at least I understand the merrit now. " Monica would respond as they moved into position.

Tatsuta then using her arms to move up Monica's legs, the purple haired wrestler only feeling the big woman's warmth against her leg now. The American feeling her leg being manipulated and traped between her opponent's own longer pair.

Monica not being entirely sure what the steps were, although she had to acknowledge they had a decent outcome. " Yeah I think I follow..." Monica would respond, wondering if perhaps it was a bad idea to learn from a wrestler with a different developed style to her own.

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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"Hmmmm... you sound a bit confused. You know, why don't we see some practical applications?" She smiled and nodded off to a recently vacated ring. "Theory and demonstration is one thing, but practice is another."

She winked and sauntered towards it, her posterior swaying slightly seductively as she moved into the ring, dance-like and rhythmic in her undulation motion. There was an excitement to her that had no been present on the judo mats.

"I do hope you don't mind if I ah say, make the experience a little more vivid dear~"
The Lunar Fleet

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

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Monica was trying her best to understand her sparring partners lesson, and would put up a decent front of understanding. However Tatsuta seemingly saw through that, and suggested that she experience it in a match. The purple haired wrestler figuring that it was a good idea and then she's be able to see how effective or ineffective the woman's style was.

" Sure, that's a good idea. Guessing I'm not restricted to just grapples and holds? " Monica would ask, knowing it would be difficult to put up a fight against such a towering figure, especially without her strikes.

The pair would then head to the ring, Monica's eyes for a second testing on Tatsuta's entrancing behind before in an extreme display of will power and restraint the lightweight instead focused on her back as she followed behind.

Tatsuta asking a slightly worrying question which Monica would think on for a second before conceding an answer. " Sure, I'm not very good at that stuff...I'll need to be eventually though. " Monica would respond, knowing full well it was just a matter of time before a particularly perverted opponent took advantage of her innocence.

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Re: Legs for Weeks - Tatsuta trains Monica

Unread post by LunarOcean »

RJD wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:24 pm
Monica was trying her best to understand her sparring partners lesson, and would put up a decent front of understanding. However Tatsuta seemingly saw through that, and suggested that she experience it in a match. The purple haired wrestler figuring that it was a good idea and then she's be able to see how effective or ineffective the woman's style was.

" Sure, that's a good idea. Guessing I'm not restricted to just grapples and holds? " Monica would ask, knowing it would be difficult to put up a fight against such a towering figure, especially without her strikes.

The pair would then head to the ring, Monica's eyes for a second testing on Tatsuta's entrancing behind before in an extreme display of will power and restraint the lightweight instead focused on her back as she followed behind.

Tatsuta asking a slightly worrying question which Monica would think on for a second before conceding an answer. " Sure, I'm not very good at that stuff...I'll need to be eventually though. " Monica would respond, knowing full well it was just a matter of time before a particularly perverted opponent took advantage of her innocence.
"Excellent. Let's start~"

Tatsuta's smile remained even as her arms whipped out to grab Monica's shoulder, foregoing a warning in exchange for a viper-like speed. In spite of her lithe feminine appearance, her strength was immediate. The older woman's fingers dug into her, avoiding contact with nails but still clenching with a force one would not expect from a woman hyped up as a woman of technical expertise. She didn't seem to be exerting much effort but she was holding back; after all, Monica had to at least have a speck of a fighting chance correct?

She would make Monica work for it but assuming she was pushing back, Tatsuta would begin gradually stepping back, her arms shaking from maintaining just enough strength to force her younger opponent to push herself and to ensure the test of strength would not break.

"My my, you're clearly well prepared."

Tatsuta would then lower one of her hands, gradually bending at the knees. However, this close up, Monica would not likely see how one of her legs was between hers... something that would become important when Tatsuta attempted to fall backwards.

That leg would wrap and coil around the back of Monica's knee but she wasn't done yet. Tatsuta's other leg would shoot out under the same leg, hooking over her thigh! With both of her luscious powerful legs contorting and twisting Monica's leg, she would barely need to use her hands for much other than holding her feet to stop Monica from rolling! Worse, Monica would feel not only her single leg being wrenched outwards until her inner thigh was facing upwards; Tatsuta's legs were rubbing about in place, smoothing down and massaging her now isolated leg!
The Lunar Fleet

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Tatsuta Murasaki

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