LAW Magazine Writers

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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Milly Limerance- LAW's hentai sexpert

She wears fake horns and tail for her magazine articles gimmick (don't ask how she puts on the tail.)

Doing some "Research"
Working out
Lim is known for being a rather straightforward person with her 18+ articles. In other words, she's a massive pervert. She is a very lewd person, believed to have a large amount of libido, which she claimed was caused by her parent's attempt to shelter her when she was younger, but when she was old enough she would become opposed to lewd things. Although her writing is driven by a lot of her sexual thoughts, she is aware of what she's talking about, having researched how many lewd wrestling moves work and how to explain hentai matches and the different aspects of them, being so skilled she could technically review normal matches but her attempts to do so have failed as she isn't able to get turned on most of the time if they are too straight forward. However, as far as her kinks, she basically has unlimited amounts, enjoying submissions, slams, FxF, MxM, FxM, and anything super kinking. She does have a rather high kink for teasing, sometimes breaking down during interviews due to the wrestler touching the right buttons with her even leading to some cases where Lim has had "private discussions" with them. And even though she isn't a wrestler herself, she has enough f an understanding that, if she wanted to, she could technically lock someone into a lewd submission, but that would mean the other person is basically on jobber levels of being dominated.

Preferred Articles-
Hentai match reviews, Interviews usually surrounding the hentai title or other lewd matches, Top 10's (Once again, mostly revolving around lewd wrestling topics)

Approach To Writing-
Lim has a bit of an odd way of reviewing matches. Not really reviewing the wrestling and more the impact...basically how horny she felt watching the match through. This is why her style is mainly very sexually charged, reviewing matches based on how humiliating or sexual a wrestler is to another or how well the other wrestler reacts to this humiliation, basically putting over jobbers for looking good while they lose. However, though she is very skilled in explaining the ins and outs of lewd matches and just lewd moves in general (sometimes literally) when it comes to normal matches she is indifferent, finding them okay to watch but not really doing anything for her. Though there are case's where she finds seemingly normal matches that she herself finds sexually arousing, calling them "hidden gems of hentai wrestling."

Articles she has Written
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Avalie Reza

Avalie is a powerlifting and bodybuilding addict. Since she was hired by LAW as a fitness trainer she practically lives 24/7 at the gym. She's very much the gentle giant kind, very supportive and always ready to help others to progress and push their limits further. She likes to give praise where it's due and will encourage those who work hard. She isn't quick to anger and will try to defuse conflictual situations, but it doesn't mean that she'll let everything fly (and at 6'2 for 288lbs of pure muscle you'd be stupid to try to anger her for fun).

Preferred Articles
Interviews, Top 10 and the likes, spotlights on specific wrestlers. And always related to fitness and physical performance.

Approach To Writing
Her interviews are more about gathering informations like people's training routines, personal stories, goals, best lifts, thoughts and feelings rather than asking difficult questions. She likes details. The only occasions she'd confront or criticize someone is when she feels that the person is making false claims or bragging on imaginary accomplishments. She is very unlikely to write an article on the sole purpose of criticizing someone. Her style is rather casual but she also gets technical and educational when needed.

~ Avalie is free to use for writing LAW Magazine content under one condition: this is a character I roleplay so I will ask you to send me your drafts first for approval before posting anything with her signature. ~
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Profile as a manager

Personality: Incredibly chirpy and positive LAW manager, deciding to write articles on her thoughts on LAW, about it's present and future. Some hints to who she has her eye on to manage can slip past in her articles.

Preferred Articles: Top 10s, Spotlights, Analysis pieces.

Approach to Writing: "Ummm...I watch a ton of wrestling, I analyze wrestler profiles and their previous matches in my free time...and I write articles based on that"
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Hitomi Akari
Personality: The quintessential otaku, Hitomi is unemployed and living with her parents at 28. She is, however, an obsessive fan of everything pro wrestling, with an encyclopedic knowledge of even the most obscure trivia on the subject. She means well, but she can also be a bit of a know-it-all, and can be condescending to people who aren't as in the know as she is. She also doesn't have much of a filter - she isn't afraid to brag about her knowledge or her collection of old wrestling tapes (as well as vintage arcade machines and obscure anime) and rarely shuts up about this if given the opportunity. Predictably, she can put of others who think she's annoying. Hitomi craves attention, and her biggest dream is to make it onto a LAW show in some capacity.

Preferred Articles: Hitomi isn't actually employed by LAW or LAW Magazine. She's just a superfan who follows the business religiously, and she tries to get involved in any way she can. Seeing that LAW Magazine accepts submissions, she's tried diligently to get herself published, sending in fan mail and her own articles. She tends to focus on the fan interest side of things, covering things such as collecting memorabilia, attending conventions, and following newsletters, often in the most niche regards possible with no concerns over if anyone is actually interested in what she has to say. However, she also isn't afraid to voice her opinions about LAW itself and its wrestlers and shows, which can often be quite strong.

Approach to Writing: Hitomi puts forth her perspective as a fan into her writing, unafraid to make obscure references and use insider lingo that a casual fan might scratch their heads at. She can be a very opinionated person, having strong feelings about what she likes, and she doesn't hold back. Hitomi also doesn't shy away from self-aggrandizing and inserting her own personal tirades, whether or not they're relevant.

Twitter: @100MegaShock
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Alvin Simpson

Wrestling Profile: Alvin Simpson: The Simping Writer

Twitter: @TotallyNotaSimp
Personality: Although he tries to deny this, Alvin Simpson is...a simp. A major simp. He shows excessive sympathy and attention towards all women, with the false hope of winning their affections. Alvin acts like this, even if a girl he's talking to isn't interested in men, much less interested in him specifically. Even among straight girls, Alvin's romantic record is down the toilet and all the way into the gutter. He often makes a fool of himself while trying to please girls, which makes it easy for him to be manipulated and taken advantage of.

Truth be told, the reason Alvin has so much trouble finding someone else, is because he still needs to work more on himself. He's insecure, desperate, anxious, and socially inept, being both socially awkward AND awkwardly social. Unfortunately, his crushes tend not to find these traits very attractive. He does have a good sense of humor, but it's a large self-deprecating one.

On the bright side, when he ISN'T being a huge simp, Alvin is a relatively decent and down-to-earth guy. Despite his love for women, Alvin isn't a perverted creep, showing some degree of class and self-control. This is because he simps for a meaningful relationship, rather than a purely sexual one. Alvin sees POW matches as an chance to a secure a purposeful relationship. But sadly he's more likely to be dommed and done away with, boldly assuming he's wanted around to begin with.

Surprisingly, Alvin doesn't derive any gratification when subjected to humiliation or physical pain, at least not while in the ring. He doesn't even like being smothered, not enjoying the effects of any move that causes oxygen deprivation. Alvin shows more masochistic tendencies outside the ring, but only because he wouldn't suffer the embarrassment of a crowd watching. So he could be described as a closet masochist overall.

Since Alvin is more concerned with meeting girls than beating girls, he doesn't spend much time on his training as a wrestler. However, he takes his jobs as interviewer and magazine writer much more seriously, only wrestling part-time in comparison. When writing, Alvin often tries to creatively engage his readers as much as possible. He also exhibits more confidence, although his insecurities still pop out in his work from time to time. Mr. Simpson secretly wishes he can get a girlfriend by praising wrestlers in his writing, if he can't get one while simping in the ring.

Preferred Articles: As long as it relates to wrestling and/or wrestlers, Alvin writes about anything he sees fit. Top 5 and Top 10 lists are favorites of his in particular. Mr. Simpson is also an interviewer, so he posts the transcripts of his interviews as well. While the male division isn't completely out of the question, Alvin is unsurprisingly more focused and interested in writing articles regarding female wrestlers.

Approach to Writing: When writing, Alvin often tries to creatively engage his readers as much as possible. He also exhibits more confidence, although his insecurities still pop out in his work from time to time. Mr. Simpson secretly wishes he can get a girlfriend by praising wrestlers in his writing, if he can't get one while simping in the ring.

Alvin does not have faith in his ability to defend himself, if anyone were to ever seek out and attack him. And because Alvin is afraid of offending wrestlers (namely heels), he does his best to portray anyone he mentions in a positive light. And well...also because she's a simp, yeah that too. However, he will tease his readers from time to time, although it's matched with jokes he makes at his own self-deprecation.
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Shiori Takeda

Main Profile: Shiori Takeda, the Fangirl

Twitter: @WMyKeysITheePen (subject to change...?)
In a word, Shiori is a superfan. Many things have caught her interest over the years -- musical theater, JRPGs, and Western comic books among them -- and she immersed herself in every single one for at least a time, quickly learning the histories of writers, characters, and stories alike. However, nothing has drawn Shiori in quite like professional wrestling. She watches matches from promotions all over the world, following their storylines and learning their choreographies religiously.

As you might imagine, Shiori is incredibly bubbly, excitable, and just plain happy to be a part of LAW. She's extremely prone to geeking out when faced with an opponent with a history in wrestling, in LAW or otherwise, or in another one of the worlds with which she's familiar. While she has immense respect and reverence for the elites of the wrestling world, however, she's always had a special affinity for LAW's mid-carders -- in her words, the "lifeblood that keeps the promotion going."

Preferred Articles: Wrestler profiles/interviews, match reviews, opinion pieces, rankings, and pieces that reflect her own unique day-to-day life in LAW. Also, LAW fanfiction, but those will never be sent to LAW Magazine.

Approach to Writing:
As a writer, Shiori's primary tool of the trade is the hot take. Over her countless hours of watching wrestling, Shiori has become an extremely opinionated individual. She recognizes that her opinions are just that -- opinions rather than fact -- but she's willing to defend her takes to the death. More often than not, those takes are well-reasoned and have solid arguments behind them, to the point that even her opponents typically focus more on presenting more impactful arguments rather than detracting from hers. That being said, she's just like any fan -- biased towards what she likes. After joining Team Stanza, she's also likely to be more supportive of them and their friends/allies.

Shiori's encyclopedic knowledge of wrestling allows her to break down complex histories and events with a keen critical eye. However, she takes care to make her writing accessible to new fans, seeing herself as a steward of the fandom itself. So while she might reference prior events or conversations in the fandom, she'll usually explain her example thoroughly.

Shiori recognizes that she has a unique position straddling two separate worlds -- that of a fan and that of an actual wrestler, manager, and writer. As such, she aspires to combine her new insiders' perspective with her wealth of knowledge and superfan-like exuberance to give readers as complete of an understanding of LAW as possible -- or, at least, a complete understanding of her vision of LAW.
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Kiyoura Kaoru
Twitter : @FashionGuyKaoru


Personality : Kaoru is rather talkative and likes to get direct through the matters discussed. Loves fashion and the likes, he does have a rather soft spot on the team DDT as they grew pretty close together. He don't really have much knowledge about wrestling but he knows things about storytelling and the things surrounding presentation. When not doing interviews or writing articles, he usually could be seen knitting something

Preferred Articles : Gear Spotlight, Storyline coming into feuds and the likes, Tips on presenting oneself to the crowd. He can also do interviews as well.

Approach to Writing : Kaoru likes to gush about appearance most in his writing, citing that while strength and skills are important... How one look in the ring should be important as well! He also take some few notes on making things simple for beginner reader to understand what he write as well while keeping it detailed and fun for those inside the business too. And in interviews he'd tend to ask the wrestlers on the what, the why, the how, and all those things on their appearance.
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Last edited by LowDefinition on Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Ryuji Okada

Personality: Ryuji is laidback most of the time, yet takes his job seriously, and does his best to be professional. When not writing, he spends his time with his family.

Preferred articles: Ryuji likes to write articles about the lives of pro wrestlers, and is mainly known for documenting wrestelers' careers before coming to LAW.

Approach to writing: Ryuji likes to be thorough, covering aspects the wrestler's lives that he deems interesting, even if others find them trivial. He'll often interview the wrestlers as well as those who have crossed paths with them.

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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Alias: Mr. Marketeer

Twitter: DrummingNumbers*
*Note, this is specifically Miss Taiko's twitter to contact Mr. Marketeer as an intermediary, as Mr. Marketeer has no social media presence

Personality: While shrouded in mystery rarely in personal contract with LAW staff, the handful of quirks most can note about Mr. Marketeer is that he is a very contradictory man. Analytical and brutally honest in his articles, but overall seems to speak with a polite tone rather than arrogance or malice. Most would say while he is a harsh man, he is far from a cold man, as his generous donations and kinder acts toward LAW staff would show.

And... a rather humorous man as well, given his strange nature and semi-obsession of techniques, wordy analysis, and hidden puns within his articles.

Preferred Articles: As per his contract, Mr. Marketeer is willing to do any article requested by the staff, but his interest seem to be interviews (Done through Miss Taiko), match reviews, career overviews, general analysis and opinion pieces.

Approach to Writing: Blunt, but oddly thoughtful. Mr. Marketeer is very forward with his opinion and doesn't mince words when he doesn't believe he needs. His articles range from an almost comical 3 sentences on how little he cares for a particular match to an equally comical (if more seriously worded) 20 paragraphs diatribe on the specifics of moves and techniques used, or the specific angles and potentials of a wrestler's career. But as blunt and forward as he is, his statements are often backed up with either facts or his own personal observations. There's a clear attempt at objectivity in his articles, even if his bias seems to lean toward more skill and technique.

As well as a surprisingly nuanced take in terms of LAW as a business, neither derogatory nor aggrandizing.

Other Notes
  • As per his contract with LAW, he doesn't show his face to anyone and does his articles in a private location with LAW editors reviewing his works for approval.
  • Any contact with Mr. Marketeer is done through his liaison Miss Taiko
  • Often sends sweets, breakfast bars, and fruits to the writers' room of LAW staff every weekend
  • Many rumors suggest Miss Taiko is actually Mr. Marketeer, but she always politely denies this
Miss Taiko
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Re: LAW Magazine Writers

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Karl Schneider
Alias: Der Sensenmann (Grim Reaper) (His wrestling persona)
Profile: ... er#p198445
Personality: Karl Schneider was a big fan of wrestling since he could talk, his uncles, brother of his unsupportive father, helped Karl by paying for wrestling lessons and going to the big PPVs and Tournaments with the young boy.
When Karl earned his master degree in journalism he moved to Japan to train under the best wrestlers he could afford, consequently settling to America and starting at the indies where the "Grim Reaper" slowly got appreciation with fans and bookers, his Grim Reaper Gimmick, his strong and technical style, his good looks and natural charme made him perfect material for the big leagues.
But when destiny struck and his knee got injured in, what should supposed to be his last match at the small leagues before approaching the big ones, and a botched operation by a drunken surgeon all of Karls dreams were shattered, leaving him depressed, limping and in constant pain.
Karl became calmer and more reserved do to this incident, resulting in the failure of his marriage and a deep fall into depression and substance abuse.
Being the father of a ten year old girl, he also has a soft spot for the young wrestlers at LAW, trying to help them with tips, befriending them and talk with them over the fears they have.
Karl is charming, easily approachable, smart and all around fun to be hanging around with a glass of beer or whiskey.
Being at LAW and meeting new colleagues and friends helped to lift his spirits again and some might say that they can see some sparks of the "Grim Reaper" in him again.

Preferred Articles: Even in his days when he was famous and at his prime himself he tend to watch as much matches of other wrestlers as he could.
Being a big fan of the game he loves storylines and feuds, culminating in big, extravagant challenges and matches.
Karl also is interested in Newcomers, trying to assure them with his interviews that they can go far, always creating a comfortable space for the interviews he does with the wrestlers in question.

Approach to Writing: Karl puts personal opinion and dramatics in his articles and wears his heart on his sleeve.
He does'nt shy away from being a little dramatic in his articles as Karls first and foremost goal is to keep people entertained,
building up big comparisons like "Demons" or "Ancient Warriors".
Karls approach to writing is to keep the reader on his toes, throwing in personal opinions, overdramatice things and advertise the matches and feuds he covered, to the reader through this exciting retellings.
Karls Motto is: "No business like show business" and maybe a good Fantasy Novel Writer has been lost on him.

Twitter: GrimReaperAUT

Published Articles:
The brutal end of a war:

The Wolf and the Bunny:

(Article interwoven with a Social Thread)

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