
Doing some "Research"


Lim is known for being a rather straightforward person with her 18+ articles. In other words, she's a massive pervert. She is a very lewd person, believed to have a large amount of libido, which she claimed was caused by her parent's attempt to shelter her when she was younger, but when she was old enough she would become opposed to lewd things. Although her writing is driven by a lot of her sexual thoughts, she is aware of what she's talking about, having researched how many lewd wrestling moves work and how to explain hentai matches and the different aspects of them, being so skilled she could technically review normal matches but her attempts to do so have failed as she isn't able to get turned on most of the time if they are too straight forward. However, as far as her kinks, she basically has unlimited amounts, enjoying submissions, slams, FxF, MxM, FxM, and anything super kinking. She does have a rather high kink for teasing, sometimes breaking down during interviews due to the wrestler touching the right buttons with her even leading to some cases where Lim has had "private discussions" with them. And even though she isn't a wrestler herself, she has enough f an understanding that, if she wanted to, she could technically lock someone into a lewd submission, but that would mean the other person is basically on jobber levels of being dominated.
Preferred Articles-
Hentai match reviews, Interviews usually surrounding the hentai title or other lewd matches, Top 10's (Once again, mostly revolving around lewd wrestling topics)
Approach To Writing-
Lim has a bit of an odd way of reviewing matches. Not really reviewing the wrestling and more the impact...basically how horny she felt watching the match through. This is why her style is mainly very sexually charged, reviewing matches based on how humiliating or sexual a wrestler is to another or how well the other wrestler reacts to this humiliation, basically putting over jobbers for looking good while they lose. However, though she is very skilled in explaining the ins and outs of lewd matches and just lewd moves in general (sometimes literally) when it comes to normal matches she is indifferent, finding them okay to watch but not really doing anything for her. Though there are case's where she finds seemingly normal matches that she herself finds sexually arousing, calling them "hidden gems of hentai wrestling."
Articles she has Written